Controversial Issues In Moral Education The 10th Annual Conference of The Association for Moral Education • at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Canada M5S 1V6 International Conference November 8 & 9, 1985 AII-Oay Pre-Conference Workshops November 7, 1985 Co-sponsored by The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Department of History and Philosophy and The Ontario Moral/Values Education Association Fo unded in 1976. the Assoc tallon lor Moral Education has three obtactive s: (1) to provi cle a Ierum rot professiona ls representi ng a wide variety or posi tions In moral educa tion. {2) to laster comrnumcalion . coopera tion. tratning. and research In moral educaHon , and {3) to ~e t · ve as a res ource lor mo r~ l tlduca tton The Association does not aclvocate any partlcu lar posi tion tlr view Ger Friday, 8 November 1985- MORNING 10:15- 12:00 Dr. Bt 8:00 - 8:45 Registration - O.I.S.E. Lobby 8:45 - 9:00 Ope ning Remarks, AUDITOR IUM - Dr. Dwight Boyd. 0.\S.E Dr. L< 9:00 - 10:00 Ker_note Address- 'Schools and Families: Adversaries or Partners in Moral Education?". Dr. H< Dr. rhom as Lickona- State Un ive rsity of (\Je w York- Cortland: President. A M.E. Dr. D\ 10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break -Mot 12:00 - 1:15 Lunch - 0 I S E AFTERNOON Session A-Rm 2-214 Session B- Rm 3-105 "Democratic Governance in a Large High School: "Participatory Democracy vs. Professional Bureaucracy: "Curriculum Dt The Brookline High School Example" The Moral Ambiguity of Alternative Schools" Education:T 1:15-2:30 Presenter: Or. Robert McCarthy- Headmaster. Brookline Presenter: Dr. Malcolm Levin - 0 I S E Presenter: Mr. " (Mass.) High School Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Ann Higgins- Harvard Quebec Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Elsa Wasserman- Cambridge University Moderator/Res~ School Department University 2:30-2:45 Coffee Break Session A - Rm 3-105 Session B - Rm 2-214 "The Moral Self vs. the Institutional Self" I "Teaching the Holocaust in the Public School System: "Is There Reali• Presenter: Prof. John Eisenberg- O.I.S.E . Issues and Experiences" lnterpretatior 2:45-4:00 Moderator/Respondent: Mr. Howard Davidson - Forensic Presenter: Mr. Alan Bardikoff- 0.1S E Presenter: Dr. Cl Psychiatric Treatment Centre . Alberta Hospital. Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Lisa Kuhmerker - Hunter Moderator/Resp Edmonton College. City University of New York Minnesota 4:00- 5:30 Moral Education Fair, Second Floo r Lou nge Description: This is an opportunity for anyone to display Presenters Anyone Wt10 Indicates a n~ l nt e r esl (See Registration Form) goes - e.g .. copies of papers. su mm aries 1 Hosts : Dr. Cheryl Armon . University ol Antioch - Los Angeles au thored books. demon stration s. co urse o Dr. Andrew Blair, University of Western Ontario 6:00- 7:00 Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) I 7:00- 9:00 A.M.E. Dinner and Awards Presentation (The Park Plaza Hotel) Saturday, 9 November 1985 - MORNING Session A- Rm 2-212 Session B- Rm 3-105 "Issues in Teaching about Nuclear Arms and Peace in "An Approach to Treating Ethical Issues in the History "Moral Educatio the Schools.. · Curriculum: A Look at New Instructional Materials by Presenter: Dr. Fri the Authors" Switzerland Presenter: Dr. Eleanor Duckworth- Harvard University Presenters: Dr. Alan Lockwood- University of Moderator/Respc 9:00- 10:15 Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Ruth Pierson- O.I.S.E . Wisconsin-Madison: Dr. David Harris - Oakland Schools . University Pontiac. Michigan Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Judy Codding, Bronxville H S 10 :15- 10:30 Coffee Break Session A- Rm 2-212 Session B- Rm 3-302 "Sex Differences in Morality and What They Mean " "Race Relations Training for Students " "Is lndoctrinatior 10:30 - 11:45 Presenter: Or. Lawrence )'Valker- University of British Presenters : Mr. Trevor Ludski- 0dkridge Public School. The A.V.E.R. A Columbia Scarborough: and a panel of students Presen ter : Dr. Jer Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Mary Brabeck- Boston College Moderator/Respondent: Ms. Lois Kellerman. Ethical Columbia Cultural Society, Queens. N.Y. Moderator /Respo We stern Ontari< 11:45-1:15 Lunch (On Your Own) AFTERNOON General Session, Auditorium - "Integrating Women's Thinking into Theories of Moral Development and 1:15-3:00 Dr. Barbara Houston . Universi ty o( Western Ontario- ·'The Idea of a Distinctive Women's Morality: Implications forM Dr. Carol Gilligan . Harvard University - ·Two Moral Orientations: Implications for Thinking about Moral Development a Dr. N ~ l Nodclings. Stan ford University - "Implications of a Distinctive Feminine Morality for Education" 3:00- 3:15 Coffee Break 3:15- 4:15 Informal Conversation Hour with: Or. Lawrence Kohlberg Or. Carol Gilligan/Or. Net Noddit Rm 2-212 Rm 2-213 4:15-4:45 General Session, Auditorium: ·· Radest's Wrap-up: A synthesis of Impressions and Issues from the 1985 Conferen 4:45- 5:30 A.M.E. Business Meeting (Eve ryone Welcome) Adjourn me nt al Session, Auditorium- "The Grounding of Moral Education in a Pluralistic Society". 1rd Shapiro. 0 I.S.E . - "Religious and Moral Dimensions of Arguments Concerning the Role of Private Schools: Findings of the Commission on Private Schools in Ontario". ;nee Kohlberg, Harvard University- "The Claim for Justice as the Basis of Moral Education in the Public Schools". 1 Fernhout. Institute for Christian Studies- "Moral Education as a Matter of Faith". ht Boyd, O.I. S.E. alar/Respondent. Scs sron C- Rm 2-211 Session D- Rrn 3-106 Session E - Rm 3-302 )opt!)enl in Moral and Religious "Critical Pedagogy & the Mass Medium of Television : "Mutuality Education" ueb ec Experience " A Critical Cultural Analysis" Presenter: Dr. Mac Freeman -Queen's University ·es Sullivan - Ministry of Education . Presenter: Dr. Edmund Sullivan- O.I.S.E. Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Johan Aitken- University Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Torn Wilson - University of of Toronto de nt: Ms Marylou Arnold - Harvard California- Irvine ;Session C- Rm 2-211 Session D - Rm 3-302 Session E- Rm 3-106 evelopment?: An Alternative "Developing a Community- Based Values Education "The Authenticity of the Moral Educator" Program within a Public School System" Presenter: Dr. Jack Miller- 0 I. S.E . Beck- 0 I S E Presenter: Mr. Steve Barrs- Board of Education. Hamilton . Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Carol Witherell- Wesleyan pent: Dr. James Rest- University of Ontario University Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Don Cochrane- University of Saskatchewan 1d ln lormally disr.uss any aspec t· of the ir wor'k relevan t to rllQral ~du c ation Almost any tiling (eseat ch pro)ec.ls comple ted or ln.pro gmss, curriculum materials. aud i o·vi ~u a l mm torla ls. lines. reques ts rm contact w1111 others In terested in similar issues or prob lerns. etc :Session C- Rm 3-106 Session D- Rm 2-213 Session E - Rm 3-302 1- A Discourse Perspective" "Censorship and the Peterborough Experience: General "Outline of a Success Story: Scarborough's Approach to Oser- University of Fribourg . Implications" Values Education" Presenters: Dr. Deanne Bogdan- 0 IS E.: Mr. Steven Presenter: Mr. Ron Wideman- Values Education Project. ldent: Dr. Marvin Berkowitz- Marquette Yeomans- Kenner Collegiate. Peterborough Scarborough Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Joan Timm -University of Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Marcia Mentkowski- Alverno Wisconsin - Oshkosh College ;SesSIOn C- Rm 2-213 Session D - Rm 3-105 Session E - Rm 3-106 jNecessary for Moral Education?: "Two Pictures of Moral Education in Britain: "The Necessity of Values Clarification for Moral !SWer " Controversies around A.S. Neill's Summerhill and the Development" old Coombs - University of British Centre for Social and Moral Education" Presenter: Dr. Madhu Prakash- Pennsylvania State Presenters: Dr. David Woodhouse and Mr. David Ingram­ University tdan t: Dr. Andrew Blair- University of Centre lor Social and Moral Education. University of Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Clark Power - Notre Dame Leicester, England University Moderator/Respondent: Dr. Robert Carter- Trent University Education". l ral Education" ·11c! Moral Education of Women and Men" lgs Or. Eleanor Duckworth Or. Bernard Shapiro Rm 3·105 Rm 3-106 ce" Dr. Howard Radest. Director. Ethical Cultural Schools. New York PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Thursday, November 7, 1985 Registration-9:00a.m.- OISE Lobby Each Workshop will run from 9:30a.m. to 12:00, and from 2:00 to 5:00p.m. Rooms will be assigned at Registration . A. Raising Good Children Description: This workshop will summarize research on parenting and moral development, and then focus on practical methods of fostering moral growth at each developmental stage (preschool through teens) . Real-life examples will be used to illustrate effective strategies for handling teenage problems of sex, drugs, and drinking. Appropriate for parents. parent-educators. and teachers of courses on child-rearing or moral education. Workshop Leader: Dr. Thomas Lickona, State University of New York at Cortland. Dr. Lickona is author of Raising Good Children Helping Your Child Through the Stages of Moral Development B. The JIDoral Atmosphere of the School Description: This workshop will focus on assessment of the moral atmosphere of schools and on the relevance of this assessment for educational efforts in the areas of moral education, discipline, counseling, and school organization. Instruction will be provided in the administration and scoring of semi-clinical and mutliple-choice Moral Atmosphere Interviews. Workshop Leaders: Dr. Clark Power, Notre Dame University; and Dr. Ann Higgins, Harvard University. For six years Drs. Power and Higgins collaborated on the Just Community School Project at the Center for Moral Education at Harvard University. C. Scarborough's Approach to Values Education: So Far So Good Description: The Scarborough Board of Education employs over 4,700 teachers in over 150 schools. In 1975 the Board established a Values Education Project which by 1977 had become the largest of its kind in Ontario.
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