?Tv4- -V "' ■‘ *1: r\-/.'i-. ‘> ' c f A ■‘Ail i';.A !-'* r '.f ; i i w ' HBX PRESS RUN X.J AVBRAOB DAILY CIBCULATIOX OF THB EVENING HERALD for the month of March, 1926, 4,736 VOL. XU V., NO. 160. Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN.,. WEDNESDAY, APML (TWELVE PAGES) BILLY SUNDAY MAY RUN Shot Today; by Woman PICKOFHCERS FOR PRESIDENCY OP U. S. BUCKNER TELS Cincinnati, April 7. — Billy Sunday, Vnrld-famous evange­ list, today was on record as AT METHODIST harboring presidential aspira­ AMAZING TALE tions. Speaking before an audience HEEn^TODAY of more than 4,000 persons in OF _ALC0HQL Music Hall here, the fiery evan­ gelist announce that in the event BY SISTER OF IRISH LORD that both leading political parties nominate vet candidates So Much of It Loose in U. S, Rev. L. G. Horton, of Mans­ in the 1928 presidential race he DRIVE DRUNK IN STAMFORD y himself would run for the presi­ AND YOU DRIVE TO JAIL Hon. Violet Mbina G i b ^ field, Mass., Elected Secre- dency on an independent ticket. He Says, It Hurts Smug­ LEAGUE WILL 4 <!> Stamford, April 7.—A day In Jail at least will be the lot of Sister of Lord Ashbourne, tary— Memorial Services gling and Is Exported Into anyone who is convicted before REJECT U. S. Jifdge James R. Brlnckerhof of AWARD BOND ISSUE Wet Canada. a charge of driving a vehicle Sends Bullet Into Face of Held— Banquet Tonight. while under the influence of li­ RESEPAHONS quor. Alex Novack recelVed that ' Italian Premier, Then TO HARTFORD HRM Washington, April 7.— A monster sentence from Judge Brlncker­ The entire conference of the hof today beside being fined New England Southern area of the underworld Industry, flaunting the $100 and costs. Frantically Fights Police; Methodist Episcopal church wliich American prohibition law, has Doesn’t Want Us in the is being held at the new South G. L. Austin Company Gives grown so powerful It now exports Is Known as Religious En­ Methodist church hero went into “ bootleg alcohol” into the dry World Court on Such executive session this afternoon to Town Highest Return on provinces of Canada, Emory R. Buckner, TJnited States attorney for CHURCH FOLK thusiast— Wound of * II consider the case of Rev. Guy Wil­ Terms as Were Laid Down lis Holmes of New Bedford, Mass, Its 1356,000. the southern district of New York, who is fighting to hold his position testified today before the Senate AUBISTS FOR Dnce Said Not Serious. in the conference. “ wet and dry” committee. hy Senate. Details of the Holmes question The G. L. Austin Company of | Buckner painted an amazing pic­ were not made public. It was learn­ ture 9f the bootleg underworld Rome, Italy, April 7.— Premier Hartford was the highest bidder thriving on diversions o- industrial Washington, April 7.—Ameri­ m E M O R E ed late this afternoon that the con­ Mussolini had a narrow escape for JIanchester’s $356,000 bond Is­ alcohol from legitimate business. ference in executive session named ca’s actual entry Into the World from death, today when he was sue when hIjSs were opened yester­ Its supply to a dry but ever-thirsty a committee of 15 to investigate Court receded still further Into the shot and slightly wounded by a day afternoon at the Manchester America, he said, has even cut down charges against Rev. Holmes and the smuggling of foreign liquors in­ dim and misty future .as a result woman, as he left the Internation­ Trust Company’s office. According­ Two M E. Trustees to Swear decide whether or not tliey should to the United States, “ because it is of semi-official advices which have al Congress of Surgeons, where he ly the issue was placed with the easier to get.” be pressed. This committee will reached Washington to the effect delivered an address Hartford company. 3 Billions Worth He Was 600 Miles Away report to an executive session of that the League of Nations Is not Good Preminm. The illegal alcohol diversions last •P* f I T» /r 1 Mussolini was about to step into the conference Friday afternoon. year alone, he declared, supplied going to accept the reserva­ The Austin Company offered the at Time of the Buffalo automoWle and depart for Chi- "the bootleg trade with $3,600,000,- Benito Mussolini. tions which the Senate made a con­ gi palace when the woman fired at town a bond bid of par plus 2.991 000 worth of illicit drinks. dition of American adherence. giving Manchester a premium of “ The inefficiency of the industrial Murder. IJuUet hit Mussollnl la ' The first business of the South­ If these advices are confirmed by $1,064.80. This means that the alcohol service which lets sixty the nose, wounding him slightly. ern New England conference of the town’s issue will actually bring in subsequent developments— and the The premier’s assailant, after Methodist Episcopal Church was millions of gallons of alcohol slip SISTER GRIEVED AT $357,064.80. .Since the issue is for into the bootleg trade annually has COURT VINDICATES feeling prevails here that they will having been lodged in prison, gave transacted this morning when ofli- Buffalo, N. Y., April-7.— A mo­ 4% per cent it was expected that a done as much as the Coast Guard be— it means that the Senate’s vot­ her name as Violet Gibson, and her cera of the conference were elected. lower bid and premium would have ing American adherence on Jan. 27 tion for a change of venue is like­ age as sixty. She stated that she it Holy Communion preceded the con­ Service to halt smuggling of for­ to be accepted. However, under eign liquors into the United States,” CHAPMAN’ S GRAVE MENCKEN POLICY last is reduced to an empty ges­ ly to be the first move of counsel a British subject and was born in ference session with an address by this arrangement with the Austin Dalkey, near Dublin. Buckner told an amazed audience ture, without practical effect. It for Richard Reese Whlttemore, Bishop Ernest G. Richardson, pre­ Company Manchester is getting its is a situation that has the irre- Planned Embarking Today. siding officer. The Rev. L. G. Hor­ which jammed the Senate judiciary whose trial is to be begun here In $356,000 at about 4.23 per cent. committee public hearings. concilables in the Senate literally Mussolini had planned to em­ ton of Mansfield, Mass., was elected The lowest bid of five offered chortling. a few days on a charge of murder bark today on the battleship Ca- secretary and started on his duties “ There is so much Industrial Was One of the Two “ Mys­ Finds “ Hatrack” Story Prop­ was $356,142.40. alcohol diverted to bootleggers that BaUc at Section 5. in the killing of two Buffalo bank vour for Tripoli, and upon the oc­ immediate!/. He chose his oWn casion of his departure planned to a dry United States is exporting The reservation at which the messengers, last fall.' corps of assistants. Leaguq is balking is the latter sec­ make an Important speech outlin­ bootleg alcohol into wet Canada to tery Women” at Burial; er and Magazine Fit for Eight reputable witnesses, two ' Officers Chosen. GREATEST OIL BLAZE help Canadian bootleggers beat the tion of the fifth, which prohibits ing the Fascist colonial policy, » The Rev, J. S. Brldgeford of Canadian government out of its the court from ever rendering an of them trustees of a Methodist Prior to embarking he was Distrihndon. church, will testify that neither scheduled to address the Interna­ Providence was chosen treasurer, IS ON IN CAUFORNIA alcohol tax.” the Other Her Friend. advisory opinion concerning a ques­ and the Rer. G. W. Bruce of North One Car Selz«l tion in which “ the United States Neither Whlttemore nor Leon tional Congress of Surgeons and al­ so to appear before the Fascist Attleboro, Mass., statistician. Mr. ! Buckner said one carload of boot— claims an interest” without the Kraemer was In Buffalo the day of the robbery, according to W. Bart­ Grand Council. Horton chose as his assistants the o f 1 leg alcohol already has been seized Hartford, April 7.— 'When Gerald Boston, April 7. — Henry L. consent of this government. ' Revs. Willl.'im E. Hardy, J. B. Clay- Lightning Starts Series Inasmuch as the rendering of lett Sumner, defense attorney, who Yesterday Mussolini embarked at the Canadian border. It was sent Chapman was burled In uncon­ Mencken, editor of the American upon a venture ( aimed to check pool, G. A. Grant, R. J. Christie Blasts in World’s Biggest by American bootleggers to Cana­ advisory opinions Is one of the has been to New York City to Mercury, and his publication were prove an alibi for the prisoner. profiteering landlords and also de­ and C. J. Stewart. Tank Plant— Four Gone. dian bootleggers to defraud the secrated ground attached to Mount chief functions of the court as it is >-.1 tojiay exonerated in Municipal now constituted, this provlsc is re­ 600 Miles Away. signed to speed up home building' • Rev. Robert L. Roberts, district Canadian government of its tax. St. Benedict Catholic cemetery here in Italy. San Luis Obispo, Cal., April 7.— yesterday morning, one of the two court on charges of the sale of an ported to be considered by the Whlttemore’s witnesses. It Is un­ superintendent of the New Bedford Painting a graphic picture of the After shooting Mussolini the district, read his annual report. The largest oil tank plant in the tremendous confusion, misdirected women who stood at the grave was immoral article, namely "Hatrack,” Geneva statesmen as tantamount to derstood, will testify that Whltte­ woman backed Into the crowd still Various resolutions of sympathy world, the property of the Union justice and widespread corruption a sister of the dead murderer.
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