published by Choctaw Lake Property Owners Association 2875 Oneida Drive, London, OH 43140 Advertising Rates - Call 740-852-2593 APRIL 2006 Senior Center Levy on May 2 Ballot Passage Provides Continued Financial Support by Bob Cordes Alzheimer’s disease, and a telephone reassurance program. The daycare serv- ices give caregivers a break while those in poor health are cared for during the day by center personnel. The Madison County Senior Citizens Center is a non-profit organization Choctaw resident Ruth Kennedy is the center’s on-duty nurse who assists with a building mortgage to pay off. The center, on the west edge of London, with a wide variety of programs ranging from scheduling a mobile mammog- is asking for the same amount of a levy as has been supplied to them in the past, raphy lab, exercise classes, and arthritis programs, to yoga classes. though it is identified as an “additional” levy on the May 2 ballot. And that is The center at 280 West High Street in London also has social programs to possibly one reason why it failed to pass on Nov. 8, 2005. So now Executive induce seniors to be active, thereby promoting mental and physical health. Director Todd Lane can be found explaining the issue again. Billiards, chair volleyball, socializing, quilting, walking groups, and card He says the existing levy, which will end this year, is not as specific as this games are some of the activities. There are approximately 800 members of the reworded levy. This one will assure generated money only goes to the center center. where it is to be used for providing and maintaining services, equipment, and The issue lost on Nov. 8, 2005 by 695 votes. There were 9,871 total votes; facilities. The intent is to be certain that the funds are earmarked for the cen- 4,588 were for the levy, 5,283 against. ter and not siphoned off by any other group. At Choctaw Lake, the East polling site had 128 votes for and 121 against. In a press release, Lane explained, “Due to a wording clarification, (the Choctaw West voters gave 214 votes to it and registered 154 negative votes. center) has been informed that the levy on the ballot must be presented as a new Senior Center questions can be addressed by calling 740-852-3001. levy, not a renewal.” The 5-year millage will cost $25 per year on a $100,000 house. Some of the generated funds make their way to paying off the $1.2 million building mortgage, which is paid off now at the rate of $10,000 per month because of a recent change in interest. The levy brings in about $500,000; about one-fourth goes to the mortgage each year. The remainder of the money is used for services, salaries, maintenance and other operating costs. While most of the activities at the center are for adults 55 or over, other county residents are likely to benefit because of the existence of the adult day- care program, available support classes on subjects such as diabetes and NOTICES —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — THE SEWER BOARD WILL MEET EVERY OTHER MONTH START- ING IN FEBRUARY 2006. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:00PM IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHOCTAW LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS’ MEETING DATES Daylight Savings TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2006 • 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2006 • 7:30 P.M. Time Begins — PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND PLAN TO ATTEND. — Spring Forward... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLPOA FIREWORKS • JULY 2, 2006 Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead one hour on April 2nd at 2 a.m. SOME SPECIALS THIS ISSUE INDEX Senior Center Levy on May 1 Advertising Rates 15 19 Utilities Delinquent Accounts 7 Board Minutes 2 Delinquent Accounts 7 Viewing CLPOA Records 9 Notices 1 Booster Club.........................pages 4 & 5 Patrol 7 Water Information 19 Earth Day Celebration 10 Building Code Regulations 16 Property Transfers 9 Youth 17 Hazardous Waste Day 11 18 Somerford Township 2 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, April 2006 CLPOA Board of Trustees Meeting • March 14, 2006 (These are unapproved condensed notes as provided by the Board and in most instances will not be the complete recorded minutes of that particular meeting.) Substantive Motions A p p roved in this ance quotes were received and they are sub- Committee and the Land Use Facility Meeting — stantially higher. Carla is continuing to look C o m m i t t e e . at other options. - Second phase of road paving project will start Motion 06-015: Shannon Hastings made a after Memorial Weekend. This is the last five motion to have the Water Utilities Board Tre a s u re r’s Report : miles of roads to be repaired. Forty-one come back to the Choctaw Lake Board with a ( P resented by Connie Feliks) requests for bids were sent out, 10 bids were dividend proposal to replace the annual serv- - Connie compared the Profit & Loss statement received. ice contract. Seconded John Buekers. A v o t e to actual budget. Income is up 8%. T h e - Conference calling — the current phone sys- was taken with 2 abstentions and the motion Balance Sheet was reviewed. There was tem needs an analog card. Polycom phones p a s s e d . some discussion about an “endowment” are being researched as well as using the fax fund. The current Association structure does line during meetings. John Cimino will buy Motion 06-016: Joe Wiese made a motion to not lend itself to having such a fund. Billed the phone. nominate Rob Dillman to the Sewer Board and collected earmarked money is non-tax- - John still researching the 4-hour response for a 3-year term and also nominate Dave able versus a fund to hold monies for uniden- time for cable. Wheatley as an alternate for the 3-year term. tified capital projects. Connie will consider - The Booster Club will donate $1000 for sand. Seconded by Keely Carabin. Motion passed. doing an occasional Tr e a s u r e r’s Corner arti- - John Cimino and Carla Dye will document cles for The Peace Pipe. caretaking of the lots to claim adverse pos- Motion 06-017: Connie Feliks made a s e s s i o n . motion to allow the Somerford To w n s h i p M a n a g e r’s Report : - Pete George, ODNR, will come out to check Board of Elections to use the Lodge for elec- ( P resented by John Cimino) work on the wing walls of the dam and tions. Seconded by Aleita Ailes. Motion - Met with Building Committee to review review the EAP with John Cimino. passed. codes to see if changes are made. - John Cimino will put an article in the Peace Pipe regarding high water alerts. Call to Order: C o m m i t t e e s : Maintenance will mark the end dock as a The Board of Trustees meeting convened at • Beautification — held meeting and met with high water mark. 7:00 p.m. A roll call was taken as follows: Brad Maintenance to discuss ideas. Joe still - Long Range planning to investigate cost of Couch: present, Connie Feliks: present, Keely checking on mulch from Molly Caren. T h e storage building. Carabin: present, Joe Wiese: present, Steve Grapp: entrance sign was discussed — Board mem- - The House and Office Committee reviewed present; John Buekers: present, Shannon Hastings: bers to provide feedback before The Peace Somerford To w n s h i p ’s request regarding use present, Aleita Ailes: present, Bill Laney: excused. P i p e deadline. There was some discussion of the Lodge for elections. The Committee John Cimino, Steve Hilling (CL Patrol), Carla about a sign for both entrances. findings were that over 60% of the township Dye, and Mike Hexamer were also present. • Security Committee — nothing to report. is made up of Choctaw Lake residents. • Lake Drainage and Roads — There is a House and Office recommended allowing P ro p e rty Owner’s Time: drainage issue at West Choctaw and Sommerford Township to use the Lake facil- None present. Potawamie. Maintenance is working to ities as a convenience to property owners. a d d r e s s . Connie Feliks made a motion to allow the There was discussion regarding the February • Recreation — Keely needs a budget for the Sommerford Township Board of Elections to minutes reflecting the Sewer and Utilities y e a r. Brad volunteered to help with use the Lodge for elections. See Motion 06- Committee members. Keely Carabin will be on Recreation. 017. the Sewer Committee, Joe Wiese will be on the • Publications & Public Relations — The FA Q - Actions items list for the past year were Utilities Committee. A motion was made by Keely was discussed. Board members to review reviewed. Carabin to accept the February minutes as revised. and bring feedback for next meeting. Brad - House and Office Committee needs to review Seconded by Aleita Ailes. The Board approved the asked if the web site developers are working current collection procedures. minutes. on an on-line scheduler. Joe will check on status and ask about web stats reports. New Business: P a t rol Report : • House and Office — nothing to report. - The date for the property owners’ m e e t i n g ( P resented by Steve Hilling) • Sewer — nothing to report.
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