r-;:; f ••' I ' I'iV- ’■ ■’..! t - 'u -: '■*- ■ NET PRESS REN 4VEBRQE DAII4Y 0IRGI7IATI0N THE WBATHEB. tor tlie Month of Deoember. 1930 Forecast of U. 8.. Weather. Bareai^ Hartford 5 , 5 9 3 Members of the Audit Bureau Fair and warmer tonight and of Oroulations. Saturday. VOL. XLV., NO. 86. < Classified Advertising on Page 14.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTSi r DRUG STORE WHISKEY TRADE CLIMAX I BOOTLEGGER'S DRINK AGREE ON MUSCLE SHOALS PROPOSAL HALLREPORTS Sioux City, la., Jan. 9.— (AP) - -45- —To mailmen who promenade AVERILL APPEALS during their days off restaurant I N C H I N A A S I waiters who go out to eat and INCREASEIN ferrymen whose diversion is sail­ ing, add a certain bootlegger for COURT RUUNG ON S I L V ^ d r o p s ! whom one of the 2,500 pints of G E N E ^ F U N D whiskey apportioned in 1930 by physicians here was prescribed. Business Virtually At a Over Two Million and Half OF P._U. C. Standstill As Dollar Value INCOME OF RUSSIA Increase h Balance At LIBERIA WARNED Deputy Attorney Generd Falls To 22 Cents — No End of Year Before-De­ EXCEEDS EXPENSES Says Reports of Commis­ Cargoes Going To Orient. tails of State's Condition. TO FREE SLAVES sion Furnishes Reasona­ Financial Report Shows That Shanghai, Jan. 9.— (A P )— The Hartford, Jan. 9— (AP) — 'The Our State Department Ap­ ble Grounds For a New v\’ithering effect of the long series of There Is Now Reserve of balance on band in the general fund declines in the price of silver of the State o f Connecticut on Janu­ brought about another trade climax ary 1 of this year was $10,357,811.82 plies Vigorous Pressure Trial—-Prof. Levitt Op­ it! China today as Mexican dollars a Billion and a Half Rubles according to the monthly statement were quoted at 22.12 gold cents, a submitted io Governor WUbur L. Upon the Negro Republic. poses Him Before Highest new low record. Crosss today by Edward F. HaU, The effect was apparent on every Moscow, Jan. 9.— (A P.)—Soviet Senate and House conferees agreed, at the meeting pictured above in Washington, on the proposal to per­ phase of commercial life, since silver mit the government to build transmission lines out of the profits from the sale of hydro-electric power at state commissioner of fihahee and Court In the State. long has been used as the principal Russia’s current income is in excess Muscle Shoals. Seated, left to right, are Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska, author of the Senate bill for control. This is an increase of $2,- Washingrton, Jan. 9 — (AP) — medium r.f exchange of operating expenses, Gregory government operation of the $150,000,000 plant; Senator Charles L. MoNary of Oregon, and Senator Ellison 789,974.22 over the January 1, 1930 Vigorous diplomatic pressure is total of $7,667,837.60. Trade was virtually paralyzed. Grinko, commissar of finance re­ D. Smith of South Carolina. Standing, left to right, are Representatives Percy E. Quin of Mississippi being brought to bear by the State Hartford. Jan. 9.— (A P )—On the The survey of Shanghai’s commer­ Harry C. Ransley of Pennsylvania, B. Ciarroll Reece of Tennessee, and Harry M. Wurzbach of Texas. Receipts in the general fund dur­ ported to the central executive com­ Department on Liberia in its meas­ ground that reports of the Public cial houses showed all lines of busi­ mittee of the Communist Party to­ ing December were $1,271,700.63, ures to insist that the negro re­ ness activity, both in the import and day and the state has been able to an increase of $728,662.64 over Dec­ Utilities Commission furnished rea­ export trade, had been hard hit. establish a reserve of a billion and a ember, 1929 and for the period from public abolish slavery. sonable grounds for a new trial. July 1, 1930 to December 31, $16,- Many enterprises were at a stand­ half rubles. The ruble is nominally Contrary to the first indications Deputy Attorney General Ernest L. still and others were doing but a NEGROES INVOLVED 261,779.44, an increase of $1,709,- that America’s demands for slav­ worth fifty cents. OUR NEXT GENERATION 374.50 over the corresponding Averih appeared before the Supreme small portion of their normal turn­ ery abolition had ceased with its “ Our 1931 financial program,’’ he period in 1929. Expenditures for Court of Errors today in an appesd over. said, "not only does not contemplate sharp memorandum to Liberia early On Gold Basis December 1930 were $1,815,993.74, the Issue of any paper money, a IN CLARK RULING in December, it was disclosed today from the decision of the Superior With few exceptions, importers an increase of $55,615.28 over Dec­ that the State Department has Court which denied the petition to matter about which our enemies WILL SOLVE PROBLEMS ember 1929. said it w'as almost impossible to find abroad are so fond of talking, but made two subsequent demands for reopen the case ordering the attor­ local buyers capable of supplying Expenditures action. enough silver to mee*' prices now on the contrary we can see our in­ . The Increase In expenditures for ney general to proceed against the come surpassing our expenses.” On December 5, the Liberian gov­ Guoted, which are now exclusively President Says After That ifteenth Amendment Was Capitol Improvements In December ernment replied to the American commission for materia) neglect of on a gold basis. Reports abroad of a financial cri­ i EAR FILIBUSTER 1930 was $99,102.78 above $298,- govern ihent thanking it for the duty. It was the second time that This, according to the importers, sis in the Soviet Republic were 506.08 for the same month In 1929. friendly tenor of its nfemorandum, Attorney Averill and Prof. Albert has resulted in a virtual stoppage of laughable, he said, asserting that We Can Move Swiftly; Adopted In the Same Way In the highway fund the balance which was communicated to the Levitt have faced each other in the the movement of cargoes to China. “ bourgeois observers” are unable to OVER POWER B O A E January 1 was $620,831.69, $992,- Liberian Legislature together with highest court in the state. Many Chinese buyers under signed understand “ conditions of Soviet As the 18th They Say. 498.26 less than the $1,613,329.93 the resignations of President King Attorney Averill contended that obligations have refused to accept economy under which distribution Only Children of New Gen­ for the sn'me date in 1930. Receipts and Vice President Yancy, against subordinate facts in the original purchases, pleading the declining of material resources is conducted for December 1930, amounted to petition were manifestly untrue and price of silver has made them unable through an organized centralized $3,285,248.90, compared to $3,063,- (Continued On Page 2.) sought today to have the case re­ to handle the goods except at heavy system.” eration Can Better Things. Dispute Continues To Shackle Washington, Jan. 9— (AP) .—Per­ 967.33 in 1929, an increase of $221,- opened so tliat the trial court could losses. No Inflation mission to intervene in the Supreme 291.57. Receipts in this fund from bo permitted to find out what, he July 1 to December 31, 1930, were claims, the actual facts are. The Importers in such cases have been “ How can anyone speak of infla­ Court’s hearing on the validity of forced to cancel the contracts. tion,” he demanded, “when prices of Washington, Jan. 9—(A P )—Pre.s- Congress— Drought Loan $7,803,516.78 an increase of $381,- report of the Public Utilities Ctom- A survey of exporters indicated manufactured articles for the over­ the Eighteenth Amendment was 508.67. Expenditures for December VATICAN PLEASED misalon, fie said, should be open to ident Hoover believes the new gen­ asked today by the National As­ they were in the same predicament whelming majority of the consum­ 1930 were $1,288,870.04, compared the trial court which to date has as the importers. Exporters were eration he has visualized—children Is Also Causing Trouble. sociation for the Advancement of to $1,760,378.46 In December 1929, not been presented with their con­ ing masses remain practically un­ Colored People. afraid to consign cargoes abroad, properly bom, trained, educated and a decrease of $471,508.42. tents. changed?” Argument upon the decision of WITH NEWSPAPERS bearing further declines in silver, The balance in the general and Prof. Levitt, who for months has The 1931 financial program, he healthy—will begin ten years hence. Federal Judge Clark in New Jer­ w'hich would enable their competi­ Washington, Jan. 9.— (A P .)-T h e highway funds are actual balances been pressing his case for the oust­ continued, contemplates an income “We can move swiftly after that.’ sey that the Eighteenth Amend­ ing of the Public Utilities Commis­ tors to buy on more favorable terms disputes over drought relief and the of the cash on hand at the beginning of 31,750,000,000 rubles and expen­ The President so observed in an ment was adopted in an unconsti­ sion by the attorney general, in­ and in turn sell at lower prices proposed recall of three power , com­ of the year, money bortowed by ditures of 30,200,000,000. About 42 tutional manner has been set by the Pope's Message Used At sisted that the lower court had abroad.
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