Online Connections Genealogy Across Indiana Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family, a Family History by Mary M. Bell Karen M. Wood The Tevis Family, by Professor Emeritus Mary M. Bell of Northern Illinois University, accounts for the family’s history from the early eighteenth century until the twentieth century. The book is more than just a list of names and dates allowing for a glimpse into the characters and personalities of these descendants. Photographs are also included, and the second edition offers a list of lost sons and daughters, asking readers to send any available information regarding these Tevis descendants. The Tevis name is first recorded in the United States on April 5, 1707, when Robert Tevis married Susanna Davies in All Hallows Parish in Ann Arundel County, Maryland. The family then spread westward. In Indiana, they settled mainly in Rush, Shelby, and Jefferson counties, but also in Clark, Decatur, Tipton, and White counties. Of course, throughout the years, many other surnames have been added to the Tevis family tree due to daughters marrying into other families. The following pages list a comprehensive index of all surnames in the back of Bell’s The Tevis Family. Copies of the book are available by purchase from the author; for more information, please contact Teresa Baer, Managing Editor, of Family History Publications, at [email protected] Notes 1. Mary M. Bell, The Tevis Family, 2nd ed., ([ Camden, ME?]: Penobscot Press, 2009); Mary M. Bell to Teresa Baer, September 11, 2009. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family A Baxter Braesicke Abbott Bayles Brazel Abernathy Bear Breckenridge Actic Bechtel Breeding Adams Becker Brewer Adolphson Beckham Briggs Albourn Beckman Brintnall Aldridge Behrman Broadus Alexander Beier Brooks Alford Bellamy Brown Allen Bellew Bruce Aller Benedict Bruer Allington Bennett Brummett Allison Benson Brunette Alsop Berauer Brunnick Amsrud Bergin Brushfield Anderson Berkeley Buchanen Arminius Berry Buchholz Armistead Betz Buck Armstrong Beutel Buford Arnold Bever Bullock Asbury Bingham Burbank Ashcraft Birdsong Burbridge Atkinson Blanchard Burgin Austin Blanding Burke Axthelm Blasen Burks Bleakley Burmiester B Blevins Burns Baber Blitz Burr Bachelor Blount Burrell Bacon Boalt Bush Bailey Bobo Butler Baird Bobst Buxton Baker Bohnson Bybee Balke Bonacci Byzewski Ballard Bondurant Ballew Bonomo C Bannan Boone Caddel Barbin Borgman Cadle Bargsley Boss Cain Barker Boston Calder Barlow Bottles Caldwell Barnes Boudreaux Calvert Barras Bow Campbell Barrett Bowen Cannon Bartlett Bower Carlile Bartley Bowser Carlyle Barton Boyd Carnan Bassett Boyers Caroll Bauer Boyes Carpenter Baum Brack Carr 2 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Carrier Cory Dominquez Carter Cosby Donlen Casebier Cotton Donnelly Cash Courts Dougherty Caylor Cox Doughty Cerce Craig Douglas Chamberlain Cramp Dougless Chandler Crane Driskell Chaney Crank Dudley Chapman Crapser Dulaney Cheney Crawford Dunlow Chesher Crews Dunn Chesser Crites Durbin Cheves Crosby Durr Childers Cross Dutton Childs Crow Chmelar Crowder E Chrisman Croxton Eakle Christman Cruse Eason Churchill Cummings Eaves Clanton Cunningham Eckdahl Clapp Currier Edris Clay Curry Edwards Clifford Curtis Egler Cline Curtiss Eicholtz Clinton Cusick Elsasser Clowar Cuthbertson Elder Clynton Eldred Coats D Ellenberger Cobb Daily Elliott Coburn Daley Embree Cofer Darosett Emerson Coldiron Daugherty Endicott Coleman Daughtrey Enos Collard Davenport Epley Collier Davies Epple Collins Davis Erwood Collis Davison Estes Combest Dawson Evans Comly Day Exum Cone de Landres Congleton de Tailleois F Conner Dean Fairman Connolly Deloste Fanette Connor Demaree Fannett Constant Dennis Farnsworth Cook Denny Farrow Coomes Derosier Faulconer Cooper Deshazer Fay Copeland Devoss Feagons Copenhaver Diefinderfer Feazel Corbin Dinwiddie Fentrus Cormier Disch Fichter Cornstalk Dobbs Fick Corum Dolphin Field 3 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Fielder Girvin Harrison Finley Givens Hart Finmore Gleason Hartley Finney Goepel Hartzell Fleming Goins Harvey Flesher Goldbogen Haskins Fletcher Gonder Havice Florance Goode Hawkins Florence Goodlander Hawthorn Fly Goolsby Haydel Foley Gordon Hayse Ford Gorman Haywood Foreman Gorsuch Headrick-Hedrick Forth Goulpeau Heady Foster Grable Hearn Fotheringham Grappenbacher Heck Fowler Graves Heckman Franchione Gray Hedberg Francis Greathouse Heilig Franklin Green Heilman Frantz Greene Henderson Frazer Greening Hennon Frazier Greenough Henry Frederick Greer Hepworth Freeman Griffin Herd Frier Griggs Hermanson Fry Grinstead Herrin Fryman Groves Hershey Fulton Gugins Hieronymus Funck Hilborn Funk H Hill Furlong Haddon Hiltabidle Furlow Haffield Hinsley Haggard Hobbs G Haggin Hoblitt Gaddis Hague Hodges Gamble Haines Hoehnke Gannon Hall Hoese Gardner Halsey Hoffman Garren Hamilton Hoggins Garrett Hammel Holley Gaskey Hammer Holmes Gaskins Hanck Holt Gerber Hanks Holycross Gerkin Hansbrough Holzhauser Gessamon Hansem Hooper Gibbons Hansen Hopkins Gibbs Hanson Horstman Giblen Harbour Horvatich Gibson Harder Hoskins Gilbert Hardwick Hoss Gillard Harlacher Hostetter Gilmore Harp Hotchkiss Gipson Harris Houck 4 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Hough Kelly Little Houseman Keltner Littleton Howard Kemp Long Howell Kempa Lopez Howle Kennedy Lott Hubbell Kent Lovejoy Hudson Kidwell Lowary Hughes Kilgore Lower Hunt Kinard Lowry Hunter King Lucas Hurlbut Kiskaden Luse Hurt Kistler Luther Hutchenson Kloeper Hyatt Knowles M Kobbe Maceaber I Koerner Mackelfresh Iglehart Koethe Maddox Igo Kopplin Maker Ikuno Krous Malicoat Incendella Mallox Ingram L Malone Isaacs Lackey Malsbury Ivy Lacour Mann Lacy Mansfield J Laflin Marcum Jaap Lagroue Marinelli Jackson Lake Markland Jardin Landreth Marshall Jasper Lane Martin Jenkins Langham Mason Jett Lanham Massy Jiru Lappin Mater Johnson Larsh Matthews Johnston Larson Mauvais Johnstone Latshaw Mawhiney Jonas Latta Maybrier Jones Laughlin Mayfield Joyce Lay Mayhew Justice Le Van McAlister Leake McAughan K Ledrick McCabe Kagy Leffler McCalmont Kane Le Henaff McCasland Karm Lemane McClellan Karr Lemons McCluey Karrick Lenehan McClusky Kay Lewallen McCoy Keck Lewis McCraw Keene Lidzy McCully Keevil Lindner McDonald Keith Lindsay McElroy Kell Liner McGinnis Kellett Lippe McGlasson Kelley Lippett McGraw 5 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family McHaley N Pendleton McIrvin Naul Penn McKay Neal Penna McKee Nease Perdue McKinney Needham Peters McLamore Nelson Petersen McLaughlin Nennert Peyton McLemore Newby Phillips McLin Newell Pickens McMahan Newton Pierce McNamee Nichols Pitts McRosky Nimitz Pitzer McSherry Nixon Planck Mefford Nolen Plummer Melancthon Nonken Poindexter Melott Nord Poland Mercer Norton Pollan Mercier Noyes Pollum Meredith Nutt Ponsonby Merideth Porter Merkel O Powell Merrill O’Hare Poyner Metzger O’Neil Prall Meyers O’Neill Prichard Michael Oakley Prince Mikutis Odell Pritchard Milford Ogilvie Profator Miller Oldfield Prosise Millican Oldsen Puckett Mills Oliver Pulley Minter Olson Purcell Mitchell Orr Moberly Orsini Q Moeller Osmond Quinn Moffitt Otis Quirim Monroe Owen Montgomery R Moore P Rabb Moorehead Pace Raber Morgan Pacheco Ragsdale Morris Page Rain Morrison Paine Ramsey Morrow Parish Randolph Morten Park Ransem Morton Parker Rash Morts Parks Rayborn Moss Parlin Reed Moxley Pask Reese Moy Patek Reeve Mueller Paton Reeves Mullen Patten Reid Murray Patterson Reiswig Muth Pearson Renfro Myers Peck Renner 6 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Revia Schell Speed Rexford Schilling Spegal Reyes Schmitt Speigle Ribordy Schneider Spence Ricart Schnoor Spencer Rice Schoolcraft Speth Richardson Schouten Spinks Richey Schreffler Spivey Ricketts Schreiner Spooner Ridderstad Schuette Spotts Ridgeway Schultz Springer Riggins Scoggin St. John Riggs Scoggins Stafford Rile Scott Stagner Ritter Sears Steiger Roach Sebastian Stephens Roadcap Selby Stevenson Robbins Sevier Stewart Roberts Shackelford Stites Robinson Shaper Stockton Robosson Sharon Stone Rodewald Shea Storm Rodney Sheetz Stotsenberg Rogers Shehan Stout Rolfe Shelby Streets Rommereide Shelhorn Strickland Root Shepherd Stubblefield Rothfus Shepler Stubbs Rowan Sherman Sullenger Rowden Shingledecker Sullivan Rowe Shiplett Summers Ruhland Shipley Sunderland Rule Shirley Swain Russ Siebanolla Swartz Russell Simmons Swope Rutherford Simon Ruths Simpson T Rutledge Sinclair Tabor Ryan Sithen Talbert Rymell Skelton Talbutt Skurlock Taliaferro St Slaughter Talkington Sage Smith Tandy Sanders Smither Tarrant Sandgren Smock Taylor Sands Snowden Tebbetts Sanford Snyder Teives Sanguinette Sotos Tennent Sargent Southard Terhune Saunier Southwick Terrell Sawyer Soward Terry Saxton Sowers Teters Schafer Spear Tevis Schaper Specht Tharp 7 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Index of Surnames in The Tevis Family Thatcher W Whittacker Thomas Waddell Whitten Thomason Wade Wickcliffe Thompson Wagers Wieberg Thruston Wagner Wiggins Thumm Wagoner Wilhelm Tidwell Wait Wilburn Tillotson Walker Wilkerson Tipton Wall Wilkins Tito Wallace Williams Tivis Walters Willsley Tompkins Warman Wilson Toulmin Warinner Wingate Towne Washburn Winger Tresouthic Washer Wingert Tribble Watts Wise Trout Weatherford Witherspoon Trowbridge Weatherly Wolf True Webb Wolfe Truitt Weber Wolsh Tucker Webster Wolverton Turner Weems Wood Weinker Woodard U Welch Woodford Uehlinger Wellborn Woodward Updegraff Wells Wooley Utz Welsh Word Werler Wormington V Wesley Worthy Van Winkle West Wright Vanarsdell Westney Van Court Wetzel Y Vandergrif Weyman Yarbrough Vass Whalen Youmens Vausbinder Wheeler Young Verner Whisenhunt Yptri Vernon Whitacre Vert White Z Vest Whitefield Zelder Vetter Whitmore Zell Villee Whitson Zentgraf Whitt Ziegler Online Connections Genealogy Across Indiana 8 © 2010 Indiana Historical Society Press. 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