GENERAL INDEX 911 Asian-American affairs, commission on Ch. 34- Public disclosure commission Ch. 390-12, Ch. Enhanced 911 funding Ch. 118-66 02 390-28, Ch. 390-37 Required for automatic location identification Bates Technical College Ch. 495A-108, Ch. Public employment relations commission Ch. Ch. 118-68 495C-108 391-08 Wireless enhanced 911 Ch. 118-67 Bellevue College Ch. 132H-108 Public instruction, superintendent of Ch. 392-101 ABORTION Blind, state school for Ch. 72-108 Redistricting commission Ch. 417-01 Reporting requirements Ch. 246-490 Building code council Ch. 51-08 Retirement systems, department of Ch. 415-08 Cemetery board Ch. 98-08 Rule making, contents and filing requirements ABUSE Central Washington University Ch. 106-08 Ch. 1-21 Adult protective services Ch. 388-71 Chiropractic quality assurance commission Ch. Shorelines hearings board Ch. 461-08 Child protective services Ch. 388-15 246-808 Social and health services, department of Ch. ACCOUNTANCY, BOARD OF Clark College Ch. 132N-108 388-02 Adjudicative proceedings Ch. 4-30 Code reviser Ch. 1-21 Tax appeals, board of Ch. 456-09, Ch. 456-10 Administration Ch. 4-30 Commerce, department of Ch. 365-04, Ch. 365- Transportation, department of Ch. 468-10, Ch. Fees Ch. 4-30 08 468-54 Investigations, discipline, and enforcement Ch. Community and technical colleges, state board Transportation of dangerous cargoes, advisory 4-30 for Ch. 131-08 committee on Ch. 470-08 Meetings Ch. 4-30 Corrections, department of Ch. 137-10 University of Washington Ch. 478-108 Officers Ch. 4-30 County boards of equalization Ch. 458-14 Utilities and transportation commission Ch. 480- Public records Ch. 4-30 Early learning, department of Ch. 170-03 07 Quality assurance review Ch. 4-30 Eastern Washington University Ch. 172-108 Veterans affairs, department of Ch. 484-10 Ecology, department of Wage overpayment adjudicative hearings Ch. ACCOUNTANTS hearings, procedure Ch. 173-04 82-04 CPA examination, uniform Ch. 4-30 Education, board of Ch. 180-08 Washington state patrol Ch. 446-08 Ethics and prohibited practices Ch. 4-30 Electrical board Ch. 296-46B motor vehicle equipment Ch. 204-08 Fees Ch. 4-30 Emergency rules, filing Ch. 1-21 Washington State University Ch. 504-04 Firms Employment security department Ch. 192-04 Western Washington University Ch. 516-108 licensing requirements Ch. 4-30 Energy facility site evaluation council Ch. 463- Work force training and education coordinating organization and ownership Ch. 4-30 30, Ch. 463-34 board Ch. 490-08B Investigations, discipline, and enforcement Ch. Engineers and land surveyors, board of ADOPTION 4-30 registration for professional Ch. 196-09 Child care agencies Licensing, individual Environmental policy, council on Ch. 197-06 licensing and certification requirements Ch. continuing professional education Ch. 4-30 Financial institutions, department of Ch. 208-08 388-148 conversions, retirements, and reinstatements Financial management, office of Ch. 82-05 Generally Ch. 388-27 Ch. 4-30 Forest practices board Ch. 222-08, Ch. 222-12 generally Ch. 4-30 Gambling commission Ch. 230-17 ADULT DAY SERVICES international reciprocity Ch. 4-30 Growth management hearings board Ch. 242-03 Centers and care, requirements Ch. 388-71 interstate reciprocity Ch. 4-30 Health, department of Ch. 246-10 Home and community services and programs Ch. resident Ch. 4-30 Health care authority Ch. 182-16 388-71 ACID RAIN (See AIR POLLUTION) Health professions, disciplinary boards ADULT FAMILY HOMES model procedural rules Ch. 246-11 Administration and services Ch. 388-76 ACTUARIES Hispanic affairs, commission on Ch. 322-12 Licensing requirements Ch. 388-76 Standards and practices Ch. 284-05 Horse racing commission Ch. 260-08, Ch. 260- Medication assistance Ch. 246-888 ACUPUNCTURE 88 Resident protection program Ch. 388-76 East Asian medicine practitioners Ch. 246-803 Housing finance commission Ch. 262-03 Training requirements Ch. 388-112 Osteopathic physicians’ acupuncture assistants Human resources director, state Title 357 ADULT RESIDENTIAL CARE registration and practice requirements Ch. Human rights commission Ch. 162-08 Assisted living services Ch. 388-110 246-855 Indeterminate sentence review board Ch. 381-10 Boarding homes, contracted services Ch. 388- Physician assistants Ch. 246-918 Industrial insurance appeals, board of Ch. 263-12 110 Jail industries board Ch. 288-06 ADAMS COUNTY Contracted home and community residential care Lake Washington Technical College Ch. 495D- service medicaid rates Ch. 388-105 Shorelines 108 lakes Ch. 173-20 Contracted services Ch. 388-110 Leased-tidelands valuation board, King County Medication assistance Ch. 246-888 streams, rivers Ch. 173-18 Ch. 298-08 wetlands Ch. 173-22 Residential long-term care services Licensing, department of Ch. 308-08 training requirements Ch. 388-112 ADJUDICATIVE PROCEEDINGS (See Lottery commission Ch. 315-20 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE) Marine employees’ commission Ch. 316-02 ADVANCED TUITION PAYMENT, COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, OFFICE Medical quality assurance commission Ch. 246- 919 Adjudicative proceedings Ch. 14-108 OF Debts, withholding services for outstanding Adjudicative proceedings Ch. 10-08 Minority and women’s business enterprises, office of Ch. 326-08 debts Ch. 14-122 Complaints against judges for improper conduct Director, authority and responsibility Ch. 14-104 Ch. 10-16 Natural resources, department of Ch. 332-08, Ch. 332-26 Meetings Ch. 14-104 Firearms and weapons in hearings Ch. 10-20 forest practices Ch. 222-12 Organization and operation Ch. 14-133 Improper conduct, complaint procedure Ch. 10- Oil and gas conservation committee Ch. 344-12 Practice and procedure Ch. 14-108 12 Peninsula College Ch. 132A-108 Public records, availability Ch. 14-276 Organization Ch. 10-04 Personnel appeals board Title 358 Rules coordinator Ch. 14-134 Petition for rule making Ch. 10-08 Personnel resources board Title 357 State environmental policy act (SEPA), Public records, availability Ch. 10-04 Pharmacy, board of, adjudicative proceedings implementation Ch. 14-325 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Ch. 246-856 ADVERTISING exemption Ch. 10-12 Pilotage commissioners, board of Ch. 363-11 Highway Advertising Control Act Ch. 468-66 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Pollution control hearings board Ch. 223-08, Ch. Life insurance advertising regulations Ch. 284- Administrative hearings, office of Ch. 10-08 371-08 23 Advanced tuition payment, committee on Ch. 14- Pollution liability insurance agency Ch. 374-40 Liquor, regulations Ch. 314-52 108 Public deposit protection commission Ch. 389- Motorist information signs Ch. 468-70 Agriculture, department of Ch. 16-08 12 Political Ch. 390-18 (2012) [WAC Index—page 1] AERONAUTICS Popcorn flavored with butter or in semblance of standards and grades Ch. 16-409 food processor sanitary certificate Ch. 16-147 butter, sign requirements Ch. 16-129 Beef commission, assessments Ch. 60-12 frozen desserts, processing Ch. 16-144 Prescription drug prices Ch. 246-881 Beer, See BEER AND BREWERIES intrastate commerce Ch. 16-167 Securities, requirements and prohibitions Ch. Beer commission Ch. 16-505 perishable packaged food goods, pull date Ch. 460-28A Bees 16-142 AERONAUTICS fees Ch. 16-602 pesticide tolerances Ch. 16-167 Aircraft fuel tax Ch. 308-78 Biological products, sale, distribution, and use processing or handling establishments, Airports Ch. 16-42 inspection and rating system Ch. 16-165 fire prevention and control Ch. 468-230 Bison Frozen desserts, processing Ch. 16-144 obstruction marking and lighting Ch. 468-240 diseases Ch. 16-86 Fruit commission state airport rules Ch. 468-250 Blueberry commodity board Ch. 16-550 assessments Ch. 224-12 Buckwheat seed standards Ch. 16-213 practice and procedure Ch. 224-12 AGE Bulb commission Ch. 16-524 shipping and processing Ch. 224-12 Discrimination in public employment Ch. 162-20 Burning soft tree fruit assessments Ch. 224-12 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF field and turf grasses grown for seed Ch. 173- Fruit trees, registration and certification Ch. 16- Adjudicative proceedings Ch. 16-08 430 350 Animal health Butter flavoring on popcorn, sign requirements Fruits and vegetables penalty schedule for violations Ch. 16-90 Ch. 16-129 controlled atmosphere storage Ch. 16-450 Assessments Caneberry plants, certification, rules and inspection districts, fees and other charges Ch. milk processing Ch. 16-103 standards Ch. 16-333 16-390 Commodity storage warehouses and grain Canola and rapeseed commission Ch. 16-573 inspection requirements Ch. 16-461 dealers Ch. 16-237 Cattle Garlic planting stock, registration and Fees diseases Ch. 16-86 certification Ch. 16-334 grain inspection program Ch. 16-240 testing for disease Ch. 16-74 Ginseng management Ch. 16-695 holding facilities, restricted Ch. 16-91 Chemigation and fertigation Ch. 16-202 Grain commission livestock services Ch. 16-32 Cherries promotional hosting Ch. 16-531 seeds Ch. 16-303 grades and tolerances Ch. 16-414 Grain dealers and warehouses Ch. 16-237 warehouse audit Ch. 16-237 infested, movement or sale prohibited Ch. 16- Grain inspection program, fees Ch. 16-240 Food assistance programs Ch. 16-740 463 Grape planting stock, registration and Grain inspection program, fees and standards Ch. Chickens, See POULTRY certification Ch. 16-462 16-240 Christmas trees Grass sod, certification standards Ch. 16-321 Infraction notices and penalties Ch. 16-92 grower license, fees Ch. 16-401 Grasses Operations and procedures Ch. 16-06 Commission Merchant Act Ch. 16-623 burning of field and turf grasses grown for Penalties for violations Ch. 16-90, Ch. 16-139 Commodities seed Ch. 173-430 Practice and procedure Ch. 16-08 inspection standards Ch. 16-213 Grazing on state-owned lands, management Ch. Public records, availability Ch. 16-06 Commodity boards or commissions 332-20 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) procedural rules Ch. 16-501 Hatching eggs, diseases and intrastate movement procedures Ch. 16-236 Controlled atmosphere storage requirements Ch. 16-59 Technical assistance fruits and vegetables Ch. 16-450 Herbicides lists of organizations providing assistance Ch.
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