LuKIANOFF “Lukianoff is an engaging exposer of the shocking repression of free speech on campus, EDUCATION / EducationaL POLICY & combining good storytelling with clear principles and a serious purpose with a light touch.” REFORM / GeneraL —STEVEN PINKER, Harvard College Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, US $25.99 / CAN $29.00 author of The Blank Slate and The Better Angels of Our Nature For over a generation, shocking cases of censor- “Unlearning Liberty is a must-read book for anyone concerned about the constitutional ship at America’s colleges and universities have future of our nation.” taught students the wrong lessons about living in a free society. Drawing on a decade of experi- —Nat HentoFF, journalist, author of Free Speech for Me—But Not for Thee ence battling for freedom of speech on campus, First Amendment lawyer Greg Lukianoff reveals “Destined to be a classic work on freedom in America.” how higher education fails to teach students to —DonaLD DOWNS, University of Wisconsin–Madison, author of Restoring Free become critical thinkers: by stifling open debate, Speech and Liberty on Campus our campuses are supercharging ideological divi- GREG LuKIANOFF is an attorney and president UN sions, promoting groupthink, and encouraging of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Edu- “Here’s a book full of sunlight—the best disinfectant for campus censorship.” an unscholarly certainty about complex issues. cation. His writings on campus free speech have —JonaTHAN Rauch, Brookings Institute, author of Kindly Inquisitors: The New appeared in the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Attacks on Free Thought L Lukianoff walks readers through the life of a Times, and the Boston Globe, in addition to dozens EARNING modern-day college student, from orientation to of other publications. A regular columnist for “American universities have been described as islands of intolerance in a sea of freedom. the end of freshman year. Through this lens, he The Huffington Post, he has frequently appeared Unlearning Liberty is a meticulous and inspiring guide on how to liberate the islands!” describes startling violations of free speech rights: on television, including CBS Evening News and a student in Indiana punished for publicly read- Stossel. He received the 2008 Playboy Foundation —CHRIStina HOFF SOMMERS, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute ing a book, a student in Georgia expelled for a Freedom of Expression Award and the 2010 Ford pro-environment collage he posted on Facebook, Hall Forum’s Louis P. and Evelyn Smith First “Beautifully written and powerfully argued … an essential wake-up call!” students at Yale banned from putting an F. Scott Amendment Award on behalf of FIRE. Lukianoff —NADINE StroSSEN, Professor of Law, New York Law School, former president of Fitzgerald quote on a T-shirt, and students across is a graduate of American University and Stanford the American Civil Liberties Union (1991–2008) the country corralled into tiny “free speech Law School. zones” when they want to express their views. “Lukianoff argues brilliantly and with wit for the importance of free expression in a society that hopes to produce free human beings rather than craven conformists.” L But Lukianoff goes further, demonstrating how —DAPHNE Patai, University of Massachusetts Amherst, author of What Price Utopia? I this culture of censorship is bleeding into the B larger society. As he explores public controversies “Unlearning Liberty shows why free speech rights on campus are more important than ever, involving Juan Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Bill ert and how controversy is still a great teacher.” Maher, Richard Dawkins, Larry Summers—even —MARY BETH TINKER, plaintiff in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District Dave Barry and Jon Stewart—Lukianoff paints a stark picture of our ability as a nation to discuss Cover design by Sarafina Creeley important issues rationally. Unlearning Liberty: Author photo courtesy of FIRE Y Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate illuminates how intolerance for dissent Encounter BoOKS and debate on today’s campus threatens the free- 900 Broadway, Suite 601 dom of every citizen and makes us all just a little New York, New York 10003-1239 bit dumber. www.encounterbooks.com UNLEARNING LIBERTY Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 1 9/15/12 9:07 AM Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 2 9/15/12 9:07 AM UNLEARNING LIBERTY Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate Greg Lukianoff ENCOUNTER BOOKS /FX:PSLr-POEPO Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 3 9/15/12 9:07 AM ¦CZUIF'PVOEBUJPOGPS*OEJWJEVBM3JHIUTJO&EVDBUJPO "MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE/PQBSUPGUIJTQVCMJDBUJPONBZCFSFQSPEVDFE TUPSFEJOBSFUSJFWBMTZTUFN PSUSBOTNJUUFE JOBOZGPSNPSCZ BOZNFBOT FMFDUSPOJD NFDIBOJDBM QIPUPDPQZJOH SFDPSEJOH PSPUIFSXJTF XJUIPVUUIFQSJPSXSJUUFOQFSNJTTJPOPG &ODPVOUFS#PPLT #SPBEXBZ 4VJUF /FX:PSL /FX:PSL 'JSTU"NFSJDBOFEJUJPOQVCMJTIFEJOCZ&ODPVOUFS#PPLT BOBDUJWJUZPG&ODPVOUFSGPS$VMUVSFBOE&EVDBUJPO *OD BOPOQSPlU UBYFYFNQUDPSQPSBUJPO &ODPVOUFS#PPLTXFCTJUFBEESFTTXXXFODPVOUFSCPPLTDPN .BOVGBDUVSFEJOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFTBOEQSJOUFEPO BDJEGSFFQBQFSȥFQBQFSVTFEJOUIJTQVCMJDBUJPONFFUT UIFNJOJNVNSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"/4*/*40;n 3 Permanence of Paper '*345".&3*$"/&%*5*0/ -*#3"3:0'$0/(3&44$"5"-0(*/(*/16#-*$"5*0/%"5" -VLJBOPî (SFH 6OMFBSOJOHMJCFSUZDBNQVTDFOTPSTIJQ BOEUIFFOEPG"NFSJDBOEFCBUFCZ(SFH-VLJBOPî QBHFTDN *ODMVEFTCJCMJPHSBQIJDBMSFGFSFODFTBOEJOEFY *4#/ IBSEDPWFSBMLQBQFS *4#/ FCPPL QSJOU "DBEFNJDGSFFEPN6OJUFE4UBUFT5FBDIJOH 'SFFEPNPG6OJUFE4UBUFT 'SFFEPNPGTQFFDI6OJUFE4UBUFT$PMMFHFTUVEFOUT$JWJMSJHIUT6OJUFE4UBUFT 6OJWFSTJUJFTBOEDPMMFHFT-BXBOEMFHJTMBUJPO6OJUFE4UBUFT &EVDBUJPO )JHIFS.PSBMBOEFUIJDBMBTQFDUT6OJUFE4UBUFT*5JUMF ,'- ED Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 4 9/15/12 9:07 AM For Michelle Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 5 9/15/12 9:07 AM Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 6 9/15/12 9:07 AM Contents *þĄĂÿôąóĄùÿþ The Dangerous Collage 1 $BNQVT$FOTPSTIJQ"MJWFBOEȥSJWJOH_)PX$BNQVT$FOTPS TIJQ)BSNT6T"MM_#FHJOOJOH0VS+PVSOFZUISPVHIUIF.PEFSO $PMMFHF&YQFSJFODF $øñĀĄõĂä Learning All the Wrong Lessons in High School )JHI4DIPPMTBOE6OMFBSOJOH-JCFSUZ_h4FSJPVTMZ 8IZ*T'SFF 4QFFDI*NQPSUBOU"HBJO u_ȥF-FHBM-BOETDBQF_#FZPOEUIF -BXȥF(SBOE1IJMPTPQIZCFIJOE'SFF4QFFDI_1PMBSJ[BUJPO BOE UIF4QFDJBM*NQPSUBODFPG'SFF4QFFDIJOUIF*OUFSOFU"HF_+ǁ4 .JMMBOEB8BSOJOHUP$PMMFHFT_)PXUIF3PBEUP$FOTPSTIJQ*T "MXBZT1BWFEXJUI(PPE*OUFOUJPOT_ȥF"DDFQUBODFPG$FOTPS TIJQCZ$PMMFHF4UVEFOUT_"1FSTPOBM"TJEF)PX.VMUJDVMUVSBMJTN %FNBOET'SFF4QFFDI_8IBU)JHI4DIPPM4UVEFOUT BOE1BSFOUT /FFEUP,OPXCFGPSFȥFZ(PUP$PMMFHF $øñĀĄõĂå Opening the College Brochure 1$8FOUUP8BSXJUI'SFF4QFFDIJOUIFT BOE'SFF4QFFDI-PTU _)JEEFO4QFFDI$PEFT &WFSZXIFSF_8IBU)BSBTTNFOU*T4VQ QPTFEUP.FBO_"4IPSU4FMFDUJPOPG&YBNQMFTPG"CVTFTPG)BSBTT NFOU$PEFTPO$BNQVT_ȥF%FQBSUNFOUPG&EVDBUJPO.VEEJFTUIF Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 7 9/15/12 9:07 AM 6þüõñĂþùþ÷-ùòõĂĄĉ 8BUFST_ȥF)BSNPG$BNQVT4QFFDI$PEFTȥBU"SFh+VTUPOUIF #PPLTu_ȥFh4JMFOU$MBTTSPPNu_4QFFDI$PEFT +VBO8JMMJBNT BOEUIF%BOHFSPG)POFTU5BML $øñĀĄõĂæ The College Road Trip 2VBSBOUJOJOH'SFF4QFFDI_'PVS'BDUPSTȥBU8PSLBHBJOTU$BNQVT 'SFF4QFFDI_ȥF1SJDFPG#VSFBVDSBDZBOE)ZQFSSFHVMBUJPO_"O 0QQPSUVOJUZGPS'SFF4QFFDIPO$BNQVT $øñĀĄõĂç Harvard and Yale "MM*T/PU8FMMBU)BSWBSEBOE:BMF_:BMFT"CPVU'BDFPO'SFF 4QFFDI_'SBUFSOJUJFTBU:BMF.BLF.BUUFST8PSTFGPS'SFF4QFFDI _)BSWBSET4VSQSJTJOH$MVFMFTTOFTTBCPVU'SFF4QFFDIBOE'SFF .JOET_1MFEHJOH:PVSTFMGUP0WFSTJNQMJGZJOH.PSBM1IJMPTPQIZBU )BSWBSE_-BSSZ4VNNFST BOE)PX1MBZJOHXJUI*EFBT5FBDIFT6T UP5BML-JLF(SPXOVQT $øñĀĄõĂè Welcome to Campus! %JTPSJFOUBUJPO_3FTJEFODF-JGF'SPN)BMM.POJUPSTUP.PSBMJUZ 1PMJDF_5IF6OJWFSTJUZPG%FMBXBSFh5SFBUNFOUu_h6TWFSTVT ȥFNuȥF$VMUVSF8BSBT)FSP/BSSBUJWF $øñĀĄõĂé Now You’ve Done It! The Campus Judiciary ȥF4UVEFOU+VEJDJBSZBOEUIF$SJNJOBMJ[BUJPOPG&WFSZUIJOH_7JP MBUJPOTPG%VF1SPDFTTBOE'SFF4QFFDI0ȤFO(P)BOEJO)BOE_ .JDIJHBO4UBUF6OJWFSTJUZT4VSSFBM*ORVJTJUJPO1SPHSBN_$BNQVT Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 8 9/15/12 9:07 AM Contents +VTUJDFBOE4FYVBM"TTBVMU_4UFQ0OFPG%PJOH"XBZXJUI%VF 1SPDFTTJO4FY$BTFT3FEFlOF/PSNBM)VNBO*OUFSBDUJPOBTBO 0îFOTF_4UFQ5XP-PXFS%VF1SPDFTT1SPUFDUJPOT PS )PXUIF 'FEFSBM(PWFSONFOU*TOU)FMQJOH _8IBUTBU4UBLF"%VF1SPDFTT $BVUJPOBSZ5BMFPVUPG0IJP_$BNQVT+VTUJDFBOE6OMFBSOJOHUIF h4QJSJUPG-JCFSUZu $øñĀĄõĂê Don’t Question Authority Oh Yeah, We Actually Meant DON’T Question Authority ~ Campus Authoritarianism versus Sci-Fi Fans ~ 'BDFCPPLBOEUIF3JTLTPG 0OMJOF%JTTFOU_- sent ~ 4XFBSBU:PVS0XO3JTL BLB4LJQȥJT4FDUJPO*G:PV$BOU "CJEF$VTTJOH _)PX4UBUF(PWFSONFOUT 0ȤFO "SFOU)FMQJOH_ $PMMFHFT/FFEUP5FBDI4UVEFOUTUP2VFTUJPO"VUIPSJUZ JG0OMZGPS ȥFJS0XO(PPEȥF1FOO4UBUF$IJME3BQF4DBOEBM $øñĀĄõĂë Student Activities Fair 4UJmJOH'SFFEPNPG"TTPDJBUJPOPO$BNQVT_ȥFBUFS$MVC_$BN QVT$ISJTUJBOT_Contrast: The Muslim Students Association at Louisiana State University ~ :PVOH"NFSJDBOTGPS'SFFEPNBU$FO USBM.JDIJHBO6OJWFSTJUZBOE)PTUJMF5BLFPWFST_Christian Legal SocietyWMartinez_ȥF$BNQVT-FTCJBOBOE(BZ"TTPDJBUJPO BOE 5PMFSBODFGPS"MM_Martinez: San Diego State and Vanderbilt ~ 'SPN1&5"UP(VOT.PSF$BVTFTȥBU$BO-BOE:PV JO5SPVCMFPO$BNQVT_6OMFBSOJOH)PXUP-JWFXJUI&BDI0UIFS $øñĀĄõĂì Finally, the Classroom! .BOEBUPSZ"TTVNQUJPOTBOE1MFBTBOU-JUUMF-JFT_"DBEFNJD'SFF EPN 'SFF4QFFDI BOE8BSE$IVSDIJMM_.BOEBUPSZ-PCCZJOHGPS Lukianoff_00_FM.indd 9 9/15/12 9:07 AM 6þüõñĂþùþ÷-ùòõĂĄĉ 1SPHSFTTJWF$BVTFT_ȥF-JNJUTPGh4PDJBM+VTUJDFu"EWPDBDZ_ h%JTQPTJUJPOTuBOE1PMJUJDBM-JUNVT5FTUT ~ h4P "SF:PV463&*$BO 8SJUF8IBUFWFS*8BOUJOȥJT"TTJHONFOU u_5FBDIJOH$FOTPSTIJQ CZ&YBNQMF $øñĀĄõĂäã If Even Your Professor Can Be Punished for Saying the Wrong Thing… -FBSOJOHPO&HHTIFMMTȥF)JOEMFZ$BTFBU#SBOEFJT_$VMUVSF 8BST $FOTPSTIJQ BOEUIF1SPGFTTPSJBUF_/PU-FUUJOHUIF$BTFT#MVS 5PHFUIFSȥF7FSZ3FBM$POTFRVFODFTPG$FOTPSTIJQPO$BNQVT_ ȥF0VUSBHF$VMUVSF GSPNUIF$BNQVTUPUIF3FBM8PSME $øñĀĄõĂää Student Draftees
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