© Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, represented by the Chief Executive Officer of Parks Canada, 2010. Cette publication est aussi disponible en français. Also available on the internet at www.parkscanada.gc.ca/pointpelee. ISBN 978-1-100-15756-6 Cat. No. R61-37/2010E-PDF For more information about the Park Management Plan or about Point Pelee National Park of Canada: Point Pelee National Park of Canada 407 Monarch Lane, RR1, Leamington, ON N8H 3V4 tel. : 519-322-2365 fax : 519-322-1277 email : [email protected] www.parkscanada.gc.ca/pointpelee Front Cover Image Credits: Large Image: View of the marsh from Marsh Boardwalk tower, Parks Canada Inset Images - Left: Couple enjoying the beach, Parks Canada Middle: Birdwatching, Parks Canada Right: March Break Children’s Program, Parks Canada Point Pelee National Park of Canada Management Plan June 2010 Point Pelee National Park of Canada v Management Plan Foreword Point Pelee National Park of Canada vii Management Plan Point Pelee National Park of Canada ix Management Plan Executive Summary This management plan for Point Pelee Na- The management plan includes: tional Park provides renewed direction and • A vision statement; enables Parks Canada staff with a frame- work for decision-making. The framework • Five key strategies, which provide defines the roadmap for continued fulfill- strategic direction and set the course ment of the Parks Canada mandate and for the park over the next fifteen years; contributes to current Parks Canada Agen- • Three area management approaches, cy priorities in the face of present issues, which provide specific direction for challenges and opportunities influencing the Mainland – Western Shore, the the integrity of the ecosystems protected Mainland – Eastern Shore and Marsh, in the park, the relevance of the park’s and Middle Island; visitor experience opportunities and the • An updated park zoning plan; park’s ability to inspire a connection with Canadians and visitors to this irreplaceable • A summary of administration natural legacy. and operations, including the Environmental Stewardship Strategy for the park; • A summary of the Strategic Environmental Assessment conducted for the management plan; and, • An implementation strategy summarizing the planned actions. The following is a description of the five key strategies. The strategies provide concrete direction and set the course for implementation of the management plan, focusing efforts and resources, to achieve the park vision. KEY STRATEGY ONE Respecting the Seventh Generation: Honouring First Nations Connections to Point Pelee National Park This key strategy honours First Nations connections to Point Pelee National Park and commits Parks Canada to work with the Caldwell First Nation and the Walpole Island First Nation to protect and present Point Pelee National Park - 2006, Steve Pike the rich natural and cultural heritage of x the park in an authentic and sustainable science information to enable renewal and manner. Adopting the ‘seven generation’ enhancement of visitor experience oppor- principle encourages consideration of our tunities including supporting facilities for collective responsibility to the seventh current visitor markets and to attract new generation when planning for the future of ones; using the visitor experience cycle to the park. Trusting and respectful advi- guide planning and development of visitor sory relationships enable collaboration opportunities; creation of a visitor orienta- for mutually beneficial opportunities to tion area near the park entrance; the occa- share knowledge and expertise, recognize sion of the 100th anniversary of the park First Nations connections to the land and in 2018 offers an exceptional opportunity provide opportunities for educational, eco- to increase the park’s visibility, to inspire nomic and cultural benefits. Actions that Canadians and visitors to connect with this contribute to the success of this strategy national treasure and to mobilize them for include: establishing a First Nations Ad- its conservation; and, collaborating with visory Committee; First Nations cultural others to plan and deliver the menu of visi- training for Parks Canada staff; collabo- tor experience opportunities and working rating on employment programs for First closely with tourism partners to develop Nations youth; working closely to ensure and deliver promotions. First Nations cultural resources, cultural heritage and traditional ecological knowl- edge are considered in protection and KEY STRATEGY THREE presentation efforts; the park as a venue Restoring the Carolinian Habitat Mosaic for First Nations to connect with visitors to raise awareness of their history, culture, This key strategy focuses on efforts to language, traditions and their connection enhance and maintain the restoration of to the park; and creation of one or more the Carolinian habitat mosaic – the marsh, enterprise initiatives. savannah, dry forest, swamp forest, dunes and beaches, including Species at Risk - protected in the park. Improving and KEY STRATEGY TWO maintaining the health of park ecosystems Discovering, Enjoying and Connecting with will enable revitalizing of the visitor expe- Point Pelee National Park rience by enhancing opportunities for dis- covery, enjoyment and personal connec- This strategy is about the park visitor tion. The conservation effort also provides experience opportunities and positions the foundation for public outreach educa- Point Pelee National Park as Canada’s tion and learning programs that bring the southernmost national park, a refuge for national park to Canadians where they are. nature including many Species at Risk, a The focus for the first five years of the plan place where people can enjoy, discover and is on the most threatened and rare habitat relax. It focuses on investing to better un- on the mainland of the park, the Lake Erie derstand the needs and interests of visitors Sand Spit Savannah and on implementa- to renew and enhance the visitor experi- tion of the Middle Island Conservation ence opportunities built on the park’s Plan. Actions that contribute to this unique natural and cultural attributes. strategy include: active resource manage- The park visitor experience will facilitate ment through fire and mechanical clear- meaningful experiences that can lead to ing to support the rare savannah habitat; the creation of a connection with the park addressing invasive alien plant species; through a rich menu of visitor opportuni- working in collaboration with First Na- ties for leisure, recreation, discovery and tions, universities, provincial and other learning. Actions that will contribute to the federal conservation agencies to further success of this strategy include using social research and monitoring; addressing spe- Point Pelee National Park of Canada xi Management Plan cies that are identified as hyperabundant KEY STRATEGY FIVE and a threat to biodiversity and ecosystem Collaborating: Our Key to Success integrity; completion of recovery strategies identified for Species at Risk; developing This strategy builds on all of the key strate- a management strategy for the marsh; gies by recognizing that collaborating with providing unique visitor opportunities for others is how Parks Canada will succeed learning and ‘citizen science’ that foster in protecting and presenting Point Pelee connection to, inspire support and engage National Park. The ecosystems and cultur- people in protection; delivering a public al resources will continue to be protected outreach education program that high- and connected to the hearts and minds lights park research, monitoring and active of Canadians. Visitor experience oppor- resource management activities required tunities and public outreach education to maintain ecological integrity; expanding developed and delivered with partners, volunteer opportunities; and expanding stakeholders and volunteers will increase curriculum-based formal education pro- the relevance of the park and connection gram. with the park. This will benefit the park as well as the environmental, economic and social health of the region, its communities KEY STRATEGY FOUR and its residents. Collaborating and part- Six Thousand Years of Stories: Protecting and nering with others to position and promote Presenting Cultural Resources the unique visitor experience opportuni- ties offered in the park connects the park This strategy focuses on protection of cul- to regional tourism and community living. tural resources, delivery of visitor experi- Actions that help achieve this strategy ence opportunities and public outreach include: development of a public educa- education to reveal the thousands of years tion outreach strategy that advances the of interactions of people with this natu- three elements of the Parks Canada man- ral landscape. Point Pelee has a long and date; participating in land use discussions varied history of human interactions that within the Greater Park Ecosystem; col- reach back at least 6,000 years - Native laborating with University of Windsor with peoples, French explorers, the British their planned field research station; work- military, settlers and squatters, fisher- ing with others to develop and support a man, farmers, hunters, loggers, cottagers, community-based program of stewardship naturalists, conservationists, picnickers, of Species at Risk; being an active partner swimmers, sunbathers and more. In col- with the regional tourism sector; expand- laboration with First Nations, former park
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