THE WESTFIELD LEADER r** *W *OIT WIDELY CIMLVLATEO WEEKLY NEWSFAPEM IN VNIOM COUNTY Soured M Stcoaa Clau Matter -.FIBST YEAR—No. 41 #ub!ltbe4 po«t o»ic.. wrttaaS: art. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, TrHTBSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 Everr Thundar High School Award* Store. To Clote WtMlMMbyt D Three Qnurlteg Preachers For At Assembly July MM! Anfiut To Hold Union Suwner Vesper Town Playfields _es and awards wen presented at the Anal assembly of . High School students held Friday in the school auditorium, ef tbe WestaaM Services Soon nell Cup, presented by the Union County Cornell Alumni Services Listed jion, wit won by Charles Brandt. Winners of the B'Nai ••Miaf ia Orchard Us, To Open Monday "iood Essay Contest ware: first price, Marilyn Mumford; Tfcanaar Bight, *«4aa I* . lofat Worthip To iriie, Barbara Martyn; and third prize, Margaret Kruse and cW» their IUTH all asr Waa- St. Paul'. Rector Thomas. mfcn eeriai the »atk* •( Begin July 1 Al To Opea Community j awards were won by imij aad An|»l. Methods.! Chun* Five School Areas Ready [Cogswell, Adele Rinehart, Meat ware m*U f«r •• Program July 1 : hnson, Susan Davey, M cr- UNiwedTo UMcktiM pkitk at Tas»e- Beginning Sunday, July 1, and mond, Ketherine Gibbe, «•» Park Wedaetdar, July The first of the annual Com- For Busy Su—?r Seaw Thomas, Barbara Hab- continuing through Sunday, Aug- munity Vesper Service this sum- II with Mn. lu Seeder ust 26, the congregations of the I Read, Flora Bell Smycrs, Book of Cold ae eaeinaea el Ike (email- mer will be held in Minowaskin Monday will be opening day for WesMela'a ft** Kruse, Patricia Peers, First Baptist, First Cofrega- Park, Sunday, July 1, at 7 p.m., it grounds at Columbus, McKinley, Roosevelt, Great, Ma Wiasa tea. Netaaaiel Cebea »e*k. The playgrounds, sponsored by the WestReM tirraallea fli eld, Thomas MarU, Alii- tional, and First Methodist was announced today by Dr. Fred The names of IT members of MI Ik* raceat aaMttiag ef Churches will unite in services ef with Joseph V. Horan as director, will be earn In atn cy, John Callahan, David Ebersele, president of the West- this year's graduating class at Fair Treat prices cad their worship at 10 a.m. each Sunday, Monday through Friday, from »;S0 a. m. will 4:10 p. akfef and Elisabeth Bitten Roosevelt lunior Hifh School hava probable la«f raa effect. field Council of .Churches. Rev. from five to It years old. Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorisea Jr., Frederick W. Blati, rector of St. A aew feature ef J been inscribed in the "Book of minister of the First Congrega- I Cogswell was named as Gold." Students receiving this Paul's Episcopal Church, will be ground! this year wUt be? ' tional Church, will preach at the the preacher. These services are Troop leld High School repre- honor have been elected annually borhoed Night", ~ first three of these services which sponsored jointly by the Westfield to Boys1'State in New since the ftrst graduating class 25 Dairy Ordered tion to adults aad will be held at the First Metho- Council of Church** and the West- |k this month. Edward years ago by the members of the WILLIAM B. McMANUS one evening a dist Church July 1, 8, and 16. The field YMCA. The services continue ground. The I the alternate delegate. faculty on a basis of "all-around- services on July 22 and W are To Move Depot through July and August, In case softball, volley ball, was named repre- neis", food cititenship, and partic- scheduled at the meeting house ef of rain,.the service will be held in horseshoes, checkers, dead ' to, Girls' BUte in New ipation in extra-curricular activi- the First Congregational Church. ties, Not more than seven per Area Resident* Pupils Named the chapel of the Presbyterian box hockey, and alagut IW- this month, with Ann The preacher will be Rev. Dr. parish house, as alternate., cent of the graduating class can Jesse R. Wilson ef Fanwood, home 9 7 until • p. m. IIMaa, awMfL Mki,- Cauie Ruling In addition to Rev. Mr, Blati, erhart was the Citiien- be elected. To be eligible, a stu- secretary of the American Bap- s-saws will be availaU* jar MM' For Boys State preachers for the other service! in tute winner, and Miss dent must hava attended the jun- tist Foreign Missionary Society. Complaints from a group of the series are as follows: July I, liter, teacher of speech, ior high for at least one and a half On Sunday, August 5, also at the schedule is esfollewe! residents living near the Golden William B. McManus, son of Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorison Jr., min- 8.A.R. Good Citifen- years. Congregational meeting house, Tuesday; MeKinley, ..... Dawn Dairy milk depot, 1U West Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. McMan- ister of the First Congregational Rev. Dr. Roy B. Deer, secretary of Roosevelt, Thursday; Oraat, 1 the following students have Broad street, have caused a Board nus of 2S4 Virginia street, and Church; July 15, Rev. Richard L. the national field program and nesday; and Wiles*, ~^ for a Music Week been named » the "Book of of Adjustment ruling ordering the Richard Cogswell, son of Mr. and Smith, assistant minister of the special services of the Northern A highlight o( tka avawMf •» nt to Betsy Blackwell, Gold": dairy to discontinue operations Mrs, George ¥. Cogswell of 909 Presbyterian Church; July 22, Baptist Convention, will preach, ..am is the baaaholl MM)* Hk ,- I prise was ri»en to Ron' Anthony Scott Brandt, Helen at that site by June 14, 1954, it Rahway avenue, are attending R«v. J. Bernard Waller, minister boya to the age at II. fGW \ Jersey Boys' State at Rutgers ker. Betty Zeitelhack, Ann Earhart, Audrey Louise Glea- was revealed yesterday by John On August 12, 19, and 20, ser- of Bethel Baptist Church; July league M. Mackenxie, a board member. University, which opened Sunday gam**, ant, Donald Kasky, and son, Prentiss Hays Heck, Elsie vices are to be held la the First 29, Rev. Merle S. Irwin, associate tie* witith thU e Y'l Moa'a Ctah, «• ,r won PTA prises in Jean Helme, Sharon Lee Kaufman, The dairy has been operating a Baptist Church with. Rev. Fred and will close this Sunday. The minister of the Presbyterian be played at rItaklia-JthooiMi MM . Robert Hildreth Marik, Diane Ar- milk depot at the E. Miles, pastor of the First Meth- sixth convention of its kind'to be •nual training, West Broad Church; August 6, Rev. Walter A. Tuesdays and Thuradaya at la*. V* i certiflcatea were award- lene Rakowski, Elisabeth V. Rugh, street address, in a residential odist Church, in the pulpit. held in New Jersey, its aim is to Reuning, pastor of Redeemer, Lu- irbara Gingrich, William Patricia Rose Steiger, H. Emer-'cone, for live years with only a At each of the services, music teach youth leaders the duties, theran Church; August 12, Rev, privilegea, rights, and responsi- "'The Junior softbell leagao f» ergaret Kruse, and Al son Thomas Jr:, Sarah Jean Thom- Board of Health permit'as sanc- will be arranged by the organist Fred E. Miles, minister of the boys from eight te II aaa a Ma> •th. Marilyn Mumford as, Herbert Alden Welch, Kathryn tion. The complaining residents of the host church. The order of bilities of American citizenship. First Methodist Church; August William and Richard are attend- ior league far beys fraavil *a II I John Clark won French Wellman, Hugh Letcher Williams, were led by F. A. D'Zurilla of 745 service will include a children's 10, Rev. W. B. Sowherd, minister ing the convention as delegates of wUI hold gamee Menday MM M. and Marcia Snell Yocum. West Broad street, Mr. Mackensie service. Under an adult leader, a of St. Luke's A.M.E. Zlon Church; day mornings aad Taaaiay Mkl said. nursery school will be in session Martin Wallberg Post, 3, Amer- and August 26, Rev. Dr. Robert ill received honorable PETER Thursday mornings, •••hMlM|, The board's decision must have during the morning worship to ican Legion, M. Skinner, minister of the Pres- Mn the Baird Memorial at Roosevelt school. the approval of the Town Council. care for younger children. William will be a senior this fall byterian Church. •test. Elizabeth Ritten- There will be swMuuag taw* 1500 Troops See According to testimony gath- Each minister participating in at Holy Trinity High School, and I awarded a bronze medal Music for the jervlees will be Reynolds New a weak for children te age II «tt ered by the board, the milk depot this program will also serve as a letterman and a member of the second in the upper provided by the choirs of the co- small ehaiga. Weakly ahewen Hat- was established in 1946, prior to resident minister tor the three varsity basketball squad. He was [this contest, Local I SO Show operating churcheB. be available at each alsjaitMit the start of home development. churches during the time he is junior representative on the Stu- ok. Troop Captain Handicraft will be ncMal la Westfield Group The depot consists of a one-family scheduled to conduct the services. dent Council this year and has been the programs, with mt lMj'MMl prite At Kilmer Monday frame residence, plus a large gar- elected senior councilor for the YMCA Vacation items to be selected from. AMMM Blanco. age in which three dairy trucks 1951.62 school year) He is a mem- Succeeds Cogswell the active games offered, MMMst. f medals were preeent- are housed.
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