Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 10-10-1963 State College Leader - October 10, 1963 State College Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation State College Leader Staff, "State College Leader - October 10, 1963" (1963). University Leader Archive. 94. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. Kansas St. Historical Society 4-'. Kirite Mectrem,_ Sec. 2005 . comp. ~v t;rn~ua~d~p 1truwaoo - Volume. LVIIrn Fort:u~ State Thursday, October 10, 1968 Hays Kansas College, Haya, Kansas, No. 6 Bands lProfflise Colorful Show Saturd~y for Visiting -pa rents Parents of FHS students and itors and music will be presented Parents also are invited to at- about 2,000 musicians froµi 38 high by the Concert Choir, Collegian - tend the band activities, which be:O schools will fill the campus this Chorale and· Concert Band. gin at 9 a.m. in Lewis Field Sta- weekend for the annual Band and Also on the agenda · is a re- dium with the second annual Parents' Day festivities. ception from 2 :30 to 4 :30 in the marching festival. Each of the 24 The busy day, climaxed by the · Memorial Union Black and Gold ,:: festival bands will present an FHS-Omaha f ciotball g~me in Lew- Room. Parents may purchase eight-minute J:ilarching demonstra- is Field Stadium at 7:30 p;m., will tickets for the football game at tion. , include special activities for par- a reduced price during that time. At noon, the 24 bands will be ents. ...i Parents' Day acti\tities are spon- joined by 16 others for mass .dem- A program for the parents will sored by the Second Generation onstration at the . stadium. "Band - be · held in Sheridan Coliseum at Club and All-Student Council. Glor- · Day, FHS" will be spelled out by 1 :30 p.m. President M. C. Cunning- ia Dizmang, Holyrood senior, pres- the musicians who will play three ham and John D. Garwood, dean ident of the Second Generation numbers while in their mass for- of the faculty, will address the vis- Club, is in charge of the program. mation. Bandsmen will continue their acfrrities Saturday afternoon with the. annual parade through downtown Hays beginning at Wednesday Election Set; 3:30 p.m. Candidates ·File Petitions, ( Continued on Page 4) Plans for the All-Student Coun- · them from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Students Tryouts Planned cil election Wednesday n_eared com- are required to show t_heir activity pletion at the regular meeting of tickets ,before voting. · For December Play the council Tuesday night. An assembly with the purpose Voting booths will be set up in of acquainting candidates with A cast of 30 persons will be cho- COED CORN SHELLER - Patty Keeley, Radium sophomore, appears the Memorial Union on election their electors is planned; probably sen next week for the college fall to ha\'e gotten hold of a tough ear of corn while competing in .a corn- day and members of ASC will man early next week, but definite ad- play, "Inherit the Wind," by Jer- sheJJing contest sponsored by Women's Recreation Assn. ministrativ~ approval has .not been ome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. received. Tryouts are scheduled in Picken . Students will be informed of the Hall, "Room 111, from 7:30 to 10:80 Journalists ·Plan assembly in classes and through p.m. Wednesday and again from posters in the Memorial Union 4 to 6 p.m. next Thursday. Any New Group Recognizes .New York Trip when final plans are completed. interested student may try out. At the petition deadline W ednes- Miss Harriet Ketchum, associate Fort Hays State will be repre- day. at 5 p.m., three offices had not professor of speech, will direct the sented at the Associated Collegiate been filed for; They are married play of 21 men, six women and Top Women Scholars Press conference in New York by students representative, unmarried three children. It will be presented SPURS, an honorary service or- Cavalry and WLO with ushering three representatives fron: the Re- students living in unorganized at Hays High School on Dec. 6 and ganization, makes its first official and hostess responsibilities and veille, student yearbook, and one housing representative and gradu- 6. impact on the campus this week members are expected to train to from. The Leader, student newspa- ate students representative. Richard Boss; Hill City senior, with an organizational meeting be student leaders for new student per. These offices may be filled has been chosen as set designer, Tuesday evening. week next fall. Attending the conference, which through write-in ballots. Write-in but no student director has been will be held Oct. 17-19, are Mac l'· Sponsored by Women's Leader- Members will wear th.e regular ballots may also be used in voting named. SI;>UR uniform of a white blouse Reed, Ellis senior, and Carol Mil- for any of the other offices. ship Organization, the new group ler, Hanston sophomore, Reveille gives recognition to sophomore and white-V-neck sweater with The candidates and the offices white pleated skirt on Tuesdays, editor and organizations editor, re- for which they are running are: Freshman Quartet women for scholarship and leader- spectively, and Norman Brewer, ship. The name SPURS comes their meeting day. Later, when ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY the club is chartered, the·official Norway junior, who is managing PRESIDENT, Kent Leichliter, Picked by Stout from five qualities expected of . editor of The Leader. A freshman male quartet has members of. the national organiza- emblem will be added to the uni- Nickerson senior, and Charles . form. Faculty representative for the Myers, Great Bend senior; VICE- been selected, according to Don tion, S-s a c r i f i c e, P-patriotism, Stout, assistant professor of music. Mrs. Donabel Linney, instructor trio is Katherine Rogers, adviser PRESIDENT, Tom Smith, Syra- U-understanding, R-responsibility The quartet, a group of non-music in English, is adviser for SPURS, of the yearbook. cuse senior. and S-service. majors, is being organized for the Members approved to date are At the conference the group Senior class officers, PRESI- A maximum membership of 30 Ba_rbara . Branson, Great Bend; will attend sessions dealing with DENT, Leland Brodbeck, Kinsley, first time this semester. A. Members are Bob Frobenius, Sa- may be chosen from those sopho- Danna E. Carter, Kinsley; ·Helen student yearbook and newspaper and Ron Hosie, Abilene; VICE- lina, first tenor; Lynn Tischhauser, more women who have made ap- M. Cooper, Oakley; Janet L. Dory, production and listen to speakers PRESIDENT, Charles Fritzmeier, plication and who have met the Hoisington; Judy C. Drach, Hud- such as Professor C. J. Medlin, St afford, and· SECRETARY- Elmo, second tenor; Tom Baxter, Hays, baritone, and Clair Swann, scholastic requirement of a 2. son; Maribeth Engle, Abilene; journalism adviser at Kansas State TREASURER, J a n e Schnoebelen, Russell, bass. Accompanist is Jerry index for their freshman year. University, Manhattan, and Ed- Lewis. Gerry Fehrenbach, Jetmore; Pam- Brown, Hays freshman music ma- Final selection of members de- ela Geyer, Sylvan Grove; Dar- ward W. Barrett, dean of the Co- Junior class officers, PRESI- K. jor. Don Stout is faculty sponsor pends upon recommendations lene F. Grosshardt, Claflin; Pris- lumbia University School of Jour- for the quartet. submitted for each applicant. cilla A. Kaufmann, Olathe; Mary nalism, New York. (Continued on Page 4) National regulations for SPURS Sue Loewen, Valley Center; Linda will govern the new organization A. McKee, Culver; Janet L. Nel- but it cannot be chartered until it son, Hays; Margaret A. Quiring, has been active on campus for two Smith Center; Carol J. Schissler, years. WLO members began pre- Terndon; Linda L. Spreier, Jet- liminary steps to establish SPURS more, and Eileen J. Unruh, Paw- . Jast spring and secured Faculty nee Rock. ~en ate approval this fall. Officers and additional members The new club will assist Seventh will be announced soon. Hootenanny Coming Monday The Traveling Hootenanny fea- pea red on A BG's Hootenanny and turing two vocalists and two sinS?- other TV proi,-ams. Warner Broth- ing- g-roups will perform nt 8 p.m. ers is releasing her first album en- ~londay in Sheridan Coliseum. titled "Lynn Gold." A ppcaring will he the ~todern The Modern Folk Quartet, who Folk Quartet, Knob Lick Upper recently recorded its first album 10,000, Lynn Gold nnd Dr. Louis !or Warner Brothers, wilJ present Gottlieb o! the Limeliters. n new sound. It is the fresh ap- Tickets arc on sale at the Me- proach, mnkinJ: modem music for morial Union. Hays ~fusic Co. and today's people. Great Bend Music Co. for Sl.50. The Knob Lick Upper 10,000 v.;11 Student acfr.-ity tickeL<\ will not also present a new sound _approach. admit student-I'.
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