mattaclpine AUTHOR TKilj iq'61 i y d k / u t 50’ ECHOES OF PURITAN TERROR ............ Letters ptotesting wbst readers regard as unlawful action of Mnssaebuaetts author* ■ nattiicliine( ities as repotted in "Puritan Terror— Maasacfausetta 1961." in April REVIEW are beginning to arrive. Two ate published below, and mote will appear in the June issue. The first is from a person who cannot be identified: mrzw REVIEW EDITORi It is depressing to Founded in 1954-Fits! Issue January 1955 read of the outrage upon human beings my lifetim e, and I am very young. Cata­ committed by other human beings, as re­ clysmic changes lie ahead. I just hope lated in "Puritan Terror," and in the let­ that man doesn't succeed in reaching other planets. But enough of that: Pre­ ter from a mother in Minnesota, As a for­ Volume VII M AY 1961 Number 5 mer resident of the Commonwealth of dictions don’t change the course of his­ M assachusetts for four years, I can test­ tory. Editor HAROLD L. CALL ify that such official activity is entirely REVIEW EDITOR: Thanks for your fine consistent with the ethical qualities mani­ and fearless repotting in the moving art­ TABU CONTENTS fested in many other spheres by many of icle about the Puritan Terror in Massa­ Of the people of the state and their repre­ chusetts, 1961. Since this illegal out­ sentatives, For life in Massachusetts is rage might possibly set some kind of hor­ characterized by an all-pervading corrup­ fittsinwss M anafr rible precedent, Mattachine must see that DONALD S. LUCAS tion, quite different from the impersonal the matter is taken to the Supreme Court callousness of life in New York (and the of Massachusetts to reverse the decision. T tta tu rtr What to Do About Homosexuals............. 4 opinions of one of the most influential in­ O. CONRAD BOWMAN. JR- The record must be straightened out, the dividuals in Massachusetts, Cardinal sadists punished and the legal tight to Cushing, on a number of subjects, ate F.dilou^t Board belong to Mattachine (or any similar Attitudes Toword Sex-Roles ond Feelings pretty chilling to one who has human feel­ ROLLAND HOWARD group) in that state clearly defined. If a ings), This is equalled nowhere in the WALLACE DE ORTEGA MAXEY of Adequacy In Homosexual Moles fund will be required. 111 be glad to con- JOHN LEROY U.S. with the exception of a few Southern tHbute. We must stop merely sniveling by Brenda A. Dickey........................9 states, whose people are generally cor­ and start acting. This is our cause cele- rupt in narrower patterns. More evidence bre,— Mr. E. W., New York for those who ate convinced (as I am) Five Minority Groups in Relation to that, before many mote years have passed, EDITOR’S REPLY: Weptoduced 100 ex­ the U.S.A. (and other big anti-human soc­ tra copies of April REVIEW for the pur­ Tradamork Ragiitered Contemporary Fiction ieties, as the U.S.S.R., Chinese Peoples pose of mailing them to officials in Mas­ by Valerie Taylor........................ 13 Republic, Qreat Britain, etc.) will belong sachusetts (including all named in the U.S. Patant OfRca to history. A pity. Such a beautiful Con­ article), Washington, D.C., and in some stitution. But look at the forces that ate other states; to a list of professional per­ B o o k s............................................. operating today: 5 billion human beings, sons; to headquarters and branches of their infinity cf artifacts and their aspi­ NAAC P and American ' C ivil U berties rations— forces of a power unprecedent­ Union. We hope an attorney in Massachu­ Readers Write..................................26 ed in eardi’s history. And note the qual­ setts w ill come forth to appeal this case, ity of the aspirations of the overwhelm­ providing such is still possible. If that ing majority of those who aspire beyond happens, and hinds ate requited, we’ll food and shelter. I foresee no peace in call for help. Published monchly by che Matta* chioe Soettcy, Inc.. 693 Miaaioa Covet photo of Valerie Tayioi by Albert James Vaughn, OFFICIAL NOTICE— The name, MATTACHINE, the corporate title, THE MATTA^ Su, San Francisco 5. California. Telephone DOuglas 2«37W. Chicago. / CHINE SOCIETY, INC., and the Society’s. officially adopted emblem, the letter M on a diamond shaped background, are the official names and trademark of the organ­ Copyright ¡961 by th t Mattmebiu* Socitty, inc. S^vtnth year o /p u b lic^ ization and are registered in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. /ion. Matiachint Foundation, ¡nc., No other organization, group or individual may use this name style or trademark, of eitabUabed in ¡950 at Los AngoUs! Mttttachin* Socitty /orincd in 1953 which The Mattachine Society, Inc., is the owner, nor any name style and/or trade­ and charttrtd as non-pro/it, non­ mark in a form of such near resemblance thereto as might be calculated to deceive partisan educational, rtstoreb and CtMNGES OF ADDRESS sociat service corporation in Calu any other person or persons whatsoever that it is connected or associated in any Notke e^chang« of odWrass ^ovW Wo sont not fornia. Foundtd in tb t public in- way or manner with the specific California Corporation which owns and has regis­ ( •It than Voo waolii prior lo Iho dofo cbongo ttrtst for putpost of providing true bacoMos •Hacliv«. Sand tho addroM al which tered these names and trademark, except as may be authorized by The Mattachine and accurau informatiom leading to Society, Inc., a California Corporation. capiat Of# now baing roeaiwod and lha now solution of St* behavior problems, address at which you with to racaiao capiot- particulariy those of the bomost*ual No individual, group or organization other than The Mattachine Society, Inc., a Cal­ aduit. ifornia Corporation, is authorized to collect or solicit dues, fees, contributions, or ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted ooly from publishers andyor authors any other moneys for the Mattachine Society or in the name of the Mattachine Soc­ th e HEVIHP/ is available on many of hooka; aagazloea; periodicala and booksellers cooceroed with U.S- neufssiands at 50c per copy, boaooezaal ao4 other sesologicsl subjects. Rates upon appltcsiion. iety, and no membership cards, receipts or other papers are valid unless signed by and by subscription (mailed la the Secretary-general and/or Treasurer of The Mattachine Society, Inc. plain, sealed envelopet. Rates ia MANUSCRIPTS: Original aniclea, reviews, lertecs sod sigoilicant advance: S3 in U.S. aM poatea* opiaiOo. and appropriate sbott stories solicited for publicsuoo on a no-fee basis. Plense include first class postage for rerum. Any, eorrespoodeuce directed to the Matuebine Society should be addressed to its sion«; S6 foreign. offibe at 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, California. The Mattaebioe Society, Inc. s / Donald S. Lucas, Secretary-General 2 »m ° (author of Only in America, For 2<t Flain, etc.) hits the problem squarely, although his information may not be entirely complete: j Whot To Do About Homosexuals? The British Parliament recently held debate on the ad­ visability of changing punitive legislation in regard to homo­ More and more state legislatures, bar associations, psychiatric groups and sexuality. Members of the House of Commons urged that the lalw enforcement agencies are being troubled by the question, “ What to do law be changed not to cite for possible punishment the pri­ about homosexuals?” In the following report come constructive suggestions vate practice of homosexuality between consenting ad«üts. frpm intelligent minds from widely scattered points on the North American The measure failed. continent. The consensus is overwhelmingly in favor of changing punitive There is some degree of optimism in the debate, however. It represents England’s attempts to come to grips with this laws along lines so often stated in Mattachine REVIEW since January 1955 problem. For a long time people have pretended to them­ when this magazine began publication: Change the statutes to remove from selves the problem did not exist when, in fact, homosexuality criminal definition those acts by consenting adults in private where no harm is a widespread phenomenon governed by antiquated viciou^ and overly- Puritanical laws. 0. orce is involved. In America we have not made any progress toward the Mattachine is aware that most state laws do not proscribe against homo­ lessening of this problem. We admit it exists only in dirty jokes sexuals on the basis of sexual orientation, but instead these laws are aimed even though female homosexuality is the subject of hundreds against acts— specific acts. Thus they apply to a vast majority of our pop­ of paperback novels (which are bought for the most part by ulation, because these acts (fellatio, cunnilingus, sodomy, anal intercourse, men who imagine the description of love as a heterosexual description). The one solution we civilized people have ad­ etc.) apply to and are practiced by many non-homosexual persons, including vanced toward homosexuality is to sentence the homosexual husbands and their wives. Nevertheless they are just as illegal in these to jail wüch is like sending an alcoholic to a distillery. circumstances as when practiced by two persons of the same sex, though What we fail to understand about homosexuality is that legal interference is usually, but not always, reserved for persons of the though it is a biological perversion it does not have a biologi­ cal cause. Instead its causes are for the most part psychologi­ same sex, particularly males. cal and social. The legislature in New Mexico, Editor Harry Golden of the Carolina Is­ While homosexuality has been persistent through West­ raelite, the Canadian Bar Association and a county medical society in Mich­ ern culture, it has never been a constant.
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