This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com | | ; N S * O F \ H Y M N s, FROM THE BEST AUTHors, rn rended to BE AN A P P E N D 1 x - | - A t o at: Ds. wATTs’s PSALMs ano HYMNS. - A B x j o H N R - A* i r r o N. A. m. , » ,” r o v R r H e d r r r o N, / 1scivPING. The NAMEs or the Tunes adaptzd Te MAN Y OF THE HY M N S, SOLD BY MR. RIPP ON, AND AT H1s v EsTRY, cARTER LAN E, TooLry-sT REr r ; MR. DILLY AND MR. RoBINsoN, LoNDοN; MR. ÉRowN, pristors MR. BINNs, L e Eds; MR. GRAY, EDINBURGH; ANP ex THE BAPTIST MIN IST E R s AT PHIL AD ELP y 1A, BostroN, AND New-York. «^ / * * --> y - r { (* / . » /C * i Gnfered at Stationers lball. - - 1 , N. B. The Number of the Hymn always anſwers · to the Number of the Page thus : { - | Hymn 33 - page 33. * Hymn 433 * - page 433. Hymn 434 - Page 434 • - - - --- -*-- Rg - -" , -, ---- * * , | | * * * A | * - --, - v -- *-, f - - - ». ! - |- - *** * * , , * 7* " r - * - * 4 - , r, - | · - - - | x * ( iii ; * P R E F A C E. HE Hymns and Pſalms of that ſweet Singer in Iſrael, T Dr. Watts, have juſtly obtained a diſtinguiſhed Repu- . tation, among different Denominations of good Men, and rendered his Memory dear to Thouſands. They appear to me better adapted to public Worſhip than any other Book which I have feen; and it would pain me very much, to find any One fufpećting my moſt cordial. Attachment to them. Unleſs I am very much miſtaken, I have often felt their bene ficial Influence on my Mind, and I do, with the greateſt Pleaſure, rank among their warmest Admirers. O CCASION OF THIS SELECT I O N. * But it was never imagined, by Dr. Watts, or any other intelligent Perfon, that it would be for ever improper to in troduceother Hymns into a Congregation where his are uſed. Andit muſt be acknowledged, copious and excellent as they are, that they do not include every Subject that is needful for public Worſhip; for it has often been very difficult, if not impoſſible after Sermon, to find a Pſalm or Hymn quite fuited to the Diſcourſe which has been delivered. Hence, the Minister, or Leader of the Pfalmody, has been under the Neceffity of taking a Hymn, now from one Author, and then from another; and many of our fenior Miniſters have fometimes given out a Compoſition of their own. Theſe Methods have been edifying to the People, but an Incon venience has attended them; the People have not had the Hymn which has been fung, and, To-day they have aſked, “ Who was the Author of it ?” and.have been told, it was one of Dr. Watts's Lyric Poems; a Month after, they have made a fimilar Enquiry, and have learned that the Hyma was Dr. Doddridge's ; the next time they enquired, they found they had been comforted by one of Preſident Davies's of America, or elfe by the united Piety and Poetry of Theo dofia.–At laſt, not being able to find all theſe Hymns, in any two, or three, or tem Books, they have aſked another Question, “ Why could we not have fome of the beſt Hymns in all theſe Authors puttogether, anduſed with Dr. Watts?” Such Enquiries gave Birth to the preſent Publication. 2 2 \? iv P R E F A C E. INTENT IoN oF TH1s voLUME. : This Selection was never intended, either directly or in directly, to fet afide Dr. Watts, in any Congregation upon Earth; on the Contrary, it is hoped that he will be more uſed than ever. And that he may be fo, his Hymns and Pfalms keeping their former Place, a Number of Hymns has been introduced from his Lyric Poems, Sermons, and Miſcella mies, into this Volume, not onlygreater than has yet appeared in any one Collection for public Worſhip ; but, I believe, exceeding what has been printed in all of them put together. Thefe, I flatter nyfelf, will be highly acceptable to the real Friends of Dr. Watts. But as Dr. Watts has not many whole Hymns, on the Chara&ters of Chriſt–the Work of the Spirit–the Chriſtian Graces and Tempers–the Parables of the New Teſtament – the Ordinance of Baptiſm–and but few fuited to Affocia tions and General Meetings of Churches and Miniſters– Ordinations Church Meetings–Meetings of Prayer– Annual Sermons to young People, &c. great Care has been taken, that this Book ſhould be on the one Hand a good Supplement, filling up, in fome Meaſure, thefe Deficiencies ; while it is on the other, an Appendix, containing fome Hymns on the fame Subje&ts as may be found in Dr. Watts : theſe have been felećted that we may not always fing of the fame Thing in the fame Words, but enjoy Variety in the Work of Praiſe, which is generally fo acceptable in the Duty of Prayer. - - Dr. Watts's Hymns and Pſalms were introduced, therewere fome who found great Fault with them, intimating that they had Pſalms already; and it may be there are ſome well-meaning Perſons now, of a fimilar Defcrip tion-to fuch, I take the Liberty of faying, that, I think, it will be very difficult to find any wife and good Man, who has taken the Lead in public Pſalmody, with proper Atten tion, for Seven Years, and is, after fuch a Trial, of their Way of thinking, Too great a Variety is fcarcely to be conceived of, and I confeſs my Fear is, notwithſtanding this Addition of above Five Hundred Hymns, that after Sermon \", there will be many Subjects fought for in vain, both in this *, Appendix, as well as im Dr. Watts. To provide for this Inconvenience, as far as poſſible, I have placed together a Number of ſhort Hymns, to be fung after Sermon. Theſe 2 - P R , E F . A C E. V will, perhaps, often be helpful, when no one can be found exactly fuitable to the Diſcourſe, as they are on very general Subjeễts, ſuch as “ Praiſe for the Goſpel– A Bleffing re queſted on the Word þreached,” and, on many other Topics of very common Concern. Some of the beſt Judges who have been conſulted on this Head, have recommended a Variety of Meaſures. Patrick's Pfalms are confined, I obferve, to three Meaſures : Dr. Watts's Pſalms are thrown into mine; but fome of theſe Meaſures are now fo much cut of ufe, that they are fcarcely ever fung. In their Room I have introduced a few others, perhaps not enough to gratify every one, but, I believe, moſt of thoſe which are known, and valued in our diffenting Congregations, throughout England. - - - E N coU RA G EM E N T. The numerous Miniſters and other Brethren to whom I have read, or fent my Deſign, have, one and all, unani moufly encouraged me to go forward; and after I had laid my Plan, and collected great Part of my Materials, I was, more than ever, convinced that an Appendix to Dr. Watts's Hymns and Pfalms, was very generally defired, from one End of the Kingdom to the other. For I found, that feve rai Miniſters, in very different counties, who were unac quainted with each others Intențion, had aćtually begun a Work of this Kind; but, hearing that I had advanced pretty far in a Selećtion, which ſhou'd be diſtinguiſhed from others, by an orderly Arrangement of Subjects, they dropped their Deſign, and three of them very politely and voluntarily favored me with fuch Communications, as lay me under very confiderable Obligations. My grateful Acknowledgments attend theſe my , as well as feveral other of my Friends, who have in different ways generouſly contributed towards this Compilation. * MA TER I AL S A N D AUTHORS, As this Book is an Appendix to Dr. Watts's Hymns and Pfalms, none of them have been felećted ; but I have gone through more than Ninety printed Volumes of Hymn Books, Hymns, Pſalms, &c. attentively peruſing all the Collections I could obtain in this Country and from America. In Confequence of which, this Publication ought to contain a greater Variety of Subjećts and Metres, than - a 3 vi P R E F A C E. either of the Collections extant. It may, indeed, be uſed alone; but it is principally defigned for thofe Congregations in which Dr. Watts's Hymns and Pſalms have ſtill the Preference to all others. - - I hope it will be obſerved, that fome of the Hymns which are chofen, have been inferted in the greater Part of the beſt Collections; and I judge it is a fufficient Proof of their Worth, that they have been eſteemed by fo many good Men. There are more than Three Hundred others, fome of which indeed have been printed before, but none of them, I think, have ever appeared in any Collećtion for public worſhip till 1mOW, The o RIGINAL Hymns which adorn this Volume, and which were never before printed, make almoſt one-fourth Part of the Whole. For theſe (not to mention here all the valuable Perſons, whoſe Names or Signatures ſtand in the Book). I am indebted to the preſent Dr. Stennett, the Rev. Mr. Turner of Abingdon, the Rev. Mr. Beddome of Bour ton, and the Rev.
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