KEVIN S. McKELVEY AND SEVEN OTHER AUTHORS Carl N. Skinner Chi-ru Chang Don C. Et-man 37 Susan J. Husari David J. Parsons Jan W. van Wagtendonk C. Phillip Weatherspoon An Overview of Fire in the Sierra Nevada ABSTRACT Fire, ignited by lightning and Native Americans, was common in the THE ECOLOGICAL ROLE OF FIRE Sierra Nevada prior to 20th century suppression efforts. Presettlement “The most potent factor in shaping the forest of the fire return intervals were generally less than 20 years throughout a region has been, and still is, fire.” broad zone extending from the foothills through the mixed conifer Leiberg 1902,40 forests. In the 20th century, the areal extent of fire was greatty re- duced. This reduction in fire activity, coupled with the selective har- For thousands of years, the periodic recurrence of fire has vest of many large pines, produced forests which today are denser, shaped the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada (Skinner and with generally smaller trees, and have higher proportions of white fir Chang 1996). Because fire was so prevalent in the centuries and incense cedar than were present historically. These changes before extensive Euro-American settlement (presettlement), have almost certainly increased the levels of fuel, both on the forest many common plants exhibit specific fire-adapted traits such floor and “ladder fuels”-small trees and brush which carry the fire as thick bark and fire-stimulated flowering, sprouting, seed into the forest canopy. increases in fuel, coupled with efficient sup- release and/or germination (Chang 1994). In addition, fire pression of low and moderate intensity fires, has led to an increase affected the dynamics of biomass accumulation and nutrient in general fire severity. cycling, and generated vegetation mosaics at a variety of spa- We suggest extensive modification of forest structure will be nec- tial scales (Chang 1996). Because fire influenced the dynam- essary to minimize severe fires in the future. In high-risk areas, land- ics of nearly all ecological processes, reduction of the influence scapes should be modified both to reduce fire severity and to increase of fire through 20th century fire suppression efforts in these suppression effectiveness. We recommend thinning and underburning ecosystems has had widespread (though not yet completely to reduce fire-related tree mortality coupled with strategically placed understood) effects. defensible fuel profile zones (DFPZs). DFPZs are areas in which forest structure and fuels have been modified to reduce flame length and “spotting”, allowing effective suppression. This chapter is an overview of work by the fire-subgroup of the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project. Details concerning these findings PATTERNS OF FIRE: are found in Skinner and Chang 1996; Chang 1996; Husari and PAST AND PRESENT McKelvey 1996; McKelvey and Busse 1996; Erman and Jones 1996; van Wagtendonk 1996; and Weatherspoon 1996. Estimates of presettlement median fire return intervals (length of time between fires), as recorded in fire scars, are typically less than 50 years (figure 37.1). More specifically, records from the foothill zone, mixed conifer zone, and east side pine showed median fire return intervals consistently less than 20 years. Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, vol. II, Assessments and scientific basis for management options: Davis: University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources, 1996. 1033 1034 VOLUME II, CHAPTER 37 extent (Skinner and Chang 1996), with patterns of tree mor- 12 1212 -- tality leading to patches of different sizes and ages of trees frequently confined to individuals or small groups. This pat- tern of mortality is most often caused by endemic insect ac- tivity, stem breakage due to weakening of trees from fire or physical scarring, or localized severe fire conditions sufficient to kill the canopy trees directly. Fire regimes characteristic of presettlement conditions in the Sierra Nevada have been disrupted in the 20th century. The Forest Service has mapped fires since 1908, and these maps can be used to estimate the acreage burned in each for- I ! 1 J ! ! I est type (McKelvey and Busse 1996). Fire rotation times were 5-40 kb h-6b 65-70 calculated from these data and compared with fire return in- o-5 10-15 20-25 30-35 40-45 50-55 60-65 Median Fire Return Interval (Years) tervals derived from fire scars (table 37.1). Fire rotation is defined as the number of years necessary to burn an area equal FIGURE 37.1 in size to an area of interest, in this case a forest type. Fire return intervals are based on the number of times a point (or A histogram showing the number of tree ring studies small area) burned over a period of time. To compare the two (Skinner and Chang 1996) by median fire return interval. metrics, we need to make the assumption that the fire return Only one study found a median return interval greater than intervals generated from fire-scar studies represent the forest 50 years. types in which they exist and therefore approximate fire ro- tations. Given this assumption, the deviation between cur- rent rates and presettlement fire return intervals is one to two Fire affects landscapes at a variety of scales, yet there have orders of magnitude (table 37.1). We believe that this change been few landscape-scale fire-history studies (Skinner and is far too great to be accounted for by differences in measure- Chang 1996). Most fire history studies describe fire return ment, climate, or potential biases associated with fire-scar intervals for local sites of generally 250 acres or less. The few data. Fire suppression has been extremely effective in the 20th existing landscape-scale fire-history studies found significant century. variation of fire occurrence from place to place (e.g., Kilgore Another, and perhaps more subtle, difference between cur- and Taylor 1979; Caprio and Swetnam 1995). Fire return in- rent and presettlement fire patterns lies in the recent decrease tervals varied in response to site and environmental factors in fire frequency with increasing elevation. Throughout the such as ignition source, fuel accumulation, fuel moisture, and 20th century, little of the higher elevation zones have burned burning conditions (Kilgore and Taylor 1979). Furthermore, (McKelvey and Busse 1996). This is in contrast to presettlement climate variation over many centuries is reflected in more fre- median fire return intervals that differed relatively little from quent, less extensive fires during warmer periods and less the foothills through the upper mixed-conifer zone (table 37.1). frequent, more extensive fires during cooler periods (Swetnam The distribution of fires in the 20th century is closely associ- 1993). Despite variability in fire occurrence patterns and un- ated with droughty conditions (McKelvey and Busse 1996) certainties in how fire affected landscapes, we believe that and probably is due to the effective suppression of low-to- the composite picture provided by these studies is compel- ling: presettlement fires were common enough to significantly affect forest structure and composition over much of the Si- TABLE 37.1 erra Nevada. Knowledge of presettlement fire patterns helps to explain Historic fire return intervals compared with 20th century reports by early observers that describe the forests and wood- patterns. Historical data are extracted from various sources lands as generally open (Sudworth 1900; Leiberg 1902). Si- (Skinner and Chang 1996) and are the average median return intervals for each forest type. Recent fire data are fire erra Nevada forests and woodlands at the turn of the century rotations based on area burned during the 20th century were altered by intense grazing by sheep and associated burn- (McKelvey and Busse 1996). ing patterns in the late 1800s (McKelvey and Johnston 1992). However, these disturbances would have had a modest im- Fire Return Period pact on the canopy trees that, according to Sudworth (1900), Forest Type 20th Century Pre-1900 were large and on average 250 to 350 years old. The general structure of forests and woodlands shaped by Red fir 1,644 26 frequent fires may appear stable for decades or sometimes Mixed conifer-fir 644 12 Mixed conifer-pine 185 15 centuries, at least when viewed at the landscape level (1000s Ponderosa pine 192 11 of acres). The pattern of change is usually limited in spatial Blue oak 78 8 10351035 An Overview of Fire in the Sierra Nevada moderate intensity fires. Before settlement, 10 times as much Therefore, compared with presettlement conditions, the area in the foothills burned when compared with the 20th current Sierra Nevada forests are generally younger, denser, century, whereas 60 times as much burned in the red fir zone smaller in diameter, and more homogeneous. Almost certainly (table 37.1). there is increased dead biomass and on many sites increased It is notable that 4,232 ha of the 38,828 ha red fir zone live biomass as well (Weatherspoon and Skinner 1996). Due of Yosemite National Park has burned since a prescribed to high productivity and various forest management activi- natural fire (PNF) program was initiated in 1972. Under this ties, the lower and middle-elevation mixed conifer forests PNF program the calculated fire rotation is 163 years (van have likely experienced greater change in structure and fuels Wagtendonk 1995) for a much greater proportion than has conditions than have either higher elevation forests or foot- burned outside the park (table 37.1). The PNF program has hill vegetation (Weatherspoon and Skinner 1996). begun to approach presettlement fire rotation levels after 24 years. CHANGES IN FIRE INTENSITY CHANGES IN FUELS Frequently in the following chapters the assertion is made that fires today are more intense than either presettlement The dramatic reduction in area burned in the 20th century, fires, or fires in the early 20th century.
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