January 1, 2018 Soboba Indian Reporter: Ernie C. Salgado Jr., Publisher/Editor Fools Shooting At the Dark! New Years Resolutions As sad as it is, every New Years eve it Well folks it’s that time of to “Unreasonable.” Of seems like it’s a full moon as all the year again for us to make all course some of us are mental giants are out shooting at the those New Year Resolution. more disciplined and dark. hold the line of which I Some of the number one am not included, I tend They either don’t understand or know of resolutions are to drop those to be with the failed Isaac Newtons “Laws of Gravity” of extra pounds, cut down on memory group. what goes up must come down or simple sat and sugar, eat more veg- don’t care. Most likely the latter. etables, drink less soda The good thing is that we or beer, spend more time get to celebrate the start It just don’t make any sense for anyone with the kids and get that of another year. to take out a gun and shoot it into the sky annual doctors check up. not knowing where the bullets will come Happy New Year and may God bless down. Irresponsible at a minimum and Although our intentions are good our you and your family. beyond stupid not to mention cost at memory betrays us before the end of Soboba Indian Reporter about a buck a bullet. the month and we tend to chalk it up Mia Basquez-Gallerito His grandfather, Tony center in the photo Basquez (Pechanga) above with her son, served in the U.S. Ma- Frank on her left and a rine Corps during the fellow sailor. Korean Conflict and his great uncle, Marcus Frank enlisted in the “Mac” Mojado served In keeping with the Christ- Also during the month of United State Navy on SCAIR shares 300 Christmas “Food Boxes” in the U.S. Navy dur- mas spirit of sharing and giv- December a traditional Gath- September 14, 2016 with needy American Indian families in San ing the second World ing the San Diego based Not- ering of Native Americans Diego and Imperial Counties. Go SCAIR ! but was given a defer- War. A Cousin, Eliza- For–Profit Tribal Organiza- (GONA) was also be held at ment until March 16, beth (Basquez) Kolb tion, Southern California the SCAIR Training. 2017 to report for duty. served in the U.S. Ar- American Indian Resource P{articipants along with their He recently completed my with the U.S. Army Center, Inc., (SCAIR) distrib- families and SCAIR staff his Basic Training at Color Guard as a Bu- uted 300 Christmas “Food celebrated Christmas with the Great Lakes Naval gler. Boxes” to needy American activities at the SCAIR Station in Illinois near Indian families living within Mia and her husband, Training Center in El Cajon, Waukegan, IL located east San Diego and Imperial Frank Bow are ex- CA. on the north side of Counties. tremely proud of their SCAIR Executive Director, Chicago. The Christmas “Food Boxes” son and rightful so. Wanda Michaelis said that He is currently sta- effort was funded by the We are also proud of SCAIR plans to expand the tioned in San Diego Northern California Indian Frank and may God sharing of the Thanksgiving where he is receiving Development Council located watch over him and and Christmas “Food Boxes” advanced training as in Eureka, California. keep him safe. next year to include Easter. an electrician. Is The Santa Rosa Tribe Facing Selective Law enforcement? Racial Discrimination? Political Harassment and More? In the December 2017 issue of California? A long question that cifically as it related to state mari- the Soboba Indian Reporter we irks of selective law enforcement juana legislation. H.R. 975 reported on the federal agents at a minimum and racial discrimi- Again, the question: Why are the raiding of the Santa Rosa tribe’s nation on another level. To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide for a new rule American Indian Governments marijuana growing business. It also appears that many of the the only ones prosecuted for vio- regarding the application of the Act to marihuana, and for other Although the Soboba Indian Re- United States Congressional rep- lating the Controlled Substances purposes. porter does not support the legali- resentatives support State Rights Act? In Riverside County could it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zation of marijuana the enforce- with regards to the enactment of be at the request of Sheriff Stan- February 7, 2017 ment of the federal statues on the State legislation authorizing the ley Sniff who has demonstrated Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Santa Rosa Tribal Lands is trou- cultivation and sales of marijua- his total disregard for tribal rights United States of America in Congress assembled, blesome. na. and sovereignty? At issue is the sovereign authority On February 7, 2017 Congres- Looking beyond the Santa Rose SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the of the tribe vs the federal statues sional leaders from both parties tribal efforts to participate in the “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017”. of the United States Government endorsed H.R. 975 which would economic endeavor of cultivating against the cultivation and sales decriminalize the cultivation and and selling cannabis the issue of SEC. 2. RULE REGARDING APPLICATION TO MARI- of marijuana. sales of marijuana in States that Tribal rights and sovereignty is at HUANA. Part G of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 have enacted legislation approv- the very core of this matter. First, the Santa Rosa Tribal sov- et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ing such activity. However, as of ereignty rights would seem to To put this issue in proper per- this date the proposed legislation “SEC. 710. RULE REGARDING APPLICATION TO MARI- parallel those of the State of Cali- spective it must be understood has yet to be voted on by the HUANA. “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provi- fornia or at a minimum those of that the State of California has House of Representatives. sions of this subchapter related to marihuana shall not apply to the counties and cities within the approved legislation for the medi- any person acting in compliance with State laws relating to the State. Regardless of the status of H.R. cal and recreational usage of ma- production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, 975 which has been gathering rijuana within the State. The leg- With that understood, the ques- or delivery of marihuana.”. dust since it was propose eleven islation allows each of its 58 tion that begs to be asked is: Why months ago the Controlled Sub- counties and cities in the State to PLEASE NOTE: It is assumed that words Marijuana and Mari- was the Santa Rosa Tribe single stances Act prohibits the cultiva- establish cultivation and sales of huana are used to mean the same thing. out by the federal agency for the tion and sales of marijuana in the cannabis regulations. enforcement of the federal statues United States of American. It This proposed legislation has not been passed by Congress as of against the cultivation and sales And again the question: Why are appears that the Trump Admin- this date. of marijuana while no action has the 105 American Indian Tribes istration has adopted the Obama been taken against any county or and Rancherias excluded? political practices of “Selective city governments in the State of implementation of the laws” spe- January 1, 2018 Page 2 of 6 Indian Reporter Photo courtesy of Charlene “Valenzuela” Ryan: Christmas in San Jacinto in the mid-fifty’s Joke of the Year Former Vice President, Joe Biden on “CBS This Custom Made Morning” told host Gale King that the Obama Administration was without any scandals. I guess the following list of questionable activities don’t count. Handbags Billions to Iran Iran Deal IRS targets Tea Party “Quality at Affordable Prices” Obama & Hillary's private server Spied on AP reporters Obamacare lies Operation fast & furious Benghazigate 1.619.792.8517 Bergdahl Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress NSA spying [email protected] Solyndra Support the Veterans Memorial AIAN Veterans Memorial P.O. Box 202 Beaumont, CA 92223 Please send your Donation to the address Above CONTACT INFORMATION Number one American Indian Website in the world PO Box 366, San Jacinto CA 92581 Email: [email protected] Over 2 Million Hits A Month * Join Us & Grow your Business Cell: 951-217-7205 * Fax: 951-927-4794 WE WANT YOUR NEWS To Build a Home on the Soboba Rez For my Family! If This is Your New Years Resolution - Call 951-217-7205 HUD 184 Tribal Home Loans Teresa Spraggs Veteran Home Loans — Re-Financing Senior Loan Consultant Don’t Wait Until it’s to Late! SPECIAL PHONE LINE Call Now! Serving All Tribes 951-314-6160 951-314-6160 NMLS# 273502 January 1, 2018 Page 3 of 6 Indian Reporter U.S. Supreme Court Sets Historic Indian Water Rights Precedent In Agua Caliente Water Rights Case On Monday, November 27, 2017 through this lawsuit and any ef- the U.S. Supreme Court an- forts to divvy up local groundwa- nounced it would not review a ter rights.” lower-court decision in which the To help clarify the tribal legal Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Water Rights, Barton H. “Buzz” Indians was granted rights to Thompson, an expert on water groundwater beneath the tribe’s law, a professor of natural re- reservation in the Coachella Val- sources at Stanford Law School ley.
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