New York London Edition Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson Halten Sie dies Ce n'est pas cher Hahhen Zee deess THE ST TRIPES Sub nay pah shair It's not expensive Hold this Daily Newspaper of O.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations VOL. 5 No. 39—Id. FRIDAY, Dec. 15, 1944 There Was No Little Boy to Plug the Dike First Army Starts Drive for Roer In New Sector Reuter dispatches from SHAEF Thursday night reported that Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' First Army had opened still another drive in the Duren sector as the Fifth Armored Division jumped off from Gey, five miles to the south. The new push was said to be headed northeast toward the Roer, but reports of progress had not been received at headquarters. Meanwhile, in the Monschau sector, 20 miles below Duren, other First Army units were disclosed to be advancing along both banks of the Roer where it curves westward. These troops gained more than a mile in their push to the east. Although Hodges' men were on both banks of the Roer in this southern sector, those in the Duren area were still pressing to reach a solid line on the west Senate Group bank of the river, which has risen three Feet in as many days. This purpose has already been achieved OKs Stettinius' north of Duren, where Maj. Gen. Terry Asuntaied Pfe..5 Photo Allen's Timberwolf Division—the 104th German troops retreating in Holland breached a number of dikes, leaving the Infantry—cleared the last Germans from Arnhem and Nijmegen areas flooded_ This aerial view taken on the British Second Appointments the area by capturing Schophoven, where Big Tank Battle Army front in the Nijmegen sector shows many houses isolated as flood waters fighting had been going on for a week. swept over the lowlands. The floods show no signs of subsiding. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (AP)—The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Southwest of Duren, the Ninth Infan- On Southwest approved today the appointments of all try Division also scored gains of more six Stale Department nominations as than a Mile and reached the outskirts of Athens Quiet Amid Rumors undersecretaries and it was expected that Gurzenich, about 1I miles from the Ruhr Of Budapest the Senate would vote its approval town standing on the road east to tomorrow. Cologne. Red Army artillery pounded the Greeks Soon Will Quit Fight In its first balloting, the committee Another American division-'Ohio's suburbs of Budapest to rubble last night, had held up con- Buckeye 83rd Division—cleared the im- ATHENS, Dec. 14 (AP)—For the first time in a week of fierce fighting portant Gey-to-Stratt road on the ap- while across the Danube tanks and in- -1 firmation of Archi- Athens was quiet today as rumors spread that ELAS (resistance) forces would bald MacLeish, proaches to Duren. This road, which was fantry pushed north against strong Ger- the scene of one of the heaviest artillery art emissary to Maj. Gen. Ronald M. Scobie, British military com- historian and poet man resistance in an effort to complete send duels of the present offensive, is now mander, to accept his terms that they lay down their arms and quit Attica who formerly was the encirclement of the city and cut the Librarian of Con- completely in U.S. bands. last Nazi supply line to Austria. Province (Athens). gress, voting 10-10. The Ninth Army, on the First's left Bitter hand-to-hand fighting was re- Late in the afternoon there was a flurry Sen. Joseph C.Guffy flank, had a minor action, which had the ported inside German defenses guarding of activity in the center of the city, but Deny U.S. Nod (D.-Pa.), who ori- effect of co-ordinating its Roer line with the northern and eastern approaches to on the whole the capital was calm. einally had voted that of Hodges' forces. In a move south the city, but the main battle appeared to Alexander Svolos, former finance against MacLeish, of Julich the Ninth cleared a small enemy be going on southwest of the capital, minister, would tender the peace accept- ToBalkan'Dear changed his mind. pocket in the triangle formed by the Roer where a giant tank battle raged along a ance, but would ask guarantees against ' Approved with and the Inde, a tributary stream. 30-mile railway embankment between persecution of ELAS as a political party, WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (AP)— MacLeish were German broadcasts spoke of an "all- Authoritative U.S. officials denied today Lake Valenczei and Budapest. reports said. Acceptance of a new Joseph C. Grew, (Continued on page 4) Heaviest fighting along the line was re- national government under leadership of that President Roosevelt approved any William Clayton. ported at. Martonvasar, where the Ger- someone other than Premier Georges British-Russian agreement dividing up Nelson Rockefeller, political interests in the Balkans. The-se JOSEPH GREw mans threw 75 tanks and three infantry Papandreou also was expected to be James C. Dunn and Brig. Gen. Julius C. sources emphasized that the U.S. remained regiments into a desperate counter-attack included in the offer to Scobie. Holmes. The latter is Gen. Eisenhower's Rip M'Arthur's which failed to pierce the Soviet lines. firmly opposed to the development of chief adviser on civil affairs. Arrival in Athens of Gen. Nicolas spheres of influence in Europe. The appointments of all but Dunn and Defenses Still Intact Plastiras, "strong man" of Greece and Spokesmen for labor ministers in leader of the 022 revolution, gave sup- Holmes, who were not nominated until Despite the strong Soviet pressure Britain's coalition government said yester- Senate 'Rosy' Reports from three directions, German main port to the peace rumors. Plastiras re- early this week, came up on the day that President Roosevelt and Russia floor last week; at which time it was NEW YORK, Dee. 14 (API—The defenses southwest, northeast and north turned home at Papandreou's request had agreed that Britain undertake "the after II years' exile in France. decided to send the names back to the Herald Tribune charged editorially yes- of Budapest still were. intact. main problem of, Greece." terday that Gen. Douglas MacArthur Military authorities allowed civilians committee for further consideration. In northern Hungary, fighting centered The American officials said the U.S. Sen. Albert B. (Happy) Chandler was using "poetic license" in his com- around the German strongpoint of on Athens streets only between noon and government had cautioned both Britain muniques, and said the Southwest 2 PM. (D.-Ky.) said the Senate wanted the com- Szecseny near the Slovak border. The and Russia several times against allowing mittee to look into such matters as Pacific commander's Nazis admitted a withdrawal north of military agreements on zones of opera- Franco, Vichy, post-war settlements and "pronounce ments Miskolc, where Soviet, forces were closing By James Earl Roper tion to draw boundaries of political in- economic policies as far as the nominees consistently painted in on Szendro, center of Hungary's United Press Correspondent fluence. were concerned a picture much richest mineral region. ATHENS, Dec. I4—This is the best They said Prime Minister Churchill rosier than reality." The Germans inside Slovakia, mean- information available in Athens on who had assured the U.S. that Britain did not Remarking that while, were reported robbing the country or what is behind the Greek crisis: seek special areas of political privilege. Lupe Velez reports of the of machinery and foodstuffs in expecta- The Germans did not "make" the civil While Russia has given no such flat Ormoc success en- tion of a further retreat westward. war in Greece, but they are doing all promise, neither has she given signs of couraged hopes that they can to help ELAS prolong it. ELAS disagreement with the American position, an end to the Leyte Steady fighting was reported south of these sources declared. Found Dead Lake Balaton, where Marshal Tol- chiefs control their own men, hut they action was at hand, Out hill's forces were preparing for a probably get German military advice from LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14 (AP)—Lupe the paper said: southern drive on Austria. German officers within their ranks. U.S. Casualty Total Velez, 34, tamale-tempered Mexican "Unfortu n a t e I y, British circles insist Russia is adopting film actress, was found dead in hen that hope would be a hands-off policy and that she has Up 9,059 in a Week Beverly Bills home today, apparently stronger if it were of sleeping powder. refused a request from ELAS for help. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (AP from an overdose not for the imagina- .)— Frank Nance. MACARTHUR KO Nazi Base The KKE—most important section of the American casualties in all war theaters according to Coroner tive overemphasis, resistance organization—looks to Russia, since Pearl Harbor totalled 483,957 Police officers said they found a note verging at times on poetic license, with lather than Britain and the U.S., for through Nov. 28, an increase of 9,059 beside the body, but did not disclose its which MacArthur's communiques arc guidance. over the preceding week, Secretary of War content. wont to report his successes." On Greenland Widely known for her tempestuous- Greek government claims it is Henry L. Stimson announced today. Citing numerous examples date by date. The ness both on and off the screen, Miss NEW YORK, Dec. 14 (ANS)—News- supported by 80 per cent of the people. Casualties for all branches of the armed the Herald Tribune said "the inevitable week magazine reported today that the is no way of forces stand at 562,369.
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