UNIVERSITY 0 LLSCOIL LUIMNIGH of UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK LIMERICK OLLSCOI L LUIMNIGH Dr Des Fitzgerald, M.D. Uachtaran President 6 February, 2019 Ms Eilis Fallon Committee Secretariat Committee of Public Accounts Leinster House Dublin 2 Dear Ms Fallon Ref : PAC32-l-1297 I am in receipt of your letter dated 31 January, 2019 in this regard. Hereunder please find information as requested. 1. A note on the total number of s ubsidiary companies and the status of these subsidiaries, including whether they are still in operation, if they are closed, if they have staff or not etc. Current subsidiaries: Company Status Staff Plassey Campus Centre CLG Operational No Plassey Trust Company CLG Operational Yes Kilmurry Village CLG Dormant No Plassey Campus Arena CLG Operational Yes University Concert Hall CLG Operational Yes Plassey Campus Developments Limited Operational No Unijobs DAC Operational Yes University of Limerick Alumni Association DAC Operational Yes 1 Ollscoil Luimnigh, Luimneach, V94 T9PX, Eire. Guthan: +353-61-202020 Riomhphost: [email protected] University of Limerick, Limerick, V94 T9PX, Ireland. Tel: +353-61-202020 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 7 Subsidiaries dissolved since 30 September 2016: Company Dissolved Marketina Centre for Small Business December 2017 Cariad Limited November 2018 Adaremount Comoanv November 2018 Mountainridge Company January 2019 2. A note on the number of people working in the subsidiary companies. Please provide a breakdown of University staff and non-University staff, including whether they come under any State-supported funding scheme. Company Total Subsidiary UL Employees UL Employees receiving an Employees allowance for extra salaries duties and funded by responsibilities in Subsidiaries the Sports and Campus Life areas Plassey Trust Company CLG 80 78 1 1 Plassey Campus Arena CLG 123 118 3 2 University Concert Hall CLG 43 43 Unijobs DAC 7 6 1 University of Limerick Alumni 4 4 Association DAC Total 257 249 4 4 The Subsidiaries are not in receipt of any State supported funding scheme for any staff. 2 Page 3 of 7 3. A list of the board of directors in each of the subsidiary companies and 4. Details of the board membership for University of Limerick and subsidiary companies. Subsidiary Board of Directors The following sets out the composition' of each of the Boards of the subsidiaries: Boards for: • Plassey Campus Centre CLG • Plassey Trust Company CLG TIA Campus Life Services • Kilmurry Village CLG Category Nominated By: Current Directors Governing Authority Governing Authority Gerry O'Brien (Chair) Members Optional UL Foundation UL Foundation Gerry Boland UL Students Union Students Union Ciara Jo Hanlon UL Senior Executives UL Optional Robert Reidv Board Co-Options PCC Board Sandra Joyce Optional Optional 1 Current vacancies on Boards are under consideration by the relevant Nominee Bodies 3 Page 4 of 7 Plassey Campus Arena CLG TIA UL SPORT Category Nominated By: Current Directors Chairperson Governing Authority Eddie Keher Governing Authority Governing Authority Ciara Jo Hanlon Members Colin Clarke UL Senior Executives UL Gerry O'Brien Dave Mahedv Board Co-options Board Optional Liam Sheedy Laura Ryan UL Students Union Students Union Paul Lee Optional UL Staff UL Staff Optional Plassey Campus Centre Plassey Campus Centre Robert Reidy Sports Person Governing Authority Optional Coaching Ireland Coaching Ireland Michael McGeehin University Concert Hall CLG Category Nominated By: Current Directors Chairperson Governing Authority Judith Woodworth Governing Authority Governing Authority Eoin Devereux Members Judith Woodworth UL Senior Executives UL Gerry O'Brien Robert Reidv PCC Nominees PCC Ed Hansom Lorean Murray Optional Limerick County Council Limerick County Council Optional 4 Page 5 of 7 Plassey Campus Developments Limited Category Nominated By: Current Directors 1. John Field (Chair) UL Senior Executives PCC 2. Robert Reidy Uniiobs DAC Category Nominated By: Current Directors 1. Michael McDonnell External Chairperson Governing Authority Governing Authority Governing Authority 2. Kay Doyle Nominee 3. Tommy Foy UL Senior Executives UL 4. Niall Murphy 5. Callista Bennis UL President Nominees UL 6. Pat Rockett 7. Philip O'Rei:ian University of Limerick Alumni Association DAC Category Nominated By: Current Directors Chairperson Governing Authority Bobby O'Connor Governing Authority Governing Authority Colin Clarke Members Liam Carroll UL Graduates UL Graduates Tim Kenny Michael Hourii:ian Senior UL Executive UL Executive Optional President Nominees President Callista Bennis Mary Shire Niall Murphy UL Foundation UL Foundation . David Cronin UL Students Union UL Students Union .Ciara Joe 0 Hanlon 5 Page 6 of7 University of Limerick Governing Authority The following sets out the composition and members of the Governing Authority: Chief Officer Dr Des Fitzgerald Chancellor: Ms Mary Harney Senior Officers of the University: Mr Gerry O'Brien Professor Sean Arkins Professors/Associate Professors: Professor Eoin Devereux (elected by such staff) Professor Kevin M Ryan Dr Seamus Gordon Dr Amanda Haynes Academic & Research Staff: (elected by such Mr Gerard Slattery staff) Dr Peter Tiernan Ms Michelle Breen Support Staff: (elected by such staff) Ms Kim O'Mahony Ms Ciara Jo Hanlon, President, UL Student Life Mr Lorean O'Donnell, Deputy Student Representation Undergraduate: President, UL Student Life Mr Dean Lillis, President, Postgraduate: Postgraduate Students Union Nominees of Organisations (Community Organisations and Employers, Ms Joan Aherne Business and Industry) Mr John O'Connell Ms Grainne Barron Nominees of Minister for Education & Skills Dr Garret A FitzGerald Professor Julian Crampton Persons appointed having regard to Ms Trish Long Artistic/Cultural Interests Ms Judith Woodworth 6 Page 7 ofl Graduates of the University of Limerick Mr Liam Carroll (elected by such graduates) Mr Colin Clarke Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr James Collins Mayor of Metropolitan District of Limerick Cllr Daniel Butler Ms Rose Hynes University of Limerick Foundation Nominees Mr Eddie Sullivan President, Mary Immaculate College Prof Eugene Wall 5. A copy of the most recent financial statements for Plassey Campus Centre: Plassey Campus Centre CLG Financial Statements 30 September 2017. Copy attached. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Encl/ ... 7 Plassey Campus Centre Company Limited by Guarantee (formally known as Plassey Campus Centre Limited) Annual Report Financial Year Ended 30 September 2017 Plassey Campus Centre Company Limited by Guarantee Annual Report 2017 CONTENTS Page DIRECTORS AND OTHER INFORMATION 2 DIRECTORS' REPORT 3-5 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT 6-8 GROUP INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 9 GROUP STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 10 GROUP BALANCE SHEET 11 PARENT COMPANY BALANCE SHEET 12 COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 13 GROUP STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 14 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15 - 35 GROUP DETAILED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Appendix (i) Plassey Campus Centre Company Limited by Guarantee DIRECTORS AND OTHER INFORMATION Board of Directors Solicitors Tadhg Kearney (Chairperson) Holmes O'Malley Sexton John Field (Managing Director) Bishopsgate Robert Reidy Henry Street David O'Flynn Limerick P Gerard Boland Patricia Long Sandra Joyce Jack Shelly Chief Operations Officer Bankers Michael Foley Ulster Bank University of Limerick Limerick Finance Director Bank of I rel and 125 O'Connell Street Niall Murphy Limerick AIB Treasury & International Ashford House Secretary and Registered Office Tara Street Dublin 2 Robert Reidy Plassey House University of Limerick Limerick Registered Number: 108751 Independent Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Chartered Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm Bank Place Limerick 2 Plassey Campus Centre Company Limited by Guarantee DIRECTORS' REPORT The directors present their report and the audited financial statements of the group for the financial year ended 30 September 2017. Statement of directors' responsibilities The directors are responsible for preparing the directors' report and the financial statements in accordance with Irish law. Irish law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year that give a true and fair view of the group's assets, liabilities and financial position as at the end of the financial year and of the surplus or deficit of the group for the financial year. Under that law the directors have prepared the financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland (accounting standards issued by the Financial Reporting Council of the UK, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland and promulgated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and Irish law). Under Irish law, the directors shall not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the group's assets, liabilities and financial position as at the end of the financial year and the surplus or deficit of the -group for the financial year. In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and identify the standards in question, subject to any
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