COLORADO STATE Old Smokey Newsletter PATROL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Volume 23, Number 2 April, 2012 Special points of interest: • The straight story about Thoughts from the President that plane • PERA news—the assault on Colonel James W. Wolfinbarger sent the following mes- the organization continues from what is becoming the sage of thanks a er being advised of the Alumni Associa- usual source. on’s response to a call for help from the Associaon of Colorado State Patrol Professionals when addressed at • Some big dates Ken Shiflet, our Annual Meeng in Grand Juncon. CSPAA President Inside this issue: Dear Rerees of the Colorado State Patrol, On behalf of the Colorado Thank you very much for your selfless efforts to State Patrol Alumni Associ- assist the Associaon of Colorado State Patrol aon, our sincere thanks to Professionals by collecng voluntary dues from Colonel Wolfinbarger for When did these 2 your membership in support of the Associaon. occur? his kind remarks. In addion, I must also remark on your solidarity The Colorado State Patrol with regard to the proposed PERA legislaon. ACSPP news & 3 Alumni Associaon Board CSPAA dues Your acons with our legislature, much the same of Directors also extends a as the Associaon, clearly demonstrate your re- most gracious thank you to Anniversaries 4 solve to ensure the solvency and operaons of all members who voluntari- the Associaon and PERA. I and future members ly responded this call for PERA News 5 are indebted to you for your efforts. assistance from ACSPP. Thank you. Health & Welfare 7 Thanks to the outpouring S/ Colonel James M. Wolfinbarger, Chief from our members, as well Colorado State Patrol Retirements 9 as rerees not CSPAA (Continued on page 7) The true story 10 Who has joined CSPAA, lately? about the airplane With each membership year end, the total number of members changes. Some opt out, others opt in. The reason often given for non-renewal is “I don’t know any of those people promoted or trans- Transfers 12 ferred.” The way I see it, the ones WE cater to are those who are retired, but to each his own. Promotions 13 As of this writing, there are 370 members in CSPAA That lousy joke 14 • Jan Jackson Littleton, CO February, 2012 New member • Oscar King Craig, CO February, 2012 Returning member • George Campbell Clay Center, KS February, 2012 Returning member • Richard Harris Wiggins, CO March, 2012 New member • George Rahne Rogers, AR March, 2012 Returning member Page 2 Old Smokey Newsletter 2nd Tuesday Coffee Some me back, Chester formal get-togethers. If Roberts organized a regular you find yourself in the those from “the blue shirts”. meeng of CSP rerees and Denver area on the se- For this quarter, the asked that anyone wishing cond Tuesday of the meengs will be at 9:00 to parcipate in a “the-first- month, please make a a.m.: liar-doesn’t-stand-a-chance” side trip to the academy April 10th coffee meeng to show up and see who you can out- May 8th at the academy at 9:00 a.m. perform in the exchange on the second Tuesday of of vital recollecons. For June 12th each month (anyone, in this the record, this is not just (For what it’s worth, if case, means spouses, too). a uniformed member you’re not at the get- It provides a means to see funcon – if you rered as together, it could be you faces you haven’t seen in a a civilian member, your that’s being talked about.) while at mes other than lies are just as welcome as When did these occur? The original 44 CSP members reported to Camp George West on September 23, 1935 for training. When did they complete that training in 1935? October 6 th October 20 th November 3 rd November 10 th The venerated black, leather jacket became a part of the CSP uniform in? 1946 1949 1951 1952 When did service stars and bars become part of the uniform? 1951 1953 1957 1959 Early on, terminology was “Division and District”. Later it was changed to “District and Troop”. When did that happen? 1978 1980 1982 1984 The current patrol car color scheme of silver with black and blue trim came about in: 1997 1999 2000 2001 Volume 23,Number 2 Page 3 CSPAA Dues In the last issue, I put the We have a number of members who have paid their dues squeeze on you for dues to be “in advance” – some of those purposely. If you’ve already sent to ACSPP. Suffice to say, paid, you won’t receive a noce from me. If you owe, I’ll the response has been heart – send a PayPal invoice to you via email so you can use warming to ACSPP. Our mem- your credit card, if you’d like, or you can choose to send bers have, once again, shown a check via regular mail. If you owe and you don’t get the they are willing to help out a newsleer via email, I’ll send you a renewal noce via friend in need. I join Joe Mikita the mail. If you don’t hear from me, you don’t owe any- in expressing our collecve, sin- thing. cere thanks for your graciousness. It is very helpful if you provide us with updates to your Now, it’s me to put the squeeze on you for our informaon. The roster contains the following infor- own dues. (I suspect some may have thought the maon about you: your name; your spouse’s name; your check sent for ACSPP covered both, but, not so.) address; your home and cell phone numbers; your email Each year, CSPAA dues are due by June 30 th , so I address and your preference for receiving the newsleer. begin asking with the April newsleer. I’ll be send- It also lets me know if you’d rather not ing each of you (who owe dues) a noce – either in have your informaon shared with the mail or by email, depending on how you re- other CSPAA members. If any of your ceive the newsleer advising you that you owe info has changed, please let me (or dues for fiscal year 2012. The dues are sll $20 per Ken) know and I’ll update the records. year. ACSPP Dues The ACSPP board sends a At one me there was HUGE “THANK YOU” to all talk about selling the of you who are supporng 1935 Ford to the Foun- your Associaon. Many of you (181 as of this daon in order to give the Associaon the much wring) have paid the $60.00 voluntary dues, and needed capital to fight the bales and keep the a couple of you have given donaons above the Associaon above water. I am pleased to report dues. This is greatly appreciated and will be put to that the Ford will not be sold. One good thing that good use. We also thank those of you who came out of the discussion was to get an official showed up for the PERA bills that were heard and appraisal. This was done and the appraisal was defeated in commiee at the state house. Your $70,000.00. leers, phone calls, and e-mails made a big impact. The Associaon has taken serious acons to bring Without this kind of support, it would not have spending under control. As of the first of the year, happened. two posions have been vacated. Only one full- Dave Lohf, our CSPAA treasurer, is doing a superb me employee is on the payroll to run the office. job in keeping track of the dues. I want you all to All the official business is being done by the board. know that he is doing this without charging us any Many cost-saving measures have been implement- fees. He is a true VOLUNTEER and we appreciate ed and so far it is working well. his services. Laurel Gillund has computerized all the monthly As a reminder, the CSPAA dues are $20.00 a year reports, which are more mely and accurate. She and come due in July. The ACSPP voluntary $60.00 certainly has proven to be capable of handling the dues are separate. Most of you have heard from office administraon. John Anderson from the me via phone calls, e-mails, and verbal communi- Foundaon connues to lend his experse and has caons. The majority of you have responded fa- been helpful in many areas. vorably and a few are dissasfied. I am your Terry Campbell is working overme in his dues as ACSPP representave. I am available to discuss our lobbyist. He stays on top of the pending bills any subject with you. My e-mail address is jjmik- (Continued on page 4) [email protected]. Page 4 Old Smokey Newsletter ACSPP (cont.) and has an excellent working relaonship I thank you helping us to make a beer fu- with the legislators. ture for you and your family. In closing, I The Associaon is connuing to smulate, like what General promote, and maintain a posive image of George Paon the Colorado State Patrol. We are working said, “Success is hard on the members’ salaries, benefits, how high you working condions and morale. There has bounce when you been an all-out effort to keep everyone in- hit boom.” formed as to what is happening in the legis- lave process that affects our members. In Your ACSPP Repre- turn, the members have responded in a very sentave posive way in helping us to maintain what Joe Mikita … there is a brick with your name on it ..
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