Administrator to attend Promotional Week Cougs downed by Ducks Washington conference atthe CUB -Page 3 -Page 6 -Page 9 WASHINGTON ~ILY STATE UNIVERSITY ~ERGREEN ., Established 1894 Vol. 93; No. 63 yonda~November1~ 1986 Blaze destroys storage tower by Darren Nielsen ings. The fire near the propane Editor tank was quickly extinguished A seed storage and process- and firefighters carried it across ing plant .on Grand Avenue was the street. Several power lines destroyed Friday night as hun- leading to the building exploded, dreds of bystanders watched fire- but caused no injuries. fighters from Pullman and MDs- The Pullman Fire Department CDWstruggle to control the blaze. learned . of the fire at 6:25 p.m. Dumas Seed CD. 's storage and amved at the scene tWD min- tower ignited at about 6 p.m. and utes later. Firefighters called for spread to the company's process- assistance in what Pullman Fire ing plant before the fire could be Department spokesman Richard contained. Dragoo called the city's "biggest "I don't know about YDU commercial fire in 15 years." guys, but my mama didn't raise Within 15 minutes, 55 fire- no fDDI. I'm moving," said a fighters and 15 vehicles from Pullman Police officer as a por- four fire departments were called tion of the plant collapsed. to the scene. WSU, MDSCDWand Another officer said flames Rural District # 12 fire depart- could be felt more than a quarter ments aided Pullman in the three of a mile away and a fire truck alarm fire. had to be moved due to the The cause of the fire is still threat posed by the fire. undetermined as the fire in the Flames shot out of a hole in processing building continues to the roof of the storage tower bum. where the tDP part of the building Dragoo said they were was destroyed, lighting up the advised to let the building burn neighborhood and sending smoke since the peas and lentils in the through much of the city. building had been treated with a Peas and lentils inside the fungicide that could be hazardous buildings were destroyed, along if let soak into the ground water. with tWD fDrklifts, a Dodge van There is ~ittle danger that any of the chemical seeped into the and milling supplies. ND injuries were reported. groundwater, he said. Dragoo said the chief CDn- The state deputy fire marshall will team with Pullman authori- cerns of the firefighters were the ties today to investigate the cause power lines gDing to the building of the fire and assess total dam- and a propane gas tank located PUllman firefighters struggled for hours against the blaze that destroyed a seed storage between the tWD burning build- ages. Clndprocessing plant Friday night. No Injuries were reported.-----------------------------------, Former custodian to WSUmonopoly opposed as much a part of what this university provides by Steve Massey as is the Cheney campus." file complaint today Campus Editor While Bukema said WSU was not currently prepared to be the sole provider of off-campus Eastern Wa~hingtDn University would undergraduate educatiDn, WSU .Executive Vice .oppose ~SU t~m~ sDle responsibility fDr Dff- by Steve Massey week. 'd President and PrDVDStAl Yates dlsagree~. After the heanng, FUl.le.r sal campus mstructlDn 10 the state, an EWU .official Carnpus Editor "WSU is unmatched in the state 10 bemg thDse whD made the decI~lOn tQ said Friday. able tD satisfy the set .of criteria fDr this respon- fire him did SD .on the !>asls ~f a "I haven't seen strong evidence .of WSU's fi A fDrmer WSU custodian will PQDr interpretatiDn .of hIS medIcal interest in cDntinuing tD strengthen .off-campus sibility," Yates said Friday. vile .a cDmplaint against the uni- "If .one places the parochial interests .of. the prDgramming," said EWU Vice President and Cerslty with the Office .of Federal recDrd. fi . institutiDn abQve thQse .of the state, there IS a "They were basing my mng PrDvDst Philip Bukema . Ontract CDmpliance PrDgrams prDblem. We have tD address what is the best t .on hDW they interpreted my med- Bukema said WSU is nD mDre prepared tD Oday. way tD prDvide the needs .of the state." ical recDrd," he said. "ND prD- provide such a service than is EWU. b Rich Fuller, fired Sept. 17 In a discussiDn paper given tD WSU Regents fessiDnal examinati.on .of the "If YDU match WSU's cDmmitment (tD Dff- f ecause .of disabilities resulting last week frDm Yates, the university's gDals are campus prDgramming) tD their current state r~m a 1983 back injury, has recDrd was .obtained." SpDDnemDre said five WS_lJ .objective .of being the sDle .off-campus prDvider .outlined . saId he will use any and all "WashingtDn State University favDrs the administratDrs were invDlved 1D _ the tWDjust dDn't square .off." Illeans to prove WSU .officials designatiDn .of a single institutiDn as the Dff- the decisiDn tD fire Ful~er. HDw- He said an effDrt by WSU tD provide all ~rDng in their decisiDn tD fire campus prDvider .of undergraduate instructiDn," h ever, he did nDt say If any .of .off-campus instructiDn in WashingtDn wDuld 1m. the paper stated. tbDse administratDrs had enDugh require significant budget increases tQ the uni- "There are rules tD the game The paper stated that such a university medical backgrDund tD prDperly versity by the state legislature. and I think WSU administratDrs shDuld be granted "flexibility and discretiDn tD Bukema maintained EWU plays a vital role OUght tD fDllDw them " Fuller interpret the examinatiDn .. cDntract with .other universities" the responsibil- AlthDugh Fuller was gIven n.o in .off-campus educatiDn thrDughDut the state and Said Sunday. ' ity .of prDviding prDgrams .of .off-campus instruc- reaSDn fDr his firing ill: Septem- that DperatiDns fDr the university were located in He filed a discriminatiDn ber, WSU Vice PreSIdent fDr bDth Spokane and Cheney. tiDn. ~omplaint against the university "At the risk .of appearing self-serving, Business and Finance Jay Hart- "There are SDme whD wDuld view the Spo- ~t. 16 and met with Human fDrd later tDld him that he was kane (campus) as an .off-campus DperatiDn," he ~Ights CDmmission representa- relieved .of duties because .of a 10 said. "But as far as the cDmmunity is cDncerned See Off-campus, page 6 IVe Linda Mathis, WSU Attor- _ it's DbviDus that the Spokane DperatiDn is just ~ey .General Sally Savage and hYSIcal Plant DirectDr Joe SPOD- - See Complaint, page 3 nemDre at an HRC hearing last Page 2 Daily Evergreen Monday, November 17, 1986 1'HE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ----Campusbriefs-- C U"S Universal Press Syndi~te Who Speaks for America West coast author Shawn Hancock, and Assistant Profes- profit organization dedicated to Wong will present a reading at sor Yasinitsky. Soioists will the exploration and study of 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18, include saxophonists Tim remote areas of the world. as part of WSU's "Who Devine, Scott Baiar and Theresa The 50 minute lecture and Speaks for America" series. Alley; trombonist David Leg- slide show, which begins at 7:30 The program, to be held in gett; and pianist Brent Edstrom. p.m., will display projects the Bundy Reading room in Gatekeepers undertaken by the organization; Avery Hall, is open to the focusing on Busch's work in the public without charge. Sociologist Lewis A. Coser Australian outback. Wong, a member of the has been invited to present a lec- The presentation will University of Washington fac- ture Nov. 17 regarding publish- include close insight into the ulty, is co-editor of two widely ers and their role as gatekeepers. people of Australia, the Aborig- acclaimed anthologies of Asian The lecture, sponsored by inal society, rock art and his- American writing: Aiiieeeee! the Phi Beta Kappa Scholar Pro- tory. and Yardbird Reader Volume gram is set for 8 p.m. in Wegner 3. His latest publication is The Hall Room 5OG. His topic will 'Apple Cup' Big Aiiieeeee! The History of be "Publishers As GateKeepers; prefunction Chinese America and Japanese Consequences For the World Of The Pullman Chamber of America in Literature. Ideas. " His first novel, Homebase, Laura X Commerce and the Pullman won both the Pacific North- Cougar Club are co-sponsoring One of the country's leading the "1986 Yahoo Wazzu Cou- west Booksellers Award and authorities on the subjects of gar Prefunction," Friday, Nov. the 15th Annual Governor's marital and date rape, Laura X, 21, from 7:30p.m. to 12 a.m. at "I hear 'em! ...Gee, there must be a hundred of Writers Day Award of Wash- will make appearances on the the Beasley Performing Arts ington. He was also a recipient the little guys squirmln' around in therein WSU and U of I campuses this Coliseum. of a National Endowment for week. The event is in conjunction the Arts' Creative Writing Fel- She will speak at 1:30 p.m. with the Cougar/Husky Apple lowship in 1981. Mu~ic programs this week today in the CUB auditorium C~p Game on Saturday, and Jazz concert and at 7 p.m. this evening in the will offer visitors a form of The war dance music of the is at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the entertainment. Music Building Recital Hall at A jazz concert featuring the Borah Theater at the U of I.The Nez Perce Indians will be the University of Idaho. The pro- WSU University Singers, programs are free and open to A pep rally and the Morgan described and illustrated with his- gram will be repeated Wednes- directed by Jane Wyss, and the the public.
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