Pursuant to the Act for tlie Relief of Insolvent as Dock Captain, then of Neston* Cheshire, Police Officer, Debtors in England. afterwards of Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, Polica Officer on the Birmingham and Derby Railway, and late of the same place, Publican. THE COURT FOR 'RELIEF OF INSOLVENT John Holmes, formerly of Alrewas, Staffordshire, Butcher DEBTORS. and Beer Shopkeeper, then Butcher, Huckster, and Slop- seller, afterwards of Stretton-wharf, Penkridge, Butcher, N. B.—See the Notice at the end of these Adver- Beer Shopkeeper, and Huckster, then of Alrewas; oat of' employ, and late Labourer. , tisements. Ann Bromley, late of Mtlford, parish of Baswich, near' Stafford, Spinster, heretofore Retailer of Beer and To- The following PRISONERS, whose Estates and bacco, since Brewer and Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, Effects have heen vested in the Provisional and lately Retailer of Beer and Tobacco. Thomas Wilde, formerly of Bradley, Bilston, Potter, in Assignee by Order of the Court, having filed their copartnership with John Wilde the elder, and Beer Shop- Schedules, are ordered to be brought up before keeper on his own account, and late of Bilston aforesaid, a Commissioner on Circuit, to be dealt with ac- in copartnership with the said John Wilde the elder, as cording to the Statute, as follows: Potters. George Adams the younger, heretofore of Lower Heath At the Court-House, at Stafford, in the County Prees, near Wem, Shropshire, Brewer and Retailer of of Stafford, on the 18th day of August 1841, at Beer and Tobacco, Dealer in Grocery and Huckstery Goods, and Agricultural Labourer, afterwards Agricul- Ten o'clock in the Forenoon precisely. tural Labourer only, and lately of Marston, near Stafford,. John Randle, formerly of Broseley, Salop'*. Waterman, Brick- Agricultural Labourer. maker, and Coal Dealer, afterwards Victualler and Brick- Joseph Rook, heretofore of Cross Guns-lane, Westbromwich, maker, and late of Weston-under-Lizard, Staffordshire, Staffordshire, Boot and Shoe Maker, and late of Carter's- Brickmaker and Waterman. >\ green, Westbromwich, Boot and Shoe Maker, at Carter's- John Morris, formerly of Quixhill, parish of'iRocester, Staf- green aforesaid, Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, "Baker, fordshire, Toll-gate Keeper, managing a farm for Mary and Dealer in Grocery, and lately Boot and Shoe Maker Morris, at the same place, afterwards of Rnshton, Toll- only. gate Keeper at the Rushton Marsh-gate,' same time Aaron Rhodes, formerly of the 2d Regiment of Life Guards, Dealing in Cattle, then of Quixhill, Toll-gatekeeper and then of Alsagar Lodge, Cheshire, Victualler and Farmer, "Servant in Husbandry to Mary Morris aforesdj^d, and late then of Rudheath Lordship, Cheshire, Farmer, afterwards out of employ. t: of Cranage, Fanner, and late of Hanley, Staffordshire,. "William Beech, formerly of Stafford, Carpenter artd Builder, out of business. th'en in copartnership with Henry Lloyd, as Carpenters Thomas Salt, heretofore of Fentqn-park, Stoke-upon-Trent, and Builders, and late Carpenter and Builder on his own Staffordshire, Overlooker and Manager of Fenton-park. account. Iron and Coal Works, in the employ of Messrs. Thomp- John Wilson the elder, late of Westbromwich. Staffordshire, son and Co. of Fenton-park aforesaid, since of Ashton^ Cbnstable and Beadle of Christ's Church, Westbromwich. under Line, Lancashire, Working and Journeyman-Joiner Chairles Hollins, late of Litch Lane, Burslem, Staffordshire, and Carpenter, then of Dudley, Stafforsbire, Journeyman Packer at the Earthenware Manufactory of George Phil- Joiner and Carpenter, and late of Buttell-lane, Kingswih- lips, at Longport, near Burslem, and lately Packer at the ford, Staffordshire, Joiner, Carpenter, and Builder on,his . Earthenwai'e Manufactory of Messrs. Barker, Sutton, and own account • • •; Till, -at Burslem aforesaid. John Collins, late of Upper Gornall, Sedgeley, near Wplver- •James 'Gbugh the elder, late of Stafford-street, Wolyer- harapton, Staffordshire, Maltster, Nail, and Chain Manuri hampton, Staffordshire, Stock Lock Manufacturer, since facturer, and Dealer in Grocery and Huckstery Goods, Dealer in Grocery and Huckstery Goods, and'lately Lock- afterwards in same trades, and Victualler and Retailer of smith Only. Spirituous Liquors and Tobacco, since Maltster, Nail and Rosanna Bates, late of Etruria, Stoke-upon-Trent, Stafford- Chain Manufacturer, Dealer in Grocery and Huckstery shire, Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, and Dealer in Boat Goods, Brewer, and Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, Col- Lines. lector of the Poor Rates for Sedgeley, and Farmer, after- John Bailey, formerly of Barlastan, Staffordshire,' Farmer, wards Dealer in Nails, and lately Warehousemau to a then of ChatcaU, parish of Eccleshall, Staffordshire, La- Nail Manufacturer, at Upper Gornall aforesaid. : bourer, then of Hampstead Mill, Handsworth, Labourer, John Woodbouse, heretofore of Wolverhampton, Stafford- and late of Perry New Lodge, Handsworth, Labourer. shire, Victualler and Retailer of Spirituous Liquors, William Westley, formerly of George-street, Walsall, Staf- Wines, and Tobacco, a partner in the Birmingham Con- fordshire, Stirrup Maker, and late of the Birch-hills, veyance Company, Carriers, and Omnibus Proprietors,, Walsall, Stirrup Maker and Victualler. ' then of Brierley-Lill, parish of Kingswinford, Stafford- • Joseph Peake, heretofore of 'Hanley, Stoke-npon-Trent, shire, Victualler and Retailer of Spirituous Liquors and. Staffordshire, Journeyman Potter, Victualler, and Retailer Tobacco, then of Dudley, Worcestershire, Victualler, of Spirituous Liquors, Wines, and Tobacco, on his own Retailer of Spirituous Liquors and Tobacco, tbe Excise • account, and Earthenware Manufacturer, at Shelton, said Licences, both at Brierley-hill and Dudley, being taken parish and county, in partnership with William Whalley, in the name of Joseph Woodhouse, then of Wolverhamp- under the linn of Peake and Co. since Victualler and ton aforesaid, Pork Butcher, and late of Upper Pen, Staf- Retailer of Spirituous Liquors, Wines, and Tobacco, Jour- fordshire. Victualler and Retailer of Spirituous' L'iquors neyman Potter on Iris own account, and late of Shelton and Tobacco, at the Fox and Goose Inn, .Upper Pcnn aforesaid, iu no business. aforesaid, the Excise and Victualling Licences in the name Thomas Jackson, formerly of Burslem, Staffordshire, Pot- of Joseph Woodhouse, and occasionally employed as an ter, then Beer Shopkeeper, afterwards Victualler at the Agricultural Labourer. Waterloo Hotel, and late Victualler at the Blue Lion Inn. John Richard Armfield, heretofore of Hill-top, Westbrom- Thomas Wolverson, late of Upper Gornall, Sedgley, near wich, Staffordshire, Bookkeeper, Warehouseman, and Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Bricklayer and Builder, Overlooker for Messrs. Lake, Siddons, and Jesse Siddons, then Brewer and Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, since of Hill-top aforesaid, Iron Founders, then of Bull's-hilt Bricklayer, Builder, Victualler, and Retailer of Spirituous Farm, Westbromwich aforesaid, Farmer on his own ac- Liquors and Tobacco, and lately Bricklayer only. count, and Bookkeeper, Warehouseman, and Overlooker William Fenton, latu of Fulfbrd Stoae, Staffordshire, Black- aforesaid, since Farmer, Dealer in Grocery and Huck- smith and Dealer in Grocery and Huckstcry Goods, since stery Goods, and working a Team for Hire, and after- Blacksmith, Brewer, and Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, wards a Farmer, and working a Team for Hire only, thun and lately Blacksmith only. of Caldmore, near Walsall, Staffordshire, Carpenter,' William Hopkins, formerly of Liverpool. Police Officer, then Joiner, Brewer, and Retailer of Beer and Tobacco,1 and in the employ of Messrs. Croppy and Bursan, Merchants, late of Bircbills, near Walsall aforesaid, Carpenter and.
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