lltanrbFHtrr Carttins Hirralb FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1967 Arm y Speciallat S.C Peter C. About Town Vltchell, aon 6f Mr. and U rt. Selim Hoapital indicata that 1,824 pinta F. Mitchell, 65 Delmont S t. re­ Public Records Gueat Preacher 50 Blood Donors of blood were dlstributsd ther* in "n m Oub of Mutchester cently participated in the National the year Just ended. Local Blood f$ r fb u /serf. r tm rm ttr Rsrf Jfsitsr Rlfje and Piatol matchea at Camp Wnrrantee Deeds Needed for Visit mobila vlslta yielded only 1.142 M t Um <lAt« Of Sund*;', S»pt. pints. We're S; tu annuHl picnic. It will be Perry, Ohio. He la atationed at Susan McCann to Otto F. -Dieg te r and Anna B. Dieg, property on “ This does not mean that pa Alr- held at the Tirnea X^erm picnic Fort Clayton, Canal Zone, and en­ Of Bloodmobile tered the Arm y In September 1 ^ . Liiloy S t tlents in need of blood will be de­ Ceadltlooed Srounda, Andover. prived of it," local Blood Program Otto F. Dieg and Anna B. Dieg "W e need 50 addiUonal donors to Bdvrard Tomkiel, property on chairman Paul Marte hasUned to , ThejKccutive board of the Wad­ Mra. John.DiSalvo. 5S Gerard St., U lloy St. r J for scheduling between the hours waa admitted yesterday to M t of 2:30 and 4:30, for tha Sept. 3 explain. “ When blood supplies are dell Seiiool P T A will meet at the not available, our Manchester Red Sinai Hoapital, Hartford. * William J. Dewart and Merle 8. Red Croat Bloodmoblle Day at aehool Monday a t '7:30 p.m. Dewart to Robert H. Von Deck Cross chapter hurriedly rounds up Center Church,” announces Mra. .. .A# ^ .^ais.s_ .... _ m.* . and Phyllis R. Von Deck, property Hasel Lockward who, with Mrs. residents of compatible blood' type RESTAURANT * at 55 Eva Dr. * . Major John Pickup of the Salva- Barbara Sutcli/ft. la in charge of for emergency donations. Often I- s Uon Army Corps urges all friends Frederick J. Demers and Grace • recruitment for this 1:45 to 6:30 members of the families supply the and COCKTAIL LOUNGE and Salvattonista to gather a.t L. Demers to John A. Habicht and ! blood whtch Is needed! Sometimes GENERAL donor operation. rttUet HA and S, bolton, conn., tel Mitchell 9-4HS Center Park Sunday in ttme td Katharina Habicht, property at 7 ' ‘ ‘Although this Bloodmoblle visit supplies are rushed byW otor Corps T V SERVICE open the ser\’lce at 6:45 p.m. This Stock PI. will occur on the day after Labor from a distant point to satisfy the OPRN TUESD AY thru SATU RD AY 4:00 PJM. to 1:00 A.M. will be the final aeri'ice In the Ernest A. Holden a i^ ’ Eklith P. p ay when many local families will emergency. SUNDAYS, 12:00 NOON* to 9:00 P.5I. (Closed Mondsy) Daya M AC A Call park this season. The speaker will Holden to laiwrtnce J. Bilodeau “ No one In our Connecticut hos­ BANQUET FAcnjTIES AVAILABLE « . 9 $ , ^ scarcely returned from vaca­ Nights v 2 « 9 9 P1u» Parts be Col. Ralph T. Miller of Boston, and Theresa D. Bilodeau, property tions and will be Joining tha 'baek- pitals,” Marte emphasixed. “ has EDDY “Velvet Touch” REED At the Piaqo Nightly TEX. MI 8-MSS provincial commander. Mrs. Miller on Lydah St. to-schooT preparaUona for their paid for a plht^ of blood since the will also be present. The band and Camlllo Gambolati to Lawrence * laTniliDA, reiponse to our roeruit” Red Cross BIo<m Program was in­ chorus will supply music and P. Johnson Jr. snd Lola D. John- ■ ment for donors has been encour- stituted here: nor has suffered for Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 24 (IP) aon. property on Hilliard gt. lack of this vital blood supply. But chaii-s will, bis available for all. •ging.” sh added. ‘ ‘But^ with the ■_—President Eisenhower sat Harold C. Walbel and Ethel A, precariously low state of Wood sup- it is obvious from the statistics INTRODUCING Waibel to SUnley W. Pasieks and Pllc»—parUy due- to the^jnimmer thst supplies are precariously low jn as co-pilot and Dew his Jeanette- L. Psiieka, property at slump which we alvirays experience .and that many more men and wom­ 2-engine plane a short part DUPONT H Hawthorn St. at this time of year,- »*b deliber­ en who are able to be donors are of the way here from Wash­ Marriage License itev.. ]>land X Howard ately need every able-bodied>donor urjently necd^ NO. 7 . vr-. ______ ington today. Rights Bill Ike Wants between------w,. ...Vthe ages «/,of a.16 Win-40anS'ao tO'to Red- ,^Voss volunteers who \ Fob«rg«<LaiiviR ^ Robert Theodore Peterson. 54 “He does a real flying .Job," Col. Deepwood Dr., and Virginia Han­ The RSvLcland X Howard, Elm contribute to keep WtW ie'vltM ii'vital flu id '‘•*9 "working to maintain the local IltD (I’M DAT «Pr Evyon-Caren ^ ---' ** ninA.8 _ I____ . WUIiam G. Draper, the President’s ley, Ikist Hartford, Aug. 30, Con­ Hill Rd„ Talcottvllle. will be guest flowing.” Blood Program hope that Sept. 3 , pUot and A ir Force aide, told news-, i cordia Lutheran Church. preacher at the 10 a.m. service Dr. Victor Wallace, director of will ade a Manche-ster Bloodmoblle i| PAINT M o t o r Sunday at the Covenant Congrega­ men after he and Elsenhower had Arthur Drug Storts j Building renntta the ConnecUcut Red.Crbes Blood Day Buccesaful In rea^chlng the 150 i stepped from the small blue and f tional Church. He will take for his Program, under which the Man- pint quota which is Yhe Minimum To John M. Leslie for Joseph I A d h . A .A. Ak ▲ A A J subject, “ New Years for Old,” He Chester chspter op'erates, has flg- white aircraft at the Gettysburg Reynolds for alteratlons-to a home nged to keep this supply safely aa-! Airport. Bipartisan Leaders is on the staff of Radio Station 'V’*^',..**’ ** collection of blood has aured. ' pays for itse at 236 W. Center SL, 31,000. Draper said. In response to To Wilfred J. Maxwell for addi­ HCJB. “ Voice of the Andes,” which stabiliied at an, average of 112 O il has been located in TalcoUville pints collected monthly over the questions, that Elsenhower had the tions and alterations to a home PARADE NOTICE controls for only a few mthutes of rpi(3S [ '^ at 18 Bunce Dr., 3150. since the spring o f 1953. , o. last three years. “ The 80,000 pints Mem‘)era of the 8th D istrict' per yesr cWIected at Bloodmoblle -with interest! the 80-mile, 23-mlnute flight from To Anthony ^om an for Andrew Fire Depart.ment w-ho wish to.;, Reach Compromise visits do not supply the needs of the capital. Draper piloted moat of Ansaldl for demolition of a home ToUand Rd., RockvUle; Miss partici;>“ te in the parade tomorrow i 1 the way. , ilL D D IT IV E PAINT Otir Connecticut hospitals," he at Suffleld should meet at the fire 11 at 302 Autumn St., 3250. Bertha Hall, Coventry; Mrs, Mil­ pointed out, , ^ Good “ Dutch Boy" Paint Om m Held Pilot’s License headquariets. Ma'n at Hilliard Sta. f To Anthony Oioman for a fence dred Fraher, 77 Starkweather St Blood records of pays off with a bonanis of Elsenhower had a pilot's licenae Waehington, Aug. 24 {/P)L-Congro88 is expected to pass DlSTRIBtlTED BT .45 on Stock PI., 31,000. Manchester at 5 p.m., wearing their uniforms. BIRTHS YE S TE R D A Y: A daugh­ beauty. It lasts longer, in Taken from Unused Quarry for a while during the* years be­ a civil rights bill— the first • since Reconstruction Days— ter to Mr. and Mra. Alan Anderson tween the two World Wars. So far next week as a result O f a new bipartisan compromise ap­ *2 Oallea East Hartford: a aon to Mr and creates the value of your A ll Colors a ^ ls known It haa been a good parently acceptable to President Eisenhower. Mrs. Russell Turner. Talcottrille. home, adds protection and fany years since he actually flew MANCHESTER Interior and Exterior Dixon, 111., A'ug. 24 ''•sil during the ^Vi-dsy^laylng in a amall cave when a DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: plane. He occasionally alts in the Almost two years of legislative battling topped by 17 daya Hospital Notes good looks. Weary rescue workers dig- ■6®*'®*', had been urged to go to -targe aection of t Mrs. Annie Wllleke, 2 East St., the cliff came., co-pllot‘8 position on flights aboard of party-line deadlock culminated yesterday in announce­ above. AUTO PARTS Rockville; Mrs. Nadine Chesney, There’i a “Dutch Boy" gingvinir through tons of rainrain- ‘J*"*''. ® tU^ng down from i his 4-englne plane. Columbine HI. GARDEN SALES ; Patlenta Today: IM. away to get some rest and were Thereaa waa sitting betwi ment by Congressional leaders of both parties that they South Windsor; William .Kelle,v 24 Paint, Enamel and Varniih drenched clay early today . Reporters made Inquiries when . .'0 BR .,)AD ST > 312 OAKLAND ST. i ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Drescher Rd.; Mrs. Charlotte not present when the dogged her two older sisters, as th9<_ have agreed on a compromise. ' for every aurfaco of your they saw Eisenhower In the co­ , Ml t-»«o< 2 Gloria PelleUer, 159 Maple St.; Granville.
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