OF vVESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] 21.] TUESDAY , MAY 4. [1880. No. 617.-0.S.0. No. 615.-0.S.0. Colonial Secl'etm'Y's O.flice, Colonial Sec;'eta1'Y's Office, Pe;'th, Sril JYIay, 1880. Pe1,th, 27th Ap1'il, 1880. Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct that the Anniversary IS Excellency the Governor has been Majesty's Birthday shall be observed H pleased to direct the publication of the on Thursday, the 27th instant. following arrangements made by His Excellency Sir HARRY ORD, on the 2nc1 instant. By His Excellency's Command, J. F. STONE, Esquire, Superintenc1ent of ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, Convicts, to proceed to Europe on twelve months' leave of absence, from 1st May, Colonial Secretary. on account of his health. JOHN FORREST, Esquire, Deputy Surveyor . General, to be Acting Superintendent of No. 620.-0.S.0. Convicts c1uring Mr. Stone's absence on Colonial SecretaTY's Office, leave. Perth, STil JYlay, 1880. CHARLES D. PRICE, Esquire, Senior Staff ,..1HE Legislative douncil having placed at Surveyor, to be Acting DepuGy Surveyor .L the disposal of the Government the sum General dudng the same perioc1 . of £1,000 to ensure tbe products of the Colony being properly represented at the forthcoming By His Excellency's Commanc1, Melbourne Exhibition, it is hereby notified that ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWOR'fHY, His Excellency the Governor has' appointed the following gentlemen to be a Committee to Colonial Secretary. carry out the intention of the Legislature :- The Honorable lif. FRASER, Surveyor General, The Honorable J. H. THo:ilIAs, Director of Public Works, No. 614.-0.S.0. W. E. lifAmnoN, Esq., lYLL.O., Colonial Sw'ctal'Y's Office, CHARLES CROW'l'HER, Esq., M.L.O., CHARLES HARPER, Esq., J.P. Pedh, 27th April, 1880. The Governor requests that all PL1blic Officers IS Excellency the Governor has been will assist the Committee to the utmost of H pleasec1 to appoint ALEXANDER FORREST, their power, and His Excellency eamestly Esquire, to be an Acting Staff Surveyor in the hopes that the general public will cordially co­ room of C. D. PRICE, Esquire, who has been operate with them in the important object in appointecl Acting Deputy Surveyor General. view. By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Commanc1, ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary. 180 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. No. 6I8.-C.S.O. The arrival and departure of the Mails will Colonial Secl'etal'y's Office, be subject to instructions from the Postmaster Perth, Brd ]}Iay, 1880. Gcneml, and liable to alterations at any time Excel1ency the Governor directs it to during the ye,n·. be notified that Her Majesty's Secretary for the Colonies has been pleased to Two approved sureties will be required to approve the appointment of EDWIN LEY, join the Contractor in a guarantee for the dne Esquire, as Clerk and Registrar in the Colonial fulfilment of the duties contracted to be per­ Secretary's Officc. formed. By His Excellency's Command, Special Forms of Tender, with conditions ROGER rrUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, attached, may be had on application to the . Colonial Secretary. various R,esident J'diLgistrates, anc1 at the General Post Office, Perth; and no Tender will No. GID.-C.S.O. be en tcrtainec1 unless renc1ered on the pre­ Colonial Sec)'eta;'y's Oi/ice, scribed form. Perth, Brd l'rIay, 1880. The Government will reserve to themselves IS Excellency the Governor directs it to the right to termimtte the Contract at any time H be notified that Her Majesty's Secretary by giving three months' notice. of State for the Colonies has approved the six months' leave of absence grantecl from 1st A free passage must be providcd for an Officer January last, to F. H. JAUNCEY, Esquire, of the Post Office or Telegraph Department, Registrar of Titles and Deeds. when required by the Postmaster General. By His Excellency's Command, The Government do not bind themselves to ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, accept the lowest or any Tender. Colonial Secretary. Further information may be had on applica­ tion to the Postmastcr General. No. 6I6.-C.S.O. By His Excellency's Command, Supplementary General Order, No. 16. ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, Colonial Secreta,'Y's Office, Colonial Secretary. PCl'th, 27th Ap1'il, 1880. AlZowC/;1we to Jw/'01'S cwul Witnesses. No. 621.-C.S.O. EFERRING to General Order, No. 16, R dated the 1st March, 1880, His Excel­ TE DE ACCEPTED. lency the Governor has been pleased to direct that Female ·Witnesses duly summoned and Colonial SeCl'cta)'y's Office, attending to give evidence at any Criminal Perth, 3rd May, 1880. Session of the Supreme Court, before any Court of Quarter or Geneml Sessions of the J AllIES MASLIN, Peace, or before Justices in Petty Sessions, or To convey a Mail, once a week, on horsebiLck, on any Inquest, shall be paid according to for two years, between Briclgetown and Jayes their position, at rates not exceeding two­ and vice ve1'sa" for the sum of £26 per annum. thirds of the scales set forth in the above­ mentioned Order. By His Excellency'S Command, By His Excellency's Command, ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, ROGER TUCKFD. GOLDSWORTHY, Coloninl Secretary. Colonial Secretary. Depa1·tment of Public WOl'ks No. 6I3.-C.S.O. (RaiJway Bmnch), Colonial Secl'ctcwy's Office, PCl'th, 26th AP1'il, 1880. Perth, 3)'(1 May, 1880. ENDERS (endorsed "Tender for Convey­ OTICE is hereby given, that the first T ance of Mttils,") will be received at this N Stone of the Perth J:lailwiLy Station will Office until noon of Thursday, the 13th JIIIay, be htic1 by Lady Robinsoll, on Monday next, at from persons willing to convey the Mails 4'30 p.m. between York, N ortham, and Newcastle, weekly, during the current year, ill a four­ The Public are invited to attend. wheeled conveyance cttpable of carrying two JAS. H. THOMAS, piLssengers, iLnd in the following manner, subject Commissioncr of Railways. to alteration:- Tuesday-Leave York for Northam on arrival of Mail Coach from Perth. The Electoral District of Swan. Tuesday-Arrive at N ortlliLm in 2t hours. ROWLEY Cl~ozmR LOFTIE, the Returning Wednesday-Leave Northam for Newcastle I Officer for the said District, hereby give Notice at 7 a.m. that on the 23rd day of April instant, I received from the Governor of the Colonv a \Vrit for the election of Wedncsday-Arrive at Ncwcastle in (\ J,Iember to serve in the' Legislativo Council for the hours. above District; and snch Election will bo held at the Police Court House, in Guildford, as the Central Fricby-Leave Newcastle for Northam on Pollinp; Place, ane1 at the Police Station in Gingin as arrival of Mail Coach from Perth. the District Pollillg Place, for and within the said Friday-Arrive at Northam in 2~ hours. District, at the hour of ten in the iore1100n on Satur­ day, the 2:!nd day of' May next. Saturday-Leave Northam for York at 7 a.m. Dated the 24th day of April, 1880. Saturday-Arrive at York in 2t hours. ROWLEY C. J,OFTIE, Tenders to stiLte elate on which conveyance Returning Officer for the Electoral can be commenced. District of Swan. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 181 C1'Otvn Lands' Office, Perth, 1st May, 1880, IS Excellency the Governor has been pleased, on the recommendation of the Commissioner H of Crown Lands, to set apart, as Public Reserves, the land described in the Schednle below, for the purposes herein set forth:- RESERVES. Recorded Content. Number. A. lL P. I Description of Boundaries. Purpose for which made. I 428 A 100 0 0 i Bounded on the North and West by lines extending East Watering Place, Victoria , 30 chains, and South 33 chains 33 links from the North- District. I east corner of Victoria Location 378, at "Eyeragulla," I the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. I 429 A 2 2 o I Bounded on the South by 6 chains 52 links of Steere For Recreation Ground. Street; on the North by Bridgetown Town Lots 84 and 85 measuring together 6 chains 52 links; on the East by 6 Bridgetown Town Lots 86 chains 91 links of a public highway; and on the West by and 87. Bridgetown Town Lot 88 measuring 6 chains 91 links. 1 MALCOLM FRASER, Commissioner of Crown Lands. "The Perth Drainage Rate Act!> 1875.!>!> The PC1,th Oity Ommcil in ACCo7mt 01N'1'ent with the Oolonial T1'easu1'e1', Dr. (Section 2, 42 Vict., No. 8.) Cr. 1880. £ s. d, 1880, £ s. d. May I.-To Balance of Debt on 1st I. 7 9 May I.-By Cash 19 5 7 April, 1880 ) 1006 " Balance 992 1 5 " 30 days' interest at 6 per cent. 4 19 3 £1011 7 0 £1011 7 0 A. O'GRADY LEFROY, Colonial Treasurer. Perth, 1st May, 1880. JNO. SUMMERS, Treasurer Perth City Council. LAND SALES. Crown Lands' Office, Perth, 3rd May, 1880. HE undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, on the T dates and at the places specified in the Schedule below, at one o'clock, p.m. SCHEDULE. Quantity. Date of Sale. \ Place of Sale. Description of Lot. Number of Lot. I Upset Price. a. r. p. 1880. i 5th May York ... ... York ... Town 281 .. 1 '" ... 2 12 11 Do. Do. .. , .. Do. ... ... Do. 283 ... .. 1 Do. Do. ... ... Do. ... .. Do. 381 ... .., 1 o2 40 Do. Do. ... ... Do. ... .., Do. 382 ... .., 1 o 10 J£10 per lot. Do. Do. ... ... Do. ... ... Do. 399 ... .. 1 o 0 Do. Do.
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