Planning Committee Report Planning Ref: OUT/2020/2009 Site: Land adjacent to Windmill Village Hotel, Birmingham Road, Coventry, CV5 9AL Ward: Bablake Proposal: Demolition of 2 buildings on the Site and residential development of up to 566 dwellings (Use Class C3) including means of access into the Site (not internal roads) and associated works, with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, scale, and layout) reserved Case Officer: Owain Williams SUMMARY This is an outline application for development of the Windmill Golf Course allocated for residential development within the Eastern Green Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE). The proposal is to redevelop the site for up to 566 residential dwellings. This application deals with the means of access into the site (not including internal roads) and includes the demolition of 2 buildings which are situated to the north of the site adjacent to the A45. All detailed matters are reserved except for access, which is to be considered in detail as part of this proposal. The main issues to be considered are the principle of development; impact on the landscape / character of the area; highway considerations; drainage and flood risk; archaeology and heritage; ecology and trees; air quality; green infrastructure; and developer contributions. BACKGROUND The site was previously designated Green Belt land, however it was removed from the Green Belt following independent examination by an Inspector at Local Plan Examination in Public and allocated for a Sustainable Urban Extension (herein after referred to as the SUE) under Policy DS4 (Part D) of the Coventry Local Plan 2016. The specific housing requirements are allocated under Policy H2:2 of the Coventry Local Plan, 2016. The application site was allocated for residential development via the Coventry Local Plan adopted in December 2017 as part of the overall SUE at Eastern Green. KEY FACTS Reason for report to Over 5 objections committee: A site of strategic importance Current use of site: Golf Course Proposed use of site: Residential and Open Space RECOMMENDATION Planning committee are recommended to grant planning permission subject to conditions listed in the report and the completion of the S106 legal agreement to secure the contributions listed within the report. Delegate authority to the Strategic Lead Planning (following consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee) to agree any amendments to these conditions and any S106 triggers/contributions set out within the report, which are considered necessary. REASON FOR DECISION The proposal is consistent with an allocation in an up to date development plan and is acceptable in principle. The proposal will not adversely impact upon, landscape and visual amenity, residential amenity, highway safety, heritage assets or their settings, air quality or ecology. The proposed makes provision for necessary developer contributions. The proposal accords with Policies: DS1, DS3, DS4, H1, H2, H3, H4: H6, H9, GE1, GE3, GE4, DE1, HE2, JE7, HW1, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, EM1, EM2, EM3, EM4, EM5, EM6, EM7 and IM1 of the Coventry Local Plan 2016, together with the aims of the NPPF. BACKGROUND APPLICATION PROPOSAL The application is for up to 566 dwellings with the primary access to this parcel connecting to the recently approved larger section of the Eastern Green SUE and therefore the new grade separated access with the A45. This new access which will serve the whole of the SUE site has separate approval and works are proposed to start summer 2021. The two buildings that are highlighted for demolition are located to the north of the site close to the boundary with the A45. One of the buildings is an open sided barn with a breeze block extension to rear of it and has a corrugated roof. The other is a steel framed building with breeze block walls and corrugated roof. Both are associated with the Golf Course maintenance and storage. The proposed development is to provide a mix of dwelling types, sizes and tenure and 25% of the dwellings will be provided as ‘affordable’ properties as required by Policy H6. The types and sizes of the dwellings will be clarified at the detailed design stage. The parameter plan submitted highlights that the majority of the site will limit the housing to 2 storeys in height with the exception of two parcels adjacent to the A45 and the commercial allocation within the adjoining approved SUE whereby the storey heights will vary between 3 and 4 storeys in height. The green infrastructure within the site will split the development parcels as a large swathe of green space will straddle the Pickford Brook which runs centrally through the site from the north west corner to the south east corner of the site and also the Slipperside Brook which runs from East to West along the southern boundary of the site. The existing central lake will be retained with at least a further 10 attenuation basins created, and landscape buffers provided to the East, South and Northern boundaries. A total of 11.16ha of informal and formal open space will be provided in the site which equates to 27.5% of total area of the site. If the red line area of the site excluded the access through the neighbouring SUE, then the open space would equate to 38% of the total area. These green areas will be publicly available and will act as green corridors through the site providing pedestrian and cycle links whilst also providing amenity spaces in the form of children’s play areas general amenity areas. The proposal is supported by an Environmental Statement, with chapters covering the following issues: socio economic issues, landscape and visual issues, ecology and nature conservation, archaeological and cultural heritage, ground conditions, water resources, transport and access, noise and vibration, and air quality SITE DESCRIPTION The site comprises land at Windmill Golf Course Coventry. The site is located to the west of Coventry on the A45 ‘Birmingham Road’, west of Allesley Green residential area and approximately 4.5km from the city centre. The site area (excluding the access road) extends to 29.5 ha. Including the access road, the site area extends to 40.52ha. The site is presently an 18-hole golf course with features that include linear groups of ornamental trees, Pickford Brook and a large central pond feature and associated car parking (90 spaces) and the storage buildings. Adjacent to the site is the Windmill Farmhouse, a Grade II listed building, currently in use as a hotel and restaurant. The site is located adjacent to the western edge of the built-up urban area of Coventry City in the West Midlands and is located within the administrative area of Coventry City Council. The A45 trunk road forms the site’s northern boundary, with agricultural land to the rear. The southern and western boundaries of the site border the wider SUE, which is currently in agricultural use. The eastern boundary borders Allesley Green. There is a section of land adjacent to the hotel included in the site which does not form part of the allocation. As highlighted above the site contains an existing watercourse – Pickford Brook and associated tributaries, which provide habitat and amenity interest, the site also includes a public right of way which connects the site and nearby communities to each other and which form part of the wider network of rights of way. PLANNING HISTORY There have been a number of historic planning applications on this site; the following are the most recent/relevant: Application Description of Development Decision and Date Number SCO/2019/0043 Screening Opinion for Scoping Opinion Screening Opinion for proposed residential development provided 27th February for up to 600 dwellings, with associated 2019 open space and landscaping (Land at Windmill Green) FUL/2019/2671 Construction of grade separated Approved 26th June junction with associated access roads, 2020 landscaping, drainage and engineering works S73/2021/0337 Removal of condition 19 to remove the Approved 22nd April requirement for layby imposed on 2021 planning permission FUL/2019/2671 for construction of grade separated junction with associated access roads, landscaping, drainage and engineering works granted on 25/06/20. POLICY National Policy Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The new NPPF updated July 2021 sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out the Government’s requirements for the planning system only to the extent that is relevant, proportionate and necessary to do so. The new NPPF increases the focus on achieving high quality design and states that it is “fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve”. The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) 2014, this adds further context to the NPPF and it is intended that the two documents are read together. Local Policy Guidance The current local policy is provided within the Coventry Local Plan 2016, which was adopted by Coventry City Council on 6th December 2017. Relevant policy relating to this application is: Policy DS1: Overall Development Needs Policy DS3: Sustainable Development Policy Policy DS4: (Part A) – General Masterplan Principles Policy DS4: (Part D) – Eastern Green SUE Specific Masterplan Principles Policy H1: Housing Land Requirements Policy H2: Housing Allocations Policy H3: Provision of New Housing Policy H4: Securing a Mix of Housing Policy H6: Affordable Housing Policy H9: Residential Density Policy GE1 Green Infrastructure Policy GE3: Biodiversity,
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