NEWARK POST NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., NOVEMBER 22,1916 NUMBER H ECOMMENDS APPOINT. BUILDING OFFERED FOR COLLEGE WORK I JESSIE FIELD VISITS NEWARK MENT OF TOWN MANAGER COMMUNIT~MEETINGS PROG~ESSING ! Feeble Mindedness In Dela- New Campus To Be Known Varied Intere3ts of Community Presented at Meeting f..~ayor Hossinger's Suggestions Presented at Community Meeting ware Reviewed At The As "The Green" A large crowd greeted Miss Jes. dent? At first the speaker WIlS .'1 On Tuesday Evening New Century Club The exceptionally long stretch sie Field, well-known educator, la ughed at him but by and by pl.b­ who addressed the Commun ity li c sentimcnt swung with him, the This is a community meeting, yet this town must be the center In the absence of the president, of fine weather has permitted the Meeting held in the Newark M. E. fence wa built, a nd accident. be­ '0 this community, and while I do not care to tire you with an account Miss Frances Hurd, Mrs. C. O. &!'ading operations of the new chul'ch on Tuesday evening. Mayor CRm e a t hing of the past. Just so o ' Iocai conditions, it seems to me to be an appropriate time to express Houghton, vice.president, pres ided campus to progl'ess so that the Hossinger presided at the meet- wo t um out attention to sa ni ':; ·.1- Ii thought that I have had relative to the munagement of our public at the meeting of the ew Cen- northel'l1 portion is almost com­ ing. Professor Rawlins, of Dela· t ion and the like in an efl'ort to u \ ~litie;,: that of having a Town Manager. The idea is not original tU I'y club held in Co uncil Chamber pleted. That portion of the n ew ware Co llege, f ormerly of Bridge- prevent sickness, and kee p the \,~- th me. but is a plan that has been adopted by a great many towns la t Monday. The afternoo n's pro. campus which lies between the ville, rendered a number of selec- community well. But every single a d citie and is meeting with great s uccess. I,; ra m opened with a piano solo by lJroposed dormitory on the north tions on the'pipe or e- nn which were person is needed t o help tart the t SO!ne twenty-five years ago when our light and water works were Mis Anna Ritz, followed by a duet a nd li brary buildings on the south, ap'precinted. In t he course of the fine co nstructive movements, t o jj~s t installed the houses in this town numbered about two hundred. by Mis ' ,Wlison a nd Miss Ritz. Wolf Hall on the eas,t and Science evening Mayor Hossinger stlgg' st - tO llc h every phase of li fe. It i a tow we have probably six hundred or more with but a small percent. D uring the busin ess session the Hall on the west i to be known as cd the employment of a t own uan. sin to say 'do not' and yet fad to ag-l! nO,t connected in some way with our public utilities. motion that the new club house "The Co llege Green." agel', as reported in detail in an- furn i. h anything better 1'01' the W ;:; now have invested in our streets, water works, electric plant, I be offered to t he community com- The roof is being placed upon other colll11n, for the consid era. people a round us." s werage system, town buildings, and t.own equipment, upwards of mittee ,heat, li ght, and rent f ree, Wolf Hall so that progress on the tion of the citizens. Mi ss Field referred to the gren t- $~ O,O e() . While I am not deprecating the efforts of the Council or the as a place fo r the monthly meet. interior work will not be retarded Mi ss Fiell congratulated the problems of eductaion, covered by l!jewer Commission or any of our public officials, yet I feel that the ings to be resumed in January, was during t he winter. people of Newark upon t he fact the schools and libraries, the prob­ t ..wn Iws gotten to a place where a Town Manager is badly needed. passed una nimously. The foundations of the new dor- t hat a "community meeting" is lem of rec reation, a nd the prolJ . I Tr;· public official who does not receive any remuneration for his The feature of the afternoon was mitoTY for men are nearing co m- poss ible, declaring, "The greatest lems of f riends'tip. "It i a s plen­ s"'rvice looks after his own affairs first, and the affairs of the town the talk by Miss Elizabeth Kite of pletion a nd work on ,the building t hing in t he wo rld is sure to be did thing to develop a community a fterw'Irds, and it seems to me that with $200,000 invested the town Phoilladelphia on the s ubject of w ill advance rap i·d 1'Y . In spite of done if you have once drawn to- f r iendsh ip," s,le said,-"the f eel. could well afford to employ a Manager whose duty it shall be to look lFeeble Mintlediless in Dehllw He. the difficulties met in securing gether." in g thD;t draws all t ogethe"-anc1 c.~ter our public works. Miss Kite is a member of a natiJn- steel, a new oonsignment has been The speaker continued, "Before makes evel'yone in the town f eel a The Manager must be a man with some knowledge of mechanical, a l committee of workers who vi sit received and the reinforced con­ we as a community can accom- pr rt of everything in the town. electrical, sanitary and civil engineering. He should have some ex- the var io us tates of the Union. crete wOI'k will round off. A large plish thing ' we must first cat ch Open yo ur homes a nd share them l'cutive ability, and practically take the'place of the Mayor. He would She has been brought to Delaware portion of the old dormitory build­ the song at the hea rt of t hings-it with t he stranger whose home is ,peet w ith Council and make recommendatoins but have no vote. He through the efforts of Mrs. Deem. ing is still under r oof, so that is only then we can do something mil es distant. I know a litt le wo­ would have an office in the central part of the town, allowing him er, State Chairma.n of the Civics building operations will not be in­ together. It has a lways seemed man in Wisconsin whose hnsband : 'hat 'lssistants were necessary, and receive taxes, light, water and Co mmittee, who is making a s pec- terrupted by bad weather. to me that song must run, 'Give to is a station agent. No matter who ,.\ewer payments and would practically become the executive officer ~f ia l effort to bring the s ubject be- everyone a cha nce.' That is the co mes to t hat town, they sooner 0 1' Ine to'" n. It may be said that s uch a man cannot be found, but thiS fore the 1}eople. th ing the Master understooa abou't lacer come in contact with that il' not true as men are now being trained along these lines, and the Miss Kilte reierre:J throughout GUNNING ACCIDENT the people living and working to- home. There is always some little ~ stem has already been started in a number of other towns, more her talk to the folk whom s~ e was AT COWANTOWN gethel'. It means that everyone act of kindness, of thoughtfl1' nes , lj,'artic~!larly in the West. discus!Ji ng as s ub-normals, substi. wit h whom we have anything to radiating from it. I once said to These managers are paid according to the size of the town. For tuting the term fo r the harsher Popular Young Man Mortally share is our neighbor . It means the woman in t hat home, Whd is l ' town of this size a man should be obtained for $1,800 or $2,000 per name sometimes used. each for a ll , a nd all for each; t hat the plan that has made yo ur home ' lear. Some cities like Dayton, Ohio, pay as high as $15,000 per year. I The speaker's plea was for the Wounded the interest of any one person is s uch a bless ing to the entire com­ i have talked with a number of our public officials both in Council establ,ishment of an instit ution J. Cecil Creswell, aged 27 years, absolutely sma ll compared to the munity'? And she told me that she I nd t}1 o. Sewer Commission, and they approve of the scheme in gen. a nd commitment laws, as the a son of William Creswell, of [;ood of a ll t ogether. It means a a nd ,her husband ·had t a lked it ~ r al, ' I bring this to your attention at this time feeling that it i~ a Ineans by which these s ubnormals Cowantown, was fatally shot by chance for every side of every over long ago and decid~d to tithe ,hatter of much importance, and that we may have a chance to thmk may be chanrred f rom a menace Walter Marcus of Elkton, on Sat­ one's life ; it means the doing their home, just as they tithed i< oyer, and possibly put it into effect the coming year.
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