Campaign gains speed Monica Lewinsky finally speaks out Thursday • Bill Bradley's campaign funds will be • Barbara Walters captured the first interview with matched by federal government . Lewinsky last night. MARCH 4, News • 9 News• 7 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXII NO. 102 WWW. ND.EDU/-OBSERVER Contest dares students to imagine Notre Da01e 2020 By LAURA UBERTI tunity to present the viewbook "We've given very few para­ Contest judges include things." Nt•ws Wri1cr to the BAC at next year's meters," said Sarah Knapp, Knapp, Carolyn Woo, dean of "We don't know what's meeting in late September. assistant to the dean of the the College of Business, Ed going to happen," said Knapp. Students will havP the Second and third prizes are Trubac and Bill Nichols, asso­ "There are no right or wrong opportunity to predict the $700 and $500, respectively. ciate deans and Jim Davis, answers. Students should look future and make some money Students can work in groups academic director of the Gigot at today to predict the 'THE STUDENTS SHOULD while they'rr at it, thanks to of up to five people to predict Center for Entrepreneurial future." tlw "Notn~ l>anw in the New what Notre Dame will be like TAKE THE CLUES IN Studies. The idea for the contest Mill!~nnium" contest ol'l'ered 20 years into the new millen­ THE PRESENT TO PREDICT "We will look for something arose during a BAC meeting, by thP College of Business nium. The presentations will that is creative but that where attendants selected Administration's Business be evaluated on their inter­ NOTRE DAME'S flJTURE .. ' makes sense. The students "Learning and Working in a Advisory Council !BAC). pretations of campus life, stu­ should take the clues in the New Millennium," as the ThirtePn groups will partic­ dPnt profile, curriculum present to predict Notre theme for next year's meet­ ipate in the contest. which issues, learning environment ED TURBAC Dame's future," said Trubac. ing. rhallenges fn~shmen, sopho­ and spiritual life. Criteria will ASSOCIATE DEAN OF BUSINESS "We want the judges to say, The advisory council wanted morr~s and juniors to create a also include viewbook theme 'I've never thought of it that to know what students viewbook for prospective stu­ and visual presentation. The College of Business. "We want way before.' We're counting thought about the future of dents in tlw year 2020. First project can be in any format students to be as creative as on the students' entries to business and the future of prizP is $1 ,500 and tlw oppor- from book to video to website. possible." bring a fresh perspective to see CONTEST I page 4 Soberathon raises funds What's that bike doing in that tree? for area treatment center By ERIN PIROUTEK involved aftnr working at Lil'n Now> Wmor Tr<mtmnnt Ctmters. "II' I hadn't worked then~. I wouldn't WhiiP somP Notre Damn students havn realized how much these pr.ople givP up chocolate or yo-en~am for Lnnt. genuinely need our help," said senior otiHH'S an~ giving up alcohol to raise Sundberg. morwy for the lnss fiu·tunate. Last year's Soberathon raised l'roeeeds from participating in $1,200, according to Szalay. With air­ Solwrathon will go to Life Treatment line tickets as tl111 new first prize, he CPntPrs. an organization helping imli­ hopes that this year's Soberathon prof­ gent nwn and women ovnreomn <tlco­ it will exceed $2,500. hol, drug and gambling addiction. To reach this goal. Szalay stressed Solwrathon participants choosn to the nePd for incrnased campus aware­ give up aleohol for a sdl'-prescribed ness. Curnmtly. 10 Notrn Dame dorms JWriod of limn: a month, a Wf~ek, or are participating and no Saint Mary's even a day. Studm1ts eoll1~et pledges dorms are involved. from friPmls and family members or "Drinking on campus is so popular; donatP till' money tlwy would have pnople aren't willing to give that up," spPnt on all~ohol. said .Josh lleinlein. Zahm llall fresh­ Tlw studPnt who rais1~s tho most man. lie stressnd that despitn the chal­ morwy will win two plarw ticknts to any lenge, Soberathon is a positive experi­ destination in tlw UnitPd States, thn nnce whieh bnnnlits a vnry good cause. <:arihlwan or MI~Xil'o. Sundberg felt that the low participa­ Bl'la Szalay, dnvnlopnwnt ollicnr fiu· tion "was not a rnflnetion of' lack of stu­ l.ife Trnatmnnt Cnnt1•rs. estimates that dnnt concern. but a lack of' aware­ fl5 JliHTnnt of tlw dients arn homeless. ness." The Observer/Mary Calash .lennifPr Sundberg, a two-year Tlw Soberat.hon can begin at any Campus security urges students to lock their bicycles in safe places to guard SohPrathon partieipant, beearne timn during Lent. against theft. • ··uoENT SENATE Palumbo: 'Intend to give I 00 percent of myself' By ERICA TIIESING Michael Palumbo, Student said. "I expnet I 00 JWrcmJt of Assistant News Ediror Union secretary. mys1df. I'm sure you expect Palumbo, who was recently I 00 pnrcent of nw. That's The Student Senate was elected student body vice what I intend to give." unable to officially commence president, announced to the its weekly meeting Wednesday senators that he will resign In other senate news: as only 19 of the 28 senators from his secretarial position. • Andl'lia Selak, student Ill wnre present. effective Friday. Palumbo body vice prnsidPnt, "Th1~ Constitution requires received a standing ovation. announeed that nominations three-fourths or the senate to "Thank you everyone," he for thn Irish Clover and bn present for business to be said. "I don't know if I deserve O'Malley Undnrgraduate conducted," said Stephen all that, but thanks." Teaching Awards are dtw Sanchez, parliamentarian. lie explained that juggling Wednesday, March 17. "There was never a meeting, his responsibilities as secre­ The two Irish Clover Awards basically." tary and as incoming vice honor one student and one Instead of debating and vot­ president jeopardized his per­ administrator or University ing on their agenda for the formance. He emphasized that employen who gave tremen­ evening, which included a it was a difficult decision to dous service to the student revised version of a letter to make, but that the timing was body, Selak said. the Board of Fellows, the sen­ right. The O'Malley award honors The Observer/Mary Calash ators present discussed "When I do something ... I one undergraduate professor. Knott Hall Senator Drew Olejnik was one of the few in attendence on announcements and honored put really 100 percent in," he Wednesday night. see SENATE I page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, March .• ::1':.19 • INSIDE COlUMN utside the Dome W'sup Neck! Compiled from U-Wire reports Couple seeks 'intelligent, athletic' egg donor, offers $50,000 My imagination is so whacked out that I'm not surprised if I end up trapped in a person­ PRINCETON, N.J. with the family. [The child[ would al reality. isolated from the outside world. My "They just want a child who will feel have a harder time in life" growing up imagination brings images and scenes that comfortable in their family." with parents of a different race, she overlap my physical Those are the words of Darlene said. senses. This results in C.R. "Teo" Teodoro Pinkerton, a representative for the Bioethics Forum president Dan behavior that many Illustrations Editor family who placed a newspaper Kraus '00, who helped organize this people feel is strange advertisement Monday offering past weekend's bioethics conference, and unusual. $50,000 to potential egg donors. said he found the ad "misleading" if Normally, this isn't a problem, but some­ The ad, which ran in The Daily all the parents want is a child who times I say things aloud that come from my Princetonian - as well as in campus looks like them. "The way the ad is imagination. Take for instance this guy in newspapers at Harvard, Yale, stated, it's almost reminiscent of The Observer office called Tim Logan. For University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, eugenics - like trying to create the obvious reasons. I call him "Weapon X." If M.I.T. and Ca!Tech - has sparked ideal person," he said. you understand this, then you know where nationwide controversy because of the these specifics because they "are an "I think there's nothing wrong with I'm coming from. If you don't, .here's a little specific characteristics it requests of extremely tall family" and "are having a screening process for poten­ hint: bezerker rage and adamantium fury. egg donors. extremely well-educated people." tial egg donors," Kraus said. "But it I also have a unique personal way of using The ad asks for "intelligent, athletic" However, she noted, if the child "is could've been done more privately." language. I sometimes refer to people as candidates who are "at least 5'10", 5'2" or gets less than a 1400, are they Molecular biology professor Lee "Neck." For example, a person approaches have a 14()0+ SAT score [and] possess gonna love it less? Absolutely not." Silver supported the family's decision. me and greets me, "Hi Teo!" I respond, no major family medical issues." While Pinkerton said the family, "It makes absolutely no sense for "W'sup Neck!" Several people have asked According to Pinkerton, who is coor­ which is white, would not want a them to have a random egg donor," he about the etymology of "Neck." It comes from dinating the family's efforts through donor from another ethnic group, "it's said.
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