Fbr the EepMiean. ed. Senatft ^ n o t accept t^ /eport, and negativ- also introduced a bill to abolish capital punish­ Constitotiittal M o m ments. • .0 > M r. E d itn .-—The artidain tlw RipafaKeaB of CONNEOTICDT^EGISLATURE.' .d Hgh. .of f •‘ set« t Several reports were laid on the Bill for a puWi------- last week, over the signatoteof * !**« People o f Iq-Sm in, 18<8. bill for a public S ^ t e adjourned. There is no period of the year so full In tli|j^ouse. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Croswellj L it Afield County was timely, and we hope may Commttee'on Engrossed Bills.— of charms as the present. call the attention not only of the citizens of thia Tmesiajf Afternoon, May 15. bin ^ . pub. of Canaan, and Staley of Berlin. The severity of the winter'ii cold; the County, irrespective of party, but firom members The SetiaU met parsuant to adjouroment, the lie aS providing that all corporatitos hereafter Petition of MUyor, Alderman, &c.of New Ha­ ofUie Assembly, to the important subject ef whidi c ^ ^ STher by public or pnvate act, shal hold ven te ex tend, loans to the NewHav«n ap^ Nort^i- penetrating damps of an April atmosphere Hoa. Mr. B«tler, Pi-esident pro tern. .heir chwlers object to be altCTed or re e le d oy it treats. P ^iy er by tbe B-ev. Dr. Bacon. ampton Rail Road company, refei^ed to ‘com. On ‘ V. B. PALMER, - have'passed by, and tbe earth M now dis­ TheSeiuite conouiTcd with ihe House in tlw the general aspifely, unless it be expressly declar­ incorporations other than banks. played in its most beautiful gimiture. I'he W e ask for time for reflection. The subj«rt oT" bill {tie r^|:ulating civil actions. Adjourned to 10 ed to tlie contrary in the act of incorporation, read Bill rendering all future acts ofJiKJnrfmraticiB .. Is cm Agent to rcccive, and forward Sub- a change, radieal and important in oar State v - o’dockto-Diorrow morning. subject te repeal, unless otTierwse exptes^, rflnd EcriptioDS. and AdTertisemnts, to the Rcpnk- vivifying rays of a Samiiler’tsan, the gen­ ^"^The Hon. Mr. Butler introduced a bill for a pub­ first time. , jr - presentation, as well as the policy (rf* calling a In the House, Prayer by the Rev. M r. Law. lic* act regulating tbe sale of lands belonging to tle waving of the rich c^ote^ forests, -ihe State Conventim to reforn oar Constiiutiea, hare Mr. Peck moved, that whenever ^ oum^ - BiH passed extending r i ^ t of set-off t*' all « - liean, at liis Office, In the followins places: idiots and lunatirs. , green carpeting of the fields, t ^ fragrance journ, it adjourn to meet a t9 o’clock, A*® ' „iect ses of mutual debts. i BOSTON—20 State Street. been sprung upon us since the recent electioo. Ohr Mr. Peck offei^ a resolutionj raisuig The hour assigned for the appointment of com­ Mr. Peck introduced a bill prohibilin^f ‘Rtenm- N EW YORK—Tribune Buildings opj^ite of the unfolding flowei^ the music of the Representatives were not ehoaea with a view to any missioners on ferries, &c., the Senate went into ex­ boats passing the end of Long Wharfj New Ha*^ ^ a ,« d (ron. K™ ng on tf.e ecutive session. ven, at the rate.of more than five miles per hour. City Hall. birds, the feasting flocks upon the hills, are such matter, and the people are indeed taken by Mr. Chapman wa* Adjourned to 9 A. M., to-morrow. Read twice, and referred, and the House atljourned. surprise. W e have a right to demand time and Judiciary Committee. Metsrs. all 80 maiiy displays of God’s countenance opportunity for consideration; and we do demand it. Fridiiy Morning, May 19. Kepresctttation. shining upon us I In the House, prayer by Rev. Mr. Beardsley. Some persons are prone to adopt a new idea by LATE FROM EUROPE This subject seems to be the most prominent Petitions referred—Dennis Coe and other mem­ Let the cities boast of their busy, bus­ mere impulse—pleas^ with its novelty, or deceiv­ one, now before the good people of Connecticut— “ 5Jj by the town of Canton, for tbe repeal of the bers of Litchfield County Agricultural Society, for tling streets, the spreading sails of their ed by iu plausibility. Refiectk>n J n such emttMy endowment of an agricultural professorship. Other It occupies no small space in our public journals. By tbe arrival of the stenmsbip Caledo­ thriving Commerce; let the manafacturing ofien restores the balance, and sober second thought *”]feriTK eiidrick, S. Iden and Cliapman dis­ remonstrances against repeal of bridge danse.— For our own partj we do not belipve either in the nia, we haye news 7 days later fro s ^ u - dispels the delusion. ^ cussed the rtsoiution aiyhorizing the entry of peti­ Tracy Peck and others, for a railroad from Bristol necessity or exjkdiency of lin-equalizing the repre­ villages be depfen%d by their l ^ h grating to Plainville. E. L. Fuller and others, of Wind­ rope, of which we give the following ’ab­ Let us see if we suffer under present eyib, and tions, not of an adverse nnture, in the Secretary’s sentation, by trebleing it in fhe large cities and waterrwheels, Mid the hum of their spin­ until the 28d of May. Passed. ham, and Daniel Fuller and others, of Norwirh, stract :— " * how &r we may .^pect any promised good. •fer a railroad from Norwich to Williamantir. J. towns, and reducing it in tlie smaller ones. Such a dles, or be suffocated by the rthoke of their Report «f New London County ■Comffirttion- FRANCE. If we were now called upon to acw-create oar H. Carpenter and others, for abolition of capital The National Assembly bad assembled, measure would inevitably tend to destroy the in­ trs—referred. punishment. Wm. Anderson and others, for al­ fumaces.-iSWhat are all t h ^ to the per­ Commonwealth, we might, perhaps, make it to ottr Adjourned to 9 oVlork to-morrow morning, fluence of some of the most vigorous and flourish­ teration of law respecting estates of naturalized cit­ and the Republic, was peaceably establirfjed fect works of the Almighty, manifested in liking. W e might provide for an entire equality Weifneadat/ Morning, May n . —the Representatives of the People, !»eere ing manufacturing towns, in the State, whose in­ izens. Warren Clark, for repeal of law respecting the beauties and grantiUur of Nature, as and due proportion in all things. Btft we are the IoSenate,Pr»yers were read ijSMie Rev. Mr. freemen’s oath. Jno. T. Norton, for normal schools in powel- and place. The meeting of jSie terests require as strong a representation, as any inhabiUntsoT anold State, with an m^nizatioo Bearfsley. ^ and teachers’ conventfons. Clias. Cleveland and Assembly, was enthusiastic. It i» the prev.- that can be urged upoii the Legislature, by incor- they are seen among t ^ sublime scenery of Tbe S m te concurred with the House in sun- others, for incorporation of a mining and manufac­ complete—the creatnre of our habits, and perfect alent opinion in Paris, that the fir^ Act, poi^ted cities and boroughs. In fact, they stand a quiet New England town-? 4rT_resotutions and public acts. turing company. in all its parts; aw} a derangement of one will will be to name Lamartine, F irst President more in need of the fostering care of legislative T he petition of Solomon Porter for gas compa­ Resolution reviving the appropriation in behalf The wide spread and fertile prairies of put all the others out of joint If we begin again, ny in HartfcMPd—of 2d Company Governor’s Foot of the blind, for the furjher term of five years, read, of the Republic of France ! France, may influence; for the plain and simple reason, that all -the Mississippi Valley, without a brook, & many will believe that we mu«t lay ont founda­ Guards, fcr remuneration for services—referred advocated by Mr. Cleveland, and passed. now be regarded as a settled RepubHc.-y large-incorporations have municipal regulations Resolution to provide a select comm, otf rail Report of WilliamaYjtic Savings Institute, refer- lake, or a hill top to diversify the land­ tions anew, discarding the old divisions, 'fThey have tak^n the U. S. A., as. tfieir withip tliemsehres, and possess to a great .extent, roads, pamed. ‘ • red. • scape ; and without the morning Church W e may be called ujton to ix nmmow, cen­ Adjourned to 0 A. M..to-morrow» S*-\'erHt reports of committees came from Senate. Model. the power of Jumte legislation. tral capital, abandoning one, if not both of oar grea- In the House, Ppyer by Rev. Mr. Lore. House concurred in action of Senate. ; m G L A N D . Oiu" views on this subject cannot be better ex­ Bell to call a cheerfol pepulation to the, ent capitals. No man believes both to be neoEseo- Pethions referred :—David Smith, for a bank at '• Covmittee .A^ritvlture.— Brinsmade, Grant, Larg«t Chartist meetings contint»'<o be pressed than in the language of the Register, and House of Prayer l^W haVare these, when Norwich; Hartford Co. Agricuk. So^ for an ap-i G„iiup of Ledyard, Wilcflx of Greenwich, ry, or that both will be retained, if we revise our held. They demand the right of siiffi^ge. of the able and profound writer who signs himself propriation to prom ote^riculture; Hartfi.rd an«^ ^f Brooklyn, Hall bf Portland, Beach.
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