N.Y. -Paris Record Set - ~ Th. Weather F.lr ......, and .......... WItn'I'I- .r over the atate .....Y and to- On ~indy/s Anniversary n ..... Hith tod.y 1ft ...... pARlS (JI - A U.S. Air Force The unofficial flight time o( the 0vtte0Ir fer Sund.y - Partir B58 bomber fiashe4 across the At­ Hustler. was 6 hours 15 minutes 01 owan cleudy and W.rMer• lantic Friday to commemorate for its whole trip (rom Carswell ....a the Peopk of 10tDtJ Cilf ClW"les A. Lindberg's epic flight Air Force base in Texas to Le f ,. years ago and made it in one­ Bourget. SaIIU"day. May 27. 1961, Iowa City. Iowa IlOth of the Lone Eagle's time. The ocean section - 3.669 miles '!be jet broke all records [or an - broke the record (or nights be­ ------------------------------------------------~~------------------ Atlantic crossing. tween the continents. '!be previ­ Sometimes flying at twice the ous transatlantic record - 5 hours ,peed of sound, the four-engine 45 minutes - was set by a Boeing Convair Hustler crossed from New 7111 commercial jet. York to Paris in 3 hours and 20 The Hustler. piloted by Maj. minutes. The average speed was William Payne. made the night 1 Ul5 miles an hour. [rom Texas nonstop. refucling in 'When he brought his single-en. the air. ,me "Spirit of St. Louis" down at Flying with Payne were Capt. 'Riders'. Elect To Remain Le Bourget Field after the (irst William L. Polhemus. navigator fllCCe5Sful flight May 21, 1927. Lind­ and Capt. Raymond R. Wagener. bergh had been in the 'air (or 33 ~ defensive systems operator. All hours. His average speed was a are from the Strategic Air Com­ JitUe over 109 m.p.h. mand's base at Carswell. The Husler landed at Le Bour­ An Air Force announcement get to a rousing welcome from said the three also set a record ,enior U.S. officers in Europe and from Carswell to Washington of 2 In Jai'l Rat~er tllan Pay officials of the 24th International hours 16 minutes and a record paris Air Show. The show com· between Washington and New memorates the 34th anniversary York oC 19 minutes. of Lindbergh's night. and the Hus­ The bomber roared away from tler's feat got thc event off to a Carswell at 4:10 a.m. and reached Foreign Aid rousing start. Paris at 10:25 a.m. To Start Anew Subcommittee Heads Meet Boost Asked ' Integration Drive ( To Plan '61 Homecoming By Kennedy JACKSON, Mi . (AP) - Twenty. even "Fr dom Riders" convicted Friday of bren h of the peace in a descgr galion at­ Plans for the 1961 Homecoming Snyder. instructor in markctin", long Range Program were discussed Thursday ata gen­ are co-chairmen of the event. Unveiled to Congress, tempt, elected to remain in Jail ratber than post bond or pay eral meeting of all subcommittee Subcommrttee chairmen lru:lude: th $200 fin . heads. Wendle Kerr of the College H. W. Trease. assistant purchasing Termed 'Necessary' Jack Young, aLlorney for the 'J!1, They 'wcre originally arrested on agent in the Deparirnent of Pur­ told newsmen after conCerring with charges of breach oT peace and chasing, Budget; Dennis Brown. an WASHINGTON IA'I - President his clicnts that tbcy elected to ra- failure to obey an orricer. but the editor Cor New and Information Kennedy F r~ y a ked Congress main in Jail "at lea t for the pr • lattcr charge was dropped by the Service. Bands; Don Slnek, physi· for a sWI!l';:lng overhaul oC the ent." city "becau we don't want to be I· :A;~i~";~g : cal plant supervisor. Parade Or· foreign aid program, He proposed Three hour earlier. City Judge too harsh," ganization; Ge<mge Stevens. a so. a 4.8-billion aid efrort for the com· Jam s Spencer convicted them 01 Defen.. ."orney Wil oy ar.n­ ciate director of the Iowa Me­ ing year and $7.3 bl11ions In bor. breach oC the peace and sentenced .... of LI" I, Rock, Ark., conton6- Now Charged morial Union. Union Open House rowing authority over the next them to a $200 fine and 60 days In ed the .......ts were " pncen­ and Homecoming Queen; Gladys rive years for ea y-term economic jail. He thcn suspended the jail colvod" .nd wid oHlcors herd­ Scott, deparlme[)l director of wo­ development loans abroad. I rm at the request or the pro ccu- eel the Froodom RI...... Into • men's phy leal education. Women's The program faees an uncertain tion . white w.ltlng room when they To Eichmann Physical Education Activities. Mure at the hand of the law­ Spencor told tho rldora their . rrlved from Montvomory, AI • . , JERUSALEM lA'I - For the firs~ Others are: Joseph Meyer. as­ makers. not only beca~e of -tho conduct . lre.eIy h •• led to mob W.... IcI. y In • ,lot to .rre.t time in his seven-week trial. Adolf sociate director of alumni recrea· higher expense which Kennedy . ctlon .nd It would .....r th.t ttMm. Eichmann wall Iin~ed personally tion. Alumni CofCee Hours; Royce aid is necessary to fi g bt the they w.nted vlolenco. He wid The Rev_ James Lawson. a Friday with the murder of a Jew. Beckett. professor of mechanics Communist threat around the tf:toy ~ht to Infl .ma the poopl' ~ gro Methodi!;t minister from a boy accused oC stealing cherries and h y d r a u \ i c s. Homecom­ world but also because of .some to fig ht It out .mons them.. lv .. Nashville. Tenn .. te tlfied an out· from the Gestapo colonel 'S orchard. ing Monument; Gordon Strayer. of the new kIeas it contains. In ....d of t.king their c.... of-order !gn hung at the colored Through the weeks of testimony. an editor [or News and Informa­ One Innovotlon, which the No Joy in Dl'sville through tho cou rt.. waiting room, and that he went The youthful-looking judge, talk- into the white waiting room. Eichmann has been described as tion Service. PubliCity; Robert President twmod "of per.mount Th. DI'. L.rry (Lint) Wall." puts .11 he', got boe.un George D.B.. r, an umplro with politic. the organizer oC the Nazi slaugh­ Importance" to his long-r• .". Ing in low. deliberate tones. told Lawson was the fir t witness Ray. director o[ special services. behind the b.t, but the ball I"m. hi bo somo­ . 1 .cl.ntl.t I•• nlng., I. ri,ht behind him. Du. to let of six million Jews in Europe New Activities and Student Parti­ plan. would be the $900 million the 27 - all but two oC them Ne- among the Freedom Riders. whero out of range. Poly Sci'. Bill Morrow will in World War II, Others did the cipation; Louis Loria. foreman 01 for the com ing )'Mr ",d $1.6 blind luck, "nd blind umpires, Pol" Sci topped groes - "the sole purpo that Thoy I.ft Montvom.ry, wh. r. actual killing. Printing Service. Post·Game Open billion In each of tho foflowlnt ."ompt the catch, but ho dooln't hav. to worry the .corlng column 20-13. you came to Mississippi was to r.cl.1 vlolenc. broke out I ..t breach the peace." woelctlld wh. n other Froodom Now. in the testimony of Avra­ House ; John Hoepner. A2. Daven­ four yoan whId1 K .... nody wants -D.ily low.n Photo by L.rry Rapoport He said that he was not trying Ride" ct.. Ilt11geel bu. depot .... ham Gordon, Eichmann was por­ port. Dolphin Show; Leo n a r d to borrow from the T,...svry. any segregation laws or the de. r ...tl on, with the . vowed pur· trayed as a man who on one occa­ Brcka. University secretary, Pa· These sums would be used to rade Floats; Robert E. Froecble. promote economic development fcndants' rights to ride on any PO" of te.tlnt r.ci.1 barrio" In sion took part in a murder - or particular buses in any way. or MI•• luippi bus at.tion •. at least was in a shed where a recreation manager for the [owa overaeas through loans up 50 to to cat at any place. Gov. Ro Barn II ordered tho 16-year-old was beaten to death. Memorial Union. Badges. years carrying little or no interest.. Pinkos P/'agae Pu(itzers If any person wanted to chal- hlgbway patrol to escort the group The prosecution had announced A tenative- budget for the 1961 Sen. J . William Fulbright (D­ Ark.) chairman of the Senate For­ lcnge the laws, he said, orderly nonstop through Mississippi on its at the outset of the trial that it Homecoming program has been mcthods are p(ovided by law, destination to New Orl ans. But eign Relations Committee. said had evidence Eichmann took pari set at $6.310,000. took the I.w. the riders ignorcd officcrs cn· Kennedy's proposals would permit .. T..... ,.... in one murder. and Israelis had "in Annual Softball Game Into their _n .nd fl.,- Corcing segregation laws al Jack· the planning Of (ore'go aid pr0- h.... been awaiting thJs moment. The r.ntfy d/t4lboyed the I.w." he sou's d~t. crowd in the courtroom listened * * *­ grams 6n a business-Jlke ba is. By Stan Wrlton tentlonally walked the Ilrst poly of the poll sci department, return· wid In " . t. tomant before he At Montgomery. 11 Froedom Intently as the assistant prosecu­ Monument Ideas Fulbr\eht .".alsect Konnocty'. sci batsman to give the pinko team ed from administering a test (com- h.nded dow" the Mn~.
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