■\- .4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I h WBO A r t n g e Dwlljr Nst Press Ruii For tha Week RoSteg IMiliyi Oetobar T, ISSO Mia* Mildred B. Hpbeon, daugh­ State Polio Cases 'Al>outTown ter of Mrs. Ethel Hobson of 313 Donald O’Connor 10,083 Portar atreeji, haa resumed her / ■Show aiT Increase m hor o f «ha . TIm dihtacnth w ual buquct studies at Lasell Junior College, W e d d in g s Due in Hartford r*mi « f Obeulattons Aubtimdale, Mass., where she i* a Manehetler^A CUy of VUUtge Charm o f ta« South Methodiat mother* member* of the senior class. She Hartford, Oct. 11.—There were and daughters will he held Friday A mammoth 4-ater 'In person” is taking the retal} training 39 poliomyelitis cases reported to .Roche-Dougan ROASTINB OHIOKENS evening at 6:30 in Ctooper hall. course. stage ahow will be presented at • (CtaaoUtod AdvartWag *■ raga M ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, OCtOBER 12. 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS the Connecticut State Depart­ Miss . Lois M. Dougan, daughter the State Theater, Hartford, thUj VOL. LXX, NO. 1# The theme will be "Mother* and ment o f Health during the seven- of. Mr*' William H. Dougan gf Saturday and Sunday. HeodUnlng We have chickens ready here at the farm at all timaa, Daughter*‘ Around the Wbrld.” • The Fellowship group of the Andover and the late Mr. Doiigan, will be Donald O’Connor, Unlver- day period just ended. According Ih e decorative favor* by Epworth South Methodist church, acting became the bride of William M; sol'a youthful musical comedy and Jncluding Sunday. We deliver on Friday morninc aniy. to the department's summary of dancing star, who come* to the U.S. Officials CIrde member* will be e s ^ ia lly on a hint in a recent edition of Roche, son of Mr. and Mrs. Local Police Shoot reportable dlscasee issued each State stage for hl:^rst New Ejg- There is no charge for this service, but be sure to call appropriate, and will be the hand The Herald, will serve a luncheon Michael J. Rbche of 11 Scarsdale week, the disease showed an in­ Road, Weal Hartford, Saturday, lond appearance. Donald O’Con­ Mac Arthur-T ruman Battleship Missouri work of the circle. Mr*. Herbert for the business people, Thurs­ McIQnaey i* sening a* general crease of feur cases, bringing the October 7, at ten o'clock In St nor IS, without a doubt, one of before Friday if yon wait your order delivered. T o Suspend day, October 10, from 12 noon to total number of cases reported to Hollywood’s most talented enter­ chainnan. Those who have no 1:00, at the fee charged for simi­ James's church. The double-ring Marine Who Set off daughter* of their own are urged date this year, to 339.. For the ceremony was performed by the tainers, and has starred In many lar luncheons by Emanuel Luther­ corresponding period last year, top screen hits, including *'Fran- R08ER OLCOn Alien Visas to borrow one, and vice versa. an church women and those of the Rev. Oeorge P. Hughes. Mrs. Jane Meeting May Take CSiildren twelve year* will be ad­ there were 478 cases reported. cis,” "Curtain Call at Cactus Salvation Army. The grirap has N. Maccarone played the tradition­ Creek.” "Patrick the Great,” 403 WEST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 7868 Leading Heavy Sea mitted at an appreciable reduc­ Tuberculosis, last week’s most al bridal music and palms and Running Gun Battle not yet announced the menu, but "Mister Big” and numerous oth­ tion. The Men'* Friendship Club prc\’alent disease, dropped from white chrysanthemums decorated Action Crops from New it will be a hot meal and Is sure 38 to 29 cases. Also declining were ers. Co-headlining will be Woody of the church will prepare and to be patronized by the store the altar. aerv* the supper. chickenpox cases from 21 to 11, Herman, "The Ol’ Woodchopper" Place Aboard Ship Internal Security Act clerks, mill employees and others. jSSii bride who was given In himself, with hi* famous orches­ Corporal in Stolen Naval Car Near Death; Aimed and syphilis cases from 16 to 6. marriage by her brother, William The church office may be called Bronchopneumonia Increasdd tra, featuring the nation’s leading Barring Memhcra of for reservations. Mrs. Nelson H. Dougan. Jr., had for her maid Assault on Chong jin from 9 to 24 cases during the past Instrumental stars, including Point Blank at Policeman Maltempo But Buck is chairman of the commit­ of honor Mias Elizabeth Faye of Conti Condoll, Sunny Igoe and WRshhigton Is Specu-j -totalitarian* Parties tee. •seven-day period. Other diseases ORPER Gun Jammed; Sought to Buy Pistol at which showed increases were Hartford, and for bridesmaids. Bob Graf. The third attraction Largt SalaetlM To Miss Lorraine Rcale of Hartford lating Where Historic [NeWS ildbltS SHOE mumps from 9 to 29 cases, whoop­ wdll be Eileen Barton, ’’America’s C h t ' i m a s McKinney Lumber Co. Arousing Suspicion Washington, Oct. 12 — (F) — ’ ^Mighty Mo” and Allied ing cough from 22 to 29 case* and Misa Marilyn Jaasemlne of Singing Sweetheart,’’ whose re­ Parley in the Pacific cuUed From (/P) Wires American officiala all over the DEVELOPED Danielson. Martin Oottenheine of cording of “If I Knew You Were ChooM From , REPAIRING and lobar pneumonia from 7 to 9 O u d r H o y f ] world have been ordered to suspqnd War Vessels Set Big FILMS AND PRINTED cases. New London waa best man and Cornin’ I’d 've Baked a Cake," Is Will Be Held; To Be A pistol-happy m arina cor- • ‘t dlrecUy at the policeman’s fsc*. O f the Better Kind one of the top hit* of the day. Al­ temporarily passport visas issued Red Port Afire; At­ There Were no cases of typhoid luhera were Richard 8. Grace of Mrs. WUliom BL Roche Satur* I State police fan out over Macon porainnral mis-iireamio-fired at a Manches-manenee J“hnmoment Cavsgnsro, opened srriv- fire Manchester and Alfred Holer of so on the bill will be the Chariot- 50 hor Sl.OU 25 For 11.00 25 For 12.00 Either Late Satur­ to sllens planning to come to the fever, diphtheria, trlchino.sls or ' and Logan counties in central ter policeman on Pitkin street j Maitempo on the Marine who tacks Not Many Milea DONE WHILE Per Roll influenza reported during the pa-st Mount Vernon, N. Y. cars, internationally famous sing­ 25 For 51.95— Also Box Assortments 39c McCook Hospital children's nurs­ day or on Sunday lUinol* In biggest operation o f this noon, but, returning thsii! turned to flee, halted, sought to United States. week. This was the 27th consecu* The bride's gown of pearl white ery. ing quartet o f stage, screen, ra­ Names Imprinted FREE From Chinese and Si­ YOU WATT dio and television. Extra added their six-months-old crackdown on fire, the policeman, Samuel «re hU jammed gun, fled a few Offirisls said today the State Arthur Drug Stores tlve week without a diphtheria satin waa fashioned with a sweet­ Mr. Roche la a graduate of the Aim Business Cards— Calendarii aRd * gambling .... Public Health Serv­ department telegraphed the orders rase. heart neckline and long aleeves attractions Include Pat Hill and Washington. Oct. 12.— didn‘l m i<.-Giv«. berian Borders; Allied SAM Y U LY ES University of Connecticut. In Larry Delna offering "Holiday on Children’s Story Books ice report* new cnee* of acute yesterday to embassies and consiila tapering to a point at the wrists. World War II he waa a lieutenant —Speculation arose in the poliomyelitis totaled 1,816 In a few hours to live by Dr. t^e Marine never got to permit a recheck o(» individual Forces Advancing Rap- 701 MAIN STREET The fitted bodice had a dipping Strings,” and Coro, Steve and In the Air Force and served in the Eddy, comedy-acrobatic trio. KEN’S PRINT SHOP capital today that President week ended Oct. 7 .... Moet D. M . Caldwell at Memorial i his gun working right. records because of the tight new neckline, and lace peplum, which European theater for three years. Truman’s historic meeting "■loppy *peech” in country is heard At the hospital the marine re­ Internal Security law. itily Up East Coast formed a fishtail back and extend­ There are late stage shows 241 BIRCH MT. RD. OPEN EVENINGS TEL. 2-1133 Hospital, the marine, Cpl. Leo He Is employed by an accounting every Saturday and Sunday start­ with Gen. Douglas MacAr- in Brooklyn, survey by Lingua- A. Hellmann 21. of Newport. R. I- fused to talk or to give any rea­ The law, enacted over President Male ed over the full, gathered aklrt firm in Hartford. ing at 10 p. m. phone Institute of American re^ son for his attempt to open gun Truman’s veto, bars the entry of Tokyo, Oct. 12.—(flfV-The FMONC with its sweeping train. Her veil thur this week-end might naval biaae, lay dying this after­ p o rts___ With new flames sweep­ noon with two bullet holes through play with police. ■liens who have been at any time battleship Missouri and Al­ of imported Illusion waa draped take place “aboard a ship. membeES of the Communlat "or Factory Workers fOUHtdepr ^ Ji_ ing through her cargo, SJVOO-ton the middle of his body. He re­ Police never did have anything lied warships set Chongjin SAVE ON from a satin headpiece, appliqued iy iten <yteig| This belief was based largely Spanish freights Monte InehorU more on the man than that his other totalitarian” parties; with lace and metallic trim.
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