arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ~ By Rafael H. Arroyo the Federal Bureau of Investiga­ tion is properly addressed here. Variety News Staff tion (FBI) and officials from the Turner, who is leavingtodayen THE US Government will be tak­ US Immigration and Naturaliza­ route to the Philippines where she ing steps within the next several tion Service (INS) from the DOL is also expected to speak with months intended to ultimately re­ "As you know, we have con­ officials about labor matters, said solve lingering problems and al­ vened a federal-CNMI inter­ she discussed with the governor legations of labor abuse in the agency task force toaddress labor on how the federal agencies can CNMI. and immigration issues that have utilize $7 million allocated in FY According to Assistant Interior come to the forefront here," said 95 to address the labor issue. Secretary Leslie M. Turner the Turner in a press conference yes­ Of that amount, $3 million is federal government willsoon start terday. allocated to the CNMI and the remaining $4 million is allocated to federal agencies involved with the process. ~C'-0-n"ti-n-u-ed-'--0-n-p-a-g-e"""71"O Hawaii teachers told not to work in CNMI By ANGELA S. MILLER complaints of abuse, forced HONOLULU (AP) • A coali­ prostitution and withheld tion of Philippine-American, wages reported byhundredsof Chinese and Japanese groups foreign workers, mostly have warned Hawaii teachers Filipinas. to avoid recruiters from the Assistant Interior Secretary U.S.-affiliatedCommonwealth Leslie Turner is in Saipannow of the Northern Mariana Is­ to look into the labor abuse lands. allegations and meetwithGov. The Northern Marianas gov­ Froilan Tenorio. She travels to ernment has advertised in Ho­ Manila Wednesday to meet nolulu newspapers for with officialstherebeforemak­ teachers willing to work in the ing a report to Congress. U.S. territory, where foreign Assistant Interior Secretary Leslie M. Turner shakes hands with cue Executive Director Timothy P. Solita Aquirre, the Philip­ Villagomez after she and Governor Froilan C. Tenorio (center) signed a partnership agreement to help workers comprise more than pines Consul-General in Ha­ improve management and operations of the utility firm. (See story on page 3) half of the 58,000 people liv­ waii, has asked her govern­ ing there: ment to ban its citizens from Recruiters in Honolulu were working in the Northern Mari­ not able to respond to the alle­ anas until the complaints are Rota employer accused gations Monday and officials settled. in Saipan were unavailable for "The Philippine Consulate comment. in Hawaii remains steadfast ofraping Fflipina maid The U.S. Interior Depart­ and very supportive to efforts ment, which oversees U.S. ter­ of the Philippine community By Hafaell. Santos A criminal complaint was filed Defender's Office to determine ritories, the Philippine govern­ Variety News Staff the defendant's eligibility for its both here in Hawaii and in with the court by Assistant Attor­ ment and numerous human THE Office of the Attorney Gen­ services. Saipan, and we are ready to ney General Alan B. Gordon late rights groups are investigating Continued on page 10 eral has charged a Rota employer last month. It was the first rape During the March 2 hearing, with rape, almost two years since Confinued on page 1d complaint involving Filipina :_~-------------_._---------, the crime was allegedly commit­ worker to be prosecuted by the ted against a Filipina house AG's office in recent years. worker. "On or about October RafaelL. Quituguawasaccused l6,oo.Quitugua raped...Landeza, a lPublicAuditor to have of raping Thelma A. Landeza in person not his spouse, by engag­ October last year on Rota. ing in sexual [contact] with her against her will and by means of force and fear of immediate and own investigation unit unlawful injury," the complaint Weather By Rafael H. Arroyo within the office," said LaMotte said. Variety News Staff in a telephone interview with the A person convictedof rapemay THE PUBLIC Auditor's Office Variety. "Right now, I am work­ be punished by imprisonment for Outlook is putting upan in-house investi­ ing hard to get a legal counsel. I i I not more than 10years,according gations unitto enable itselftoact hope within a couple of months to the Commonwealth Code. more effectively on the criminal we can see results," the acting Quitugua appeared in Superior aspect of any government audit public auditor said. Court on Rota on March 2 with it undertakes. .The plan to establish an inves­ Assistant Public Defender Gre­ This was learned from Acting tigations unit was disclosed by gory Baku.court documents indi­ Public Auditor Leo L. LaMotte LaMotte in his annual report for , cated. He is scheduled for an ar­ who yesterday said his office is 1994detailing theoffice's accom­ ," raignment on April () at 9:00 a.m. currently readying plans to hire plishments for the past year and The Public Defender's Office an attorney as a start off point for plans for the immediate future. may not continue to represent the the planned investigations unit. LaMotte said theestablishment Partly cloudy with defendant ir found not qualilied "We can do more in less time ofa probe team ispartof efforts to isolated light shower to receive free legal services. A if we have an investigation unit ContinueCfOi1page 1(j Leo L. Lamotte court order told the Public ------------------------- --.J ~ ~" \ ! \ I .: i.J~·· ; ~-.t ~ PAC N8NSPf'.,PER STACKS .J. A "• " ,'. ; • 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-WEDNESDAY-MARCH 22,1995 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, IlJ95 -.1I,1ARIA!\AS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEws-3 Mer gas attack in TokYQ Improve, .1 Pact to help CUe Millions ofNY riders warned "l"_:~", GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio ment between our government and tions of Cl.C, -Political restraint intheoperations "Partnership Agreement", isa letter NEW YORK (AP)· Thecity's 3.5 At New York's JohnF. Kennedy "It appears to be a hoax," said with setting off the device in what getting towork; theyhavetotake the ~;.'~:.'." and Assistant Interior Secretary the US,"thechiefexecutive added. Under the pact, rep.esentutives of million subway riders, warned to be International Airport, an Olympic Federal Aviation Administration police saywasa terror-extortion plot subway." :i'i of CUC of concurrence between theGover- for the Office of Territorial and The agreement offered by Turner both parties will promptly develop a alert aftera terrorist gasattack in the Airways jet thatarrived from Athens spokeswoman JoanBrown. Victoria Rudenko, whowasriding Thereislittle police candotostop i,: \, -Expenditure andreprogramming nor and the Assistant Secretary to International Affairs Leslie in August 1994 ata timewhen CUC scope ofwork for anindependent and Tokyo subway system, appeared to washeldinaremote areaoftheairport The 211 passengers were kepton the subways as usual Monday, said a determined terrorist, said Henry (':fI authority establish the Agreement along with Turnersigned apartnership agree­ was in trouble over its engine pur­ impartial study todetermine whether betreating Monday likeanyotherday for hours amid a report there was theplaneforabout3 1/2hours before shewasworking in thecity's World Degeneste, co-author of a book on r -ReleaseofFY 93,94and9SCov- financial recommendations, mile- ment Monday evening, designed chasedebtswasdeemed asnecessary the transfer of any or all of cues on thetrain. nerve gason theplane. beingtaken intotheterminal. TradeCenterwhena terrorist bomb protecting airports and other transit ' enantFunds stones, and provisions for monitor- to improve the management and ifCUC wastoresolve long-standing Andtheirblaseattitude mayhave Costas H. Mavrikis, an official of In December, 39 people were that killed six people exploded in hubs. power, water and sewer assets on Included as pW1 of the six page ing/enforcement of theAgreement. operation of Commonwealth problems about its fmances and its r------.---- _.-.. ._..._-_._. ·-_0. been well-founded, since security Olympic Airways, saidtheFBItold burned whenafirebomb wentoffina February 1993: 'The bestyoucando is thepolice Saipan, Rota and Tinian to one or Utilities Corp. operations. more privatecompanies, togetherwith experts saythere islittle police cando theairline "theyhadinformation that Manhattan subway train as it was "SoIfeelthatanything canhappen response has to be rapid' and save The US-CNMI pact, which fol­ Onecausenoted as a main reason a franchise tc operate such utilities, is toprevent someone bentoncarrying poison gas was being carried on pulling intoa station. One of the in­ anywhere.l'shesaid. ''It'sawfulscary, those people who are caught up in . !; lows up on an earlier understand­ why CUC in the past has not func­ feasible. What to expect fromI out an attack like the ene that left board." jured,EdwardLeary,hasbeencharged but people have no other way of something likethat," Degenestesaid. %~i: ing between the CNMI govern­ tioned well isthatvarious CNMI gov­ Oneormore contract, for the study nearly 4,700 Japanese commuters ment, CUC and the Interior, aims ernment entities andofficials repeat­ will be awarded as s(x111 ,L'; possible, sickened by nerve gas. CUC after OTIA pact \ .~ to work on ways to put the corpo­ edlyinterfered inthemanagement of but not later than three months alter "You' reanxious togettoworkor More than 100 vehicles crash in ration on sound financial footing CUC,thuspreventing CUCfrom op­ thesigning of the agreement. -cuc will raise water rates immediately for those areas gethome. Youdon'teventhink
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