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In the using or citation of parts of the thesis it’s obliged to indicate the name of the author Interaction between groundwater and underground constructions PhD Thesis Estanislao Pujades Garnes Barcelona, September 2013 Advisors: Dr. Enric Vázquez Suñé Dr. Jesús Carrera Ramirez Hydrogeology Group (GHS) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) Spanish Research Council (CSIC) Dept. Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona Tech Interaction between groundwater and underground constructions PhD Thesis Estanislao Pujades Garnes Barcelona, September 2013 Advisors: Dr. Enric Vázquez Suñé Dr. Jesús Carrera Ramirez Hydrogeology Group (GHS) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) Spanish Research Council (CSIC) Dept. Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona Tech I. Abstract Underground constructions below the water table may be problematic if the role of groundwater is not properly acknowledged. Difficulties worsen in urban environments. Two aspects should be taken into account in the interaction between underground constructions and groundwater, 1) the impacts caused by the construction in the aquifers and 2) the difficulties that groundwater causes during the construction. Therefore, the design of an underground construction must be minimize the impacts in the underground environment as well as guaranteeing the safety of the workers and the integrity of adjacent structures. The adopted measures must not complicate the development of the construction and must not increase the total cost. To sum up, the construction must be efficient. These questions arose during the construction of the High Speed Train (HST) tunnel in Barcelona, which passes next to the Sagrada Familia. This thesis proposes answers to the questions which came up. Two problems may arise when a construction intersects an aquifer, the drain and the barrier effect. While the former has been widely studied, the second has not been adequately formalized and this is the first aim of the thesis. Analytical solutions are obtained to compute the head variations caused by an underground impervious structure. The solutions allow computing of the impact under different circumstances and to design corrective measures. The proposed equations were verified by using the data from real underground constructions. Subsidence caused by dewatering processes of deep excavations is feared. This fact affects the design. One option to reduce subsidences consist on deepen the enclosures (diaphragm walls, piles, jet-grouting piles) in order to avoid or minimise the dewatering. The second objective is to discuss the effectiveness of this measure, which rise the cost of the constructions, since drawdown caused by pumping are usually small and less dangerous (poorly differential) than is expected. Moreover, the pumping stabilizes the bottom of excavations. Therefore, to deepen the enclosures may be less efficient than combining short enclosures with deep pumping wells. Both alternatives must be compared. Thus, a number of dewatering scenarios, where the depth of the enclosures and the pumping wells are varied, are compared considering the safety, the outside affectations and the cost. Results show that combining deep pumping wells with short enclosures can become the most efficient method to perform excavations in preconsolidated soils. i Regardless of the method used to perform an excavation, the enclosure, always, plays an important role since it guarantees the stability of the excavation walls and prevents the entrance of lateral flow. The presence of small defects may lead to disastrous consequences, which would invalidate all the previous work oriented to develop an efficient construction. Therefore, given that the defects are relatively common, that the techniques used to detect defects are limited and that the groundwater behaviour taking into account underground structures can be predicted, the third objective of the thesis is to develop hydraulic methods to assess the state of an enclosure. These methods, specifically the Watertightness Assessment Test (WTAT), are used as much to estimate the effective parameters of the enclosure as to locate the defects. Finally, the steps followed during the construction of the HST tunnel in Barcelona demonstrate the importance of the geological characterisation. If the soil is well known, all the aspects associated with the construction can be predicted accurately, which is crucial for designing an efficient underground construction. The geology, the hydrogeology and the historical processes suffered by the soil must be characterized accurately. ii II. Resumen Las construcciones subterráneas realizadas por debajo del nivel piezométrico pueden ser problemáticas si no se reconoce el papel del agua subterránea. Las dificultades aumentan en ambientes urbanos. La interacción con el agua subterránea tiene lugar en las dos direcciones 1) los impactos causados por la construcción sobre el acuífero y 2) las dificultades que, durante la construcción, causará la presencia de agua subterránea. Por ello, el diseño de una construcción subterránea debe minimizar los impactos en el medio subterráneo y garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores y la integridad de las estructuras adyacentes. Las medidas adoptadas no deben complicar en exceso el desarrollo de las obras ni sobrecargar el coste total de la obra. En resumen, la construcción debe ser eficiente. Estas preguntas surgieron durante la construcción del túnel para el Tren de Alta Velocidad (HST) en Barcelona, adyacente a la Sagrada Familia. En esta tesis se proponen respuestas a las mismas. Los impactos sobre el acuífero pueden ser de dos tipos: el efecto dren y el efecto barrera. Mientras que el primero ha sido ampliamente estudiado, el segundo no ha sido formalizado adecuadamente, lo que constituye el primer objetivo de esta tesis. Para calcular las variaciones de nivel causadas por una estructura subterránea impermeable, se derivan ecuaciones para diversas condiciones de obra y para medidas correctoras. Se han verificado con datos de construcciones reales. La subsidencia causada por el drenaje de excavaciones profundas es uno de los temores más condicionantes del diseño. Una de las maneras de reducirla, consiste en profundizar los recintos (pantallas, pilotes, columnas de jet-grouting) con el fin de evitar o minimizar el bombeo. El segundo objetivo de esta tesis es cuestionar la eficacia de estas medidas, que aumentan el coste de la construcción, ya que los asientos causados por el bombeo suelen ser pequeños y menos peligrosos (poco diferenciales) de lo temido. Además, el bombeo estabiliza la base de las excavaciones. Por ello realizar recintos más profundos puede ser menos eficiente que combinar recintos cortos y pozos de bombeo profundos. Es obvio que ambas alternativas deben compararse adecuadamente. Para ello, se han estudiado una serie de escenarios de drenaje que son comparados teniendo en cuenta la seguridad, las afecciones externas y el coste. Las variaciones entre los diferentes escenarios son las profundidades de los recintos y de los pozos de bombeo. Los resultados muestran que iii combinar pozos de bombeo profundos con recintos cortos es el método más eficiente para llevar a cabo excavaciones en suelos preconsolidados. Independientemente
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