Average Daily drcalation The Weether For tha Moath af Pabraary, IM l Fsieeast of O. S. WeeOM 6,677 Fair toalfht aad PrMay. Fri- day eloody, TlgM raia at aiglit. aot Member of tiw AadH mach chaage hi temperatersw ^ Btireae of OIrealattoaa Mancheoter—-A City of Village Charm - -V.V VOL. LX., NO. 151 (Ctasatfied Advertlslag Oa Page U ) , MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CE ■--------------------------------------- Churchill Sees Axis ^act iation Allis-Chalnijers r Night Sticks Swing in Strike Clash Police Raid Union’s King Peter Assn Workers Told Quarters; Leaders Plaiit to Open Control in Couritry; Company Instructs Pro- H^ld After Battle duction Etnployes to Report for Duty So Hopeful of Defense "S ;. :i^t!,t‘:f ffigherP lane Output Can Start. Richmond, Ind., Plant! Qulnut Post^ Milwaukee, March 27— (O —The Premier Tells Conserva- n ___ Military Coup d’Eut O f International Har- ^ Allls-Cbalmers Manufacturing Co., strikebound since Jan. 22, today tive Party C o m m i t t e e BOSOS Executed Amidst Riot vestcr Plant Today as Two Months instructed some of its production ous Disapproval oi workers to report for duty this af- Yugoslavia Has Toiind TrOOtV Sont Factory Is Reopened. | ____ ternoon in order that full opera- Soul’ in ^Revolution’ Two-Day Old Pact; tions on 145,000,000 worth of na- Richmond, Ind., March 27. Stimson Reports *Satis- In Belgrade; Rejoices New Government, of tional defense orders can be re- To Congress —(yP)— A fter a bloody, head- factory Increase* in sumed tomorrow morning. To Hear Ministers Who Anti-German Complex- bashing battle between local This was the company’s answer police and pickets at the gates February and March; to the Federal government’s de- Signed Axis Agreements Submitted ion Orders New Meaa* mand for immediate cessation of of The International Harvest- Situation Is Improved. the atrlke, which threw 7,800 pro- Have Been Arrt^tetl. ures of Defense Taken. er plant here this morning, For Information of duction men out of work and haa state police raided the down- Washington, March 28—(J*)— delayed construction of 25 de- liondon, March 21.— {fP)— Senate and House; Budapest, Hungary, March’ ; town headquarters of the (j IO Secretary Stimson disclosed today stroyers for the U. S. Navy and powder mill operations. Prime Minister Winston No Action Required. 27.— (/P) — Yugoslavia’s 17- Farm Equipment Organizing that American aircraft factories The government's order was Churchill predicted today year-old King Peter II took Committee and arrested all have been turning out a substan- dispatched from Waabington by tially increase number of com- that the new Yugoslav gov- Washington, March 27.—{/Pi— over his royal heritage today those in the headquarters op Secretary of Navy Knox and ernment would repudiate the in a military coup d’etat exe- bat planes in the last two months. William S. Knudsen, director of President Roosevelt sent to Con- assault and battery charges. Stimson was asked at a press the Office of Production Manage- country’s pact with the Axis. gress today newly signed agree- cuted amidst riotous disap-, conference whether airplane pro- fThose arrested included Clif- ment, late yesterday. Replying by “ Though I don’t know what ments transferring Naval and air proval of the two-day old pa^ $ ford Kerr, president of the duction bad remained virtually un- telegram, the company aMd today: changed for the past three will happen and one cannot be base sites to the United States tn with the Axis and his new FEWOC local, and Robert Reply or Company seven British possessions in the government, of anti-German , months, which would put it at a “ We are complying Immediately sure of anything,” he said, “ 1 Foley, an organizer.' with the request which you have believe that it is reasonable to complexion, ordered new : Capt. Walter Eckert, who led (Continued Oa Page Eight) (Contlnoed On Page Two) made in the Interest of national expect that we shall have a measures of defense. Ei^ the state police, said about 160 of defense. AM of our employes are his men bad been concentrated at government in Yugoslavia trance of German troops ap- being called In for work this af- peared to most diplomatic ob- Richmond in anUcipaUon of disor- ternoon so that the plant may be Surrounded by uniformed policemen, f^demonstrator Is hustled which will repudiate the pact ders in connecUon with the re- Glass Urges servers to be certain ons Basis Sought in full operation by tomorrow from the scene outside the McCormick W ^ k s of The Internatlonsl signed the day before yester- , opening this morning of^the Harv- (Friday) morning. Harvester Company in Chclago, where clashes occurred when A F L Yugoslavia indicated f ester plant, closed since the day and will be ready to de- “ As you suggest, negotiationa employes continued to work despite opposition of CIO members. fend the honor and frontiers an about-face froni^her FEWOC called a strike Feb. 17. For Settling will be continued with the .union . Navy Convoy Some sUte officers formed a bargaining commlttM (reprosttR^ of'YugoSravia against aggres- alliance. double line on the sidewalk'fir ing Local 248 of the d O United sion.” The sudden change of gov( front of a stairway leading to the Automobile Workers union) while Bri^sh Arms ments was accomplished in a Steel Strike C!hurchill spoke at a Trades Un- second floor headquarters of the all men are at work, and such pay of rioting and bloody dem ion Congress luncheon. tions. The country waa repoi union while others entered the Increases as are finally agreed up- House kVotes to Cut building and herded all those In- Earlier he had told s meeting quiet. tonight. on will be made retixwctlve to the of the Conservative party Central Stand of Virginia Sen- Repu^Uoa Not Certain side the headquarters to waiting Both Strikers and Com- day operations are resumed." sUte police cars. Committee that Yugoslavia had But whether the new mv i The telegram was over the sig- Driver’s License Fee "found ita aoul" in “ revolution" in ator Finds No Ready Score Wear Bandages pany Withhold Com- m e ^ would repudiate the Vienna nature of Max W. Babb, company Belgrade. pact signed only Tuesday and president. Backing in Foreign A acore or more of those taken ment as Conference The prime minister told the make ready to defy the Panzer Ok away wore blood-stained band- Job Loss Threatened Small Bloc of Repub- Recess Taken at Noon. party meeting that there “Is a su- Relations Committee. visions of the Reich now on bar ' ages. Addressing a group of strikers Oil Industry preme event more blessed than borders was not certain. Tha klng^ ^ The raid came shortly after the outside the plant gates, Harold lican Insurgents Join victories, namely the rising of the Wsshington, March 27.—(/P)— dom is simoet ringeC by Oernuyi'' wUd melee outside the Harvester Bulletin! Christoffel, union president, de- spirit of the great American na- snd Italian troops. plant where local police batUed clared that anyone returning to Democratic Opposition With Germany’s unrestricted sea Bethlehem, Pa., March 27.— Able to Meet tion and ita even more intimate as- Defense preparations were ca$ , about a Hundred pickets to clear a work today, or before the union As Bill Passes 155-94. sociation with the common cause." war zone extended to the edge of ped by orders broadcast from path for 'workers who responded (JV-Thomaa Lambert, U. S. voted on the questioti, would lose labor conctUator, announced Wlnaat at Luncheon the American hemisphere, Senator Belgrade radio, calling on all ~ to the company’s published an- his Job. servists within the country to — . ^ today The Bethlehem Steel ^ The company was sending tele- State Capitol, Hartford, War Demands The labor luncheon at which he Glass (D „ Va.i, called today for nouncement that the plant would port and all those abroad to r a g * n reopen this morning. Company and the CM) Steel grams to each man, notifying him March 27.-^/P)— The House spoke was attended by United the use of United States Navy ter immediately at handy conso. W Workers OrgaalslBg Commit- States Ambassador John G. Win- Kerr said in a statement hand- the entire productionYorce was be- passed a bill slashing the au- convoys if Nazi surface or subma- iates. 4 toe were “aot too far apart” ing instructed to report for duty Congress Told Germany ant. ed to newsmen before the state, tomobile driver’s license fee rine raiders attempt to sink lease- The Yugoslav Arm y has bera 4 la their first meeting seeking on regular shifts tomorrow. " It was breaking ail our hearts lend shipments of military supplies police arrived: settlement of a strike that be- "The government is relying on from 53 cents today by And Italy Running Ac- to see the gallant Serbian and Y u- “They are not going to g it away bound for Britain. *( Continued'oa Page Eight) gan Monday. the patriotic spirit of our workers a roll call of 165 to 94. A small goalav people signing sway their The peppery Virginian minced -with the brutal, undemocraUc at«- to return to work on vitally need- tivities with 5 Per souls over the coimter through bloc of Republican insurgents, no words. “I f they Interfere with tack on the workers. The union Bethlehem, Pa., March 27—(Jt) ed defense orders without delay," Cent U. S. Production. weak and cowardly rulers to those '^'Intends to fight. The combined ef- the workers were told. among them former Speaker who, once they had them in their us,” he told reporters, "we ought — A basis for settlement of the to shoot the hell out of them.
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