Good Evening The Weather "Good is not gooi; where baiter' Cloudy and windy. rrofcdrt Blucb IS, 1M1 WAYNESBORO, PA, SATURDAY EVENING, DJECEMBER 9,1944 Tbm JuHMtatM PW A* Vtttam, MSA twite* SINGLE COPY 4 CENTS 1MHC0USTY Killed in France •|SPEEDY ACTION YANKS STORM Seventh Nearing Southern FATALITY QUAKE DAMAGE ON TAX FREEZE ORMOC FROM IS REPORTED TO FACTORIES IS NECESSARY THREE'SIDES Border Of Saar; Nazis Say YvH Robert Rouzer, Nagoya Takes Congress Hopes i Greencastle, Killed Brunt; Casualties President Will Americans Advance Red Army Reaches Dana In Germany Reported in Tidal Wave On All Sectors; Act Quickly ».i.'.ni..i...'.'.i».'iu».u. i HI i «——•——. American Artillery (This fatality makes the 124th By The Associated. Press WASHINGTON, Dec 9 (AP) — Japanese Fleeing Continues to Pound Franklin* County resident to die In Japan's populous war Industry Fingers crossed, Congress looked By ML'RLIN SPENCER the service of his country since the GEN MAC ARTHUR'S HEAD­ Charred Saarbrucken; cental's of Osaka and Nagoya suf­ hopefully to the White House today $tart of World War II, as follows QUARTERS, Philippines, Dec. 9 fered factory damage and casualties for speedy action on a controversial Russians Drive Ahead Army, 88; U. S. Army Air Forces, In Thursday's earthquake which (AP)—Storming the outskirts of the bill freezing the Social Security pay-1 port city of Ormoc, the recently 20; U. S. Navy, 12; U. S. Marines, Jolted seismograph needles all over BY WILLIAM L. RYAN roll tax at one per cent. ! landed U S 17th Division broadened the world, the Japanese admitted "^Vienna Associated Press War Editor If President Roosevelt vetoes theithe tnastnl cfcnter of two mantraps today. U. J3. Third Army Infantry bat­ Mrs. Margaret H. Rouzer, 224 East measure in the face of thumping on west Leyfe today and a front Franklin Street, Greencastle, has tered from house to house today a- The 'quake, dismissed by Tokyo Senate and House niaJorities,,legts- \ line dispatch Hold of bewildered Jap received a telegram from the Ad­ first as minor, damaged homes and cross the Saar River In Sarregue- jutant General's office informing la tors ho)>e hell do It without undue] anese fleeing'in disregard of orders factories in the populous southern delay so they can vote on overriding to stand or <Die. mlnes as American artillery ham­ her that her husband, Pvt. Robert Honshu Island war centers of Osaka and still get home for Christmas. In the main, however, there was mered charred Saarbrucken, the B. Rouzer, was killed In action in and Nagoya. A tidal wa?e inundated Cpl. Robert A. Neiklrk, 28, (above), Saarland's industrial capital Germany on November 18. The homes and caused landslides in the son of Mr. and Mrs. D Earl Neikirk, After the bill reaches his desk.'bitter Nipponese resistance telegram said: "The Secretary of the President has 10 days In which] Lt Gen Walter Krueger's Sixth Shizuoka area, some 80 'miles south­ Hagerstown, and husband of Mrs to sign or veto it, not counting Sun­ Army, going iill-out to wind up the To the south the German Alsat-X War desires me to express his deep west of Tokyo. days If he fails to act within that central Philippines campaign, was ian front was yielding before the regret that your h,usband, Pvt. Rob­ Louise Craig Neikirk, 36 South Dornei, Japanese news agency, .limit, the bill becomes law provided on the move in all sectors, converg ert B. Rouzer, was killed in action drive of the U. S. Seventh Army, sai'd in a broadcast picked up by the Church Street, was killed in action | Congress hasn't adjourned In that int? from thr<§e directions on Ormoc on November 18 in Germany. Letter which advanced to within 4>/£ miles Federal Communications Commis­ in Germany. November 21, the day case he could kill it, if he chose, by- Vigilant naVal patrols were main follows." sion that "on the"whole," however, after his birthday. He was a former doing nothing tamed In thir Camotes Sea In an of the Reich frontier and pounded Pvt. Rouger, who was 28 years old damage was light musician with Zel Smith s orchestra Lawmakers who want to prevent effort to choke off the last trickle the Siegfried Line with heavy guns. was a native of South Porks, Pa "The 'quake was severe." Dornei an olherwi.se automatic doubling ol of enemv .shipments to that gravely American fighterbombers smashed said, "but losses were limited to the tax on Jan. 1 are prepared it |menaced reinforcement base To having moved to Greencastle with at the Nazi escape bridge over the his family in October, 1943, when buildings damaged in cine area, and nec'c.s.sary. to recess o\er Christmas • day s Communique disclosed the pa- Rhine at Neuf Brisach. he accented a position as mechanic on the whole not much- damage was and come back Just before the new 'trols sank 4x fully loaded small BOND CANVASS .session begins J^jr. 3, vessels and siet a seventh ablaze. in the E. G. Hoachlander garage done " Lt. Gen George S. Patton's Thii rt He was inducted into the armed •No word was forthcoming as to Far out ov^r the Philippines from Army beat against a number of forces on April 6. 1944, and received whether Tokyo was damaged, but Luzon to Mindanao. Army, Marine smoldering Saar Valley steel towns his basic training at Port McClel American seismologists said that ENDS IN UPTON and Navy planes hunted down other as fighterbombers lashed at Germ­ (NEA Telephotb) law, Alabama. After spending a capital city must have been shud­ GROSS DESIGNATES enemy ships, .sinking a 9,000-ton an positions all the way from Mer- dered somewhat by • the tremor transport and destroying or damag­ RUSSIAN BLITZKREIG—Russian Army units continue their light­ zlg to Saarbrucken. Tlie Americans furlough in Greencastle during the $400 in E Bonds ning drive towards Austria and are less than 35 miles from the bor­ latter part of September he went which they compared in intensity ing 14 small freighters in operations were only about two miles lrom to the devastating Japanese 'quake just reported. der, while other Red units close ln on Budapest from three sides. Na­ Saarbrucken. overseas in October, and was sta­ Sold; $1650 in All 4 CANDIDATES zi reports say Soviet forces are attacking north of Hatvan and Mis­ of 1923 which killed nearly 100,000. The 77th. vpterans of Guam, pow tioned successively in England, Nor­ kolc. Berlin said Patton threw from mandy, Holland, Belgium and Ger Types of Securities ered their wdl\ north for two miles six to ten tank divisions and four many. Two Countians from the pomt of Thursday's am­ motorized infantry divisions Into Surviving Pvt. Rouzer are his Howard D Gingrich, chairman of phibious landing to seize the former the fight in the Sarrcguemines PLAN TEACHER Appointed to U S Army base of Camp Downs wife, the former Miss Margaret the Franklin County Agricultural area. Tlie doughboys there, fight­ House, to whom he was married in Committee during the Sixth War West Point, Annapolis on the edge of Ormoc. $41 REALIZED BONINS STRUCK ing for the remaining third of the Cumberland, Md., in 1937; a Five miles south of the 77th's French border city, expanded their Loan Campaign, today announced l daughter, Doris Martha; his par Representative Chester H Oross.'-^head. »* northbound Seventh bridgehead across the Saar. EXCHANGE WITH D vlsl swe that the house-to-house solicitation ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Rouzer, of" the Yoik-Adams-Franklin Con-1 ™ ^fyond Palanas to To the north, Patton's 00th Div­ of Pulton County, Pa.; and the fol­ in the village of Upton has been Sessional District, today designed •selzp, Balogo and Inland high ground FROM BENEFIT HARD BY YANKS ision battered back a determined lowing brothers and sisters: John completed. candidates to^ll two vacancies each' ^ ° th* Ta*?.as B Ver' 8 Nazi counterattack above Saarlau- LATIN AMERICA at Annapolis and West Point next * 11 ln !he Sevenths sector, Al Dop Rouzer, Chambersburg; Alec Rouz­ Mrs Sarah E Gearhart who is Faculty and All-Stars Terrific Bomb tern and eliminated 12 more Sieg­ er, Port Loudon; Mrs. Richard An­ year king, Associated Press war corres fried Line pillboxes in a slow, goug­ PHILADELPHIA, Dec 9 (AP) — chairman of the Fourth District in drews, Chambersburg; Mrs. Vernon The nominees were among 30 con pondent, saw trapped Japanese run ing drive. Plans for the mutual exchange of Peters Township made this canvass In Volley Ball Game Load Dumped on Mills, South Pork; and Miss Betty testunts including members of the first toward the 77th's beachhead, Farther north the U. S. First Ar­ teachers and texts between the reco11 undt r Rouzer, Chambersburg. Mrs. Rouzer Her report shows that a total of Armed Forces, several of whoml ' Ore back toward the For Insurance Fund United States and 13 Latin Ameri­ Japanese Bases my captured two hew heights f)§u$- been ^employed at the Gem $400 in E bonds,was sold to indi­ competed in examinations held over­ Seventh whldh also blasted them can countries have been disclosed by Garment aoranany. • viduals and the sale of all other seas. The examination^ for the civil­ and sent mafry scurrying Into wild A benefit volley ball game between By LEIF ERICKSON Kenneth Holland, chie$f of the edu- bonds amounted to $1660 ian candidates were conducted bj mountain coiintn. the faculty and the All-Stars of the U. 8. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD catfbli|p$v|3oire? the Office of the The report from the Third Dis­ thp U.
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