ON!:. HUN DRED AND UGHTEENTII ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Officers and Com1nittees OF THE TOWN OF HANOVER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 1970 ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OFTHE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE TOWN OF HANOVER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 TOWN OF HANOVER PLYMOUTH COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS Representative in Congress Twelfth Congressional District HASTINGS KEITH, West Bridgewater Councilor First Councilor District NICHOLAS W. MITCHELL, Fall River State Senator Norfolk & Plymouth Senatorial District WILLIAM D. WEEKS, Cohasset State Representative CHARLES W. MANN, Hanson County Commissioners GEORGE L. RIDDER, Chairman East Bridgewater JOHN J. FRANEY North Abington EDWARD P. KIRBY Whitman Population - 7862 (1965 State Census) 3 TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN FRANCIS J. MITCHELL, Chairman . .Term expires 1971 HOWARD F. LEVINGS .Term expires 1972 ALLAN A. CARNES . .Term expires 1973 ASSESSORS BYRON H. WEBER, JR., Chairman .Term expires 1972 *JOSEPH D. BADOT . .Term expires l 971 R. IRVING LOVELL . .Term expires I 973 **DR. RALPH C. BRIGGS TOWN CLERK RALPH D. WASHBURN .Term expires 1971 TREASURER DOROTHY E. TRIPP ... .Term expires 1971 TAX COLLECTOR ELEANOR S. BLAISDELL ....Term expires 1971 SCHOOL COMMITTEE RONALD MACMILLAN, Chairman . .Term expires 1973 KENNETH R. LING LEY .Term expires 1973 PHYLLIS S. THOMPSON .Term expires 1972 EDMUND D. FLAHERTY .Term expires I 971 JAMES M. WHEELER .Term expires I 972 *Resigned **To fill unexpired term 4 SOUTH SHORE REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE VALENTINE F. HARRINGTON ............Term expires 1973 BOARD OF HEALTH EDWARD R. HAMMOND, JR., Chairman .Term expires J971 FREDERICK L. BRIGGS . .Term expires l 972 ALBERT E. SULLIVAN, JR. .Term expires 1973 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY FANNY H. PHILLIPS, Chairman .Term expires 1972 G. ARTHUR SMITH .Term expires I 971 PEARL A. SAPIRO ..... .Term expires 1973 CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS HENRY S. NEWCOMB, Chairman .Term expires 1973 CLIFFORD L. STODDARD. .Term expires l 971 THEODORE R. THOMPSON .Term expires I 972 WATER COMMISSIONERS JOHN THOMSON. Chairman .Term expires 1972 WESLEY S. EHRENZELLER .Term expires 1971 *PHILIP C. BEAL .Term expires 1973 **HENRY J. MATTHEWS PLANNING BOARD TURNER W. GILMAN. Chairman .Term expires 1972 ROBERT L. KIMBALL .Term expires 1975 JOHN A. LIBERTINE . .Term expires 1971 JOSEPH J. ZEMOTEL .Term expires 1974 FRANKLIN N. MEISSNER .Term expires J973 *Resigned **To fi]I unexpired term 5 MODERATOR Elected Annually GEORGE H. LEWALD HIGHWAY SURVEYOR Elected Annually S. FRANKLIN AMES TREE WARDEN Elected Annually HERBERT D. SIMMONS Officers appointed by Selectmen TOWN ACCOUNTANT JOHN A. ASHTON CONSTABLES THOMAS G. AXON Term expires 1971 DA YID G. ZWICKER Term expires 1971 DOG OFFICER WILLIAM M. MULLIN FOREST FIRE WARDEN LAWRENCE E. SLANEY 6 BOARD OF FIRE ENGINEERS LA WREN CE E. SLANEY, Chief EDGAR P. PACKARD, Clerk WENDELLD.BLANCHARD T. DREW BATES CHARLES L. INGLIS *ALBERT V. HAMMARSTROM **ERNEST J. BOURQUE * Resigned **To fill unexpired term REGISTRARS OF VOTERS RALPH D. WASHBURN, Clerk ELIZABETH T. AMAZEEN, Chairman Term to expire 1971 ELEANOR M. KIMBALL Term to expire 1972 PAUL H. KENDRIGAN Term to expire 1973 Bn,\RD OF APPEALS JAMES S. OLDHAM, Chairman Term expires 1971 KENNETH R. LINGLEY Term expires 1973 JAMES E. THOMPSON Term expires 1972 Associate Members: RAYG.HILL Term expires 1972 RUSSELL F. RIPLEY Term expires 1973 WILLIAM A. THOMPSON Term expires 1971 BUILDING INSPECTOR PAUL N. LITCHFIELD Term expires 1971 INSPECTOR OF GAS PIPINGS AND GAS APPLIANCES FRANK .A. KANNEGIESER Term expires 1971 7 INSPECTOR OF WIRES GEORGE W. FISHER, Inspector Term expires 1971 ROBERT E. MONTGOMERY, Deputy Inspector Term expires 1971 SURVEYORS OF WOOD, LUMBER AND BARK ARCHIE T. DEMARANVILLE FRANK W. MILBERY AMOS GALLANT CHARLES B. WINSLOW AGENT FOR THE BURIAL OF INDIGENT SOLDIERS AND VETERANS' GRAVES OFFICER EDWARD J. NORCOTT VETERAN'S AGENT EDWARD J. NORCOTT SUPERINTENDENT OF INSECT PEST CONTROL HERBERT D. SIMMONS INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS JOHN E. CONDON SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES HENRY S. NEWCOMB CUSTODIAN OF THE TOWN HALL AUGUSTUS E. A. WATERS TOWN COUNSEL WILLIAM J. FLYNN, JR. CIVIL DEFENSE WALTER L. COLBY, Director JOHN THOMSON, Deputy Director 8 HANOVER COUNCIL FOR THE AGING CLYDE A. BOWKER, Chairman . HAROLD L. COX HENRY S. NEWCOMB . LAURA M. MURPHY HENRY P. CHIMINIELLO HANOVER DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION JOHN E. CONDON, Chairman . Term to expire 1973 ROBERT SHORTALL . Term to expire 1973 RICHARD H. LASKEY . Tenn to expire 1974 *JOHN L. WILSON . Tenn to expire 1972 ALBERT GIBBS . Tenn to expire 1971 .. *Deceased HANOVER CONSERVATION COMMISSION DONALD J. ROGERS, Chairman . Term to expire 1973 LEANDER B. NICHOLS . Term to expire 1971 EDGARP. PACKARD . Tenn to expire 1972 RICHARDE.BRADFORD . Term to expire 1972 KA THERINE R. TOWNSEND . Tenn to expire 1971 FRANK W. CERVELLI . Tenn to expire 1971 RAIPH L. HADLOCK . Term to expire 1973 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER COMMITTEE ROBERT P. COBURN, Chairman . Tenn to expire 1973 HENRY S. NEWCOMB . Term to expire 1971 JOSEPH INGLE .... Term to expire 1972 PERSONNEL BOARD DONALD J. ROGERS, Chairman . Tenn to expire 1972 JAMES 0. STONE .. Tenn to expire 1972 CATHERINE B. HALL . Tenn to expire 1973 JOHN F. SISK . Term to expire 1971 WILFORD W. d'ENTREMONT . Tenn to expire 1973 9 DAVID C. GUTHRIE . Term to expire 1973 DAVID W. LUCE .................Term to expire 1971 INSURANCE ADVISORY BOARD DONALD B. VIRTUE, Chairman JOHN A. ASHTON EVERETT M. STODDARD ANGELA M. BRANLEY DOROTHY E. TRIPP Appointed by the Board of Health INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING ROBERT J. STEWART, InspectorTHEODORE F. LUSCINSKI, Assistant Inspector Appointed by the Water Commissioners SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER DEPARTMENT PHILIP C. BEAL Appointments by the Moderator ADVISORY COMMITTEE A. DONALD DELUSE, Chairman . Term to expire 1973 *RICHARD DeMARANVILLE . Term to expire 1971 W. THOMPSON FULTON . Term to expire 1973 JOSEPH E. HANNIGAN . Term to expire 1973 WILLIS M. PARTRIDGE, JR •. Term to expire 1972 *CARLOS F. HILL . Term to expire 1972 *GEORGE A. SAVAGE . Term to expire 1972 WILFORD W. d'ENTREMONT . Term to expire 1971 RONALD F. LEARY . .. Term to expire 1972 **DAVID G. NAGLE, JR. **J. RICHARD NIELSEN **EARLE H. ANDERSON *Resigned ~*To fill unexpired term 10 PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE JAMES M. WHEELER, Chairman . Term to expire 1972 PAULA. DEMERS ... Term to expire 1971 JOHN L. MERRICK . Term to expire 1973 JOHN D. MACBAIN, JR. Term to expire 1971 ROBERT J. BOYLE . Term to expire 1973 RICHARD J. COLLINS . Term to expire 1972 AGENT, COUNTY AID TO AGRICULTURE LEANDER B. NICHOLS 11 JOURNAL OF ANNUAL TOWN MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1970 The Annual Town Meeting held at the Hanover High School was called to order by George H. Lewald, Moderator, at 8:25 P. M. on Monday, March 2, 1970 with 793 voters present. Voters were checked in by Josephine Kendrigan, Annie Michalowski, Mary Downing, Mary Smith, Barbara Smith and Lois Kendall. Philip H. MacAllister, Vice-Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars led the audience in a salute to the flag. The invocation was offered by the ];tev. James Crawford. The Moderator asked-that the Town Clerk record the warrant as having been served and returned as required by the Town by-laws. Selectman Allan A. Carnes reviewed the situation concerning the war in Vietnam, drawing particular attention to the part that the youth of this town have played in the conflict. Sine e our last Annual Town Meeting another of our young men, Lt. Thomas R. Gorrill, has given his life in this struggle. A silent tribute was given to Lt. Thomas R. Gorrill by rising vote of those assembled. Mr. Carnes called the attention of the meeting to the death since the last Town Meeting of Lot Phillips II, and on motion duly made and seconded, a committee on resolutions consisting of Verne S. Melanson, Porter W. Thompson and Wilford W. d'Entremont was appointed. 12 ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will accept the reports of the officers and committees as printed in the Town Repo·rt, or take any other action relative thereto. VOTED: That the Town accept such reports. ARTICLE 2. To hear the reports of the Committees and act thereon, or take any other action relative thereto. The following reports were presented: Report of the Committee to Study the Need of a Permanent Recreational Director:· The purpose for which this committee was created was to explore t-he need for an individual professionally trained in the field of recreation to direct activities, not related to school activities , for all members of a family who are interested in recreational activities. The activities in mind were those akin to those carried out at the various Y.M. C.A. s,• or Y. W. C. A. s. There are facilities available for such programs, and with the proper individual in charge a worth­ while program can be developed. The Committee has lost some of its members at this time, but with new interest expressed in town, it is felt a reorganization is in order. We ask that this be accepted as a report of progress. For the Committee F. J. Mitchell 13 Report of the Juni~r. High School Building Committee: Submitted herewith is the report of the Junior High Schoo11i\hla~J;1~b~:riiift~~9for the Annual Meeting of 1970. ·10 , .hoq,_;,1.1. fi'IIO 1· ':Hf 1 nI I The Junior High ~8!lf>Ol Building Committee was appointed pursuant to Article V of the Special Town Meeting held Janu3X$•.rl3:~1:-)i969~2 Jq<J~. Following the app~i~tment of the Committee, the architectural firm of Korslund, LeNormand and Quann, Inc. , was retained as the architects for the Committee. < n,Y.i'f•)d~ifi~/gg;~-rn~~~~Ir~tudy, preliminary plans were . () T }'l ·;i prepared for pre~entation to the Town at a Special Town Meeting held SeprnMtieF>29, 1969 at which time the pre­ liminaryi;p1:ans, were .unan.i-mously approved and funds were voted to obtain final plans and specifications.
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