82188 PRINTED BY HAMPSHIRE PRINTING SERVICES 01962 870099 82188 PRINTED BY HAMPSHIRE PRINTING SERVICES information contained within this leaflet. leaflet. this within contained information County Council is unable to accept any responsibility for accident or loss resulting from following the the following from resulting loss or accident for responsibility any accept to unable is Council County routes promoted in this leaflet. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this leaflet, but Hampshire Hampshire but leaflet, this of preparation the in taken been has care Every leaflet. this in promoted routes endeavours to maintain all rights of way to a high standard, additional resources are not allocated to to allocated not are resources additional standard, high a to way of rights all maintain to endeavours Scheme. The routes described have been put forward by the Parish Council. Whilst the County Council Council County the Whilst Council. Parish the by forward put been have described routes The Scheme. Disclaimer: Published by Wherwell Parish Council and Hampshire County Council, through the Small Grants Grants Small the through Council, County Hampshire and Council Parish Wherwell by Published Disclaimer: OS Explorer Map 131 covers this area this covers 131 Map Explorer OS www.hants.gov.uk/countryside 0845 603 5636 603 0845 A leaflet can be downloaded at www.hants.gov.uk/walking. at downloaded be can leaflet A please contact Hampshire County Council: Council: County Hampshire contact please Beacon to Eling also passes through the Parish. Parish. the through passes also Eling to Beacon For further information about access to the countryside countryside the to access about information further For The Test Way, a 44 mile long-distance walk from Inkpen Inkpen from walk long-distance mile 44 a Way, Test The www.hants.gov.uk/maps/paths the magnificent Harewood Forest. Harewood magnificent the Rights of Way maps online online maps Way of Rights the Harewood Trail, goes north from the village to explore explore to village the from north goes Trail, Harewood the Countryside Information Countryside returning to Wherwell via Fullerton Road. The second walk, walk, second The Road. Fullerton via Wherwell to returning of the River Test, crossing the Common into Chilbolton and and Chilbolton into Common the crossing Test, River the of on the map). The Chilbolton Trail provides excellent views views excellent provides Trail Chilbolton The map). the on www.chilboltonstores.co.uk routes, both starting from the playing field car park (marked (marked park car field playing the from starting both routes, Chilbolton Village Stores Stores Village Chilbolton (01264) 860231 860231 (01264) its beautiful old buildings, this leaflet provides two circular circular two provides leaflet this buildings, old beautiful its Village Shops near the walks the near Shops Village As well as helping you explore the village to appreciate appreciate to village the explore you helping as well As habitat for wildlife, including roe deer and buzzards. buzzards. and deer roe including wildlife, for habitat outside the New Forest. It provides an excellent woodland woodland excellent an provides It Forest. New the outside www.themayfly.co.uk Forest, the largest area of woodland within Hampshire, Hampshire, within woodland of area largest the Forest, The May Fly, Testcombe Testcombe Fly, May The (01264) 860283 (01264) Bridge, off Fullerton Road. North of Wherwell is Harewood Harewood is Wherwell of North Road. Fullerton off Bridge, www.abbotsmitrechilbolton.co.uk many wild birds. Access to the Common is via the Long Long the via is Common the to Access birds. wild many Abbots Mitre, Chilbolton Chilbolton Mitre, Abbots (01264) 860348 (01264) is home to over 100 different plants and grasses, as well as as well as grasses, and plants different 100 over to home is www.thewhitelionwherwell.co.uk Common. The Common, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Interest, Scientific Special of Site a Common, The Common. Wherwell Inn, Lion White The (01264) 860317 (01264) Chilbolton by the River Test and the Chilbolton Cow Cow Chilbolton the and Test River the by Chilbolton Public Houses near the walks the near Houses Public Wherwell is separated from its neighbouring village of of village neighbouring its from separated is Wherwell grounds of what is now known as the Priory. the as known now is what of grounds This period also saw the building of Wherwell Abbey, in the the in Abbey, Wherwell of building the saw also period This see Village Website Village see – Directory Wherwell of Wherwell is in the will of King Edred (946-955 AD). AD). (946-955 Edred King of will the in is Wherwell of www.wherwell.net The village has a long and varied history. The first mention mention first The history. varied and long a has village The Wherwell Village Website Website Village Wherwell banks of the River Test, famous for its Trout fishing. fishing. Trout its for famous Test, River the of banks Wherwell Parish Council Parish Wherwell E Wherwell framed thatched cottages in the county. It is situated on the the on situated is It county. the in cottages thatched framed W the Test Valley, and boasts some of the finest timber timber finest the of some boasts and Valley, Test the xploring or 101 emergency Non 0845 045 4545 045 0845 herwell is one of the most picturesque villages in in villages picturesque most the of one is herwell Police Police and its local countryside local its and Explore Wherwell Wherwell Explore Useful Contacts Useful Enjoying the countryside Using local paths Maintaining rights of way Hampshire boasts an extremely rich and diverse paths on bulls) Many rights of way cross private land, and we ask you countryside and an extensive network of public paths certain (including to bear this in mind by keeping to the path and being which provide a range of opportunities for enjoying the animals dangerous responsible when using them. There are four types, as Hampshire County Council: great outdoors. Rights of way are linear routes, often s 3HOULDNOTKEEP shown on the map key; please check which paths you are entitled to use (for example, cyclists cannot use footpaths). s %NSURESTHATRIGHTS ancient trackways through deep countryside; there areedges field at paths Wheelchairs, pushchairs and dogs are allowed on all types of way are not over 3,000 miles of these in Hampshire. The map in this s 3HOULDNOTPLOUGH leaflet may also show access to other areas of land, such as of right of way. Any permissive paths or areas marked are obstructed commons, woodland, recreation grounds or conservationthem of use deter not rights of way, but the landowner has given permission s -AINTAINSTHE areas, and your Parish Council may know of guided s 3HOULDNOTOBSTRUCTPATHSOR for the public to use them. surface in a walks or events. Many people will be able to reach the s -AINTAINMOSTSTILESANDGATES To ensure that the countryside is protected for future fit condition for its countryside within a few hundred yards of home and the generations be sure to: intended use plants, trees and views along the same paths often change crops planting or dramatically through the seasons. We hope that this s 2EINSTATEPATHSACROSSlELDSAFTERPLOUGHING s "ESAFEnWEARSUITABLECLOTHINGANDSHOESAND s -AINTAINSSOME take care when crossing roads bridges leaflet will encourage you to explore and enjoy your localvegetation overhanging cocountryside.untryside. s +EEPBACKSIDEGROWTHAND s 0LANAHEADANDFOLLOWANYSIGNS s 3IGNPOSTSAND s #ONSIDEROTHERPEOPLE waymarks paths Landowners: s ,EAVEGATESANDPROPERTYASYOUlNDTHEMAND take your litter home them after s !UTHORISESSTILESAND s +EEPDOGSUNDERCLOSECONTROLANDCLEANUP gates s +EEPSTHEDElNITIVEMAPUPTODATE s 0ROTECTPLANTSANDANIMALS s 0ROTECTPLANTSANDANIMALS s +EEPSTHEDElNITIVEMAPUPTODATE gates s +EEPDOGSUNDERCLOSECONTROLANDCLEANUP take your litter home home litter your take s !UTHORISESSTILESAND after them s ,EAVEGATESANDPROPERTYASYOUlNDTHEMAND Landowners: waymarks paths waymarks s #ONSIDEROTHERPEOPLE s 0LANAHEADANDFOLLOWANYSIGNS 3GPSSAD s 3IGNPOSTSAND e. e. id id ys ys tr tr un un co co s +EEPBACKSIDEGROWTHAND countryside. local overhangingyour enjoy vegetationand explore to you encourage will leaflet take care when crossing roads crossing when care take bridges dramatically through the seasons. We hope that this this that hope We seasons. the through dramatically s "ESAFEnWEARSUITABLECLOTHINGANDSHOESAND -ITISSM s -AINTAINSSOME s 2EINSTATEPATHSACROSSlELDSAFTERPLOUGHING change or plantingoften paths crops same the along views and trees plants, generations be sure to: to: sure be generations intended use use intended countryside within a few hundred yards of home and the the and home of yards hundred few a within countryside To ensure that the countryside is protected for future future for protected is countryside the that ensure To fit condition for its its for condition fit s the -AINTAINMOSTSTILESANDGATESreach to able be will people Many events. or walks surface in a a in surface areas, and your Parish Council may know of guided guided of know may Council Parish your and areas, for the public to use them. use to public the for s 3HOULDNOTOBSTRUCTPATHSOR -ITISTE s -AINTAINSTHE commons, woodland, recreation grounds or conservation conservation or grounds recreation woodland, commons, not rights of way, but the landowner has given permission permission given has landowner the but way, of rights not deter use of them leaflet may also show access to other areas of land, such as as such land, of areas other to access show also may leaflet of right of way. Any permissive paths or areas marked are are marked areas or paths permissive Any way. of right of obstructed s this in 3HOULDNOTPLOUGHmap The Hampshire. in these of miles 3,000 over Wheelchairs, pushchairs and dogs are allowed on all types types all on allowed are dogs and pushchairs Wheelchairs, of way are not not are way of are pathsthere at field edgescountryside; deep through trackways ancient entitled to use (for example, cyclists cannot use footpaths). footpaths). use cannot cyclists example, (for use to entitled s %NSURESTHATRIGHTS great outdoors. Rights of way are linear routes, often often routes, linear are way of Rights outdoors.
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