Rowan University Rowan Digital Works Yearbooks University and Regional History Collections 2008 Articulations 2008 SOM School of Osteopathic Medicine UMDNJ University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ Follow this and additional works at: https://rdw.rowan.edu/yearbooks Part of the Medical Education Commons Recommended Citation School of Osteopathic Medicine, SOM and University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, UMDNJ, "Articulations 2008" (2008). Yearbooks. 13. https://rdw.rowan.edu/yearbooks/13 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University and Regional History Collections at Rowan Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Rowan Digital Works. SicHOOL OF Osteopathic Medicine !. ,-:] ^1 IDji^Ji^Msis^ €) AND Dentistry? UMDNJ SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Osteopathic Oath 1 UMDNJ-SOM Campus 2 University Affiliated Medical Centers 3 Dean's Message 4 Administration/Faculty/Staff 5 UMDNJ-SOM Welcomes the Class of 2008 1 7 ''Most Likely To..." Awards 32 Words of Wisdom 33 Graduates 34 Next to the Last Blast Highlights 79 Convocation 80 Editor's Message 88 I bo (jeretjp affirm mp lopaltp to tlje profesisiion 3( am about to enter. 31 toill be minbful altoaps! of mp great res^ponsiibilitp to presferbe tjje jjealtl) anb life of mp patients;, to retain tjjeir confibence anb respect botl) ag a pFjpgician anb a frienb tD^o toill guarb tl)tiv s^ecretsi tuit|) jScrupulousf fjonor anb fibelitp, to perform fait()fullp mp profesis;ional butiesi, to emplop onlp tl)0£;e recogni^eb metfjobsJ of treatment consiisJtent toitj) goob jubgment anb ttjitl) mp sikill anb abilitp, keeping in minb altaapsi nature'^ latos; anb tl)e bobp's; inherent capacitp for recoberp. 31 tDill be eber bigilant in aibing in tfje general toelfare of tlje communitp, £JU£itaining its; latDS^ anb insititutions;, not engaging in tijosie practices; tuljicf) toill in anp b3ap bring s;l)ame or bis;crebit upon mps;elf or mp profes;s;ion. 3 toill gibe no brugs; for beablp purpos;e£i to anp pers;on, tFjouglj it be as;keb of me. 31 bJill enbeabor to tuork in accorb toitF) mp colleagues^ in a s;pirit of progre£Js;ibe cooperation anb neber bp toorb or bp act cas;t imputations! upon tljem or tljeir rigl)tful practices;. 31 toill look bjitl) res;pect anb es;teem upon all tI)os;e toljo Ijabe taugljt me mp art. Co mp college 31 toill be lopal anb tribe altoapg for Its; bes;t interes;ts; anb for tlje interes;ts! of t()e situbents; toljo baill come after me. 31 tDill be eber alert to furtl)er tlje applications^ of bas;ic biologic trutljs; to tlje dealing arts; anb to bebelop tlje principles; of os;teopatl)p toljicl) toere firs;t enunciateb bp ^nbrebj tKaplor ^till. UMDNJ-School'SI' j Osteopathic Medicine Campus I University-Affiliated Medical Center KeniieJy Hcallh Syslcni • Stratford Christ Hospital • Jersey City Kennedy Health System • Cherry Hill Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center • Camden Kennedy Health System • Washington Township st. Joseph's Regional Medical Center • Paterson UMDNJ-SOM ARTICULATIONS Dean's Message TO THE Class of 2008 Congratulations to you- the UMDNJ-School Remember always, no drug can replace the of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2008 ! I am empathy and healing hands of a well-trained, very proud of each one of you for achieving attentive and dedicated osteopathic physician. this milestone. I hope you look back on your Also remember, each time you see a patient, time at UMDNJ-SOM with fond memories you reaffirm the great oath you took at Con- of student life, your fel- vocation calling for you to low graduates, the facul- respect and safeguard each ty, learning and ultimate- patient you encounter. I ly earning your Doctor know that you have been of Osteopathic Medicine fully prepared to meet ev- degree. Although gradu- ery challenge and possess ation is often associated the knowledge and skills to with the end of your ef- achieve all of your goals of forts, this is truly a begin- becoming great physicians. ning in many ways. You are entering a new stage The tremendous commit- of your life where you will ment and involvement in apply your unique skills our school by our growing to relieve suffering and alumni constituency sends always, continue to learn. a powerful message of their Regardless of the disci- appreciation for how SOM pline or area of medicine has prepared them for their you aspire to practice, be professional achievements, passionate about learn- as well as their belief in the ing and most importantly, excellence yet to come at committed to teaching. UMDNJ-SOM. It has been Thomas A. Cavalieri, my privilege and honor to You have embarked on have been afforded this op- D.O., FACOI, your medical career dur- FACP portunity to serve you. mg the most extraordi- Interim Dean nary time in the history of School of Osteopathic Medicine On behalf of the adminis- medicine. Not only will tration, I welcome you to you benefit from having the Alumni Association and received your medical education and train- trust that you will always consider yourself an ing at the nation's finest osteopathic medi- important part of of the UMDNJ-SOM family. cal school, but you will also benefit from the abundance of research, invention, and tech- Congratulations to you and best wishes in all of nology that is available today to eradicate your professional endeavors. disease and prevent illness more effectively than ever. AO' 4 UMDNJ-SOM ARTICULATIONS r ADMINISTRATION Carl Hock, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Re search/Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Vincent DeRisio, D.O., FCAP Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs Paul Krueger. D.O., FACOOG Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Kathryn Lambert, D.O. Acting Assistant Dean, Student Affi Carl Mogil, D.O., FACOS. FAOAO Acting Assistant Dean. GME CELL BIOLOGY William McAllister, Ph.D. Chair, Professor Mikhail Anikin, Ph.D. A s s i St ant P rofe s sor Sergei Borukhov, Ph.D. A s sociate Profe s s o Rocco Carsia, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jeremy S. Francis, Ph.D. A s s istant Pr o fe s s o r Carl Hock, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hristo B. Houbaviy, Ph.D Assistant Professor Bertram Lipitz, D.V.M. Instructor Pietan Liu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michael L. Moeller, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Deborah Podolin-Whiting, Ph.D Adjunct Assistant Professor Bernd Spur, Ph.D. A s s istant Profe s s o r Dimitry Temiakov, Ph.D Assistant Professor Venkataswar Venkataraman, Ph.D. Assistant P rofe s s o r James White, Ph.D. Adjunct Assistant Professor UMDNJ-SOM ARTICULATIONS 5 r CELL BIOLOGY Kingsley Yin, Ph.D Assistant Professor EMERGENCY MEDICINE Francis Levin, D.O. Acting Chair, Assistant Professor FAMILY MEDICINE Carman Ciervo, D.O. Chair. Associate Professor Daniel Abesh, D.O. Assistant Professor Mark B. Abraham, D.O. Assistant Professor John Bertagnolli, D.O. Assistant Professor Joshua Coren D.O. Assistant Professor Edmund Erde, Ph.D. Professor Frank Filipetto, D.O. Associate Professor Shari Fine, D.O. Assistant Professor Katherine Garnier, M.D. Clinical Assistant Professor Gintare Gecys, D.O. A s s istant P r ofe s s o Adarsh Gupta, D.O. Assistant Professor Marvin Herring, M.D. Clinical Professor Barry Hoffman, D.O. Assistant Professor Robert Hudrick, D.O. Assistant Professor Kathryn Lambert, D.O. Assistant Professor David Mason, D.O. Assistant Professor Loretta Mueller, D.O. Clinical Associate Professor Chad E. Richmond, D.O. Assistant Professor 6 UMDNJ-SOM ARTICULATIONS r FAMILY MEDICINE George Scott, D.O., D.P.M. Assistant Professor Michael Voyack, D.O. Assistant Professor Christopher Zipp, D.O. A s s i s tant P r ofe s s o MEDICINE Timothy Dombrowski, D.O. Chair, Associate Professor William M. Antonelli, D.O. Assistant Professor Monica A. Arnold, D.O. Clinical Assistant Professor Charles P. Bongiorno, M.D. Associate Professor Livia Elaine Bratis, D.O. Assistant Professor Thomas Cavalieri, D.O. Professor Srinivas Cheruvu, M.D. Assistant Professor John C. Chiesa, D.O. Associate Professor Zinnat Chowdhury, D.O. A s s i St ant Pr ofe ssor Lesly D'Ambola. D.O. Assistant Professor Steven Dinsmore, D.O. Associate Professor Alfred DiPiero, D.O. Associate Professor Abdul Elahi, D.O. Assistant Professor James Giudice, D.O. Professor Allen Greenberg, D.O. Assistant Professor Russell Griesback, D.O. Clinical Associate Professor Edward G Hamaty. Jr., D.O. Assistant Professor UMDW-SOM ARTICULATIONS 7 r MEDICINE Elizabeth Heifer, M.D. Clinical Assistant Professor Guillermo A. Infante-Gutierrez, M.D. A s sis tan t P rofe s s o r Joanne Kaiser-Smith, D.O. Associate Professor Raksha Kothari M.D. Assistant Professor Brian Little, D.O. Assistant P rofe s s o Thomas Morley, D.O. Professor Christopher Myers, R.N. Instructor Adaora Otcoli-Umeweni, M.D. Assistant P rofe s s o r Karel J. Paul. M.D. Assistant Professor Ricardo Perez, D.O., J.D. A s s i St ant P r ofe s sor Sherry Ponierantz, Ph.D. Adjunct Assistant Professor Rachel A. Pruchno, Ph.D. Professor Stanley Schiff. D.O. Associate Professor Thomas Sexton, D.O. Assistant Professor Edward A. Skobac, M.D. Assistant Professor Kalpana Thawani, M.D. A s s i St ant P rofe s s o r May A. Thomas, M.D. Clinical Assistant Professor Susan Thompson, M.S.N. Clinical Instructor Amita Vasoya, D.O. Assistant Professor Aruna Wadhwa, D.O. Assistant Professor 8 UMDNJ-SOM ARTICULATIONS MEDICINE Srilatha Yenupotula, M.D.
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