University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-23-1907 Tucumcari News Times, 02-23-1907 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 02-23-1907." (1907). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ffueumeari Views And Tucumcari Times. No. Volume 4. 19 TUCUriCARl, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1907. Subscription $1.00 a year. HOUSE BILL NO. 61. Constitution and By-La- ws tin of Introduced by N. V. Gallegos, February 8, 1907; read first and second times by title, ordered, Tucumcari Chamber of Commerce translated and printed, and refer- - ed to Committee on Counties and County Lines. Know Men By the All These same place at such times as the TREASURER. An Act Entitled an Act with ref Presents: That we, the under- directors shall see fit to call the Section I. The Treasurer shall erence to the Boundaries of the signed persons have associated our- same, and notice thereof shall be County of Quay. keep a true and correct account of selves together as an organization given by mailing to each member Be it Enacted by the Legislative following all receipts and disbursements of under the articles: notice of the time at least two days Assembly of the Territory of New I. name and style by which the organization in a book or books The before the date of the meeting. Mexico : said organization shall operate and provided for that purpose by the OFFICERS. Section 1. That all that portion be known, is "The Tucumcari organization; which books shall at Section I. The officers of said of the Territory of New Mexico Chamber of Commerce." all times be subject to the exami- organization shall consist of a Pres- now included in the County of II. The purpose for which said nation of any member of the organ- ident, Secretary and Treasurer, Union south of the Fourth Stan- organization is created, are; the ization, and shall render to the who shall be appointed by the dard Parallel North, the same be- industrial and commercial develop- Board of Director's monthly re- Board of Directors at .the first ing the dividing line between Town- ment of Tucumcari and Quay ports of the financial condition of quarterly meeting of the entire or ships 1.6 and 17 North, and east of County, and the advancement of the organization. ganization thereafter, and shall the Fourth Guide Meridian East, their social and educational insti- HEADQUARTERS. hold their respective offices for one ihe same being the line between tutions., year; provided, that if the organi- Section I. The person in charge Ranges 31 and 32 East; also that III. All residents of Quay zation refuses to confirm any ap- of the headquarters shall attend to portion of the Territory of New County are eligible to membership pointment made by the Board of the correspondence and distribution Mexico now included in the County and may become active members Directors, said organization shall of advertising matter of the organ- of San Miguel, lying immediately by paying a membership fee of then acting as a committee of the ization, take charge of prospective north and adjoining the County of Two Dollars and One Dollar Quay and south of the Baca Lo- per month as dues, and by signing cation No. 2 and the Pablo toon-toy- a By-Law- the Constitution and s. Grant, is, and the same is organi IV. The affairs of said hereby, attached to and shall here of zation shall be under the control after constitute a part of the Coun a Board of Directors, who shall be ty of Quay in this Territory. nine in number; said Board of Di " TB G. C. IGO, Pres. C. H. CHENAULT. Caihier lnHj Section 2. All of the assessed rectors shall have power to select and uncollected taxes and licenses headquarters where the business TUCUMCARI TRUST AND' upon property or business situated of said organization shall be trans in the portions of the Counties of acted; to employ the necessary per Union and San Miguel as provided of said head sons to take charge by Section 1 of this Act, to be at- quarters and fix the salary and WE DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS tached to the County of Quay, of IH compensation of all employees shall be collected by the proper the organization; they shall author I officers of the County of Quay. doing of necessary ad ize the the Section 3. That all school funds vertising to promote the purposes in the Treasurer of Union County of and to the organization, order belonging to any school district ly- the necessary stationery, furniture ing wholly within that portion of and supplies for the headquarters. Union County as aforesaid attach V. The following named per- ed to the County of Quay be, with sons shall act as directors of said in thirty days after this Act shall organization for the first six months whole, make such selection or se- settlers and investors, introduce them to the of com go into effect, paid over by the C. T. lections. citizens the of its existence: I. Barnes, munity and to them such Treasurer of the County of Union PRESIDENT. furnish W. Heman, Earl George, C. T.. information as he possesses con to the Treasurer of the County of Chenault, A. D. Goldenberg, H. Section 1. The President, or in cerning the advantages and re Quay for the benefit of such district. Vice-Preside- nt of the Town of D. Nichols, A. B. Dauber, C. C. his absence, the sources Tucumcari Section the and County, he shall collect 4. That County Davidson and S. M. Wharton. preside all meetings of tb Quay shall at all dues and membership fees and School Superintendents of the period of duration of Direc- VI. The organization and Board of receipt therefor, ente the same in Counties of Quay and Union shall said organization shall continue so tors, and perform such other duties a book provided by the organi- decide upon a proper division of long as is naturally satisfactory to as may be required of him by the zation for that purpose and imme- funds in the hands of the Treasurer the members, but all persons who Board of Directors. diately turn over the same to the receipt of Union County belonging to any have not subscribed, shall not be Treasurer and take his SECRETARY. therefor. He shall receive as com school district which lies partly in released from the obligations as- pensation for his services a month each County as constituted by this Section I. The Secretary shall sumed before the first day of April, ly salary as agreed upon by the Act, and the Treasurer of Union attend all meetings of the organi- 1908. Board of Directors. County and San Miguel shall pay zation and Board of Directors, and DIRECTOR'S MEETINGS. MEETINGS. over to the Treasurer of the Coun- REGULAR shall keep the minutes of said Section I. The Board of Di ty of Quay such sums as may be meetings of meetings and sign all notices and shall meet at the headquar- Section I. Regular rectors -- of organization found due such district or districts the organization shall be held --at calls issued by the Board of Direc- ters the on the first Monday each and every by the said County School Super- in Tucumcari on tors, ho shall audit the books of ac- in month, the Court House and shall hold special meetings intendents. of every quarter. count, required to be kept by the the first Monday whenever in the opinion of the Sections. That the County Section II. Special meetings of person in charge of the head- President and Secretary the inter the organization shall be held at quarters. ests of the organization demand it. (Continued on last page.) I OIL CAN EXPLODES Professional Cards BURNS WOMAN AND CHILD. C. 4 I MECHEM, 4 4 A 4 A N 4A4 I HrAiill l H, Ik Last Monday morning at about Distinct Attorney, 8:30 o'clock, the mining camps of iuudmi Livery Mdun:. Tucumcari, - - New Mexico. I Parsons, in this county, was the scene of one of the most terrible C. DAVIDSON, accidents which has ever occured ( A. A. BLANKENSHIP, Prop. in this region. Mrs. William Pro- - Attornkv at Law, theroc and her child three years .old, were burned to death in their Tucumcari, New Mexico. home, which was destroyed with all of its contents, by the explosion of A LLDRIDGE & SAXON. an oil can. Newly equipped throughout. ATTORNEY AT LAW From all reports, tt seems that Will practice in all the courts of the Ter- Mrs. Protheroc must have been ritory and before the U. S. Land office and All sorts of single and double the Department at Washington. starting a fire in the cook stove TUCUMCAKl, - - If. M. rigs. New, everything new. with oil, using a five gallon can for the purpose, when the oil ignited, JATTESON & MATTESON, Wagonette which will accom- which probably from some fire re Attorneys Law. mained in at modate ten people. the stove and exploded land opfiob praotiob and oollkotions. with terrific force. patented claims, relinquishments and resident property for sale.
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