E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 No. 48 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Small businesses need relief from the ridic- problem. The regulators dream up new called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ulous OSHA standards. Our veterinary prac- rules to add to their 100,000 command- pore (Ms. FOXX). tice is having to spend hours and money try- ments every day. ing to decipher all the regulations some bu- Regulators regulate. That’s what f reaucrat has dreamed up to justify his job. they do. That’s what they like to do. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Madam Speaker, the fourth branch of But their addiction to power and to TEMPORE government meddles in every aspect of new, unnecessary rules must stop. Bur- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- our lives. In the name of saving us densome, expensive Federal regula- fore the House the following commu- from ourselves, the regulators regu- tions cost $2 trillion a year. What does nication from the Speaker: late, regulate, and when they’re that mean? That’s the same amount of WASHINGTON, DC, through, they regulate some more, money all American citizens and cor- April 11, 2013. without regard to the consequences of porations paid in income tax in 2008—$2 I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA these expensive government mandates. trillion. A lot of money. FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Sometimes they put businesses out of Regulators have no concept of the day. business because of their regulations. cost of running a business. They don’t JOHN A. BOEHNER, Dana, from southeast Texas, writes Speaker of the House of Representatives. even understand the rules and business me this: costs that can put some American busi- f I owned a business—bought a bowling cen- nesses out of business. So Congress MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ter, my dream job, in 2007. Was totally un- should approve any regulation that prepared for the amount of regulation and reaches a certain cost threshold or has The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- fees and taxes. I employed 32 people. I went ant to the order of the House of Janu- bankrupt in October of 2012 because of this. a significant economic impact. That’s ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- I have the drive and desire and a great busi- why I’m an original cosponsor of the nize Members from lists submitted by ness plan for a new business that would em- REINS Act. The REINS Act requires the majority and minority leaders for ploy 20 to 30 people, but I’m not sure I want Congress, the elected, to approve the morning-hour debate. to dive back into all this. expensive rules of the unelected or the The Chair will alternate recognition Michael, from Houston, said: rules will not take effect. If a new rule between the parties, with each party Where should I begin? Real estate market affects the economy in the United limited to 1 hour and each Member is flooded with, yes, new regulations. It States over $100 million throughout the other than the majority and minority seems that banks are prevented from fore- country, Congress must approve this leaders and the minority whip limited closing on homeowners who are basically liv- new rule or it does not take effect by to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall ing in the house for free for several years. the rulemakers. debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Susan, a small business owner in We should make new rules for the f Texas, says this: rulemakers. That’s what our responsi- Our small business has operated on a shoe- bility is. So it’s time for Congress to REGULATE THE REGULATORS— string for several years, and we started way rein in the out-of-control government THE REINS ACT back in 1978, but I fear we are at an end. We and start regulating regulators. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The manufacture 400 products, all made from the And that’s just the way it is. same materials. But the new product safety Chair recognizes the gentleman from f regulations require we certify every product Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. to the tune of about $500 per product, even TRIBUTE TO ANNE SMEDINGHOFF Mr. POE of Texas. The regulators though they’re all made from the same ma- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The continue their reign of regulation ter- terials. Do the math: $175,000 or more just to ror on businesses across America. get these same products that we’ve been Chair recognizes the gentleman from Jerry McKinney, from Crosby, Texas, making since 1978 certified by the Federal Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS) for 5 min- wrote me this: Government. Add on the health care fines utes. I work in the industrial chemical business and the rising cost of gasoline and the rising Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. and I see the result of government regula- property and sales taxes and income taxes— Madam Speaker, on Sunday, April 6, at tions like those from the EPA. These cost well, you know the rest of the story. 11 a.m., America lost five of our best my company good money, with no positive Madam Speaker, this ought not to and brightest in Afghanistan when the effects. be—regulators putting businesses out convoy they were traveling in, along Larry, a doctor from Kingwood, of business by dreaming up new, some- with an Afghan doctor, was attacked Texas, said this to me: times silly rules that don’t solve any by a suicide bomber. One of them, 25- b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1913 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Apr 06, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\APR2013\H11AP3.REC H11AP3 bjneal on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 11, 2013 year-old Anne T. Smedinghoff, who recognition of her service to our coun- United States Attorney General be- grew up in River Forest, Illinois, in the try. My thoughts and prayers are with cause these patients oftentimes trav- Seventh Congressional District where her parents, brothers, sisters, and eled across State lines. her family still lives, became the first friends during these difficult days. She This is an isolated incident. It would U.S. State Department officer to die in is indeed a hero. be disingenuous to think that all care- Afghanistan since the 1970s. She had f givers fall into this category because less than 4 months left to serve in Af- we know that they do not. But we also ghanistan. WHO WILL SPEAK FOR know that if there is one, there may Secretary of State Kerry said in UNDERPRIVILEGED WOMEN? likely be others, and that is, indeed, Istanbul, where he is on a diplomatic The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sad. trip: Chair recognizes the gentleman from Prosecutors say that none of A brave American was determined to Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY) for 5 min- Gosnell’s staff were licensed nurses or brighten the light of learning through books doctors and that a 15-year-old student written in the native tongue of the students utes. Mr. PERRY. I’m wondering who will performed anesthesia with potentially that she had never met, but whom she felt lethal narcotics. compelled to help, and she was met by cow- speak for underprivileged women, not ardly terrorists determined to bring dark- only in the United States, but very Abortions after the 24th week are il- ness and death to total strangers. particularly in Philadelphia. legal in Pennsylvania. However, Anne was killed while delivering do- I’m here today to talk about an un- Gosnell allegedly aborted and killed nated textbooks to children at a new comfortable subject which no one babies in the sixth and seventh month school. For Anne, who could have re- seems to want to talk about. It is the of pregnancy and charged more for big- mained relatively safe in the embassy, Gosnell trial in Philadelphia. The ger babies. He also took extra pre- delivering these books was essential to media doesn’t want to talk about it— cautions with white women from the her mission, just as appearing on one of not NBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, not Fox, suburbs, according to a grand jury re- the most watched Afghan television and not the leaders of our Nation, not port. He allegedly ushered them into a shows to explain to the Afghan people the President. It is uncomfortable, and slightly cleaner area because he the similarities between Eid, a Muslim I’d ask you to bear with me while I thought they would be more likely to holiday that celebrates giving and read to you some of the testimony that file a complaint. sharing, and Thanksgiving. Both give comes from this trial because I feel we The abortions of the biggest babies thanks for life’s blessings, and Anne must. allegedly were scheduled for Sundays, Smedinghoff discussed how she and her This man is charged with killing when the clinic was closed. The only family celebrated back at home. seven babies and murdering one person allowed to assist with such Anne recently worked on a campaign woman.
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