D A I L y SoftbaU team makes history. Intramural report Opinion: ,.1 Sound Bites. °"O"on't shoot this teacher. (alifornia State University, Northridge Thursday. Harch 20, 1996 Volume 42, Number 88 Plans unveiled for North Campus By Luis Medrano potential retail center will provide ll>ffWriur CSUN with money to fund a new stadium as welJ as other athletic, The development of North, academic and cultural facilities. Campus. designed to bring the The developer's presentations CSUN campus into a new era. took were held in the SSU Shoshone another step forward as four devel- Room. where membersoflhe Norlh ' oping companies revealed their Campus Boardandlhepublic beard vision for !he propeny Tuesday from developers and viewed ren- and Wednesday in !he Satellite derings of the plans. Student Union. Tuesday"smeetingsbeganwith Facel< of !he development will members of Lowe Enterprises. a revolve around a shopping center nationwide developing finn based and a new football stadium to bet- in Los Angeles, suggested a new ter accommodate CSUN's move football field, a science and tech- to the Big Sky Conference. nology ce nter for the site as well as A planned football stadium has an indoor sports arena. The plan been in !he works si nce the 1960s would also include a shopping cen- when the universi ty acquired the ler with five or six large s1ores in Conceptual drawings like this highlight just one of many ideas develop· land known as Devonshire Downs. addition to smal ler specialty shops. ers have in mind for the North Campus property. Plans include a shopping The Nonh Campus Board of a theater and a perfonning ans center and new sports facilities. Directors. which reviewed thepro- posaJs:. is hoping money from a s.. DEYELOPHENT. page 4 School of Bus./Econ. data shows narrowing gender gap By Candy Cuen<o see any clear pattern, but over time, reans, there are 12 men compared school that looked at staning sala- Anolher study. done by the Cen- SniorStaffWrittr the gap has gouen narrower. to 4 women majoring in market· ries of graduates over a I Q..year ter for Creative Leadership in Twenty years ago, women in busi· ing. period. It wouldn"t surprise melhat Greensboro, North Carolina, CSUN enrollment figures indi- ness schools were considerably less AccordingtoaJuly 1994article staning salaries between men and showed that most female execu- cate !he gap between men and th n,butnowwe'regeningan in Working Woman magazine, women are basically the same tives don"t get a chance at key women enrolled in and graduating almost equal number of men and sociologists reponed !hat despite now." Hosek 'said. assignments lhal would set !hem from !he School of Business Ad- women enrollees ... women's advancement in corpo- Studies show women· s chances up for bigger jobs. Tbe study con- ministration and Economics is nar· Hosek said fields that were gen- rate management. women tend to of getting promotions are slimmer cluded !hat in a misguided attempt rowing. erally preferred by men, such as congregate in staff positions. such than !heir male peers because they to protect women from possible This semester. 46 percent of accounting and finance, are now as human resources and commu· don"tget as many opponuoities to defeat. managers doo"t give !hem business students enrolled are preferred by women. For example. nity relations. prove themselves. ....... !he same challenges !hey give men. women. For example. of all Afri· !here are 74 Mexican American At CSUN, there are more A study conducted by Stroock As a reoul~ women often lose out can American business majors. 61 women majoring in accounting women majoring in human re· & Lavan, a national labor and em- when promotion time arrives. percent are women and ofall Mexi- compared to only 47 men. Tbere sources than men. Among Mexi· ployment firm. showed !hat !he The National Foundation for can American business majors, 58 are 44 Chinese women majoring in can Americans:, tJiere are 22 women review Process works against Women Business Owners aloog percent are women. Among white accounting comwed to only 29 compared to 7 men. or white non- women. They surveyed 4,000 se· wilh Dun and Bradstreet estimate non-Hispanic business majors, 60 men. Among white , there' are 244 Hispanics. 45are women compared nior executives across the country that there are now 7.7 million fe- percent are women and of all Ko- women majoring '!!. ~ccounting to 18 men. and found !hat the combined fac- maJe-owned business firms in the rean business majors, 54 percent compared to 181 men. Hosek also said that entry-level tors such as personality, network- United States, up from 6.5 million are women. But in marketing, men still om· saJ aries of women business gmdu- ing ability. loyalty, integrity and in 1992. These firms employ 15.5 Dean William Hosek of the number women.There are 112 ates are not far behind men's. political skill were ntre per.ma- mi Ilion people and generate nearly School of Business Administra- white men compared to 85 women ••This is a reference toa st udy of sive than acluaJ performance or tion and Economics said, .. I don't majoring in marketing. Among Ko- alumni done at another business intelligence. See GAP. page 9 Cassidy denied head coaching Governor to file lawsuit spot, ending 25-year career against federal government By Anthony Buttino program hasn "t enjoyed !he same resources as others we've asked • The governor seeks reimbursement for state costs Pete to compete against, but I be- in housing Illegal immigrant prisoners. After 25 years as head coach of lieve that a change in coaches as !he men• s basketball team, Pete well as additional resources are By Rahel A. Larin Jr . of the prisoners. Cassidy will not receive a coob'act needed to move our basketball pro- lal!Wriur Wilson stipulated a Marth 8 for the 1996-97 season. gram to more competitive level as deadline for Reno to choose an The announcement came we enter into a new league and a After giving !he federal gov- option or !he state would file a Weclnesday from interim director new era for Matador Athletics." ernment four days to respond to a lawsuit Reno failed to meet !he of athletics Paul Bubb. As the wiooingest coach in threat of legal action if it did not · deadline. according to Low. Cassidy, tied for fifth among school history, Cassidy just com- relieve California from holding il- A federal law passed by Presi- PETE CASllDY dent Clinlon 1994 ttquires. the active NCAA Division I bead pleltd the final season in the Ameri- legal immignmt pc--.s, - in COllCbes for .most seasons of con- can West Conference with a record honored as California Collegiate officials Mnounced plans to file a federal government to take cus- tinuous service at their given uni- of 7-20. It was the seventh.-con- Athletic Association Coach of the lawsuit Ttle$day. tody of undocumented prisoners venity, has been offered a teach- secutive season the Matadcrs have Year in 1977, 1978, 1984, 1,985 According to Ron Low. Gov. or reimburse the states for !he cost ing and administrative position 81 experienced a losing seuon. and Kodak West District Coach of Pete Wilson's deputy press secre- of holding them. CSUN through the balance of his "As the interim director of ath- !he Year in 1983 and 1985. tary. Wilson sent a letter Marcil 4 Reno did respond to a previous current contract.and through June letics, this is the most difficult de- Asa~ateofCSUNin 1960, to U.S. Attorney General Janet • letter sent by Wilson pointing out 1997. cisioo l"ve bad to make," Bubb at the time San Fernando Valley Reoo requesting the federal gov- that California has received more "Pele Cassidy has worked very said. State College, Cassidy was named em.meot to enter iolO a coob'act than $33 million and lack of funds bad and diligently with this pro- Cassidy finished his 25-year the Athlete of the Year for bis play with California to reimburse !he prevented her from disbursing gram in our move from Division n tenure with an overall record of and leadmhip as captain of bolb state for incan:enlion costs of ille- IO Division I," Bubb said. "Our 334-337 (.498), including being basketball.and buehall. gal tmmtgrns er., - cmuly SH LAWSUIT. pact 11 • ..........,., .._ell14,19H Using a new computer program to ana- N.1t1on.1! oral courts but bas oo power to punish viola- lyze the crimes, the coalition said some of tors. It strongly urged circuit Court@UOCib its finds were striking. Appeals oourls may allow to do away with any local rules of court that ~ One is that the percentage of attackers wouldcontlict with tbedecisioo to retain the under age 18 bu decn:ased nationally, trial coun ban. from 2S percent in 1994 to 17 percent last television in court room year. Matt Foreman, executive director of WASHJNGroN (AP) - lo a reversal the Now Yorlr. City Gay aod Lesbian Anti- ofa longstanding rule, a policy-malting body Violonce Project, said this could mean decided Tuesday to let each federal coun of Irish setter calls 911 and that more open discussion is malting young appeals decide whether to allow television people more tolerant of homosexuality. cameras. saves owner from death For the rust time, repeated acts of vio- Permission was not extended to cover NASHUA, N.H. (AP) - A dog named IRE lence by a person against the sat00 victim federal district courts, which are at the !rial Lyric remembeml her training Tuesday, lV,J(tOfl.1/ were documented last year.
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