I ech : NEWSPAPER OF THE UNDERGRADUATES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I-I I VOL. LXXX No. 3 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, dI FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 5 Cents I- aivrse Snatcher A; Is Arrested Vittek Tosses Hat Into UAP Ring; 7 ByM [IT Poice Sergeant ID Soph, Junior, Senior Now Running -AL %--ll Last Monday evening shortly before least 75 counts of larceny, and then 7P.M., Sgt. James Olivieri and three he took us on a tour of the places in Soph Prexy Enters Race Wednesday XCambridge detectives, James Fitz- the Institute where he did his steal- igerald, William Meagher, and William ing" Jaffe's Platform Joe Vittek, President of the Class of 'G62, becamne the third person to an- 'Doucette, arrested 23-year-old James Admits To Twelve Thefts nounce his candidacy for the UAP. Entering the race last Wedn'esday, Vittek oArthur Joseph (alias James James) Olivieri said that Joseph's "mode of Presents Issues stated he had been urlged to do so by several campus leaders and had been think- ~on suspicion of stealing pocketbooks operation" was to go into a secretary's ing of the move for some time. from Vittek stated his v-iew-s MIT secretaries. office, ask the secretary to retrieve Ira Jaffe, '61, first to toss his hat in the following statement: "The position of UAP After his arrest Joseph admitted what his wife had left in the ladies' into the ring in the race for UAP, requires a person who has had much Tonmnitting 75 to 100 larcenies at room, and when she had gone, to gave The Tech the following state- experience in the processes and prob- IIT, Harvarld, BU, Simmons, Boston steal her money." According to the ment of his platforlm: lems of student government at MIIT. Public Library, John Hancock Build- Security Force, Joseph admitted to all "Durin" the past few weeks, since On the basis of my record, which at- il,, Liberty Mutual Building, and of the 12 pocketbook thefts which the announcement of mny candidacy tests not only to my experience but ,ther places in the Greater Boston have occured in the Institute since for the office of UAP, I have been to mily enthusiasm and interest in the in'ea which he could not recall at the last November. meeting with various student groups AIIT community, I feel that I am suit- Sgt. Olivieri said that the reason in an effort to determine through dis- ably qualified for the office. ,iome. Crimes in Florida, Alaska his bail has been placed so high is cussion the problems and issues which "Through nmy service on the Insti- When Joseph's name and suspected that, "We're not through with him they consider important. These is- tute Committee, and the sub-commit- clrime had been sent over the Cam- yet"; apparently, Boston police are sues and theilr connection with the tees under it, I have gained an in- brid-e Police teletype to the FBI and still finding more crimes which Jo- responsibilities of the UAP may be sight into both the powers and the pe,'y state law enforcement agency, limitations seph committed. glrouped into these broad areas. of Inscomm and the UAP. (ocal authorities welre anmazed to dis- ()livieri In the area of representation of the Therefore, I shall not make promises rover that Joseph has a criminal rec- Commended Harvey Burstein, Chief of the Se- underg-raduate body to the adminis- to do things which cannot be done; blrd in five states including, Alaska however , I pledge to do curity Force, Cambridge Police Chief tration, an imlpending problem, one all in my Mld Florida. He is now being held in powelr to faithfully B3rennan, which will affect all dormitory resi- carry out the du- Flhe Cambridge Jail on bail for $20,- and Harvard Police Chief all commnended Sergeant Oliv-ieri for dlents, is the prospect in the near fu- ties of the UAP, to further student DOO awaitinf. his trial to be held in Joe Candidate faculty relations, and the excellent job he executed in his ture of a genelral compulsory conm- use the office Cambaridgme Court on February 25. to the fullest investifation and commented that it mons system being instituted. Since extent in gaining the When the Security Force noted desires a was the filrst time so much work had many of the indlividual houses are al- of the students. ialrked upswing in thefts of secretar- Candidates Once "I shall mneet with resulted in the arrest of such a "col- ready wdorkin tatt this problem, I as many of you es' purses last November, Sergeant lege" thief. woull, upon their request, use the in- as is possible in order to present my )livieri vlas assigned to investigate Needed Now Enter views on the major campaign Chief Burstein hopes that S,,t. fluence associated with the office of issues, :le criimes. After ihe had tabulated and become acquainted with any other- Olivieri's work will discourage more UAP to reinforce their separate at- Four Class Races esclriptiolls of Joseph, his "mnode of problems of which petty thieves from frequenting the I am not now Pperation, and .'n eye-witness report Jerry Staack, in charge of the coim- aware. T urge you to meet not only colleges in the greater Boston area. (C,)t if Joseph in action," he notified the itocd o0) t)(tge S') ing March 1 elections, stated that "in- myself but the other candidates, so lnambrid-ie P'olice last Monday after- terest is definitely picking up in the that through this personal contact you 10011. elections since last week." He said nma dletermline which of us is best S-t. Olivieri an(l Camibridge detec- Doherty Clarifies Resignation that many nmore candidates will be (lualified to serve you in this office. To ives arrested Joseph in Brookline 1running this yeal than last and es- furthelr this I am quite willing to meet ind brought him to the Camabridge pressed his hopes that the v-oting turn- with the other candidates at any time !olice Station. Sgt. Olivieri remarked, out vill be as enthusiastic. you wish, to discuss my views. Joseph wvasvery co-operative when In the Presidential contests are: "I stand on a record of experience te found out what we had against '63, Steve Kaufman, Ralph Grabowski, and active participation in student inl; within an hour he confessed to at Bjoi'n Conrad, Tony Weikel; '62, Jim goverlnmeent, and insight into your Kirkman, Jr., George Dotson, and problems and what may be done about Bob Hendrikson; '61, John Smith, Bill them." Varsity Debaters Leffler, and John Castle; '60, Tom Editor's Note - It was erroneous- iate 3 Contests Farquhar and Dick Kaplan. Iv stated in the last issue of The Tech When asked to make a statement to that Dick Levine, UAP aspirant, was Varsity members of the MIT de- The Tech, Dick Kaplan said, "I'll try a member of TEN Board. Levine was ate society compete in three major and serve as best I can". Tom Farqu- a member of Eta Kappa Nu board and abates in February, the Northwest- har, the other senior candidate, stated, is a member of the Class of '60. rn, Dalrtmouth and Boston University "In view of lack of issues involved, nvitational Tournaments on the the two demonstrations of the quali- eekends of February 12-13, 19-20 ties of a candidate alre his interest No The Tech Next Tuesday nid 26-27 respectively. and experience. I can speak fol nay The Tech has arranged for the ad- The results of the first tournamnent own interest, and my activities record nlinistlration to declare Monday, Feb- t'e already in: Dick Smith, shows my experience. '60, and arury 22, a holiday for all interested rayne Hayden, '60, turned in a 5-3 students. Those who wish to attend ?cision in their favor at Northwest- classes may; The Tech staff will not. The students of MIT have been in- vited to a reception for Massachusetts Consequently, there will be no issue Travel to Dartmouth overnorl Furcolo, at the state house, next Tuesday. This Friday, four MIT debaters will MIonday, February 22. George Washington wishes you a avel to Dalrtmouth College for a happy holiday. 'o-day tournament involving forty !hools. The MIT team is made up of ralt Loveland, '61, Leroy Kopel, '61., Players rehearse for Tech Show "Leave it to Eve". - photo by Curtiss Wiler, '63 MIT Spring Carnival To Be In March ave Tam,'62, and George Bedell, '61. The Resignation of Toni Doherty as director and script writer of the Tech Friday and Saturday, February 26 Show precipitated the resignation of Bob Parente, graduate student. In a letter As Part Of Parent's Weekend id 27, Phil Hauptman, '62, and Dave to The Tech, Tom Doherty said that the February 16 article quoted a few dis- Alpha PMi Omega will sponsor the annual MIT Spring Carnival, Saturday crepancies iller, '62, will represent MIT in a which may lead to "certain misunderstandings". evening, March 24, in Rockwell Cage, the profits of which will go to charity. !enty school two-man debate tour- In last Tuesday's paper, Harold Holzer, present General Manager of the Jerry Winston, '62, will be general manager of the carnival this year. Tech Iment at Boston University. Show, stated that Doherty was definitely not fired, that his resignation oc- More than half of the living groups have requested booths at this time, and curred Topic is on High Court after a dispute of policy, and that personal reasons played no part in a total of thirty booths is anticipated.
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