Regular Council Agenda Monday, September 28, 2020 9:30 AM Electronic Meeting via Zoom Page 1. CLOSED SESSION, IF REQUIRED 1.1. Closed Session Council minutes dated September 14, 2020. 1.2. Closed Session Committee of the Whole minutes dated September 21, 2020 1.3. Closed Session Lagoon City Parks & Waterways minutes dated September 10, 2020 2. OPENING OF THE MEETING 2.1. Remarks by Mayor 2.2. Remarks by the CAO 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND/OR AGENDA ADDITIONS 3.1. Agenda and Additions dated September 28, 2020. Recommendation: That the agenda dated September 28, 2020 and additions thereto be adopted, as presented. 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1. Council meeting minutes dated September 14, 2020. 5 - 11 Regular Council - 14 Sep 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Recommendation: THAT the Council meeting minutes dated September 14, 2020 be adopted as presented. 5. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 6. MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS 7.1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment File Z-4/20 12 - 27 1811 Concession Road 10 Christopher Curran, owner and Joshua Morgan, Morgan Planning & Development Inc., agent BP-27-20 - Pdf Recommendation: THAT we receive Report BP-27-20 dated September 28, 2020 from Deb McCabe, Planning Supervisor/Zoning Administrator; AND THAT the required Statutory Public Meeting has been held pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. with no comments or concerns raised by Council, agencies or property owners within the required circulation area; AND THAT we adopt the Zoning Bylaw Amendment as presented. Page 1 of 149 8. PRESENTATIONS, RECEIVING OF PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS 8.1. Petition to reduce speed limits on Plum Point Road and additional stop 28 - 35 signs at intersections. Plum Point Petition 1_Redacted Recommendation: THAT we receive the petition from area residents requesting reduction in speed limit on Plum Point Road and additional stop signs area intersections. AND THAT staff prepare a report. 8.2. Petition from area residents requesting all-way stop signs at 36 - 39 intersections in order to reduce speeding. Creighton_Winchester_Patricia_Petition_Redacted Recommendation: THAT we receive the petition from area residents requesting all-way stop signs at Creighton and Winchester Streets and Patricia Drive and Winchester Street. AND THAT staff prepare a report. 9. CONSENT AGENDA 9.1. AMO Communications 40 - 48 Recommendation: Receive as Information Policy Update dated September 17, 2020 Policy Update dated September 21, 2020 WatchFile dated September 24, 2020 9.2. Simcoe County District School Board, copy of correspondence to the 49 - 50 Minister of Education, dated September 15, 2020 regarding capital priorities. Recommendation: Receive as Information. Minister of Education re Capital Priorities.pdf 9.3. Nancy Huddleston correspondence dated September 6, 2020 regarding 51 resignation from the Brechin Community Centre Board. Recommendation: Receive and thank her for her years of service. Huddleston Resignation BCCB_Redacted Recommendation: THAT we adopt the recommendations of Items 9.1 and 9.3 as set out in the Consent Agenda dated September 28, 2020 and any additions thereto. 10. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES & BOARDS 10.1. Committee of the Whole Report 11/20 dated September 21, 2020 52 - 57 Committee of the Whole - 21 Sep 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Recommendation: THAT we adopt Section "A" of Committee of the Whole Report 11/20 dated September 21, 2020, as presented. Recommendation: THAT we adopt Section "B" of Committee of the Whole Report 11/20 dated September 21, 2020, as presented. (Appointments to Appeals Tribunal) Page 2 of 149 10.2. Joint Health & Safety Minutes 58 - 80 Joint Health & Safety Committee - 22 Apr 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Joint Health & Safety Committee - 27 May 2020 - Minutes July 14 2020 minutes JHSC Recommendation: THAT we receive the Joint Health & Safety Committee minutes dated April 22, May 27 and July 14, 2020, as information. 10.3. Lagoon City Parks & Waterways minutes dated September 10, 2020 81 - 84 Lagoon City Parks and Waterways Commission - 10 Sep 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Recommendation: THAT we receive the Lagoon City Parks & Waterways minutes dated September 10, 2020, as information. 11. ITEMS REQUIRING THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF COUNCIL 11.1. Electronic Meetings and Time Change 85 - 86 CD-22-20 - Pdf Recommendation: THAT we continue with electronic meetings using zoom until the end of the Year 2020; AND THAT we provide notice to change the time of Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 a.m. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13. LONG TERM INITIATIVES 13.1 OLG Funding 13.2 Public Transit 13.3 High Speed Internet 13.4 Natural Gas 13.5 CN Rail Issues in Brechin 14. COUNTY COUNCIL UPDATE 14.1. County of Simcoe Council meeting highlights dated September 22, 87 - 88 2020. County Council Highlights - September 22 Recommendation: THAT we receive the County of Simcoe Council meeting highlights dated September 22, 2020, as information. 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INQUIRIES – MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 16. REQUESTS FOR REPORTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS 17. NOTICES OF MOTION 18. QUESTION PERIOD FOR MEDIA AND PUBLIC DEALING WITH AGENDA ITEMS 19. BILLS AND BYLAWS Page 3 of 149 2020.52 Amend Procedure Bylaw to provide for Electronic Participation 89 - 91 2020.52 Amend Procedure Bylaw 2020.53 Amend Fees & Charges Bylaw 2017.18 (Schedules A and E) 92 - 96 2020.53 Amend Fees&Charges 2020.56 Water Use Bylaw 97 - 129 2020.56 Water Use Bylaw 2020.57 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 1811 Concession Road 10 (File Z-4/20) 130 - 132 2020.57 ZBA - 1811 Concession Road 10 2020.58 Amend Speed Limit Bylaw (Fern Resort Road and Prospect Avenue) 133 - 139 2020.58 Amend Speed Bylaw 2020.59 Indemnification Bylaw 140 - 149 2020.59 Indemnification Bylaw Recommendation: THAT Bills 2020.52, 2020.53, 2020.56, 2020.58 and 2020.59 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed as bylaws. Recommendation: THAT Bill 2020.57 (ZBA File Z-4/20) be read a first, second and third time and finally passed as a bylaw. 20. CONFIRMATION BYLAW Recommendation: THAT Bylaw 2020.77, a bylaw to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting held on the 28th day of September 2020, be considered read a first, second and third time and finally passed. 21. ADJOURNMENT Recommendation: THAT we now adjourn at p.m. until October 26, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Page 4 of 149 Agenda Item #4.1. Regular Council Minutes Monday, September 14, 2020 - 9:30 AM Electronic Meeting via Zoom The Electronic Regular Council of the Township of Ramara was called to order on Monday, September 14, 2020, at 9:30 AM, with the following members present: PRESENT: Mayor Basil Clarke Councillor Ward 1 David Snutch Deputy Mayor Joe Gough Councillor Ward 3 Ted Lamb Councillor Ward 4 Gary Hetherington Councillor Ward 5 Kal Johnson Councillor Ward 2 Jennifer Fisher ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Chief Administrative Officer John Pinsent Director of Legislative and Community Services/Clerk Jennifer Connor Deputy Clerk Cathy Wainman Director of Infrastructure Kathy Sipos Director Fire & Rescue Services/Fire Chief Tony Stong Chief Building Official Leo Grellette Bylaw & Licensing Supervisor Jon Popple HR Coordinator/H&S Officer Brittany Wilson Business & Communication Coordinator Ashley Watson Executive Assistant to the CAO/Council Liaison Madison Dunn 1. CLOSED SESSION, IF REQUIRED 1.1. Closed Session Council minutes dated August 24, 2020 Resolution Number CR.274.20 Moved by Joe Gough Seconded by Kal Johnson THAT we adopt the closed session Council minutes dated August 24, 2020, as presented. CARRIED. 2. OPENING OF THE MEETING 2.1. Mayor Clarke congratulated the newly elected Rama Band Council and Ted Williams as the New Chief. Also, Dillon Bickle, a young resident who grew up in Ramara was elected to the Rama Council. Page 5 of 149 Agenda Item #4.1. 2.2. John Pinsent, CAO confirmed that the Administration Centre opened up this morning for walk-ins regarding financial matters, and by appointment for other matters. Also, OCWA (Ontario Clean Water Agency)vehicles are now being seen around the water and sewer plants as the transition has taken place with them operating our water and wastewater services. 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND/OR AGENDA ADDITIONS 3.1. Agenda and Additions dated September 14, 2020 Resolution Number CR.275.20 Moved by Joe Gough Seconded by Gary Hetherington THAT the agenda dated September 14, 2020 and additions thereto be adopted. CARRIED. 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1. Council meeting minutes dated August 24, 2020. Resolution Number CR.276.20 Moved by Gary Hetherington Seconded by Ted Lamb THAT we adopt the Council meeting minutes dated August 24, 2020 as amended. CARRIED. 5. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Snutch declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Items 9.10 and 9.11, the Indemnification Bylaw and Loopstra Nixon invoice, as he is named in both items. Councillor Snutch left the room, did not participate in the discussions, nor did he vote on either matter. 6. MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS 8. PRESENTATIONS, RECEIVING OF PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS 9. CONSENT AGENDA 9.1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing correspondence dated August 28, 2020 regarding A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Recommendation: Receive as Information. Regular Council Minutes September 14, 2020 Page 2 of 7 Page 6 of 149 Agenda Item #4.1. 9.2. Copy of correspondence dated September 3, 2020 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding Rama Road Economic Employment District. Recommendation: Receive as Information. 9.3. AMO Communications Recommendation: Receive as Information. 9.4. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority media release dated September 8, 2020 regarding CAO Announces Retirement, Celebrating 36 Years. Recommendation: Receive as Information. 9.5.
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