HOME The Indianapolis Times EDITION Fair tonight and tomorrow; slightly warmer tomorrow. PRICE THREE CENTS Entered as Second-Class Matter VOLUME 47—NUMBER 104 INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1935 at Postoftice. Indianap-Ola. Ind. SWEETHEART Flood Turns City Into Swirling Lake FEAR DISEASE EPIDEMIC OF DEAD GIRL HELD SLAYER IN FLOOD AREA; KNOWN Bedford Man, Pal Will Be DEATH TOLL NOW IS 49 Charged With Murder This Afternoon. Mussolini Is Determined Relief Workers Rush to Aid STICK TO SUICIDE TALE of Homeless: Others Abyssinia May Be Lost. Suspects Given Lie Tests in to Annex at WARN TYPHOID Mystery Death of Any Cost, He Declares AGAINST 15-Year-Old Miss. New Rainfall Adds Peril: B'J 1 1 m* * Sprrinl Proposed Invasion of Ethiopia’s Sovereign Rights Justi- BEDFORD. Ind, July 10 Glen Damage Toll Still Kinder and George Hale, who have Forcefully American Editor: maintained through severe cross- fied, Duce Informs Mounting. days 15- examination for three that Interested in U. S. Opinion. fly l nit(d Press yrar-old Fiances Prince killed her- self on a party Sunday afternoon, Frank W. Tavlor Jr., managing; editor of the St. Louis Star-Times, inter- ITHACA. N. Y., July 10.— will be charged this afternoon with viewed Premier Mussolini last night in Rome. He came away from the in- is headed or Funds, food and relief forces having participated in her murder. terview convinced that Mussolini toward a protectorate complete Coroner R. E. Wynne will file the Italian sovereignty over Abyssinia. Mr. Tavlor’s report of his unique conversation poured into the flood devas- with the Italian dictator is carried today by the United Press by arrangement in a justice of peace court charges with the St. Louis Star-Times. tated areas of New York and and a hearing will probably be set for within the next few days. BY FRANK W. TAYLOR, JR. Pennsylvania today as sur- Miss Loretta Johnson, 15. sweet- (Copyright. 1935, by United Press and St. Louis Star-Times. veys of outlying districts heart of Hale, will be held as a ROME, July 10. —Benito Mussolini's goal is either a protectorate or material witness, Mr. Long said. complete Italian sovereignty over Abyssinia, and he intends to accom- boosted the death toll to ap- his by arms, if necessary. He w’culd, however, prefer to Information plish purpose ' proximately 50 and increased Offers New negotiate. The mast baffling question be- That was the definite impression estimates of damages to well, fore investigators now is whether or I gained during a 30-minute talk | over $15,000,000. with II Duce in th: Venice palace. not Miss Prince received a fractured appeared to Mussolini considers the The greatest danger skull before or after she wa u shot proposed be ended in both states, as well as QUASHES invasion of rights v uch z.byssinia Long COURT fatally, Mr. said. has for in Maryland, where swollen rivers The three suspects doggedly held centuries regarded cs sov- yesterday. ereign circum- did widespread damage to their suicide story when grilled entirely justif?d by state, including stances. Deaths in New York under a "lie detector” at Indiana SET-MARGE two on the Pennsylvania border, University yesterday afternoon, al- A scene of appalling flood disaster is the city of Hornell. N. Y., shown in this striking air view, rut off from the world by torrents from the Cites Acts of IT.lT . S. were 45. Four others were dead in though Miss Johnson offered new Canisteo River surging through its streets, submerging first floors of homes and business blocks, in New York state’s worst deluge in 70 years. Pennsylvania. Still other bodies were When I put to him the question information. Reports today showed 49 known dead in the state. 100 missing, and property damage exceeding 515.000.000. In the upper left is shown the normal Public Offense Not Proved reported found in the most severely She said, according to Mr. Long, course of the river, with the higher land beyond, where many residents fled. This remarkable picture was taken from a tt Newspapers plane whether, should he cross the Abys- stricken New York areas as rescu- that she had seen Miss Prince play- soaring over the flood zone. in Westlake Beach Case, sinian frontier, it would be consid- ers penetrated isolated villages this fully tap Kinder on the shoulder ered a breach of international law morning. with a pair of brass knucks owned Gov. Herbert Lehman, in person- Myers Holds. and an act of he looked me by war. al charge of New York relief, re- Hale. squarely in the eye and replied; Although tests show he of the ported the situation was improving paraffin Baker Renews Obscene Charges violating Indiana "Invasion of sovereign has had held a gun m his right hand and law by serving set- rights in all areas and that weather con- liquor control been in progress for centuries. Where Kinder, the dead gw Is 25- ups, against Beach were comparatively shot it. lodged Westlake is a today which, dur- ditions favorable. sweetheart, has withstood a there nation He announced that $300,000 was pro- >ear-old Terrace by state excise police, were ing its history, has invaded the long grilling, which has included Inferences From Bench not vided by the state relief administra- quashed in Municipal Judge Dewey of others? Take emotional strains and scientific sovereign rights tion to aid in relief work. Myers' court today. the United States. How measurements, and has stuek sub- evidence did you rains night spread Judge Myers held that push your Fresh last the story of suicide he frontier back? the floods which have an stantially to Resumes Personal Attack on Times Editor During Hearing submitted against Ernest Voight, “What inundated the first. about the invasion of sov- some 120 long, greatly told at operator of the resort, did not es- in area mile Facing Statutory Charge. ereign rights your war of the many cities and No Untruths Registered of Prisoner tablish a public offense. secession?” damaged villages, dams Criminal Frank John Lazaro, operator of the further weakened and created The lie detector, applied by a pro- Judge P. Baker today resumed making obscene in- Interested in U. S. Opinion grave danger for thou- ferences from the Criminal Court "Happy Hour” amusement place at a disease fessor of psychology at Indiana bench. During the arraignment of Charles 6013 Rockville-rd. was found guilty He left do doubt in my mind that sands of homeless. * Moseley, charged statutory regis- ' •.> with a University last night, did not w ": of violating the liquor law and was Italy is out to annex by arms professors said offense. Judge Baker informed the prisoner he was “accused of Talcott or Battle to Save Dam ter any untruths, but fined SSO and costs. argument the entire Abyssinian three were and Powellism” then read the formal that the exhausted charges. territory. While flood crests of most rivers the experiment suffered because of Until today. Judge Baker had re- j ROOSEVELT SMILES AT Mussolini was intensely interested rushed southward into Pennsyl- their fatigue. in American public opinion, and vania, disrupting transportation and suspects be allowed to framed for two weeks from making ! WORLEY The will RELEASE OF causing inestimable property dam- more a personal attack upon The Times POOR HEALTH RUMOR especially inquired about our re- rest today preparatory to actioft to age, the water still rose in the Co- grilling under the "lie detector" editor from the bench. the Abyssinian venture. Parries Question by Asking Reporter I told him the United States, it hocton and Canisteo rivers and lakes within the next few days. Two male Karrer Outburst Ignored SOUGHT BY WERNEKE Cayuga and Keuka. friends of Miss Prince will be ques- He Thinks. seemed to me, was unanimous in Baker did not What Lake Cayuga rose steadily through this afternoon in an effort- Judge today repri- upholding the principle that a na- tioned mand Clyde C. Karrer, attorney, By United Press the night and threatened renewed establish a motive for the slaying. Purpose tion's sovereign* rights should be to for loud laughter in the courtroom Boss Admits of WASHINGTON, July 10.—Presi- disaster. of Seneca lake, Miss Prince was shot to death maintained inviolate, the answer left The crest when the judge made the obscene Capital Visit. dent Roosevelt, looking the picture unmoved and unperturbed. one of the deepest inland bodies of Sunday afternoon in a car parked Flood waters that swirled through Hornell, N. Y.. in the deluge that him inferences. Yesterday Judge Baker of health, answered with a smile I found in all water in the w’orld, also was report- beside an abandoned quarry near took heavy life and property toll in the state impeded traffic and carried By Time* Sprrinl Mussolini interested reprimanded spectators for laugh- today a direct question as to his dealing with world ed rising. Laborers worked fran- here in a lonely section. Miss John- many autos far from their narking places. Here autos are shown feel- subjects ing during trial of a case. WASHINGTON. July 10.—The health which brought into the open to the son at first said she was in the car ing their way along a highway north of Hornell. with water pouring over economics, and particularly in th? tically strengthen weakened The prisoner told Judge Baker he "legal mission of Richard rumors which have been circulated Van Natta dam, south of Ithaca, with Miss Prince when Miss Prince the pavement into the torrent that runs below. business’’ efforts of the United States to re- and had been in a National Guard sub-rosa.
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