MOST Il|lI\4EDIATE BY SPECIAL MESSENGER NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F. 16( I )/2020-P.C. Wing Islamabad, the 6'h April, 2020 NOTICE 2"d meeting of the Parlianientary Committee on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-I9) will be held, in camera, on Thursday, the 9rh April,2020 at 12:00 Noon, in Committee Room No.2, Ftst Floor, Parliament House, Islamabad, with the following agenda:- I) Brielmg on Economic and Business PIan for Revival ofEconomy, by:- a) Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revonue; and b) Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production and Investment. 2) Briefing on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), by:- a) Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination; and b) Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority, 3) Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the Parliamentary Committee on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), 2020 4) Any other item with the permission ofthe Chair. 2. You are, therefore, requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting, otherwise please remain available and connected, as per schedule, for Video Conference for u'hich ID may be provided to Mr. Tariq Pervez Bhatti, Dirgctor General (lT) through Mobile No. 0334-501-9958 for adding in the Group for Video Conference. ioh,--r/' (QAMARSQ#IL LoDHr) SpeCial Secretary Tele. No,051-9103192 1, Mr. Asad Qaiser, Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan Chairman 2. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi, MNA, Ministerfor Foreign Allairs Member 3. Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, MNA, Mrz ister for lnlormation Technologr and Telecommunication Member 4. Chaudhary Tariq Bashir Cheem4 I,|v{al'lA, Ministerfor Housing and Llorks Member 5. Sheikl Rashid Ahme4 MNA, Mrristet Ior Rdilwoys Member 6. Klawaja Muhammad Asill MNA Member 7. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, MNA, (Nominee of Parliamentary Leader) Member 8. Mr. Asad Mehmood, MNA Member 9. Mr. Iftalid Hussain Magsi, MNA Member 10. Mr. Muhammad Akhter Mengal, MNA Member I L lr,1r. Ghous Bux Khan Ma}tar, MNA Member 12. Nawabzada Shah Zair Bugti, MNA Member 13. Mr. Amir Haider Azam Khan, MNA Member 14. Senator Syed Shibti Faraz, Leader ofthe House, the Senate ofPakistan Member 15. Senaror Mushahid Ullah Khan Member 16. Senator Ms. Sherry Reirman Member l'1. Senator Muhammad Ali Khan Saif Member 18. Senaror Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo Member 19. Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri Member 20, Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar Member 21. Senator Siraj ul Haq Member 22. Senatbr Sitara Ayaz Member 23. Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini Member 24. Senator Syed Muzifar Hussain Shah Member 25. Senator Alwaar-ul-Haq Kakar Member 26. Senator Aumngzeb Kian Member Ex-officio l. Mr. Pervez Khaftak, Minister for Defence 2. Senator Azam I(Ian Swati, Minister for Parliarnentary Afiairs 3, Mr. Asad Umar, Minister for Plannin& Development and Special lnitiatives 4. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue 5- Dr. Zafar Mirza, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. Special Invitees l. Mr. Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Minister for Economic Affairs Division 2, Mr. AIi Muhammad Khan, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs 3. Dr. Nausheen Hamid, Parliamentary Secretary, National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. P.T,O. 2 No.F.l6( I )/2020-P.C. Wing Islarnabad, the 6'h Aprit,2020 Coov to:- \ L Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad ; and 2. Adyiser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textilc, Industry & Production and lnvestment, Govemmcnt ofPakistan, Islimabad , with the request for briefins vide Ap€nda Item No. (l). resDectivelY. 3. Special Assistant to fie Prime Minister on Narional Health S€rviccs, Regulahons and Coordination, Govemmcot ofPalislan, Islsrratad; and 4. Chairman, National Disaster Management Aurhority, lslarnabad, with the request for briefins. vide Agenda Item No. t2\. resoectivelv 5. Secretary, Filance Division, Islamabad; 6. Secretary, Ministry of (lourmerce and Textile, Islamabad; 7. Secretary, Ministry oflndustries and Production, Islamabad; 3. Secretary, Ministry oflJational Health Services, Regulations & Coordination, Goyemment ofPakistan, tslamabad; and 9. Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority, Islamabad. With the request to provide briefvide Aqenda Items No.(l) &(2), r€spectively Copy also forwarded to:- I. Secretary Cel)eral to the President, President's Secretariat, Islamabad. 2. Secretary to the Prirne l\4inister, Prime Minister's Office, Islamabad. 3. Secretary, Cabinet Division, Govemment ofPakistan, Islamabad. 4. Secretary, Defence Division, Govemment of Pakistan, Pak Secretariat No. Il, Rawalpindi. 5. Secretar)', Minista ofPlanning, Development and Special Initiatives, Government ofPakistan, [slamabitd. 6. Secretary, National Security Division, Government ofPakistan, Islamabad. 7. Seffetary, Minislry oflnterior, Govemment ofPakislan, Islamabad. 8. Sesetary, Board oflnycstment, New Kohsar Block, Pak. Secretariat, Islamabad. 9. Secrotary, Muristrv of Parliamentary Affairs, Govemment of Pakistan, Islamabad. I0. Principal l]lformation Officer, Press Informatiorl Department. Govemment ofPaliistan, Islamabad. 1 l. Secretary to Speaker, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 12. Principal Seffetary to the Chaiman, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. l3. Directqr Staff to the Leader of the House, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad, 14. Dhector Staff to the Leader ofthe Opposition, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. I5. DLector Staffto the Lender ofthe Opposition, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. I6. Director StalI to the Deputy Speaker, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 17. Director Sraffto the Deputy Chaiman Senate, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 18. SPS to the Chief Whip, National Assembly Seqetariat, lslamabad. 19. Director Staff to the Chief Whip, Serate Secretariat, Islamabad. 20, Director General (IT), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad with the request to coordinate with all the r,oncemed for necossary iuTangements including Video Conference as per Notic€. 21. S.P,S to Secretar),, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 22. S.P.S to Advisor on Legal and Constitutional Matters, National Asssmbly Secretariat, Islamabad. 23. P-S to Secretary, Senat(i Secretariat, Islamabad. 24. S.P.S to Additional Secretiuy (AdmrLi Legis/Com), National Assembly and Senate Sccretariats, Islamabird 25. A.P.S to Special Secretary, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 26, A.P.S to all Joint Secrearies/Director Generals, National Assembly and Senate Secretariats, Islarnabad. 27. ChiefFinance and Accr)unt Officer, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 28. Medical Officer, Piuliament House Dispensary, Parliament House, Islamabad. 29, SergeanFat-Arms, National Assembly and Senate Secretariats, lslamabad 30. All Officers/Bra:rches rnnoerned, National Assembly and Senate Secretnriats, Islamabad. 31. Dtector, CDA, Parliament I-Iouse, Islamabad. 32. Engineer In-Charge, SIS Branch, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 33. Deputy Superintendent ofPolice, Parliament House, Islamabad. Coov also fonryard for information to 34 Attorhey Cieneral for Prrkistan, Islamabad. 35 The Accountant General Pakistan Revenues, lslamabad U-4lru.a^g (IF-TIKT'AR AHMED) Joint Sr:cretary (PO) Mobile No 0307-55i-0488.
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