See colored photo on back cover. HERBST and CROWN cages Breeding - Flight - Decorative LUSTAR and PLANIT products (picture brochures of above available) by K.C. Lint Curator of Birds Emeritus Zoological Society of San Diego ** Something New ** P. SLUIS PRODUCTS Giants of the pigeon family are those into the United States and Eurasia in the Canary Fortifier members of a small but distinctive group last ten years. How many pairs raised one of crowned pigeons found in more re­ Budgerigar Fortifier or two chicks consistently') Very few mote forests of New Guinea and neigh­ aviculturists have taken the time to study Universal Food boring islands. Three species and three the breeding behavior and life history of Insectivorous Food sub-species have been well described. The this interesting group of pigeons. Cardboard Bird Carriers largest form measures 33 in. (70 em.) in Although Crowned Pigeons are mem­ length and weighs 8 to 10 pounds - the bers of the pigeon family Columbidae, size of a small turkey hen. All are grey­ which has 285 species, they are a special­ KELLOGG'S blue and maroon in color with contrast­ ized group and can not be treated in the PETAMINE - BUDGIMINE ing patches of white or gray on the wings same manner as the common members of or tip of the tail. foreign pigeons and doves usually seen in KELLOGG'S CANARY, FINCH The Crowned Pigeons, genus Goura, as public or private aviaries. They need AND PARAKEET MIXES a group differ from all other pigeons. special security, special aviaries, special LYRIC HEALTH GRIT They have reticulated scales on their legs, nests, and special feeding for adults and for all birds sixteen tail feathers, no oil gland and no chicks if propagation is to be successful. gall bladder. The most striking feature is COCKATIEL and PJ-I,RROT MIXES the erect, laterally compressed fan-shaped crest, the feathers of which have long and separated barbs which give them an ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. Artificial Anise, Charcoal, Flax, Hemp, Let­ tuce, Poppy, Peppers, Safflower, attractive lace-like appearance. Unfortu­ incubation of eggs is not recommended CANARY (Domestic and Moroc­ nately, these same filmy plumes once for Crowned Pigeons. After thirty-six can), Teazle, Niger, Milo, Sesame, were prized in the millinery trade, under years of experience in rearing these birds, Kelp, Gelatin, Peanuts, Ground the name of "goura" feathers from the I find that the parents will do a much Cuttlebone, Peas, Peanut Hearts generic name of the group. better job in incubating, brooding and and Runners, Unhulled Rice, Pump­ Their behavior pattern is similar to feeding the nestling, if only given the kin, Japanese Millet. Water Grass other forms adapted to ground and forest opportunity. seed. dwelling, and like the green fruit pigeons of the genus Treron, they also show the up and down movement of the tail when TRILL BRAND Mineral Blocks excited or disturbed. SECURITY: Cover, Landscaping. {by C&Wl The male's voice is a deep booming Most pigeons and doves are timid birdS NUTRO'S CAGE & AVIARY coo in the breeding season, similar to the and are easily frightened by cats, owls, SPRAY drumming of an Emu to attract females hawks or rats. Untame birds rocket up­ in a given territory. I have observed the PLASTIC CANARY EGGS ward, in the manner of partridges, when bowing display many times with the tail they are startled, and should be given as {made in USA by LUSTARl spread and erected, partly opened wings much security as possible. To provide Many other items. and stamping of feet in front of desirable this security 1 would suggest that the females. In the pre-copulatory display, entire top of the aviary be covered with Send STAMPED 24c business size the female responds by crouching, run­ corrugated fiberglass panels, plywood envelope for AUGUST 1977price list. ning beneath the male and holding her panels or palm fronds. In New Guinea bill close to his and making short hissing and in their natural environment, Crown­ calls. When she is submissive, the male ed Pigeons live in rich rain forest habitats NORSHORE mounts and copulation is completed. with very little sunshine penetrating their PETS The purpose of this article is to share natural homes. P.o. Box 271, Marengo, IL 60152 my experiences in the successful raising Good-sized trees, eucalyptus, acacia, of Crowned Pigeons in captivity. Far too orange, lemon, guava or fig trees may be Phone: 815 - 568 - 6732 many individuals and aviculturists keep planted in aviaries and pruned three feet HOUfS: Monday thru Friday 8 A.M.· 4:30 P.M. birds rather than raise them. Hundreds of from the top to provide roosting facilities Crowned Pigeons have been imported conlillued Oil IJaKe 8 6 photos courtesy of San Diego Zoo Blue Crowlled Pigeon. Goura criSlata crislata. IVith cllick J4 days old. Nonhwestem New Guinea (West Iriall). t.:ucalyptus and wire woven artificial lIest. six feel ill heigh!. 7 for these large birds. Saplings require too sparrows or other unwelcome guests from basket to make a durable nest which the many years to attain the size which your pens. With food prices sky-rocketing, egg or chick would not faU through. would provide adequate roosting and aviculturists must prevent the waste of These heavy pigeons need a strong nest nesting sites. food by free-loaders. my second choice which must be supportive when both of Turf or grass on dirt floors may be for a wire covering for pens is a hexagonal the birds are carrying nesting material to seeded annually as ground cover. Too wire netting, W' mesh, 22 gauge, galvan­ the nesting site. many aviculturists keep Crowned Pigeons ized, Both types of wire are used exten­ Our artificial nests measure 24 inches in smaU sterile pens with little landscap­ sively in aviary construction. across and 8 inches in depth. This size ing and still expect the birds to propa­ Many of you are familiar with the nest may be nailed to 4" x 4" posts in gate. This is unfortunate, because propa­ Tropical Rainforest in the San Diego the center of the pen, 6 feet in height. gation will not occur under these condi­ Zoo. This giant aviary is built on a hill­ Crowned Pigeons prefer open nests and tions. side, measuring 190 feet long, 80 feet do not like to use nests against a wall as wide and 90 feet at its maximum height. so ma.I}y other pigeon and doves prefer. A walk-through aviary, visitors follow a Long natural poles may be placed at winding path lined with palms, fig anG the edge of the nest for the birds to roost AVIARIES. Our first Crowned Pigeons acacia trees, philodendrons, bamboo and on and to approach the nesting site. reared chicks successfully in pens 15' x ferns. Crowned Pigeons have nested re­ These should be fastened securely to pre­ 15' x 10' in height. Nineteen chicks were peatedly in this aviary, their favorite vent turning and frightening the birds. raised of three species, Goura victoria spot being a Black Acacia tree, 30 feet Both sexes participate in carrying sticks, victoria, Goura cristata cristata and Goura in height. Thirteen Scheepmaker's have stems, and leaves to the nest. In the scheepmakeri sclaterii in pens of this size. been raised in this particular aviary. W' x breeding season, baskets of sticks and With the present high cost of lumber, 1" welded plastic-covered wire encloses twigs are placed in the aviary daily for wire and labor, it is better to plan very this entire cage. them to work with. When the hen be­ carefuUy for a group of pens and con­ comes broody, she will sit on the nest and struct them so that they are comfortable shape it as the male continues to bring for the birds and provide an easy way for nesting material to complete the nest. their general care. All effort is wasted if ESTS: As with other pigeons and the construction is not as predator­ doves, Crowned Pigeons build very flimsy proof as possible. How many valuable nests, consisting of sticks and leaves in birds are killed annually by rats during trees and shrubs suitable for nesting sites. NESTING: Birds reach the breeding the night? In our original 15' x 15' x 10' breeding age when three or four years old. The I recommend using W' xl" welded pens, artificial nests were constructed. normal clutch is one egg (white in color) wire fabric, gauge 16 as outside wire on Eucalyptus branches were tied together and as soon as this egg is laid, incubation pens for Crowned Pigeons. This will bar with wire and placed in poultry netting begins. The incubation period is 28-29 Va'entine's Neue 130 page CATALOG Featuring a .New Line of Equipment for the raising of ,. Birds and Animals (Domestic and Wild) such as YOUR 10.1 • MINK • CHINCHillAS • RABBITS. FOX • DEER • DOGS SOURCE., SUPPlY • lABORATORY ANIMALS • BIRDS • PHEASANTS. QUAil ,.,IN " .... MIIA... • FANCY FOWL AND POULTRY. \1 SEND $3.00 (to cover cost of handling and mailing). Price of catalog will be credite'd to first purchase of $25.00 or more. ... .. ---.......- IJRI"-_ Please send- copies of VALENTINE'S CATALOG Enclosed $ to cover cost. r.~ Name _ Valentine ~ ~ EQUIPMENT COMPANY Address _ 9706 SO. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE City Slale Zip Code BRIDGEVIEW, ILL. 60455 ---- PHONE (312) 599·1101 8 --~ -- - ...... .._. .- Blue Crowned Pigeon. Goura cristata cristata. With chick 28 days old, Northwestern New Guinea (West Irian). Aggressive display ofmale and chick when approached in nest. 9 days for the four species we have raised. Fruits and Berries: A variety of fruits When hatched, the chick is dark in color, should be offered.
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