® Serving the Hampton Roads Navy Family Vol. 17, No. 49, Norfolk, VA FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM December 10, 2009 Heroes remembered during the 68th Pearl Harbor Day BY MC2 ROBERT STIRRUP The honorable Linda Lingle, dren. The men and women who Commander, Navy Region Hawaii governor of the state of Hawaii, gave their lives on that morning 68 Public Affairs served as one of the ceremony’s years ago are with us today through PEARL HARBOR — The guest speakers and talked about spirit. We take pride in their service U.S. Navy and the National Park the impor- tance of to our country.” Service hosted a joint memori- Featured speaker Adm. Patrick al ceremony at Kilo Pier on Naval Walsh, commander U.S. Pacifi c Station (NAVSTA) Pearl Harbor Fleet, thanked the survivors to commemorate the 68th an- for their sacrifi ce and ef- niversary of the Japanese forts throughout the attack on Pearl Harbor war. Dec. 7. “We are here today More than 2,000 peo- to honor and thank ple attended the event, all of the men and including 45 survivors women who served U.S. Navy photos of the bombing, which throughout World A bugler plays taps during a Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony at took the U.S. by sur- War II and those Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story. prise 68 years ago. The who were involved theme of this year’s with the attack on riford, national president for Pearl Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii, execut- ceremony was “But Not Pearl Harbor,” said Harbor Survivors Association, ed a 21-gun salute; the U.S. Pacifi c in Shame.” Walsh. “It is such an expressed the signifi cance of hon- Fleet Band performed taps; and tug To observe the start of honor to stand in the oring the survivors and the fallen boats assigned to NAVSTA Pearl the attack at 7:55 a.m., the presence of people who service members during the attack Harbor delivered a water tribute to Pearl Harbor-based guided- gave so much of them- 68 years ago. those who served in Pearl Harbor missile cruiser USS Lake Erie selves and their lives so that “Anytime I come to Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 7, 1941. (CG 70) blew the ship’s whistle, we can live lives of promise, po- it is with reverence,” said Herri- Throughout the day, around which commenced a moment of tential and opportunity.” ford, who was stationed aboard Pearl Harbor, other events were silence. Then, from the west, a for- honor- Following the guest speakers’ re- USS Detroit at the time of the at- held in conjunction with the early mation of four F-15 Eagles from ing the service members involved marks, 16 wreaths were presented tack. “During the attack I saw the morning ceremony to further hon- the Hawaii Air National Guard sta- in the attack. in honor of the service members USS Arizona get bombed and sink or those who defended the harbor tioned at Hickam Air Force Base “Today we are blessed and hon- who perished on the nine ships within a matter of minutes, killing during the attack. performed a missing-man fl yover ored to have so many survivors bombed during the attack, the fi ve 1,177 Sailors and Marines. Today Read more about the Pearl Harbor past Kilo Pier while Lake Erie ren- with us for today’s ceremony,” said branches of the U.S. military, the we honor them and everyone that Remembrance Ceremony in Front & dered honors to both the USS Lingle. “Their legacy continues on state of Hawaii and the National was involved with the attack.” Center. Arizona Memorial and to Pearl Har- today and will be continued on by Park Service. To conclude the ceremony, the bor survivors. their children and the grandchil- Pearl Harbor survivor Art Her- U.S. Marine Corps Rifl e Team from Read more on page B6 Are you ready for some football? Photo by MC1 Jennifer A. Villalovos Master Chief Petty Offi cer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West conducts a Army and Navy to meet on Dec. 12 Defense Connect Online meeting with senior leadership during a working lunch while on travel visiting Sailors at Naval Air Station Lemoore. This game is one of the oldest traditions in Football terruption (from 1894-1898) occurred only a few years and is still hotly watched and teams avidly rooted for after the rivalry’s inception. Following a reputed inci- by service men and women, retired military and their dent between a Rear Admiral and a Brigadier General, MCPON pushing Social Media civilian counterparts. which nearly led to a duel after the 1893 Navy victory, The rivalry kicked off 117 years ago when Cadet President Cleveland called a Cabinet meeting in late to Sailors and Navy families Dennis Mahan Michie accepted a “challenge” from February 1894. When the meeting ended, Secretary BY MCCS BILL HOULIHAN the Naval Academy and the two squads faced off on of the Navy Hillary A. Herbert, and Secretary of War, Offi ce of the Master Chief Petty book Dec. 7, said he anticipates The Plain at West Point on November 29, 1890 (Navy Daniel S. Lamont, issued general orders to their re- Offi cer of the Navy another thousand fans by Christ- had been playing orga- spective Academies stating that mas, and that the response he’s nized football since other teams would be allowed WASHINGTON — One week received from Sailors and Navy 1879, and came out on to visit Annapolis and West after his Facebook page, www.face- families has been surprising and top of the newly-estab- Point to conduct football book.com/mcpon, surpassed ten encouraging. He also said that the lished Army squad). games, but the Army thousand “fans”, Master Chief Pet- real value of social media is the op- Ever since, through and Navy football teams ty Offi cer of the Navy (MCPON) portunity to share ideas. those many years of were “prohibited in en- (SS/SW) Rick D. West used the “We started out tentatively and intense cheers, unforget- gaging in games Web site to announce his intent to that’s fi ne. But, now that we have table plays and climactic elsewhere.” In oth- further leverage social media as momentum, I believe we should moments, the Army/Navy er words, Army and a signifi cant communications de- push it even further. I want to start rivalry has been etched into Navy were restricted vice. the minds of countless fans to home games and, West, in a note he posted to Face- See MCPON, A11 and followers. All it takes is a consequently, from visit to West Point or Annapo- playing each other. For lis, where everything (from the the next fi ve years, the fi nely manicured hedges to the explosive rivalry was de- USS Williams Commanding chant following grace-before- fused. Offi cer, Command Master meals) proclaims “Beat Navy” In 1899, Philadelphia or “Beat Army,” to understand was chosen as a neutral Chief relieved of their duties how deeply ingrained this rival- locale to host the Army/ PRESS RELEASE ry actually is. Navy Game and begin U.S. Fleet Forces Command Williams. Even the history of the the rivalry anew. Franklin Public Affairs The command master chief 10 times that the game Field was the site of this game, was also relieved as a result of the was not played tells the sto- and through the 20th and now 21st NORFOLK — The command- substandard performance of his du- ry of Army/Navy passion. Photo by Oscar Sosa century, Municipal Stadium (later JFK ing offi cer of USS James E. Williams ties. The game was canceled once (1909) when Army Stadium), Veterans Stadium and Lincoln Financial (DDG 95) was relieved of command The relief comes after nine James canceled its entire schedule after the death of Ca- Field have all staged Army/Navy in Philadelphia. As Dec. 4 due to loss of confi dence in E. Williams Sailors received nonju- det Eugene Byrne in the game against Harvard, the rivalry has moved into the new millennium, Phil- the commanding offi cer’s ability to dicial punishment in November twice during World War I on orders from the War adelphia has continued to be the primary host of the command. 2009, following investigations that Department (1917 and 1918), and twice when the storied series and the home of the game. Capt. Robert C. Barwis, com- substantiated charges of fraterni- academies could not agree on player eligibility stan- Editor’s note: The game will be played on Dec. 12 at mander, Destroyer Squadron 26, zation between senior and junior dards (1928 and 1929). 2:30 p.m., Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA. relieved the commanding offi cer of However, the longest and perhaps most telling in- The game will be shown on CBS. guided-missile destroyer James E. See USS WILLIAMS, A11 INSIDE: COMBAT FITNESS TEST A8 FRONT & CENTER B1 OFF DUTY C1 Marines get physical Commodore Levy Chapel ‘Cats’ comes to Norfolk The Combat Fitness Test (CFT) is Chapel celebrates 50th anniversary National Tour “Cats” will be playing intended to keep Marines ready for of its naming with rededication on at Norfolk’s Chrysler Hall from Feb. the physical rigors of contemporary Dec. 13, exactly 50 years from its first 19-21, 2010. combat operations. dedication to the man. Navy Exchange (NEX) employees prepare holiday decorations to delight and entice shoppers at the Naval Station Norfolk NEX. Santa will be making special appearances Dec. 5 - 20, Saturdays: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., and Sundays; 11 a.m.
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