SYLLABUS FOR M.A PROGRAMME IN NYAYA FACULTY OF INDIAN LOGIC The syllabus credit and semester M.A Programme in Nyaya is being restructured. M.A Programme is consisted of four semesters. Total number of courses is 20, each course is having four credits. Thus the student has acquire a minimum total of 80 credits for completing the programme. Core course- 12, Electives- 5, Multidisciplinary- 2, and 1 Dissertation. The detailed syllabus for each course with name, course code, credits, module, method of evaluation, pattern of question paper and reference etc are given below: SEMESTER-I Course 1, Core I- PNYM:2201 History of Nyaya and Vaisesika Course 2, Core II- PNYM:2202 Vaisesikasutra with Upaskara Course 3, Core III- PNYM:2203 Prameyas in Nyayadarsana Course 4, Multidisciplinary- I- PNYM:M-201 Course 5, Internal Elective- I- PNYM:IE-2213 2 SEMESTER-II Course 6, Core IV- PNYS:2204 Nyayasiddhantamukthavaly Anumana with Dinakari Course 7, Core V- PNYS:2205 Nyayakusumanjali- Stabaka I & II Course 8, Core VI- PNYS:2206 Vyutpattivada- Prathama Course 9, Multidisciplinary- II- PNYS-M:202 Course 10, Internal Elective- II- PNYS-IE:2214 SEMESTER-III Course 11, Core VII- PNYM:2207 Nyayakusumanjali- Stabaka- III & IV Course 12, Core VIII- PNYM:2208 History of Darsanas and Western Logic Course 13 Core IX- PNYM:2209 Gunanirupana of Nyayasiddhanthamukthavali Course 14, Internal Elective- III-PNYM: IE-2215 Course 15, Internal Elective- IV-PNYM: IE-2216 SEMESTER-IV Course 16, Core X- PNYS:2210 Hetvabhasasamanyanirukti 3 Course 17, Core XI- PNYS:2211 Avayavaprakarana Course 18, Core XII- PNYS:2212 Vyutpattivada- Dvitiya Course 19, Internal Elective V- PNYS:2217 Course 20, Dissertation ELECTIVE COURSES 1. Manameyodaya and Vedanthasara 2. Arthasamgraha and Bhushanasara 3. Functional Sanskrit 4. Logical Fallacies in Indian Philosophies 5. Siddhanthakoumudi and Niruktha 6. Introductory Course in Navya-Nyaya Techniques 7. Fundamentals of Jyothisha 8. Fundamentals of Manuscriptology 9. Indian Epistemology MULTI DISCIPLINARY COURSES 1. Categories of Nyayadarsana 2. Main Principles in Nyaya and Vaisesika 3. Categories of Vaiseshikadarsana 4. Jyothisha- Introductory Course 4 COURSE- 1 CORE-I - PNYM:2201 Name of the course: History of Nyaya and Vaisesika No. of Credits: 4 No. of Contact hours: 90 Aim and objectives of the Course: To enrich the students to understand the Nyaya Vaisesika system. Course Outline Module-I Familiarizes the history of Darsanas (Historical background of Darsanas) Module-II Detailed study of ancient school (Origin and development of Nyayasastra, Important teachers of Nyayasastra, Contents and commentaries of Nyayasutra) Module-III Vaisesika system-its origin and development, main teachers, important works and the contents, commentaries, main features) Module IV Modern School of Indian Logic, Syncretic Nyaya Vaisesika, Manuals of Logic, important works and authors. 5 Text Book for Study A History of Indian Logic, S.V. Vidya Bhushan Books for Reference 1. Indian Philosophy, Dr. S Radhakrishnan 2. Indian Philosophy, Das Gupta 3. History of Darsana 4. Vaisesikasuta of Kanada 5. Nyayasutra of Goutama Modes of Assessment & Examination 50% Internal assessment, Seminar, Test paper- 2 credits, 50% End- semester examination- 2 credits Question Paper Pattern 1. Paragraph Answers- three out of five 2. Short notes four out of six 3. Short essays two out of four 4. Essay one out of two. 6 COURSE- 2 CORE-II - PNYM:2202 Name of the course: Vaisesikasutra with Upaskara (Chapters I, II, & III) No. of Credits: 4 No. of Contact hours: 90 Aim and objectives of the Course: 1. Vaisesikasutra is the first authoritative manual of Vaisesikadarsana. Hence the aim of this course is to introduce and teach the students about this manual. 2. To impart the students the knowledge of the categories of Vaisesikadarsana. Course Outline Module-I 1st and 2nd Ahnikas of 1st chapter of Vaisesikasutra. Explanation of Dharma and also explained substance, quality and action. Difference of action from substance and quality. Definitions of substance, quality and action. Relation of cause and effect. Definition of Genus and species. Existence as Genus. Refutation of plurality of Existence. 7 Module-II 1st Ahnika of II chapter In this module include the definition of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky. Proof of Air. Proof of God, Proof of Sky. Module III 2nd Ahnika of II Chapter The content of this Ahnika are the following: Qualities may be accidental or essential, smell essential in earth alone, Hottouch essential in fire alone, coldtouch essential in water alone. Proof of time. Proof of space. causes of doubt and proof of sound as a quality. Module IV III chapter of Vaisesikasutra full. The discussions of soul in detail. Proof of the soul. Fallacies of Inference. Proof of souls in others. The existence of soul. Proof of mind. Other marks of inference of the soul. Proof of the soul concluded and plurality of soul established. Modes of Assessment & Examination 50% Internal assessment, Seminar, Test paper- 2 credits, 50% End- semester examination- 2 credits Text for Reading 1. Vaisesikasutra of Kanada 2. Upaskara of Sankaramisra 8 Reference 1. Padartha dharmasamgraha of Prasastapada 2. Kanada- Gautamiyam by Acharya Viswanadha Sastri 3. Vaisesika Darsanam of Kanada with the Hindi commentary 'Prakasa' by Sr. T. Narayana Misra 4. Saptapadarthi of Sivaditya Question Paper Pattern 1. Explain the sutras on any four out of six Module I 2. Paragraph answers- four out of six- Module I and II 3. Essay one out of two- Module III 4. Essay one out of two- Module IV 5. Essay one out of two- Module IV 9 MODEL QUESATION PAPER Vaisesikasutra with Upaskara Chapters I, II, & III Time: Three hours Credit:2 ºÉƺEÞòiɦÉɹɪÉÉ näù´ÉxÉÉMÉù®úÒʱÉÊ{ɨÉ ={ɪÉÖVªÉ =kÉ®úÉÊhÉ näùªÉÉÊxÉ* I. SÉi´ÉÉÊ®ú ºÉÚjÉÉÊhÉ ´ªÉÉJªÉÉiÉ&* 1. ªÉiÉÉä%¦ªÉÖnùªÉÊxÉ&¶SÉäªÉºÉʺÉÊrù& ºÉ vɨÉÇ&* 2. pù´ªÉMÉÖhÉɪÉÉä& ºÉVÉÉiÉÒªÉÉ®ú¨¦ÉEòi´ÉÆ ºÉÉvɨªÉǨÉÂ* 3. EòÉ®úhɦÉÉ´ÉÉiÉ EòɪÉǦÉÉ´É&* 4. ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ ʴɶÉä¹É¦ÉÉ´ÉäxÉ SÉ* 5. Eò¨ÉǺÉÖ ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉiÉ Eò¨ÉÇi´É¨ÉÖHò¨ÉÂ* 6. Eò¨ÉÇEò¨ÉǺÉÉvªÉÆ xÉ Ê´ÉtiÉä* II. BEòªÉÉ JÉÎhb÷EòªÉÉ SÉiÉÖhhÉÉÈ =kÉ®Æú ʱÉJÉiÉ&* 1. Eò¨ÉÇ&* 2. ºÉɨÉÉxªÉÆ* 3. MÉÖhÉÉ&* 1. vɨÉÇ&* 5. +ÉEòɶÉ&* 6. ´ÉɪÉÖ&* III. uùªÉÉä& ´Éè¶ÉäʹÉEòÉäHòÊnù¶ÉÉ ÊnùEÂò ´ªÉÉJªÉÉiÉ* +lÉ´ÉÉ ={ɺEòÉ®úÉäHòÊnù¶ÉÉ ºÉƶɪÉ& ªÉlÉÉOÉxlÉÆ ´ªÉÉJªÉÉiÉ* IV. ½äþi´ÉɦÉɺÉ& ºÉÉänùɽþ®úhÉÆ Ê±ÉJÉiÉ* +lÉ´ÉÉ <ÎxpùªÉÉÊhÉ <ÎxpùªÉÉlÉǶSÉ Ê´É¶ÉnùªÉiÉ* V. ={ɺEòÉ®úÉäHòÊnù¶ÉÉ +Éi¨ÉɨÉxÉÆ ºÉÉvɪÉiÉ* +lÉ´ÉÉ ¨ÉxɺÉ& BEòi´ÉÆ OÉxlÉÉäHòÊnù¶ÉÉ ´ªÉÉJªÉÉiÉ* 10 COURSE- 3 CORE-III - PNYM:2203 Name of the course : Prameya’s in Nyayadarsana Number of credits : 4 Number of contact hours : 90 Aim and Objective of the course 1. This course intends to make the students aware about Nyayadarsana 2. To teach the students about Nyayasutra and the methodology of Nyaya and the examinations on the category objects of knowledge (|ɨÉäªÉ). Course Outline Module I 1st Ahnika of third chapter of Nyayasutra. The examinations of the first four Prameya’s viz., soul, body, indriya and Artha. The soul is something distinct from the sense organs. The soul is distinct from the body. The soul is different from the mind. The exact nature of the body. The sense organs and their material character. Module II 2nd Ahnika of third chapter. Non-eternity of Buddhi. The explanation of mind. The association of the soul with the body due to its merits and demerits. Module III 1st Ahnika of fourth chapter. Activity (|É´ÉÞÊkÉ), Defect (nùÉä¹É), Rebirth ( |ÉäiªÉ¦ÉÉ´É), fruit (¡ò±É), Pain (nÖù&JÉ) and Apavarga (¨ÉÉäIÉ). General examination of Activity and 11 Defect. Examination of Rebirth. God is the cause of the universe. Examination of the nature of pain etc. Module IV 2nd Ahnika of fourth chapter. This Ahnika examines the distinct parts of sarira or body and discussed the tattvajnana or true knowledge. Appearance of true knowledge, components and composites. Atom being without parts. The defending of true knowledge. Text for Reading 1. Nyaya Sutra of Gautama 2. Nyayabhashya of Vatsyayana Reference 1. A history of Indian logic Satish Chandra Vidyabhushana 2. Nyayavartika of Udyotakara 3. Nyayavarthika tatparyatika by Vacaspatimisra 4. Nyayavartika tatparyatika parisuddhi by Udayanacarya Modes of Assessment & Examination 50% Internal assessment, Seminar, Test paper- 2 credits, 50% End- semester examination- 2 credits Question Paper Pattern Answer may be written either English or Sanskrit or Malayalam 1. Write short notes on any four out of six, all modules included 2. Explanation of sutras any four out of six, Module I & II. 3. Paragraph answers two out of three, Module III & IV 4. Essay – one out of two – module II & III 5. Essay – one out of two – module III & IV 12 MODEL QUESTION PAPER PRAMEYAS IN NYAYA DARSANA Time: Three hours Credits: 2 [ºÉƺEÞòiɦÉɹɪÉÉ näù´ÉxÉÉMÉ®úÒʱÉÊ{ɨÉ ={ɪÉÖVªÉ =kÉ®ÉÊhÉ näùªÉÉÊxÉ*] I SÉiÉÖhÉÉÈ ±ÉPÉÖÊ]õ{{ÉÊhÉ Ê±ÉJÉiÉ :- 1. <ÎxpùªÉÉÊhÉ* 4. nùÉä¹ÉÉ&* 2. ¤ÉÖÊrù&* 5. |ÉäiªÉ¦ÉÉ´É&* 3. ¦ÉÚiÉpù´ªÉÉÊhÉ* 6. ¡ò±É¨ÉÂ* II SÉiÉÖhÉÉÈ ºÉÚjÉÉÊhÉ ´ªÉÉJªÉÉiÉ :- 1. nù¶ÉÇxɺ{ɶÉÇxÉɦªÉɨÉäEòÉlÉÇOɽþhÉÉiÉÂ* 2. ¶É®úÒ®nùɽäþ {ÉÉiÉEòɦÉÉ´ÉÉiÉÂ* 3. 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