HHiissttoorryy && RReeccoorrddss 61 KKeeyyddeettss VVss.. AAllll OOppppoonneennttss First Last Georgia 0 5 1926 1929 Roanoke Elks 2 0 1922 1924 WLMetMet Georgia Southern 5 10 1993 2003 Roanoke YMCA 3 1 1912 1921 Alabama 1 2 1928 1995 Georgia State 2 0 1979 1979 Rutgers 0 2 1969 1976 Albright 1 0 1997 1997 Georgia Tech 2 6 1921 1993 St. Francis (PA) 1 1 2003 2004 Alderson Broaddus 1 0 1978 1978 Guilford 1 0 1912 1912 St. John’s (MD) 6 7 1911 1934 Appalachian State 28 37 1973 2003 Hampden-Sydney 20 9 1912 1985 St. Mary’s (MD) 1 0 2002 2002 Army 2 4 1971 2005 Hardin-Simmons 0 1 1957 1957 Salem College 3 0 1974 1978 Arkansas 1 2 1965 1990 Harvard 1 0 2003 2003 Samford 0 2 1967 1968 Arkansas State 0 1 1967 1967 Hawaii 0 1 2000 2000 Sewanee College 2 1 1928 1931 Ashford Gen. Hosp. 0 2 1944 1944 High Point 1 6 2004 2006 Shenandoah 7 0 1987 1999 Atlantic Christian 1 1 1970 1972 Howard 1 1 2001 2001 Shepherd College 1 1 1974 1975 Auburn 2 0 1920 1926 Illinois State 0 1 1982 1982 Siena College 1 0 1978 1978 Averett 2 0 1984 1986 Indiana State 0 2 1969 1976 South Alabama 0 2 1971 1975 Baltimore University 0 2 1980 1981 James Madison 6 13 1974 2005 South Carolina 3 7 1913 2001 Baltimore YMCA 0 1 1909 1909 Kent State 1 1 1967 1991 Southeastern 1 0 1976 1976 Bethany College 2 0 1975 1979 Kentucky 2 5 1914 2002 Southern Virginia 5 0 1999 2005 Birmingham-Southern 0 6 2004 2006 Kentucky Wesleyan 0 1 1960 1960 South Florida 0 1 1983 1983 Binghamton 0 1 2004 2004 Lafayette 1 0 1993 1993 Southwest Louisiana 0 1 1981 1981 Bluefield 14 0 1980 2004 Langley Field 1 0 1947 1947 Staunton Mil. Acad. 2 1 1909 1910 Boston College 0 1 1956 1956 Lebanon Valley 2 0 1976 1980 Stetson 0 2 1970 1979 Bridgewater 12 4 1924 1991 Liberty 7 5 1976 2006 Takola 2 0 1922 1923 Brown 1 0 1990 1990 Lincoln Memorial 1 0 1925 1925 Tennessee 4 7 1911 2003 Bucknell 1 2 1961 1985 Long Beach State 0 1 1978 1978 UT-Chattanooga 11 37 1978 2003 California University 1 0 1977 1977 Longwood 1 1 1983 2004 Texas 0 2 1988 1990 California-Irvine 0 1 1981 1981 Louisiana State 0 2 1957 1966 Texas San-Antonio 0 1 2004 2004 Campbell 1 1 1979 1981 Louisiana Tech 0 1 1975 1975 Toledo 0 2 1971 1978 Camp Meade 0 1 1950 1950 Louisville 0 1 2004 2004 Towson 2 2 1974 2005 Carson-Newman 2 0 1925 1926 Loyola (MD) 0 3 1974 2005 Trinity (Tex.) 0 1 1971 1971 Catholic University 0 2 1914 1922 Lynchburg AC 1 0 1924 1924 Tulane 1 1 1977 2004 Cedarville 1 0 1947 1947 Lynchburg 20 4 1912 1998 UCLA 0 1 1981 1981 Centenary (NJ) 2 1 1965 1995 Lynchburg Elks 3 0 1921 1923 Union-Theo. (Va.) 1 0 1915 1915 Cent. Conn. St. 0 1 1993 1993 Lynchburg YMCA 2 1 1910 1913 Utah 0 1 1969 1969 Central Florida 0 1 1979 1979 Maine 0 1 1982 1982 Vanderbilt 0 3 1958 1991 Central Wesleyan 3 0 1976 1978 Manhattan 0 1 1982 1982 Villanova 0 1 2002 2002 Charleston, Coll. of 0 5 1999 2003 Marine Inst. 0 1 1946 1946 Virginia 15 99 1909 2004 *Charleston Southern 5 5 1980 2006 Marshall 15 32 1953 1997 UVA-Wise 2 1 1980 2005 Christopher Newport 3 0 1975 1986 Mary Washington 2 1 2001 2003 Virginia Christ. Col. 4 0 1913 1919 The Citadel 44 53 1921 2003 Maryland 10 42 1911 2005 Va. Commonwealth 0 1 2000 2000 Clemson 1 6 1936 1964 Memphis State 0 1 1958 1958 Virginia Medical Col. 1 0 1928 1928 Cleveland St. 2 1 1978 1980 Middle Tennessee 0 2 1960 1975 Virginia Tech 43 85 1909 2004 Coastal Carolina 1 5 2004 2006 Mississippi 0 1 1925 1925 Virginia Wesleyan 1 0 1975 1975 Columbia 0 1 1966 1966 Morehead State 0 2 2001 2002 Wake Forest 4 18 1912 1999 Concord 1 0 1980 1980 Morris Harvey 2 3 1951 1977 Warren Wilson 1 0 2000 2000 Connecticut 0 3 1952 1974 Mount St. Mary’s 0 1 1990 1990 Washington & Lee 3 0 1941 1997 Cornell 1 0 1991 1991 Navy 1 21 1919 2004 Washington College 0 1 1923 1923 Corpus Christi 0 1 1973 1973 New Mexico State 0 1 1973 1973 Washington State 0 1 2004 2004 Davidson 30 75 1910 2003 New Orleans 0 1 2004 2004 Weber State 0 1 1992 1992 Davis & Elkins 0 1 1952 1952 Newport News App. 0 1 1944 1944 Western Carolina 19 27 1978 2003 Dayton 0 3 1974 1994 Norfolk NAS 1 2 1950 1952 Western Michigan 0 1 1981 1981 Delaware 1 0 1924 1924 Norfolk State 0 1 2003 2003 West Liberty St. 1 0 1979 1979 Denver 0 1 1956 1956 North Carolina 4 36 1913 1997 West Virginia 4 42 1916 1969 DePaul 1 0 1976 1976 North Carolina State 7 21 1916 2005 West Virginia Tech 4 3 1951 1998 Duke 9 18 1911 1953 Notre Dame 0 1 2000 2000 W. Va. Wesleyan 3 1 1920 1972 Duquesne 1 0 1977 1977 UNC Asheville 2 8 1989 2006 William & Mary 38 76 1915 1996 East Carolina 8 19 1963 1977 UNC Charlotte 0 3 1997 1999 Winthrop 5 4 1992 2006 East Illinois 0 2 1971 1972 UNC Greensboro 7 8 1979 2003 Wisc.-Green Bay 0 1 1976 1976 East Tennessee State 13 40 1953 2003 N.C. Wesleyan 0 1 1983 1983 Wofford 6 5 1970 2003 Eastern Mennonite 6 0 1989 2004 Ohio University 0 1 1972 1972 W. Wilson Hospital 0 2 1944 1944 Elon College 6 6 1914 1999 Old Dominion 4 19 1968 2005 Xavier 1 0 1973 1973 Emory & Henry 7 3 1912 1984 Oklahoma City 1 0 1977 1977 Farleigh-Dickinson 1 1 1979 1980 Oral Roberts 2 0 1988 2000 In 95 years, VMI has played 213 opponents, winning Ferrum 2 0 2000 2005 Pacific 1 0 1976 1976 725 games and losing 1312 games. Florida 1 3 1921 2000 Pennsylvania 0 2 1921 1961 Florida International 0 1 1997 1997 Penn State 1 2 1996 1999 Bold face type denotes 2006-07 opponents. Florida Southern 1 0 1970 1970 Presbyterian 1 0 1957 1957 Bold Italic face type denotes 2006-07 possible tour- Florida State 1 2 1964 1966 Princeton 0 1 1964 1964 nament opponents. Ft. Belvoir 1 0 1947 1947 Quantico Marines 0 4 1947 1951 *- Formerly known as Baptist College Furman 32 56 1939 2003 Radford 11 12 1976 2006 Gallaudet 1 0 1933 1933 Randolph-Macon 10 0 1909 2001 VMI has never faced Ohio State, Loyola Chicago, Gardner-Webb 0 1 1971 1971 Rice 0 1 1973 1973 South Dakota St., IUPUI, Alabama A&M, Virginia George Mason 1 0 1980 1980 Richmond 42 82 1916 2002 Intermont, Jacksonville St., Lees-McRae, Mercer George Washington 17 42 1913 1975 Richmond Prof. Ins. 1 0 1955 1955 and S.C. State. Georgetown 0 4 1913 2003 Roanoke College 24 22 1911 1988 62 AA LLooookk BBaacckk ttoo 11997755-7-77766 Thirty years ago, VMI made a miraculous journey that ended just one game from the Finalinal FFour. Ron Carter drives against The celebrations of 1976 are DePaul in the East Regional. still remembered today. VMI began its courageous run in the NCAA Tournament by upsetting Tennessee in a first round game played in Charlotte, N.C. Will Bynum fires over two Rutgers Scarlet Curt Reppart captained the Knights in the East Regional final. 1975-76 squad. 63 SSiinnggllee GGaammee RReeccoorrddss All Records Since Conference Realignment in 1953 THE LEADERBOARD TEAM Top VMI Offensive Games Top Field Goal Percentage (10 att.) MOST POINTS . .114 vs. UNC - Greensboro, 1978 1. VMI 114, UNC Greensboro 91, 1979 1. Lester Johnson 100% (11-11) vs. Radford, 1995 MOST REBOUNDS . 67 vs. Southeastern, 1976 2. VMI 113, Bluefield 83, 1987 2. Gay Elmore 92.3% (12-13) vs. Bluefield, 1987 MOST ASSISTS . .30 vs. Eastern Mennonite, 2003 3. VMI 113, Lynchburg 59, 1998 3. Ramon Williams 90.0% (9-10) vs. JMU, 1989 MOST STEALS . .25 vs. Bluefield, 1992 4. VMI 112, Radford 65, 1976 4. Mark Current 84.6% (11-13) vs. Marshall, 1987 MOST BLOCKS . .15 vs. Appalachian State, 2003 VMI 112, Washington & Lee 67, 1996 5. Geoff Hinshelwood 84.6% (11-13) vs. Georgia FEWEST POINTS . .32 vs. Coastal Carolina, 2004 5. VMI 111, Albright 53, 1996 State, 1978 FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED . 6. VMI 110, Radford 103, 1996 . .33 vs. Richmond,1976; Lebanon Valley, 1980 & SVU, 2005 VMI 110, Richmond 90, 1978 Top Free Throw Percentage (10 att.) MOST POINTS TWO TEAM . 7. VMI 109, George Washington 92, 1966 1. Mike Manis, 100% (13-13) vs. ODU, 1968 8. VMI 108, Salem College 84, 1976 Robin Parker, 100% (13-13) vs. WVU, 1965 . .221 (VMI 96, California-Irvine 125), 1981 VMI 108, The Citadel 101, 1975 Bobby Prince, 100% (12-12) vs. UTC, 1995 FEWEST POINTS TWO TEAMS . VMI 108, Hampden-Sydney 96 (3 OT), 1960 Gay Elmore, 100% (12-12) vs. App. State, 1989 . .72 (VMI 37,William & Mary 35, OT), 1972 Gay Elmore, 100% (12-12) vs.
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