SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY AND XV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Full details of all Lists and Indexes, Calendars or transcripts published by the Public Record Office, and of other Government record publications, can be found in the handbook British National Archives (H.M. Stationery Office, Sectional List no. 24, periodically revised). Publications by the various national and local record societies, up to March 1957, are detailed in Texts and Calendars - an Analytical Guide to Serial Fhiblications, ed. E.L.C. Mullins (Royal Historical Society, 1958). Accounts of the Masters of Works, edd. H.M. Paton Cal. Chanc. R. Various: Calendar of Chancery and others (Edinburgh, 1957-). [Only vol. L Rolls, Various (HMSO, 1912) published; vol. II in proof]. Cal. Chanc. War.: Calendar of Chancery Warrants, Anc. Deeds: see under Cat. Anc. Deeds vol. i, Privy Seals 1244-1326 (HMSO, 1927) Anderson, Early Sources: Early Sources of Scottish Cal. Charter R.: Calendar of Charter Rolls, 6 vols. History 500 to 1286, ed. A.O. Anderson (Edinburgh, (HMSO, 1903-27) 1922) Cal. Close R.: Calendar of Close Rolls, 47 vols. APS: Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, edd. (HMSO, 1900-63) T. Thomson and C. Innes, 12 vols. (Rec. Comm., Cal. Fine R.: Calendar of Fine Rolls, 22 vols. 1844-75) (HMSO, 1911-63) Ayloffe, Sir Joseph (ed.): Calendars of the Ancient Cal. Inq. Misc.: Calendar of Inquisitions Charters, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls.... Miscellaneous, 7 vols. (HMSO, 1916-69) in the Tower of London, [etc] (London, 1774) Cal. Inq. P.M.: Calendar of Inquisitions Post Bain, Joseph (ed.): Calendar of Documents relating Mortem, 19 vols, in 2 series (HMSO, 1904-56) to Scotland, 4 vols. (1881-8). [Cited here by volume number only]. Cal. Lib. R.: Calendar of Liberate Rolls, 6 vols. (HMSO, 1917-64) Barnes, Patricia M., and Barrow, G.W.S.: 'The movements of Robert Bruce between September Cal. Papal Letters: Calendar of Papal Letters, 1307 and May 1308', SHR, xlix (1970), 46-59 14 vols. (HMSO, 1894-1961) Barron, E.M.: The Scottish War of Independence Cal. Pat. R. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 71 vols. (2nd ed., Inverness, 1934) (HMSO, 1901-74) Barrow, Robert Bruce: G.W.S. Barrow, Robert Bruce Cat. Anc. Deeds or Anc. Deeds: A Descriptive and the the Community of Realm of Scotland Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record (London, 1965) Office, 6 vols. (1890-1915) Bates, C.J.: Border Holds of Northumberland (Soc. of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1891). Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence [Also published as Archaelogia Aeliana, new and memoranda of the Cely Family, merchants of series, vol. xiv (1891)]. the Staple, 1475-1488, ed. Henry E. Maiden (Royal Historical Soc, 1900) BM: British Museum Chaplais, Pierre (ed.): English Royal Documents British Chronology: Handbook of British Chronology, 1199-1461 (Oxford, 1971) edd. P.M. Powicke and E.B. Fryde (London, 1961) (ed.): The War of Saint-Sardos:Gascon Bronncn tot de Geschiedenis van den handel met Correspondence (Camden Third Series, vol. Engeland, Schotland en lerland, ed. H.J. Smit, Ixxxvii, 1954) Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatien, nos. 65-6, Charter R. 1199-1216: Rotuli Chartarum in Turri 86, 91 (The Hague, 1928-50). [Sometimes cited Londinensi asscrvati, ed. T.D. Hardy (Rec. Comm. as RGP\. 1837) XVI SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Charters, Bulls and other Documents relating to the a contribution to the history of Argyll', SHR, 1 Abbey of Inchafhay, edd. W.A. Lindsay and others (1971), 1-17 (SHS, 1908) Duncan, A. A.M.: 'Documents Relating to the Priory Chron. Lanercost: Chronicon de Lanercost 1201-1346, of the Isle of May c. 1140-1313', PSAS, xc (1956-7), ed. ]. Stevenson (Bannatyne Club, 1839). [Contains 52-80 an important appendix of illustrative documents, 'The early parliaments of Scotland', SHR, xlv 1220-1327, from the Public Record Office and (1966), 36-58 British Museum]. Durham Registrum: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense; Close R. 1204-24 and 1224-1227: Rotuli Litterarum the Register of Richard de Kellawe, ed. T.D. Hardy, Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. 4 vols. (Rolls Series, 1873-8) Hardy, 2 vols. (Rec. Comm., 1833-44) Edwards, Ancient Correspondence, Wales: Calendar Close R. 1227-1272: Transcripts of Close Rolls for of Ancient Correspondence concerning Wales, ed. these years, published by the Public Record Office J.G. Edwards (Cardiff, 1935) in 14 volumes (1902-38) Cole, Docs, from Records of Q.R.: Documents Edwards, Littere Wallie: Littere Wallie preserved Illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth in Liber A in the Public Record Office, ed.. J.G. and Fourteenth Centuries, from the Records of the Edwards (Cardiff, 1940) Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, ed. EHR: English Historical Review (1886- H. Cole (Rec. Comm., 1844) ) Essays in History presented to R.L. Poole, ed. Conway, Agnes: Henry VII's Relations with H.W.C. Davis (Oxford, 1927) Scotland and Ireland, 1485-1498 (Cambridge, 1932) The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, edd. Stuart Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relating to J. and others, 23 vols. (Edinburgh, 1878-1908) Great Britain and Ireland, edd. A.W. Haddan and W. Stubbs, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1869-73) Feet of Fines preserved in the Public Record Office of the 10th year of King Richard I, A.D. Cumberland and Westmorland Society: Transactions 1198-1199, and a roll of the King's Court of of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Richard I, Pipe Roll Soc, old series, xxiv (1900). and Archaeological Society (1874- ) [Reprinted 1929]. Cur. Reg. R. 1194-99 and 1199-1200: Rotuli Curiae Fine R. 1199-1216: Rotuli de Oblatibus et Finibus Regis: rolls or records of the courts held before in Turri Londinensi asservati.... tempore Regis the King's Justiciars or Justices, 6 Richard I - Johannis, ed. T.D. Hardy (Rec. Comm., 1835) 1 John, ed. F. Palgrave, 2 vols. (Rec. Comm., 1835) Fine R. 1216-46 and 1246-72: Exerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservati, Henry III, Cur. Reg. R. 1189-1237: Transcripts of the Curia 1216-72, ed. C. Roberts, 2 vols. (Rec. Comm., Regis rolls, published by the Public Record 1835-36) Office in 15 volumes (1923-72) Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae et Cuiuscunque Davies, J. Conway: The Baronial Opposition to Generis Acta Publica etc.; or Rymcr's Foedera Edward II. its Character and Policy: a study in 1066-1383, edd. A. Clarke and others, Record administrative history (Cambridge, 1918) Commission edition, 4 vols, in 7 parts (1816-69). Dip. Docs.: Diplomatic Documents: vol. i, 1101- [This is the edition cited here, unless otherwise 1272 (HMSO, 1964) noted]. Dunbar, J.G. and Duncan, A. A.M.; 'Tarbert Castle, Feodera (H): Foedera,... (etc), Hague edition, SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 10 vols. (The Hague, 1739-45) Treasurer of England, concerning payments made in 44 Edward III (1370), ed. Frederick Devon (Rec. Foedera (O): Foedera,... (etc), Original edition, Comm., 1835) 20 vols. (London, 1704-35) Johnson, Charles: 'The Homage for Guienne in Furness Coucher: The Coucher Book of Furness 1304', EHR, xxiii (1908), 728-9 Abbey, edd. J.C. Atkinson and J. Browbill, 'Negotiations 3 vols. (Chetham Soc, 1886-1935) for the Ransom of David Bruce in 1349', EHR, xxxvi (1921), 57-8 Gairdner, J. (ed): Letters and papers iHustrative Kingsford, C.L.: Prejudice and Promise in 15th- of the Reigns of Richard til and Henry Vll. century England (Oxford, 2 vols. (Rolls Series, 1861-63) 1925) (ed.): Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483 Gascon Rolls 1307-1317. edd. Y. Renouard and (Camden Third Series, vols, xxix, xxx, 1919) R. Fawtier (PRO and Comite des Travaux Historiques, 1964) Letters of Richard Fox, 1486-1527, edd. P.S. and H.M. Allen (London, 1929) Gough, Henry (ed.): Scotland in 1298; Documents relating to the campaign of Edward I in that year Lettres des Rois, Reines et autres personnages des (Paisley, 1888). [Also cited here as Gough]. cours de France et d'Angleterre, ed. J.J. Green [formerly Wood], Mary Anne Everett: Liy^ves Champollion - Figeac (Paris, 1839-47) of the Princesses of England from the Norman Lib. R. 1200-11: Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Conquest, 6 vols. (London, 1849-55) Praestitis, regnante Johanne [1200-11], ed. T.D. Halliwell (Phillips), J.G.: Letters of the Kings of Hardy (Rec. Comm., 1844) England, 2 vols. (London, 1846) Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobe, ed. Hansisches Urkundenbuch. ed. Konstantin Hohlbaum J. Topham (Society of Antiquaries, London, 1787) (Halle, 1876) Lists and Indexes: Public Record Office, 55 vols. Hingeston, F.C. (ed.): Royal and Historical Letters (1892-1936). Supplementary series, published by during the reign of Henry the Fourth, 2 vols. the List and Index Society (1965- ) (Rolls Series, 1860-4). [Vol. 2 issued with MS. Lubimenko, Inna: Jean de Bretagne comte de amendments, 1965]. Richmond; sa vie et son activite en Angleterre, HMSO: Publications of Her Majesty's Stationery en Ecosse et en France (Lille, 1908) Office Memoranda de Parliamento [ere], 1305, ed. F.W. Hockey, S.F.: 'The Transport of Isle of Wight corn Maitland (Rolls Series, 1893) to feed Edward I's army in Scotland', EHR, The Memoranda Roll of the King's Remembrancer, Ixxvii (1962), 703-5 for Michaelmas 1230 - Trinity 1231, ed. C. Hunter, Joseph: 'King Edward's Spoliations in Robinson, Pipe Roll Soc, new series, vol. 11 Scotland in 1296', Archaeological Journal, xiii (1933) (1856), 245-55 Milne, Isabel A.: 'An Extent of Carrick in 1260', Instrumenta Publica, sive Processus super SHR, xxxiv (1955), 46-9 Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Morris, Welsh Wars of Edward I (Oxford, Angliae Factis, 1291-96 (Bannatyne Club, 1834) J.E.: The 1901) ' M;e Roll of Thomas de Brantingham ... Lord High Nat. MSS. Scot.: Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland, 3 vols.
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