J Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 90: 269- 291 (July. 2001) NEW AUSTRALIAN AND AUSTRALIAN STATE LICHEN AND LICHENICOLOUS LICHEN REPORTS 1 2 3 4 D. ALLEN , H. T. LUMBSCH , S. MADDEN AND H. SrPMAN ABSTRACT. Based on recent acquisitions of the Australian National Herbarium since 1982, mainly the collections of J.A.Elix and H.Streimann, new distribution data are presented for 162 species. This includes 31 species new to Australia: Acarospora reagens, Co/lema fragrans, Cyphelium australe, Dictyonema ligulatum, Dimerella pineti, Diploschistes farinosus, D. gyrophoricus, Dirinaria compli­ cata, Heterodermia isidiophora, Hyperphyscia pruinosa, Megalospora atrorubicans ssp. atrorubi­ cans, Myriotrema bahianum, M. compunctum, M. terebratulum, Ocellularia aurata, 0. berkeleyana, Ochrolechia africana, Opegrapha .filicina, 0. phylloporinae, Peltula marginata, Physcia dimidiata, Porina sphaerocephala, Porpidia cinereoatra, Pyrenula corticata, Pyxine cylindrica, Thelotrema platysporum, Thyrea confusa, Trapelia involuta, Trichothelium triseptatum, Trypethelium aeneum, Umbilicaria nylanderiana. Most of these are tropical taxa, found in Queensland. The other species are newly recorded for one or more Australian states. Seventeen years have elapsed since the last significant report (Elix & Streimann 1982) of new lichen records based on collections held at the Cryptogamic Herbarium of the Aus­ tralian National Herbarium (CANB). However, interesting and significant finds have been reported by various authors in revisions and in the Australasian Lichenology (formerly Australiasian Lichenological Newsletter) with many of these reports based on CANB col­ lections. The CANB collections have grown significantly since 1982 with the donation by Prof. J.A. Elix of his lichen collections and the continuing collecting program to northern Aus­ tralia which have added significantly to the knowledge of Australian lichenology. This col­ lecting program resulted in numerous records and we report 31 species new to Australia, of which 18 are from Queensland. The following are the numbers of new state records: Northern Territory 24 Victoria 20 Queensland 58 Tasmania 4 New South Wales 42 South Australia 14 Australian Capital Territory 41 Western Australia 13 At the meeting of Australasian Lichenologists held at Coffs Harbour, April 1998, it was decided (J. A. Elix 1998) that new lichen reports be reported regularly so that the Checklist ofAustralasian Lichens and allied Fungi could be kept up to date. The significant number of new reports held by CANB are enumerated here. This work was undertaken by 1 Department of Botany (student), University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia. 2 Department of Botany, University of Essen, D-45 117 Essen, Germany. 3 10 Golf Links, Rd, Albany, Western Australia 6330, Australia. 4 Botanical Garden & Museum, Konigin-Luise st 6-6, D-1 OOO Berlin, Germany. 270 J. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 90 2 0 0 I Allen & Madden as a project during the annual Student Jnternship Program ( 1999) at the Australian National Herbarium. All herbarium collections were checked against the Check/ist of Australasian Lichens and allied Fungi (Filson 1996) and known subsequent publications. When the collections were numerous then only a selection is cited to give a range of habit, habitat and geograph­ ical preferences. Collections determined by persons other than the collector are named in brackets. HS & JAC collections, unless otherwise stated, were determined by JAE. For multiple collectors only the main collector is cited. Many new reports of Lecanora and Pseudocyphellaria are present in the herbarium, but not included here, as the authors have submitted manuscripts to ABRS for publication in the Flora ofAustralia . We look forward to their timely publication. We would also sincerely like to thank the many lichenologists who have determined the CANB collections and thus passed on some of their knowledge for Australian lichenol­ ogy. Our gratitute is especially expressed to Prof. J. A. Elix (Australian National Universi­ ty) who spent considerable time checking references. H. Streimann (CANB) is also thanked for checking collections and editing. For brevity the following abbreviations are used: AA=A. Aptroot, Ck= Creek, DJG= D. J. Galloway, DMcV= D. McVean, JAE=J. A. Elix, HaS=H. Sipman, HS = H. Streimann, HTL = H.T. Lumbsch, Is.=Island, JAC = J. A. Curnow, H'way= Highway, JJ = J. Johnson, RWP =R. W. Purdie, NP=National Park, Ra.= Range, P. = Park, R.=River, Res.=Reserve, Rd = Road, SF= State Forest, DV = D. Verdon. ENUMERATION OF REPORTS Acarospora citrina (Tayl.) Zahlbr. ex Rech. Queensland: Bell Ck, Inverness Rd, 27 km ENE of Biolela, 24°52'S, l 50°33'E, alt. 180 m, cleared paddock with scattered low rock outcrops, on volcanic rocks, Mar 1993, JAE 34891; Dawson H 'way, Dawson Ra., 17 km WSW of Moura, 24°38'S 149°49'E, alt. 170 m, dry sclerophyll forest with large rock outcrops and escarpment on weathered rocks, Aug! 993, JAE 34965; Plover Plain, Mt Fox to Kennedy Developmental Rd, 45 km N of Greenvale, 18°34'S 149°55'E, alt. 600m, Leptosperrnum dominated seasonally swampy area, on semi-exposed low rock outcrops, Dec 1990, HS 46824. Previous reports: NT, NSW, ACT, SA, WA (selection cited). Acarospora novae-hollandiae Magn. Queensland : 36km E of Mount Isa, 20°43'S 139°5l'E, alt. 430m, in sheltered rock crevices in Eu­ calyptus woodland with Triodia, Jun 1986, JAE 20664. Previous reports: NT, SA, WA . Acarospora reagens Zahlbr. Victoria: Mt Crozier track, Pink Lakes State P., 30 km NNW of Underbool, 34°55 'S 141 °43 'E, alt. 70 m, Eucalyptus dominated mallee scrub with Dodonaea, on exposed sandy soil, Mar 1989, JAC 2470 (HTL, Aug 1996). New report for Australia. Arthonia cinnabarilla (DC.) Wallr. Northern Territory: Melville Island: Condor Point, 11 °44'S 131 °17'E, alt. 2 m, strand vegetation dominated by Acacia auriculaeformis, Gyrocarpus, Thespesia and Diospyros maritima, on Psycho­ tria stem, Apr 1989, HS 42479. Doctors Gully, Darwin, alt. 1 m, l 2°28 ' S l 30°50'E, alt. 2 m, shrubs D. ALLEN et al.: New Australian and Australian State Lichen 271 and small trees on cliff side above beach, on small tree trunk, May 1988, JAE 22586 (B. Staiger, 1995). Previous reports: QLD, VIC, TAS, WA. Arthonia pseudocyphe/lariae Wedin New South Wales : Barrington Tops NP, 56 km WSW Gloucester, NW of Barrington Guesthouse, along Carreys Peak Trail, 32°04'S I 52°28 'E, alt. 1300 m, open Nothofagus moorei dominated forest, on Pseudocyphellaria glabra (on N moorei), Nov 1990, M. Wedin 3456. Previous report: TAS. Aspicilia contorta (Hoffm.) Kremp. New South Wales : W slope of Mt Canobolas, 8km SW of Orange, 32°21'S 148°59'E, alt. 1300m, large volcanic rock ledge with open Leptospermum scrub, Dec 1989, JJ 2926, 2935 (both HTL, Aug 1996). Previous report: VIC. Biatora sorediosa Rambold Queensland: 36 km E of Mount Isa, 20°43 'S 139°51 'E, alt. 430 m, in sheltered rock crevices in Eu­ calyptus woodland with Triodia , Jun 1986, JAE 20668. Previous reports: NT, WA. Bunodophoron australe (Laur.) Massa!. New South Wales: Knights Lookout Rd, New England NP, E of Armidale alt. 1524m [SOOOft], rain forest, on saplings. Oct 1967, W.A . Weber L-48043 (M . Wedin, 1993). Previous reports: TAS, VIC. Calicium ch/orosporum F. Wils. Western Australia: Track to Hayward Peak, Porongurup Ra., Porongurup NP, 22 km ESE of Mount Barker, 34°41 'S 117°51 'E, alt. 320 m, dry sclerophyll forest on moderate slope, on base of karri, Sep 1994, JAE 41408 (Has, 1996). Previous reports: QLD, NSW. Calicium hyperelloides Nyl. Northern Territory : Litchfield P., 39km SW of Batchelor, 13 °12'S 130°4l'E, on dead Eucalyptus branch on rocky sandstone plateau with Eucalyptus, Terminalia, Calytrix and Ficus, Jui 1991, JAE 27633. Australian Capital Territory: The Long Flat, Mt Clear Ra., 65 km S of Canberra, 35°53'S 145°05 'E, alt. 1220m, grassland valley, on shaded side of dead Eucalyptus, Oct 1981 , JAE 9028, HS 10626 (both L. Ti bell, 1981 ). Previous report: QLD. Caloplaca cinna.barina (Ach.) Zahlbr. Australian Capital Territory: South Bruce, 8 km NW of Capital Hill, Canberra, 35 °15'S 149°05'E, alt. 640 m, Eucalyptus dominated woodland, on rocks amongst Parmeliaceae, Nov 1984, JAC 94. Previous reports: VIC, TAS, SA, WA. Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. Australian Capital Territory : Cotter Res., 17 km WSW of Canberra, 35 °20'S 148°55'E, alt. 540m, on weathered limestone with scattered Casuarina cunninghamia, with sh rubs and introduced herbs on lower parts, Oct 1981, DV 5033. Previous reports: NSW, TAS. Canoparmelia corrugativa (Kurok. & Filson) Elix & Hale Australian Capital Territory : Charnwood, 13 km NW of Canberra, 35°1 I'S 149°02'E, alt. 580m, around trunk of Eucalyptus street trees with Flavoparmelia, Usnea and Candellariel/a, Mar 1993, S. Podreka 20 (JAE, 1993). 272 J. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 90 2 0 0 I Previous reports: NSW, SA. Canoparmelia owariensis (Asah.) Elix Northern Territory : 'Lost City', Litchfield P., 37km SE of Batchelor, 13 °13'S 130°44'E, alt. 150m, large sandstone outcrops with Eucalyptus and Calophyllum, on shaded boulder, Jui 1991 , HS 48265. Previous reports: QLD, WA. Catillaria melanotropa (Ny!.) Zahlbr. Tasmania : Robbins Is. Track, N of Denium Hill, 25 km NW ofSmithton, 40°44'S 144°53 'E, alt. 2 m, on Melaleuca in Melaleuca swamp, Jui 1993, JAE 40268, 40281 (both G. Kantvilas). Previous report: VIC. Chaenothecafurfuracea (L.) Tibell Victoria: Spring Ck Gap, l lOkm N ofOrbost along Bonang H'way, alt. 955m, wet sclerophyll for­ est, on soil of up-rooted tree, Nov 1978, JAE 5147. Tasmania: Fem Glade Track, Mt Wellington, Ho­ bart, 42°54'S 147°14 'E, alt. 420m, on soil in wet sclerophyll forest, Jan 1979, JAE 5595; Mt Field NP, 42°41 'S 146°35'E, alt. 1040 m, on Richea pandanifolia leaves, mar 1981 , L. Tibell 11125; Maria Is. NP, Counsel Ck, 1.5 km NW of Mt Maria, 42°36'S 148°05'E, alt.
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