R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 ,... JERl)SALEM: Shimon Peres( as solution to the problem of the Israel's new ~abor Party candidate ·stateless P11lestinians must be found X ~ "'..-,- <~ for Prime Minister, is attempting to in the framework of a link with Jor- rHF .l/\.' 'r fl\iGLf,H JEW1SH vVEE'<L I IN R I AND SOUTHE,l:, r N,ASS d.ivest himself of the label . dan and that the Israelis would not ~~ "hawkish," which he regards as a check the cred~ntials of Palestinians represented at peace tal~s under the V;O_L~U~· l'-f;-;E:L_X_;;...N__ U:M~B;;.E .R~6~=-~---:F.:.R:·l;:D.:,:A:Y~,.:,A;;:P:.R 1~L:.;1:.;i.~!.'.!.191~7-;::::::::::===::2Q¢~=PE~!{;;;:C;:O~P~Y~ - misno~er pod o~e th~t has b~n ; 5 , 7. - lroubhng officials m foreign Jordanian banner. MO..... 1· _· C·a·mpa·1gn --~or' ' · 1 capitals interested in Arab-Israeli' B_uildinn~ ~Fu-.1 IOI - . Plar, To 'Revise ' . peace talks. · The country's three top officials I · • h H'" · f A d Currently Defense Minister, Mr. are opposed· to the creation of a ,) J&WIS __ - ome ' o_r . g· e ·Resume.s Hislory T~xts _peresandlhetwootherchieflsraeli Palestinian third~ $talc - com­ officials - Prime Minister Yitzhak prising the West Bank of the Jordan ~ ·-rhe fin111 phase.or the Building c~ntribution~ towatd the· umU-goal BR._U!IISWIC~K: West Ge~man ·Rabin and ,Foreign Minister Yigal River and the Gaza Strip, which are I lund campaigQ for the. new Jewish w1U b~ sought bo(h lrbm those : and Israeli educationists and school Allon - do not in essence.differ tO now in Israel's possession - Home.for the Aged has be'gun this · who have already .made com- book authors are planning a revi- any major degree· on,lsrael's con-. between -Israel· and Jordan. I month, according to_ Max Alperin, m'itments to the ca·mpaign, but. sion of history text_boolis in .use at diti.ons for peace ta"lks. · ·, Shortly after his i:ccent meeting Home president~Assisting Mr. Al- w!Jo may be able to make an addi- schools of the two countries. After • All are committed to the belief . with President Carter, -Prime perin as cochairmen are Joseph tional. ·gilt, a'hd from those · who his ! etum from a .two-week _sym- that Israel will 'not sit-down at a Minister Rab'in (who recently W. Ress, Robert A. Riesman. As- have not yet made their pled~e. pos1um on this matter at the negotiating table if the Palestine resigned as..his party's candidate for soci11te chairmen a re Melvin G. · Because the drive 'is ·a capital Hebrew•·cUniversity in Jerusalem, Liberation Organization (which all a second term· after disclosures that Alperin, .Dr. Joslyn Berr.y, Dr. A.I- campaign, '.'pledges may be re: Prof. Si~gfried Bachm;mn; manag- rega'rd as terrorist) is present. The· he and. his wife had lied about the den Blackman, Milton Dubinsky, deemed. i_l necessary. over a ·peri- ing director of. the local German Arab nations are saying that a PLO-­ ljmounts they-kept in illicit bank ac­ Benjamin Falk, Merrill L. Hassen- od ol three years .. It is hoped, School Book l11stitute, 'said here pcesence· is required. In addition, counts in Washington) was said to leld, Mar~in Holland. Harold however. that because onhe. need that Pr</f. .Chaim Schatzkcr, of the the Israelis say that the degree of be in favor of striving for a com­ Leavitt. Philip' Mactaz, Samuel for- cash. as many feople.as·•pos- Hebrew· . University, had . almost peace (for, instance an end of the prehensive peace settlement. Medofl, Benton Odessa, Harris N. s1ble will pay their pledges within concluded work on a detailed sur. state of hostilities versus a full peace Prior to that, Mr. Rabin had Rosen and.Herman Selya.· the first year and thereby help the vey of German history books with with ~pen borders, trade and been advocating a step-by-step ap- - Pne million dollars more is Home avoid. lurther - financing respect to their treatment of the tourism) will determine thedegrec proach. · needed to ·complete construction· costs. Jewish question. ·10 additiol), a of tcrrito,rial concessions Israel is Aides close 10' Mr. Peres recently and lurnishing ·and to cover both Joseph Galkin. consultani for number of other experts on both - willing to make of Arab lands it disclosed that the Defense Minister financing and unexpected costs to the campaign; has also announced sides were currently_ conducting captured in 1967. favored a step-by-step approach at the ·Home which resulted from the that a number of appropriate me- research work on the textbooks. , In addition, 1,he Israelis say that a new talks since the indications were fire there in February. The Home morial and honorary gift opportu­ that the Arab nations were a long had suffered a substantial loss as nities are still ava.ilable. Anyone way from a full accord with Israel. the result of loss of inco'me from interested in honoring a family Marvin , Holland Nominated According to one aide, Mr. Peres government'_ and· third party m{mber or· friend, may receive favors such an approach as a prac­ sources, while its~resillents were lurther informa·tion by contacting To Presidency ·Of ·JFRI · lical matter because. negotiations housed at other facilities. During the. Building Fund office at 351- for a full settlement are "probably that time, the Home's noFmal pay- 2440 or Mr. Galkin. Marvin Holland has been no~~ preordained to fail" and the roll expenses continued and many . The final· stages ol cons.truction nated president ol the Jewish Fed­ collapse of such talks would in­ stalf members were sent to care ol the new facility. which will eration· of R.hode Island for 1977- crease the chances of war. for '.residents- "'.~ile th;y . w_ere hoose 254 persons, are· moving ra­ 78 · by· the ...nominating committee Mr. Peres felt the step-bysstcp ap­ hous~ at Other institutions.' pidly, and residents are scheduled of the - Federation, chaired °by proach was "closer to r~lity," the Another large expense incurred to. move int.o their ·new quarters in Fran~ Lic~t., ' • aide said. .,\ Other no111inations were Robert A few days ago, whetj he was all ,:, , by the Home resulted· Ir.om the mid-May. Ac<:ordi~g to Irving ... cost· ol temporary and overtime kron·enberir, executive _director, A. R:icsnt!l~.' honor-ary 11~~ ~ .-but~uarant~ the Labor nomina­ hcl)> needed Jo cli:an. the buiiding slaff mell)ber~ h_ave_'already. begun Melvin G. J,\lperin • .bonorar vlce lion, Mr_ Peres assured factions a,iil ready it for_ reoccupancy, ac: detaileaplallning (oi:, the mo~e. president; Harris N·. Ros.en, vice • · within tli'e Labor alignment, par- cording to Mr. Alperin. ' Y Following the residents' transfer "president, and ren. .omjn;,ted as vice .-iicularly left-wing e)emcnts, that he ·.,whe.!' completed, the new Je-~• to their new · quariers, 'the' west presidents ~were Stanley P. Bia- · adhered to the Labor Party plat­ ish Home for 'the. 1ged will be the wing I the Home, constructed• in c!Jer, ·Mrs. Leonard. I. Salmanson, form a nd that the label of largest skilled nursing.:Care lacility 1932, will be razed and the. space Herman· C. Selya and Edwin S. "hawkish" was erroneous. in Rhode ,Island ~nd is expected to used for the main entrance, a Soforenko. ' - In some measure, the label was meet the needs ol the state's Jew- parking lot and gardens. Remain­ · Also named were. Louis Baruch applied to -him by the left-wing ish community for many years. ing- rooms in the east wing arc Rubinstein, secretary; Mrs. Man­ ~apam Party - a part of the The formal dedication ol the scheduled for complete renovation, fred I. Weil, assoc,iate secretary. Labor alignment that voted to stay structure' is scheduled to .take with part of the structure being re- . and. Joseph Galkin. executive vice with the Labor Party despite president.emeritus for lile. previous antipathy toward Mr. place in August,- served for the use of the Home's P-eres. Accordin·g to Mr. Alperin, Day Care program. Mr. Holland was vice president of the Federation from J 969 to · Th.e Mapam members have been 1975, · In 1962-63, he served· as critical of Mr. Peres because they Beth El Sisterhood Plan_s, chairman o[ the Rhode Island Is­ Honorary vice presidents are _,feel _he is mon;.Javorable to con­ rael ·Bonds drive. He is a member· Benjamin Brier, Ira S. Galkin, tinued Jewish settlement on Arab · 4,nnuaf ln·terlaith Day of the· e)(ecutive committee of Stanley Grossman, Samuel Rosen, lands than either Mr: Allon or Mr. Temple Emanu-EI and a trustee of Alexander Rumpler and Melvin . Rabin. "Social Dilemmas- A Jewish the Jewish Home for the Aged. ' G. Alperin. While Mr. Peres says he opposes View" is the th.eme of .the annµai Presently -serving as chairman. Newly 1:1ominated· members ol settlements in the West Bank that tnterfaith Day which ~ill t,c.spon- of the Howard Development Cor- the board ol directors are Mrs. are not authorized by the sored by the_Sisterhood of Temple poi:ation, a non-profit organization Max Alperin, Gerald · Arbor, Government,. he is' reported to have Bcth· EI on Monday, April 18. ·founded to ·-develop the· Howard Abraham I. Aron, ·stanley I. Co­ discnetly abetted the ul­ ~ This day long program will _ faciliJy. he was r.ecently also ins hen, Alan S. Flink. Stephen 'M.
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