Northern Education Initiative Plus PY4 Q3 Report April 1 – June 30, 2019 DISCLAIMER This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Creative Associates International. Submission Date: July 31, 2019 Contract Number:AID-620-C-15-00002 October 26, 2015 – October 25, 2020 COR: Nura Ibrahim Submitted by: Jordene Hale, Chief of Party The Northern Education Initiative Plus 38 Mike Akhigbe Street, Jabi,Abuja, Nigeria Email: [email protected] Northern Education Initiative Plus - PY4 Quarter 3 Report 3 CONTENT 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................6 1.1 Program Description ................................................................................10 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .........................................................................................12 2.1 Implementation Status ..................................................................................16 Intermediate Result 1. Government systems strengthened to increase the number of students enrolled in appropriate, relevant, approved educational options, especially girls and out-of-school children (OOSC) in target locations ..............................................................................16 Sub IR 1.1 Increased number of educational options (formal, NFLC) meeting school quality and safety benchmarks: .............................................16 Sub IR 1.2 Strengthened systematic approach to school management and supervision: ..............................................................................................17 Sub IR 1.3 Standardized NLFC model ensures education for vulnerable children and youth: ........................................................................18 Sub IR 1.5 Strengthen CSO capacity to mobilize PTAs, SBMCs, and communities around reading and access: .................................................21 Intermediate Result 2. Government systems strengthened to improve reading outcomes for primary grade learners in target locations ....................25 Sub IR 2.1 State and LGEA policies, timetables, and standards for reading instruction and performance improved and implemented: ................25 Sub IR 2.2 State/LGEA systems for development, approval, and distribution of decodable readers, teacher guides, and supplemental materials for EGR instruction improved and implemented: ...........................26 Sub IR 2.3 State and LGEA systems for in-service training to teachers in public and NFLC classrooms in the use of the evidence-based reading materials improved and implemented: ...............................................33 4 Northern Education Initiative Plus - PY4 Quarter 3 Report Sub IR 2.4 LGEA systems for monitoring/coaching in-service teachers in EGR instruction improved and implemented: ..............................35 Sub IR 2.5 State and LGEA systems for EGR assessment improved and implemented: ............................................................................................37 Sub IR 2.7 State and local government accountability to the public for reading instruction increased: .........................................................................38 2.2 Implementation Challenges & Lessons Learnt ..............................................40 3. PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION ............................................................ 42 3.1 PMP Update ...................................................................................................44 4. INTEGRATION OF CROSSCUTTING ISSUES AND USAID FORWARD PRIORITIES ....................................................................................................................66 4.1 Gender Equality and Female Empowerment ................................................66 4.2 Sustainability Mechanisms ...........................................................................70 4.3 Local Capacity Development .......................................................................72 5. COLLABORATION AND COORDINATION WITH LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS .........................................................................73 6. PROJECT OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT ....................................................76 7. PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR NEXT QUARTER INCLUDING UPCOMING EVENTS ..........................................................................................................................77 8. ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................78 Annex A: Strategies for tackling challenges at the school level ..........................78 Annex B: SUBEB letter on broadcast schedule ................................................. 82 Annex C: COE Resource room sustainability plan budget ................................ 83 Annex D: Commitment letter ............................................................................. 85 Annex E: Sokoto Request letter .......................................................................... 87 Annex F: Trainet Report ..................................................................................... 88 Annex G: ACE Request letter ............................................................................. 92 Annex H: Success Story ..................................................................................... 94 Annex I: PY4 Q3 Financials ............................................................................... 96 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Program Name Northern Education Initiative Plus Activity Start Date and End October 26, 2015 – October 25, 2020 Date Name of Prime Creative Associates International Implementing Partner Contract Number AID-620-C-15-00002 Name of Subcontractors Education Development Center (EDC), Florida State University (FSU), Overseas Strategic Consulting (OSC) and Value Minds Major Counterpart FMOE, NERDC, NCCE, UBEC, NMEC, SMOE Organizations (Bauchi and Sokoto), SUBEB (Bauchi and Sokoto), SAME (Bauchi and Sokoto), LGEAs (Bauchi and Sokoto) Geographic Coverage Bauchi and Sokoto States Reporting Period April 1, 2019 - June 30, 2019 6 Northern Education Initiative Plus - PY4 Quarter 3 Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AC Access Coordinator AC Area Coordinator ACE Assisting, Caring and Empowering AGLC Adolescent Girls Learning Center AMAC Abuja Municipal Area Council AMEL Activity Monitoring Evaluation and Learning AO Area Organizer ASC Annual School Census ATAP Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic BESDA Better Education Service Delivery for All BUK Bayero University Kano CAPI Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing CBMC Center Based Management Committee CC Community Coalition CIES Comparative and International Education Society COE College of Education COP Chief of Party COR Contracting Officer’s Representative CRC Community Reading Center Creative Creative Associates International CSACEFA Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All CSO Civil Society Organization DQA Data Quality Assurance ED Executive Director EDC Education Development Center EGR Early Grade Reading EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment EMIS Education Management Information System ES Education Secretary FMoE Federal Ministry of Education FOMWAN Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria FSU Florida State University GALA Group Administered Literacy Assessment GCEP Girl Child Education Programme Northern Education Initiative Plus - PY4 Quarter 3 Report 7 HT Head Teacher ICA Institutional Capacity Assessment ICT Information and Communication Technology IP International Partner IR Intermediate Result ISP Internet Service Provider IVR Interactive Voice Response JRS Jesuit Refugee Services LEMA Local Education Monitoring Assessment LF Learning Facilitator LGA Local Government Affairs LGA Local Government Area LGEA Local Government Education Authority LoE Level of Effort MDA Ministries, Departments & Agencies M&E Monitoring & Evaluation MEAR Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessments and Research MF Mentor Facilitator MoU Memorandum of Understanding MT Master Trainer NAEC National Education Conference NCCE National Commission for Colleges of Education NCE Nigeria Certificate in Education NCRRD Nigeria Centre for Reading Research & Development The Initiative Northern Education Initiative Plus NERDC Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council NFE Non-Formal Education NFLC Non-Formal Learning Center NIPEP Nigeria Partnership for Education Project NMEC National Comm for Mass Literacy, Adult & Non-Formal Education NRF National Reading Framework NURTW National Union of Road Transport Workers NUT Nigerian Union of Teachers OOSC Out of School Children 8 Northern Education Initiative Plus - PY4 Quarter 3 Report ORF Oral Reading Fluency OSC Overseas Strategic Consulting OSG Out of School Girls PMEP Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan PO Program Officer PSA Public Service Announcement PTA Parent Teacher Association PY4 Project Year 4 QA Quality Assurance RAN Reading Association of Nigeria RC Reading Coordinator SAME State Agency for Mass Education SBMC School-Based Management Committees SEA State Education Account SHoA State House of Assembly SMoBSE State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education SMoE State Ministry of Education SMS Short Message Service SSO School Support Officer STTA State Technical Team Assistance STL State Team Leaders SUBEB State Universal Basic
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