Money & Possessions Quick Reference All prices given in Pence (abbreviated “p”). England: 1 Shilling = 12p. 1 Pound = 2 0p. 1 "uinea = 2#2p. $rance: 1 Sous = .#p. 1 %ivre = 1!p. 1 Ecu = &!p. 1 Pistole = 1!!p. 1 %ouis '(or = 2!0p. 1 Franc = 12p (after 1*+#). "er,an States: 1 Pfennig = .2p. 1 Groschen = 2.#p. 1 -haler = .0p. 1 /eichsthaler = &!p. 0talian States: 1 Soldo = . p. 1 %ira = 1p. 1 Scudo = #&p. Spain: 1 2aravedi = ..p. 1 /eal = 10p. 1 Peso (Piece o) Eight) = 1!p. 1 Escudo = 1&!p. 1 'oubloon = .2!p. Pure Silver: 1!p per troy ounce. Pure "old: 14!2!p per troy ounce. GOODS FOR SALE Art4 5e6elr34 7 Art 8b9ects :laude Glass (black ,irror for appreciating landscapes): 12p /ing4 "old: *#0p Fan, %ad3(s: 12 < 2#!p /ing4 5e6eled: 24!!!p= %ocket, "old: 14!!0p /ing4 Silver: &!p Paste Ge, Pendant: 2#0p Shade (Silhouette) Portrait: .0p Pocket<6atch: #!!p Snuffbo>, 'ecorated: #!0p= Portrait, 'rawn: 14!!0p= Sculpture, ?ron@e 2onu,ent: 1!4!!!p= Portrait, Pastel: .4!!0p= Sculpture, 2arble ?ust: #4!!!p Portrait, Painted in Oils: 4!!!p= Aatch, Silver: 1,1!0 p :lothing Bote that al,ost all clothing has to be ,ade to order. :lothing can take up to a 6eek to ,ake. 1 ell o) fabric equals appro>i,ately # inches. 1# D .0 ells o) fabric are required for a lad3(s go6n. # ells are used )or a ,an(s 9acket, and 2 ells each )or a ,an(s breeches and 6aistcoat (vest). %o6er :lass 2an(s Outfit: 2#0p :loak, :heap: #0p %o6er :lass Ao,an(s Outfit: .!0p 'ress, ?loody Era: 2#0p= 2iddle :lass 2an(s Out)it: 1!!!p Go6n4 %o6er :lass: 1!p 2iddle :lass Ao,an(s Outfit: #4!!!p= Go6n4 2iddle :lass: .&0p= Epper :lass 2an(s Outfit: 14#!0p = Go6n4 Silk: #4#!!p= Epper :lass Ao,an(s Outfit: 14!!!p= Hairpiece, Ao,an(s: 1!0p= Hat, 2an(s: 2#0p :otton, :hint@, 1 Ell: &!p Hat, Ao,an(s: .!0p= :otton, Plain 1 Ell: #&p 5acket, :o,,on 2an(s: 1#0p 'amask, 1 Ell: 1.2p 5acket, "entle,an(s: #!0p %ace, :heap, 1 Fard: 2p 5acket, :o,,on Ao,an(s: .!!p %inen, 1 Ell: !p 5acket, %u>urious: 14!!0p= %insey-6oolsey (%inen<6ool blend), 1 Ell: &#p 2asquerade ?all :ostu,e: 24!!0p= 2uslin, 1 Ell: .#p Petticoat, :o,,on: #0p Satin, 1 Ell: #&p Petticoat, %u>urious: .4!!!p= Silk ?rocade, 1 Ell: 1#0p Shirt, :otton: 1#p Silk, $igured, 1 Ell: 2#0p Shoes4 :o,,on %eather: &#p -affeta, 1 Ell: +&p Shoes4 %u>urious: 2!0p= Aool, 1 Ell: #0p Stays: *!p Gelvet, 1 Ell: 2!0p Stockings, :o,,on: .# D *!p Gelvet, "old ?rocaded, 1 Ell: 24+!!p Stockings, %u>urious: 2!!p Fancy -ri,,ings $or One Go6n (%ace, /ibbons, etc.): #!0p= -oque (hair cushion): 2!p -rousers: .#!p ?an3an (Oriental<Style /obe): !!p Endergar,ents :o,,on 2an(s: #0p ?edgo6n4 :o,,on Ao,an(s: 12#p Endergar,ents, "entle,an(s: +!p ?reeches, :o,,on: #p Aaistcoat, Extravagant: .4#!!p ?reeches, %u>urious: .#!p Aig, 2an(s: 12# – 2#!p :hemise, :o,,on: 11!p Aig, Ao,an(s: 2!!p= :hemise, Fine: *#!p -his document ,a3 be printed )or personal4 non<commercial use onl3. Money & Possessions Quick Reference Page 1 :os,etics4 'rugs4 7 2edical Supplies Bote that drugs li;e opiu, and hashish are freely available. ?andages: #p a yard %ipstick: 12p a stick ?eauty 2ar;4 Silk: 2!p a do@en 2ercury :o,pounds (for s3philis): 20p a dose ?loodletting Inives: 12p Patent 2edicine: &p+ a vial ?one Saw: 1!p Perfu,e, :o,,on: &!p a pint 'entist(s -ools: 1!0p Perfu,e, $ine: 14!!!p+ a vial Face Po6der: #p a pound /ouge: 12p a tin Hair Po6der: #p a pound Surgical -hread (7 Beedle): 4p Hashish: #!0p a pound Opiu,, %o6 Juality: *#0p a pound Iohl: #p a stick Opiu,, High Juality: 14+2!p a pound %audanu,: 1!p a vial -obacco: &p a pound %eeches: 1p a do@en Entertain,ent Ani,al Fight (:ockfight, ?ear ?aiting4etc.): &p entr34 plus bets -heater -ickets, ?o>: &!p Art Sho6 Ad,ission: 12p -heater -ickets, Floor: 0p ?allet -ickets4 ?o>: &!p -heater -ickets, Gallery: 2!p ?allet -ickets4 Floor: !p Attending a 2asquerade ?all: &! – #!0p ?allet -ickets4 Gallery: 2!p Prostitute, :o,,on Street6al;er (per act): 12 – 1!!p %ending %ibrary Subscription: .!!p a 3ear Prostitute, :o,,on ?rothel (per night): 2#0p Bational %ottery -icket ( 41!!4!!0p pri@e): 24 !!p Prostitute, Fine ?rothel (per night): 1,2!0p 2echanical Art Sho6: .&p Prostitute, :ourtesan (per night): 14#!!p= Opera -ickets, ?o>: +&p Prostitute's Guidebook (listing the na,es4 locations, and specialties Opera -ickets, Floor: &0p o) local prostitutes): .0p a cop3 Opera -ickets, Gallery: .!p Koological Gardens Ad,ission: .½ p, or an ani,al to )eed the lions. $ood 7 'rin; %o6er :lass 2eal: .p :o))ee ?eans: 1!!p a pound 2iddle :lass 2eal: 1!<2!p :o))ee, 'e,itasse: 1p Epper :lass 2eal: #0p= Fish, Ahole Fresh: 2p -avern or Steakhouse 2eal: 20p Flour, ?ro6n Aheat: .p a pound 'elivered 2eal: .0p Flour, Ahite Aheat: p a pound Fruits: .0p a pound ?acon: .p pound Gin: 1p a pint ?eef: p a pound 2acaroni (i,ported): 2 p a pound ?eer, :o,,on: .p a quart Orange: 1p ?eer, "ood Ale: #p a quart Pastry: &p ?randy: 1!0p+ a bottle Pig, Ahole: .!p ?read ?un: 1p /abbit: +p ?read, %arge %oaf: #p /aisins: +p a pound ?read, Fine Ahite: 12p /u,: 2!0p a gallon ?utter: +p a pound Salt Pork: .p a pound :hampagne: +0p+ a bottle Sugar: *p a pound :heese, :o,,on: &p a pound -ea: #0 < 2!0p a pound :heese, Fine: 12p a pound -ea, :up: 1p :hocolate, 'rin;ing: #0p a pound Aine, :o,,on: 2!p a bottle :hicken, Ahole: 2!p Aine, Fine: &!p a bottle :ocoa: #!p a pound Ahis;ey: 1!!p a bottle -his document ,a3 be printed )or personal4 non<commercial use onl3. Money & Possessions Quick Reference Page 2 %ivestoc; Bote that feral cats and dogs roa, ,ost to6ns. -he price listed is for specially bred ani,als. :at: .0p Horse, 'raft: 24!!!p :hicken: .0p Horse, :arriage or /iding (fine quality): .41!!p :ock, Fighting: #!p= Pig: !p :o6: 24!!0p Sheep: !p 'og, Hunting, $ighting, or "uard: 1!!p= Songbird: 20p 'og, %ap: 2 !p= 2iscellaneous Possessions ?aro,eter: 2#!p Haversack: #0p ?ook, Al,anac: +p %antern: 12p ?ook, :lassic: &0p %orgnette (8pera Glasses): *2p ?ook, Poetry: 1!p 2irror, Hand: &p ?ook, Popular Bovel or /o,ance: .&p Be6spaper: 1½ p ?ook, Pornographic (0llegal): 1!!p= Oil %a,p: 2!p :andle: 2p Shaving /azor: #p :lock, S,all: 2#!p= Soap (per piece): 1p :lock, %ongcase: #!!p= Playing :ards: 10p :o,b, -ortoiseshell: +p -elescope: 2#2p 'ice: 4p Ariting Juill: ¼p :hamber Pot: 12p Aeapons Arro6s: 2p each Inife: 12p Axe, Hand: 12p 2usket: .4!!!p= ?ayonet: 2!p Pistol: 24!!0p= ?lunderbuss: .4!!0p Pistols, 'ueling: 1!4!!!p= a set (includes bo> and accessories) ?rass Inuckles: 12p /i)le: 4!!0p= ?o,b: 1!0p Saber: 1#0p ?o6: 12p= Sword, Silvered: 14!!!p= ?ull6hip: #p Sap: #p :annon, %ight: 1!4!!!p Spear (also %ance or Spontoon): 2!p :at<8<Bine--ails: #p Sword :ane: .!!p :utlass: 1!!p 'agger: 20p ?lack Po6der 7 Aadding: 1p per shot Grenade: #!p ?ullets: 1p each PROPERTIES & RE TS Ancient :astle: #4!!!4!!!p+ /ental, Erban 2ansion: 2!!4!!0p+ a 3ear Inn ?ed, Shared: 2p a night 2iddle :lass Ho,e: .&4!00 – *24!!0p Inn /oo,, Private: 12p a night Epper :lass Erban House: 1+24!!0p /ental, :ountry Hovel: *2!p a year 2anor Ho,e: 124!!!4!!!p /ental, Far, (1 acre): 2 !p a year Far,land (1 acre): #!!p /ental, 2iddle :lass -o6nhouse: &4!!!p a 3ear %and, Forest (1 acre): 2#p /ental, Squalid Erban Apart,ent: 11p per 6eek %and, Swamp (1 acre): 20p -his document ,a3 be printed )or personal4 non<commercial use onl3. Money & Possessions Quick Reference Page ! SER"I#ES & E$PE SES Assassination: 2 !p = 2e,bership 'ues4 Secret Society: 1!!p= a ,onth Asylu, (per person co,,itted): 14!!!p 2ail, %etter 'elivered: #p per sheet Accounting: .!p a day 2ail, Parcel 'elivered: 1#p per ounce ?aking 7 /oasting: 2p to roast a bird or bake a bread. 2odiste (Ao,an(s High Fashion 'esigner): 1!0p a visit ?loodletting: .p Bitpicking: #p :arpentry: 1#p a day, plus ,aterials /at<:atching: 12p a night :hi,ney<s6eeping: 4p a chi,ney Shaving 7 ?arbering: 4p 'octorLs Gisit, :o,,on: 12!p Smallpo> 0noculation: 2!p, but so,eti,es free (and ,andatory) 'octor(s Gisit, Famous Physician: #!!p + Singing: ½p per song Fortuneteller (per fortune): #p Surgery: 1!0p+ per surger3 General %abor: 12p a da3 Sweeping: #p a da3 Grand -our (. year vacation): 142!!4!!0p -ailoring: &#p= a day Grave 'igging: 12p a grave -utoring: #4*!!p a 3ear Hairdressing: p Aashing :lothes: #p a bas;et Investigation o) a :ri,e: 2!p a night, plus expenses Aater :arr3ing: 1p for 2 buckets, carried up 2 flights of stairs %ink ?oy: ¼p per ,ile -ransportation :arriages 7 carts travel at # ,iles per hour, and average .0 ,iles in a day on a good road.
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